Their existence attracted most of the bugs. If Chen Feng faced such a terrifying behemoth and had to face countless bugs alone, then there was no need to fight at all, and he could choose to commit suicide directly.

He had already noticed that the three of them had become overwhelmed. After all, the ammunition was still limited, and Lianhua's magic power also had a limit, but the bugs that kept pouring out showed no sign of stopping.

Under the suppression of such a large number, their defeat will eventually come, and the speed will definitely be very fast, and then I really can't do without it.


Without caring so much, Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the burning log. The burning pain in his palm made his head become more sober. The natural reaction of his body almost made him let go of his hand several times, but when he thought of Those children are still lying in the hotel, if they end here, they will definitely die very thoroughly!

The child who happily showed himself paintings every night will disappear, the child who bounces around the campus every day will leave, and the other five children who can be said to be his students are finally found The direction of their own efforts, they will disappear from here.

He is indeed an old thing, and he is also a brutal and bloody old monster. If he died here, it should be said that it should be said, but other people will be buried here with him without this price that needs to be repaid!

"That's... not allowed at all!"

Seizing the opportunity, Chen Feng jumped and climbed onto the hot stone slab. Dozens of arms-thin tentacles attacked him, but he still threw down half of the grenade on his body and the bombs he planned to use for suicide on the platform. of dynamite.

Lianhua shot a blue light and smashed the bug in front of him into powder. When the bug dissipated in the air, Lianhua saw a lot of grenades dropped on the platform in the distance, trying to jump off the stone slab to avoid the tentacle attack Chen Feng.

But that speed... is simply not enough!

Sure enough, just as Lianhua had guessed, Chen Feng's left arm was entangled by a tentacle that emerged from the soil under his front——


Lianhua didn't care so much, the moment she clenched her teeth, all the strength of her body was concentrated between her palms.

The black mist exploded in her hands, and the clothes, skin, and muscles on her arms were evaporated by this energy.

At this moment, she divided and sacrificed her power in the underworld, and even the surrounding air became sluggish.

That force, like a sound wave, rushed behind Chen Feng in an instant. The countless tentacles that were supposed to turn Chen Feng into a dead body that couldn't die anymore, but at this moment, they were all drained of water. It turned into dust, and the surrounding trees withered exaggeratedly and instantly, turning into old dead trees.

The rest of the energy rushed towards the worm that was wriggling on the ground like a building, causing it to be pushed back more than ten meters.

The sight in front of the puppet-like girl's eyes became wobbly, her bloody arms hung down feebly, and with the growing sense of powerlessness, Lianhua fell straight down.

Boom! ! !

The violent explosion shook all the snow from the surrounding bushes, and the ground trembled. Some dangerous snow peaks began to show signs of avalanche, but at least this mountain did not collapse.

Chen Feng had just jumped out, and before he even landed, he was blown away by the airflow generated by the explosion behind him. He covered his head with his hands to prevent him from colliding with something hard and fainted. A large amount of debris fell on him like drizzle .

After the explosion stopped, Chen Feng crawled out from the snow, his left arm was twisted into a ball, and the sharp bone fragments pierced the muscles and skin, just exposed to the air.

He didn't feel any pain, but Chen Feng knew very well that it was precisely because he couldn't feel the pain in his arm that it meant that his body was now on the verge of an extreme crisis.

"Huh... How long has it been since I felt such a sense of despair?"

Standing up from the ground with difficulty, a faint light circle appeared around the big bug in the distance, protecting it like a wall, and its size was much smaller than before, and its body that gushed out mucus from time to time also became smaller. Got to shrivel up.

But it is still recovering, as long as it is given enough time, this time may be one minute, maybe ten minutes, or even an hour, it will definitely become what it was before.

It wasn't just Chen Feng who was blown away by the explosion, but other people fighting hundreds of meters away were also affected. Those insects seemed to be very afraid of high temperature. When the high temperature of the explosion was generated, they all flew into the sky and finally landed there Beside the big bug.

Of course, Chen Feng knew why he only had a broken arm and a broken rib. In the situation just now, he decided that he would have to be poked a dozen times to guarantee the bottom line.


He saw the violent fluctuations coming from a distance, and smashed all the tentacles that were attacking him, which saved him from having to bear the pain of forcing his own consciousness to remain on the verge of death.

The boss was rescued by an employee...

Tremblingly, he took out a crumpled cigarette from his trouser pocket and lit it. Chen Feng swayed and walked towards Xue Nai and the others. The two of them were almost not scared by the terrifying aura emanating from Lianhua's body just now. Halo, fortunately, it wasn't them who were attacked by that energy.

The bug had already entered a recovery state, and countless bugs began to return to their main body from a distance. The sky was covered by dark clouds formed by these bugs, and the remaining moonlight was blocked.


Breathing out a smoke ring, Chen Feng also saw clearly the miserable state of the three of them at this time, each of them had wounds on their bodies, Lianhua was probably the most serious one, extending from the palm to the neck, the skin seemed to be cut by someone with a knife The muscle fibers on the body can be seen with the naked eye.

"Chen Feng, your hand..."

Xue Nai also noticed Chen Feng's twisted left arm, the red and white bone pierced his hand, enduring the cold wind.

However, Chen Feng was checking Lianhua's situation at this time, and did not see Xue Nai talking to him.

This guy isn't dead yet, so he shouldn't be dead.

Forget it, heaved a sigh of relief, Chen Feng stood up from the ground, held down Xue Nao who was also about to get up, and showed a faint smile on his blood-stained face.

"Xue Nai, I promised your sister to take you out safely."

For some reason, a very ominous premonition rose in Xue Nai's heart, but Chen Feng covered her mouth when she wanted to speak, and his knife was stuck in the slush beside her.


Looking at these eyes, she can guarantee that these eyes are definitely the most colorful eyes she has seen since meeting Chen Feng.

It is no longer so lifeless, no longer so full of violent aura, but an ordinary gaze, but it is this kind of gaze that should not appear on this man!

He spoke, his tone was so gentle, his expression so calm.

"Every professional should have professional standards, and I am a delivery person. The delivery person always needs to deliver the order to the customer. This time the task is considered complete. I like this job very much. There is not much money, but I just like to deliver things to customers and complete all the tasks of this order. I have already received the payment for the order your sister placed for me, so I must complete it. "

"Miss Sayuri."

Chen Feng turned his head, "You too, I wish you good luck."

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