His fingers trembled slightly, he let out a breath slowly, looked down at his hands that were no longer immature, and some embarrassed voices entered the ears of the three behind him.

"Where is my heyday...? I thought there would be some useful changes, that's all? But well... in a sense, it is indeed strong."

A slightly frivolous voice came out of Chen Feng's mouth, and then he looked at the three people behind him, he smiled without hearing, and said something reassuring and a little confusing.

"Don't worry, you and everyone else can survive. I almost never broke my promise, and it's the same this time."

Pulling up the long knife on the ground, Chen Feng walked towards the huge bug step by step.

Chen Feng rarely promises anything to people, and rarely asks for anything. He pursues equality in the world and protects his credit.

Therefore, he just said 'you and the others', which did not seem to include himself.

The thick leather boots stepped on the ground, and he had changed into a set of his former military uniform at this time, and the badges of several poisonous snakes on his chest looked so dazzling in front of the collapsed fire.

snake cave

It was his organization, his base, the 'hometown' where he was born and died.

Taking a step, a silver-haired woman appeared behind him, with a sniper rifle on her back, a pistol on her waist, a magazine full of magazines on her chest, and her hands gently resting on his shoulders , with a faint smile on his face, pushing him forward slowly.

As soon as he took a step, the air behind Chen Feng began to fluctuate, and a translucent strong man dressed similarly to him would appear with a firearm.

With a serious and death-like expression, and a frenzied and fearless look in his eyes, this soldier is already ready to go.

After taking a step, a giant cannon appeared slowly. Several soldiers pushed the cannon behind the cannon, and many of them were shouldering against the wooden box and followed neatly.

Taking a step, a large swath of air surged, and dozens of soldiers marched forward.

Taking a step, a plane with a roaring engine suddenly appeared in the sky, loaded with explosives, and crashed into the invisible wall protecting the big insect in the distance.


Every time he took a step, a steady stream of soldiers would appear behind him. They were infantry, armored, artillery, aviation, and sappers...

The big bug seemed to feel fear, and under the sharp roar, the black mist-like bug rushed towards Chen Feng, as if trying to eliminate the human who gave it a strong sense of threat.

But his pace was still so busy, these bugs could never reach him and were stopped by the soul soldiers rushing from behind him.

The sound of shouting, charging, and fighting came like waves, but the only thing missing was... screams.

Even if their bodies were torn into dozens of pieces by these pigeon-sized insects, these soldiers continued to fight as if they had been brainwashed, and would rather die than groan in pain.

Every time he took a step forward, dozens of people would swarm behind Chen Feng to block a wave of bugs, and after another step, dozens of people rushed forward.

Even if they can't use a gun, even if they only have this body, they will protect the man at the front.

A group of soldiers from hell, they climbed up from the edge of hell, burning with raging fire, since they have already died once, what about dying for him again? !

If an army is defeated when it is killed or wounded, it must be a militia; if a unit is defeated by two dead or wounded, it must be a strictly trained militia; if an army is defeated when it is killed or injured, it must be A valiant army; if an army is defeated after [-]% of casualties, it must be an army full of faith; if an army is never defeated because of casualties, it must be an army

- The Invincible Army!

Chen Feng, who was walking at the forefront, was opening and closing his mouth rapidly. If he didn't look carefully, he wouldn't even know that Chen Feng's mouth was moving, but if he listened carefully, Chen Feng was actually reading his name.

"Beem, John, Martin, Zulu, Feng, William... Zhang, Taqi Nurov, Soil Ash, Bear..."

He recited the name of every dead soldier, and more and more spirits fell on the ground, and the speed of his recitation became faster and faster. Even if he listened carefully, he couldn't hear Chen Feng at all. What are you reading.

The black swarms attacked wave after wave, but no matter how many swarms rushed up, they would be physically blocked by this group of shield-wall-like soldiers and killed several worms.

A soldier who had disappeared for most of his body fell to the ground, his intestines flowing, but he still twisted his neck and bit a bug, killing it alive.

They are an army from hell, they are an army of countless sinners, they are an army that wanders beyond the law and indulges themselves, they are an army who endures hell but is still willing to go down again army!

The tens of millions of flying insects were blocked by this army of less than [-] people.

When Chen Feng walked to the shield-like wall before, there were no more insects flying in the sky, and the snow and the jungle for several miles had accumulated an unknown number of layers of corpses.

On the ground behind her, the silver-haired girl also fell to the ground, her neck was eaten by most of it, and the last flying insect fell in front of her. As for her hand... She still held a handful tightly Pistol with wisps of smoke.

A muffled voice came out of the woman's mouth with blood foaming.

"I'm sorry... Feng... BOSS... We let you down..."

In the end, Chen Feng never looked back to look behind him, he opened his mouth and said the last name.

"Silver Snow."


The black long knife was unsheathed, and the blade flashed with a dazzling cold light, bringing unparalleled fear to all carbon-based creatures.

The dense corpses began to dissipate with the wind like sand in the desert, and the sound of explosions, gunfire, and fighting could no longer be heard.

That sturdy wall has long since dissipated under the suicide attacks of the pilots, and now there is only Chen Feng, a blood-stained, god-like man!

The huge worm was a little timid. It slowly squirmed backwards, and the tentacles on its body had just recovered a little, so it was not enough to pose a threat to Chen Feng.


The infiltrating laughter echoed in the snow forest, and Chen Fengjian pointed at the big bug opposite, "The subordinates who have already rested are willing to fight for me again, I am really sad and happy."

"Disappointed? I'm so fucking happy!!!"

Soon, he whispered.

"But...it's really nice to see you again..."

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