"Thank you."

Perhaps the most practical thing she's learned is to thank those who have cared for her, and that's the only thing she can do now.

"It's okay~ It's just a bottle of water."

Komachi didn't care, but she felt that Mashiro's expression of earnest thanks was a bit exaggerated. Those who didn't know might think that Komachi saved Mashiro's life, which is weird.

Komachi seems to like drinking very sweet things. She took a sip of the oolong tea in her hand, narrowed her eyes happily, and gulped down more than half of it.

"Drink well! Come and drink, Senior, it's great!"

Looking at the oolong tea handed in front of him, Chen Feng didn't think too much, and took a small sip after taking it.

Ordinary oolong tea is just a faint sweetness, but this can of oolong tea is obviously a bit too sweet, and even makes Chen Feng feel a little tired...

To be honest, he doesn't really like this taste, but now Chen Feng is not so upright, especially when the other party is still his junior, Chen Feng still chooses to tell a little lie.

"Well, not bad."

After receiving Chen Feng's evaluation, Komachi was even happier. She hugged Chen Feng's arm vigorously, and pointed at the direction where Yukino and the others were with the other hand holding the drink, and said cheerfully: "—Go forward!"

It's just that she didn't notice that something was wrong with Rachel on the side. Why did her little friend...behave a little strangely?

Hikigaya Komachi made a super super super big decision!

She feels that her senior is really, really good. The reason for this conclusion is not just that the senior has taught her a lot of knowledge and helped her easily get into the coveted Zongwu High School, but that the senior will not be out of any interest at any time. Protect those around him for a reason!

This kind of personality reminded her of Yukinoshita Yukino, who was also a senior of hers, and also the object of her admiration.

If Chen Feng is replaced by Xue Nai, Xue Nai will also stand up at the critical moment and stand firmly on her side. Both of them are full of heroism.

Will not despise others, communicate with others on an equal footing at all times, and stand up when others are suffering. These things in common are tantamount to turning Komachi into an absolute admirer of the two, simple In other words, it is a single push CP.

Since she was born, she has been single-handedly promoting Sister Yukino and seniors!

But Komachi's mood is a bit complicated, because after leaving the milk tea shop, Komachi suddenly wants to take Chen Feng to play by himself instead of Yukino's side after leaving the milk tea shop.

At the beginning, she kept convincing herself that she just didn't know how to ski, and she just wanted her senior to teach her alone. Anyway, sister Xue Nai can ski, and she can also play.

But... It seems that even if you take the senior there, as long as you ask the senior or sister Yukino well, they will teach you, right?

It's just that at that time, I don't seem to be suitable to ask for things like two people. After all, I push CP alone instead of forming CP by myself.

Thinking of this, Komachi felt inexplicably depressed.

When coming over with drinks and water, Komachi saw Chen Feng's back standing on the high platform with his hands behind his back from a distance, and she couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

What kind of domineering and free and easy back is this?

The moment he saw this figure from behind, Komachi's heart was suddenly on fire. She always felt that this person was worth giving up everything to follow, even if she didn't know what the other person wanted to do, but as long as she could stand by him That's enough behind him.

What a weird idea...

After complaining about himself, Komachi patted his cold little face with his hands, and jumped up and down to distribute drinks and mineral water to everyone. During the whole process, Komachi would glance at Chen Feng's face from time to time, but as long as he looked Just one look and she'll be hooked for a few seconds.

When Chen Feng took a sip of the oolong tea she handed over and praised her, Komachi was even more delighted. Obviously this was not a very valuable act, but she was just happy, especially after getting the compliment, Komachi I feel that my body has become light and light, and there is a feeling that I am about to fly.

How about... change your mind temporarily and take everyone to another place?

Just when this idea was just beginning, and even reached its peak for a while, Komachi remembered that on the passenger ship, Yukino unfolded and folded a scarf, folded and unfolded, her brows were tense and hesitant. After Yukino came back that evening, her brows stretched, and she smiled happily...

Forget it... let's go together.

Thinking that Chen Feng might hate people who don't talk too much, Komachi was a little nervous. She could accept being looked down upon by others, but she couldn't accept the contemptuous eyes of her seniors at all, and finally decided to take everyone there together.

Anyway, I'm a junior, so it's perfectly normal to play around with my seniors.

Thinking like this, she happily took Chen Feng's arm, seeing that the senior didn't intend to struggle, Komachi's heart was as sweet as honey.Also in order not to show his abnormality, Komachi pretended to be excited and pointed to the distance.

"--go ahead!"


On the groomed track, the green road signs extend very long. Compared with other tracks on the snow mountain, there are obviously a lot more people here.

Most of the people gathered here are novices, and some coaches are teaching their customers skiing skills step by step. Everyone clumsily uses ski poles that they have never used before, and their legs are crookedly trying to maintain balance on the snow. But in the end it fell into the snow with a 'plop', grunting in pain or giggling.

Skiing is such a sport, which is full of extreme charm for some people.Some people feel very weak after a few falls and lose interest in this exercise, but most people will get back up, pat the snow on their bodies and continue to practice.

People who can find interest will never tire of it. If skiers who have no interest fall a little, they will take off their equipment and choose to play with their mobile phones aside.

Among such a group of novices, a snow-white figure 'swish' passed through, with gusts of wind behind him, shuttled through the crowd with exquisite skills, all the way to the finish line.

At the finish line, the girl pulled up her goggles and spit out a stream of white mist from her small mouth.

"Very good... as long as it's like this, you can easily teach others to ski."

She clenched her fist and waved it down for a moment as if to cheer herself up. Then she felt that her behavior seemed a little silly, so a red cloud appeared on her fair face, and she put on the goggles again and hurried back () point location.

If this picture is seen by other students in the same class who know her, maybe these people will be shocked. They dare not imagine that Xue Nao, who has always been cold and has a bad mouth, will show such a little girl.

She was worried that she would not be able to teach others, so she did her homework specially. First, she found some tutorials on the Internet to classify the main points of skiing movements, and then secretly listened to some coaches teaching beginners on the spot. Now she already feels that I know it myself, and it's not the kind of meeting that you will be stupid after listening to it, but you will really know it!

The flattest slope of the greenway is only 6%, and the steepest position is only 25%. It is undoubtedly the best position for beginners who have hardly skied before.

Arriving at the starting point, Xue Nai took a sip of water and looked at the track where she could pass the cable car to another snow mountain, feeling a little excited in her heart.

There are the red track and the black track. The slope of the red track is usually about 40%, while the black track is the most difficult track. The slope is not much different from the red track, but the track is extremely narrow.

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