I'm just a pariah, and I dare to do such a thing of arrogance to the noble, don't think that bringing someone who is a good fighter will make me dare not do anything, it's unfortunate, I really don't believe that someone dares to touch me ,

Da da--

The soles of the brown leather boots stepped on the floor, and the muffled sound could be heard in the soft conversation of the guests in the milk tea shop.

Her target, Bingfeng, pointed at Komachi who was chatting with Chen Feng and hadn't found her yet.


Shiina Mashiro was very depressed. She didn't know why she had to stay on this small island for so long. She could go back after the game, but why did she have to suffer from the cold on the icy northern island?

Seeing her former classmates, um, classmates she didn't know seemed to be having fun, she couldn't understand why everyone could find interesting things.

The monotonous snow scene has never changed in any way, and she has long been tired of seeing the architectural style of the houses. People in the peaceful town are doing their own things day after day, living like machines.

Shopping malls are interesting?She has been there too, and there is no cake she wants to eat; fishing is interesting?She's been there too, and she's drenched and cold; the scenery is beautiful?She also tried to find it, and it was not even as good as other places she had been to.

Ever since she learned that her handicraft had arrived, Zhenbai had been restless. She really wanted to gently touch the artwork made by the teacher, which could bring her more inspiration than this one. Far islands come and go.

Then you can only figure out a way to get through these few days.

At first, Zhenbai thought of a way, that is to find the concept map of the character design that the teacher posted on Twitter before through the Internet. She thinks that this will make her happy a lot. Flows fast.

In the few days after the competition, she has been doing this all the time. The [-] sheets of manuscript paper brought from home have almost drawn, but what really caught her eye was only in the single digits.

Why... Teacher's works are so complicated?The background and characters will become three-dimensional and blend together on a piece of white paper. Why did the teacher design it this way?Other people's figures are either very cool, or show a lot of body exposure, but the teacher's character is bleeding, limbs and arms?

It seems to be very similar to the painting style of many popular painters, but if you look closely, you will find that the teacher's painting style is more of a dark color, with little cheerful performance, which highlights the difference from others.

Lines are not the most difficult point in painting. The most difficult thing is the perception and application of color. The teacher who is bold and different from the mainstream painting style seems to be expressing a feeling of unwillingness to join forces?

do not know……

But in any case, the teacher's paintings have been deeply imprinted in Zhenbai's mind in terms of allegorical expressions. She has never seen so many paintings that can make her feel upbeat and depressed at times.

Zhenbai feels that he still has a lot to learn, really... he has left too much behind.

If you don't work hard to improve yourself, even if you find a teacher, the other party will definitely dislike your level and ignore you.

Thinking of this, Zhenbai's heart stretched into a thread, she must surpass her current self as soon as possible!

While lowering his head, Zhenbai saw the characters on the drawing paper on the table, sighed after a few seconds of silence, crumpled his hard-working works into paper balls and threw them away.

Her thoughts were completely messed up, she had no mood to draw any more, she wanted to go out for a walk.

Turning her head, she saw that she was the only one in the spacious room. When she first arrived at the station, her cousin had already gone skiing and gave herself a few pieces of paper. She remembered that this thing was called money, but she was not sure when to use it.

She fumbled into her dress and trousers, and touched her messy hair as if she didn't need to.

Pick up the two blue notes on the bed with the words '2000' written on them.

Is it useful?

There was a slight lubricious touch on the banknotes, which seemed to be very different from my own drawing paper.

Zhenbai tilted his head in doubt, not quite understanding what his cousin meant, but the cousin said that she would not be back until [-] pm, so that means it should be useful, right?

Pulling open the door of the hotel, Mashiro walked out.

There is a small trolley in the corridor, which is full of towels and some small shoes wrapped in plastic bags. She likes such small shoes very much, but if she goes out like this, it will be very cold, so she is very reluctant to go out before going out. Put on your own shoes.

Do you want to go downstairs?

Zhenbai looked at the elevator not far away, she knew how to use the elevator, it was a very convenient thing, when she was at home, she would often take the elevator from her room to the living room to show her dad paintings.

[Why don't you go down and have a look. 】

Such an idea came to mind, Zhenbai had never seen such a thing as skiing, but it seemed interesting to see his cousin, so it didn't hurt to go and have a look.

Mashiro walked a few steps, and heard such a voice when he reached a slightly cramped room.

"Little ray is also great. This cartoon makes my blood boil. If Lord Feng is here, he must be very happy too."

"Hmm...Sayuri...Sister, has Afeng gone down? I want to find Afeng, so I'll tell Afeng in advance."

The girl's voice was a little excited.

"You are really inseparable, go, if you can't find it, just call and find it."

Zhenbai stopped in her tracks because she heard the word 'manga', which she had only recently started to know, and felt happy despite being unfamiliar.

Just when Zhenbai was about to open the door and go in to have a look, the door had already been opened, and what appeared in front of Zhenbai was a girl who was 6 or 7 centimeters shorter than herself, and she had the same blonde hair as herself. , without the slightest expression on his face, holding a small stack of papers in his hand, but opened his small mouth slightly when he saw himself.

Is it surprise?

That's right, Rachel was really surprised, not because she was surprised to see a stranger standing at the door when she opened the door, but because she saw that the stranger's hair was messy, the cotton jacket was worn backwards, and the shoes were not tied. Surprised.

"you are?"

Rachel frowned, she felt that she had seen this person before, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

Hearing Ruijier's question, Zhenbai just wanted to answer, but when he lowered his head, he saw the painting style on Ruijier's drawing paper, and grabbed it without saying a word, as if he wanted to take the painting over to look at it.

Rachel was taken aback by the action of the girl opposite, and took a step back to avoid the snatching. His originally innocent gaze suddenly became extremely cold.

The left hand is protecting his drawing, and the right hand is decisively stretched into his arms...

"Ray wait!!"

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