When buying equipment, Sayuri and Ruijier's three views were almost crushed, because the child didn't even know that money was needed to buy things. After Sayuri explained, Zhenbai finally understood a little bit, and said Tell Sayuri that she will return the money to Sayuri.

This amount of money is not even a drop of water in the ocean to Sayuri, but since Zhenbai can make such progress, she did not refuse.

Xue Nai had only skied a few laps, and she was a little lacking in physical strength. In addition, she saw Chen Feng and the others without taking a break. The way she pushed the ski pole looked a bit labored and clumsy, which further confirmed Chen Feng's guess.

Here, only Chen Feng was the only one who brought snowboards, and the others had already changed into their own ski equipment at the small kiosk where they changed equipment. Chen Feng did not move, but looked at the Xuefeng directly opposite.

Seeing this, Yukino was overjoyed!

She hasn't figured out how to fool everyone, Chen Feng's appearance is simply a gift in the snow, a perfect opportunity.

Not daring to hesitate, Yukino smiled lightly and asked:

"It's very difficult over there, and it's not suitable for beginners to ski."

Hearing Xue Nai's words, Chen Feng was overjoyed.

Good guy, is this a sweater gift in cold weather, an oasis when thirsty?

"Why don't you go and have a look? Anyway, there is a cable car, and there are not many people there."

Chen Feng didn't seem too anxious, as if he mentioned it casually.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Komachi silently turned her head away.

It's over, the two of them started...

I can't bear to think about what kind of battle will happen later, but according to Komachi's understanding of Chen Feng, Yukino should lose miserably.

Originally, she wanted to speak out when they met, but she felt that if she pretended not to know, something more interesting would happen, not to mention that she also wanted to see how Chen Feng skied.

Should be very handsome, right?

"Hmm - it's okay to go, but it's steep over there, so you have to be careful."

Of course Sayuri doesn't know about the relationship between the two of them. In fact, she also wants to try it there, and she also liked skiing in the past. It seems like a good choice to show everyone her hands and get applause?

in particular……

Sayuri quietly glanced at Chen Feng, and then looked away.

How much can this increase the impression points, can't it?

In the past two days, Sayuri suddenly felt a little like her school days again, especially when she could show off in front of someone and play cool things, as long as she was sure, she would definitely do it.

Hearing about the difficult skiing, Rachel, who had just put on her skis, raised her head immediately, her blue eyes full of anticipation.

In fact, she can also ski, and she is keen on watching videos of ski competitions, and she is good at skateboarding, but she hasn't played much in the past two years. To some extent, skateboarding and skiing have the same effect.

This girl is very excited, she also wants to go!

Thinking of being praised by the gods, Ruijier felt turbulent waves in her heart, and she couldn't calm down at all!

A pair of small hands with fluffy gloves grabbed Chen Feng's clothes, and Rachel said weakly:

"Ah Feng, I also want to go and see..."

In fact, she not only wants to watch, but even wants to perform a figure skiing for everyone.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene became strange, Zhenbai tilted her head in doubt. She didn't understand what happened for a while, but it was true that the air here was very hot in winter.


Zhenbai hugged the skis and canes for no reason, and spit out such a weird word from his mouth.

"Must be healthy!"

Ruijier, who is also a "believer", nodded vigorously. Even though she did not tell Zhenbai about Chen Feng's identity, the two had already tacitly understood to a certain extent.

Faith is a driving force of the soul, and it can also allow two people who have never met before to find the same direction.

[Isn't it possible to know who is better at skiing, the senior or Sister Yukino?If anyone is good, wouldn't it be better to teach himself by then? 】

Anyway, both of them are Komachi's single pushers, and she is willing to be taught by anyone.

Komachi, who had been silent by the side, managed to convince himself, and gradually became excited.

Hey guys, is this going to be a ski race?It's a pity that I really can't...

Chen Feng and Xue Nai, whose chat interface is not even on the same server, were satisfied to see that the people around them reached a consensus inexplicably.

I thought it would take a little effort, but I didn't expect it to be so easy, it's completely effortless!

As social animals, people always have a kind of conformity. This kind of conformity does not just refer to the psychology of following the crowd, but a psychological behavior that makes it easier for people to persuade others and imply that they are doing the right thing.

When the goal of going to Xuefeng, where the red road and the underworld are located, is reached, then it is not far away from completing this goal, because the stones that should have been on the road have become strange accelerators on the game racing track, not only will they not Obstacles, and even give you an acceleration.

It was too late and then it was too late, except for Zhenbai who didn't know why, the others went to the cable car together.

One advantage of the double board is that it can walk normally and does not need to take off the board frequently.

The capacity of the cable car is 6 people, and these six people can just sit in and be transported directly to the place at one time.

In the cable car, five of the six people have their own ghosts. What they see is the snow-covered snow scene outside the cable car, but what they think about is their own things.

the other side……

The Nakano sisters have only come into contact with skiing in recent years, but it is a coincidence that these five people, including Sanjiu, who looks like a physical waste, are all very interested in this sport.

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