"Yo! Long time no see, Ms. Yukinoshita...cough cough...poof..."

Lianhua, who wanted to force a smile at first, was halfway through her words when her complexion suddenly changed. Holding her neck, she spat out a large puddle of blood. The blood contained some debris that resembled internal organs. is pale.

"what happened?"

Lianhua slumped against the wall and sat on the ground weakly, her breathing was extremely disordered. She didn't answer Xue Nao's words, but adjusted her breathing, raised her head and said with a wry smile:

"I didn't expect you to wake up... But that's right, I found that thing before it got in. Obviously I was just here to deliver something, but I didn't expect to become a tool man, and I also entered that room don't go..."

"That thing?"

During the long passage, Xue Nai felt as if she had heard something useful, but before Xue Nai could finish her doubts, Lianhua, who was sitting on the ground leaning against the wall, widened her eyes suddenly, and slapped the hand holding the handle of the knife on the ground, With the strength of getting up, he put his foot on Xue Nai's stomach.


Xue Nai, who was kicked by Lianhua for a few meters, just raised her head when she saw Lianhua slashing at the place where she was standing just now. As for where...

So... what is that?

Xue Nai's mind was very chaotic. She saw a scaled bug with a pointed mouthpart on its head and transparent wings flapping constantly on both sides. As for the size... this bug was bigger than her fist. To go big.

The bug was cut in half by Lianhua as soon as it pounced on it, and the copper-green liquid seeped all over the ground. However, after the bug's body died, both the body fluid and the body disappeared visibly.

If you're still standing there...

Xue Nai also knew that the kick just now was Lianhua's last resort to save her. Enduring the discomfort from her stomach, Xue Nai heard Lianhua's anxious voice just as she was about to go over.

"Behind you!!"

Almost without any hesitation, Xue Nai rolled forward, and Lianhua also rushed up and waved her arms at the other bug, and the long black knife cut a thin line, cutting open the bug that was about to move on the ground.

clang clang-

The slender fingers trembled extremely, and the long black knife fell to the ground, and the crisp sound filled Xue Nai's ears. Her first thought was to help Lianhua pick up the knife.

It's a pity that the action was only halfway through, and Lianhua immediately stopped Xue Nao's action.

"Stop, you might die if you touch it."

These words made Xue Nao's outstretched hands stagnate in the air, and when she looked up, she saw Lianhua's stiff smile.

Under the broken sleeves, Lianhua just turned over the palm, and there were a large number of blood vessels protruding densely. These blood vessels were already black and ugly, and some dark red could be faintly seen in them.

Obviously, Lianhua showed her palm deliberately, which was a strong proof for her words.

If you touch it... you might die...

Lianhua, who had no strength to sit on the ground, had no image at all. If she saw this posture alone, she would probably be scolded dozens of times if she was seen by an etiquette teacher. .

The blood stains on her face had dried up a little, and the cracked corners of her mouth pulled her face, and her dry face even cracked when she smiled, perhaps because of the pain, Lianhua's smile suddenly stagnated.

"Miss Yukinoshita, if you still want to see the Wanhua Mirror, you may not have a chance."

"Who... who wants to see that thing!"

"Yeah... If it is not necessary, no one will go to see it."

Lowering her head as if mocking herself, Lianhua shook her head and said, "You are lucky to wake up, but it may also be a kind of misfortune."

"Why do you say that?"

"Here." Lianhua pointed to the window shrouded in darkness, and shrugged playfully, "The outside world... no, the outside world now, do you want to see it?"

Lianhua's voice was very piercing, which made Xue Nai tremble immediately.

After being silent for a few seconds, Xue Nai raised her head and looked at Lianhua firmly, a cold breath radiated from her body again.

"I want to see."


This surprised Lianhua, her emerald eyes blinked twice, "Aren't you afraid? You should see clearly what happened just now."


Xue Nai's answer this time was very decisive.

"Then why..."

"Because that person taught me that as long as my life is still alive, I can be afraid, and if I am afraid, I will die."

Lianhua was taken aback when she heard this, and then smiled.

"That's right."

"By the way, what is that thing?"

"I don't know, but it must be something bad."

Lianhua shook her head weakly, her eyes finally fell on a red thread on Xue Nai's wrist, "It seems that the purification is quite complete, at least you are awake."

Hearing Lianhua's words, Xue Nai noticed that someone had tied a thin red thread around her wrist at some point.

Presumably this thing should have originally belonged to Lianhua.

"That thing cough cough..."

Lianhua couldn't stop coughing, Xue Nai patted Lianhua's back lightly, and it took a while for Lianhua to recover, "That thing will get into the body, I don't know what it does, but the person who got into it He never woke up, that's how that person is."

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