Soon, a woman in a state of embarrassment appeared in front of everyone. Her clothes were disheveled, and there were marks on her coat that were scratched by branches. Her forehead was bruised, as if she had been abused by someone.

But one thing is certain, she is definitely a tourist from somewhere.

The woman's complexion was pale, and her pupils sometimes dilated and sometimes shrunk. After fleeing into the ski resort, her legs seemed to have lost their strength. understand what happened.

"Ma'am, what happened?"

The staff tried their best to calm the woman's emotions while asking what happened, and asked the rest of the staff to go into the woods to see if anyone was inside through the walkie-talkie.

However, the words spoken by the woman could not form a sentence at all, and she was emotional and terrified.

Ten minutes later, the woman rolled her eyes and passed out...

The staff was dumbfounded now, but they were still people who had received relevant training. They hurriedly notified the ambulance team to come to the rescue and apologized to the other guests.

The staff who entered the woods also came back in a group. They found nothing unusual in the woods, and the footprints inside were only the woman's, and there was a turning trend at a distance of two hundred meters. It seemed that the woman After straying into the forest, he ran back without going far.

So what's going on with her?

The five Nakano sisters also watched from the sidelines, and the matter did not come to an end until the medical staff arrived and temporarily diagnosed a heart attack.

However, something like this happened in front of several people, and they didn't want to stay in this venue anymore. After discussing it, they decided to go to other venues to play.

"It's really unlucky... How could such a thing happen? I hope people are okay."

Yihua was holding the skis, and it seemed that she was still a little worried about the unknown woman, but when she turned her head, she saw Yotsuba not far away who seemed to have called someone, and ran over at a trot.

"Why did you go, Yotsuba?"

May asked curiously.

"Of course I went to ask everyone where they are. Everyone should have come out to play at this time."

They were one of the first to come out, and as soon as the things were put down everyone rushed out to ski.

Clover thought about changing the venue anyway, so it would be better to ask other people where they are, and go to find everyone together, so that they can have more fun.

"I asked Chen Feng where he was, and he said they were on their way to the red-labeled track. Here, that's where they are."

After a simple search, Yotsuba saw the mountain that was much higher than other snow peaks, and the color of the road signs on it should not be too conspicuous.

"Let's go there!! I have long wanted to go there to play."

"Well... it's not bad to go."

Sanjiu took a look at the track on that snow peak, and couldn't help feeling a little excited.

It's so steep, as long as you don't fall, you can definitely play very exciting!

"Then take the cable car."

Yihua found the cable car that was getting off the guests not far away, dragged her sisters and trotted to rush.

Playing on the most difficult pistes?Vaguely, Yihua felt that if she passed quickly, she should be able to see a lot of things. She hadn't seen Chen Feng skiing yet!

Only Wuyue and Nino were at the back of the group. Wuyue glanced at Nino who was thinking about something, sighed, and said:

"In short... If you think you can handle it yourself, you can figure it out yourself."



"So I'm an anime hero? "

Introduction: False Qingri male protagonist: sunny, full of energy, surrounded by girls, KTV after school, fashionable dress, mine at home

The real Qingri male protagonist: gloomy, dead house, seated at the corner of the window, having nothing to do in class and watching outside errands, looks like he has no friends

Xu Xingye: Student Xia, I've said it many times, I'm not an anime hero, I'm not familiar with you, and I won't help you solve problems and save you.Please don't get along with me with the expression that I will definitely marry you in the future.

Also, although I don’t know where you found this anime, and you still believe it, but I want to reiterate, don’t ask me what color underwear I’m wearing today, even if it’s the same color as you said, it’s just a coincidence!

Be careful I call the police!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the smoothly running cable car, Chen Feng's action of answering the phone undoubtedly became the most shining point, and everyone turned their eyes to Chen Feng's face.

"Well, it's in the cable car, and it's almost here. Come here now? Good."

Xue Nai, who was closest to Chen Feng, raised her head silently. She heard the voice on the phone. This voice was not too familiar to her. Who else is Nakano Yotsuba?

But, she didn't deliberately eavesdrop on other people's phone calls, that would be too rude. As the second lady of the Yukinoshita family, Yukino's personality is sometimes rather rigid, and she hates others doing things that are rude , and be alert to whether your behavior at all times makes others feel rude.

The reason why I heard the voice of the call on Chen Feng's mobile phone was simply that the two of them were relatively close, and they were forced to hear it!

Think about it, this cable car is only so big, and the distance between the two is relatively close, so there is nothing wrong with hearing it. She can't act like a fool and cover her ears when someone else is answering the phone, right?

Patting her chest reassuringly, Yukino asked:

"Is Nakano-san coming over?"

From a certain point of view, the five Nakano sisters are more famous in school than Chen Feng. After all, LSPs like to pay attention to beautiful girls. Aren't the five identical girls more worthy of attention?It wasn't Chen Feng, the violent man who would beat people half to death if he didn't do anything.

Of course, it does not mean that Chen Feng is the only one who does not have any attention. The main reason is that most of the people who pay attention to Chen Feng are girls, and there are generally fewer girls in Zongwu High School than boys. This group of girls is hindered by the beautiful girls beside Chen Feng. There were too many, and I was ashamed and dared not go up to talk to Chen Feng without authorization. At most, after knowing that Chen Feng would deliver food, I spent several times more time eating food at home than before, that's all.

Putting the phone in his pocket, Chen Feng nodded upon hearing this.

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