
Just being strong in combat power is not enough for Chen Feng to achieve the "achievements" that he was besieged by the United Nations back then. Chen Feng is not without a brain, but in most cases he thinks that it is more effective and easier to deal with problems without a brain.

This time it's a bit different, Komachi's position is very delicate, if he directly strikes out of anger, then the reason is not on his side, he doesn't care, but what about Komachi?

In fact, it doesn't matter even if Komachi doesn't react, he has other ways to deal with it, but the current situation is very good.

Psychological torture is often more cruel and efficient than physical torture.


Chen Feng doesn't know where this person has the courage to say such things in broad daylight. Even though Vanessa and Komachi have conflicts, it's hard to see others doing such despicable things with Komachi. Imagine how narrow-minded this person is.

If a good person offends Chen Feng, Chen Feng will fight back, let alone such a twisted person?

He has nothing to say about mercy.

Vanessa's family seems to be very powerful, and it would be an absolute insult for a narrow-minded person to ask her to bow her head and apologize directly. I hope she can remember this insult for a lifetime.

"You...you two sewer rats..."

"Vanessa, forget it..."

"It's not a big deal, let's go back and change our clothes."

Speaking of emotional intelligence, her legs are relatively tall, and she easily understands that if she continues to stay here, it will definitely be detrimental to herself and others.

Although they didn't quite understand why Vanessa would do such a thing in front of Chen Feng who had a good chat just now, it's not wrong to fool them first.

Vanessa glared at Chen Feng and Komachi. She felt that what they said made sense, and she planned to turn around and leave.

But Chen Feng suddenly became angry.

"Miss Vanessa, as a member of the Hathaway family, don't you even have the etiquette of apologizing for hurting others because of mistakes? Is this an excellent talent who has received aristocratic higher education? Oh, that's right, After all, in your mouth, we are pariahs."


A local passerby was stunned for a moment, then Chen Feng smiled and explained suddenly:

"Oh, look at my memory. The word that Miss Vanessa said in her native language just now is 'untouchables'. It's normal for you to look down on us with such a noble background, but you should have at least some politeness? Let's forget it... ...It will be miserable if I, a pariah, is retaliated by you."

Good guy, when Chen Feng finished speaking, the people around looked at Vanessa and the others with extremely unfriendly eyes.

Untouchables?What word is that?Do you think it is still a feudal and autocratic dynasty?

Saying such things on the basis of a people's country that has only been established in the past, even if it has been messed up by the inner ghosts now, many older people will not allow it.

Furthermore, the evils of human beings may be various and different, but the goodness will merge into a wonderful line. Isn't this worth encouraging?

Chen Feng's words were like building an insurmountable high wall on Vanessa's way of retreat, and finally left a dog hole in the corner, where there was a pile of poop emitting heat, and if you want to get out , the only way is to get out of this kind of place.

Some passers-by had gradually surrounded the three of them, all of them showed unkind expressions, as if if they couldn't give a reasonable explanation, the three of them would have to shed a layer of skin before they could leave.

Komachi didn't know what Chen Feng said, but as a girl who knew how to read the atmosphere, Komachi already knew that the three of Vanessa were in an extreme predicament.

Seeing the horror and aggrieved faces of the three of Vanessa who were surrounded, Vanessa's shoulders even couldn't help shaking, as if she might cry at any moment.

She suddenly couldn't bear it...

Komachi tugged at Chen Feng's sleeve, and said in a low voice, "Senior...how about forgetting about it, I'll explain this matter later, I'm really sorry for getting you involved and causing trouble... ..."

For some reason, Chen Feng laughed, rubbed Komachi's head, and said nothing.

But at this time, a small group of people seemed to walk in the door...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ruijier is not very old, she is only a little over 13 years old, but she is very special. She is known as the "Genius Three Girls" in Zongwu High School. She successfully skipped a grade at the age of a junior high school student The third year of the advanced department of Sobu High School, this is a very rare situation in history.

Zongwu High’s grade skipping regulations are extremely strict. Since the establishment of the school, only 5 students have successfully skipped a grade, and the brother and sister Rui Jier and Chen Feng accounted for almost half of them.

Although there are only 5 people who successfully skipped a grade, the number of students who applied for skipping a grade but failed to pass the exam has already reached hundreds of digits, and the elimination rate is close to 99%!

Sayuri touched the slippery and soft velvet on her shoulders, looked at Rachel who was only a few centimeters shorter than herself, and felt very moved in her heart how children grow up so fast now, and the whiteness on the side is already gone. It is almost 6 cm taller than Sayuri.

If it weren't for the immature aura left by these two children, perhaps other passers-by would feel that they and others should be of the same age.

"I remember that classmate Zhenbai seemed to be taken care of by someone. Is that person your cousin?"

During the competition, Sayuri saw a mature woman taking care of Mashiro more than once, but now she left this child who had no ability to live, and ran to enjoy it by herself. Such behavior made Sayuri feel uncomfortable .

"Ah... um!"

Mashiro nodded vigorously, and said unhurriedly as if reciting a book: "Cousin Qianxun has been a little strange since yesterday..."


"Hmm... Cousin Chihiro seems to be angry, but she wasn't angry before."

"Did you do anything?"

Sayuri feels that the child Mabai should not be difficult to take care of. After all, he is not a 1 or 2-year-old child. Adults are still more obedient and do things at certain times. Even if the living ability is insufficient, it should not cause people to get angry. right.

"My cousin said she had a headache, and then I saw the water on my table, and I wanted to give her a drink, and then my cousin was very angry."

Zhenbai is also puzzled. Sometimes when she sees her mother is not feeling well at home, her father will give her a glass of water and some small particles to eat, and they are not angry.

Because she has been painting all the time, Zhenbai is not very clear about what to do and what not to do, but her strong curiosity will always lead her to try some other things, some may have no effect, and some things are not suitable There will also be a maid coming to stop it immediately.

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