"Damn it! The strength and speed of this monster have increased again, hiss! It hurts!" Arthur returned behind Yang Jian cursing, his face was a little red and swollen, and he was hit on the head by a few pieces of broken corpses just now.

"Don't complain, look at Wonder Woman, she is much stronger than you, she received no fewer punches than you, and she didn't cry out in pain, she is definitely a man."

Although he was on the battlefield, Yang Jian's words came to Wonder Woman's ears without missing a beat, and Wonder Woman's head immediately became black. He was not happy about Yang Jian's praise at all, only angry, thinking about it, A woman is said to be a man, and anyone will be angry.

Wonder Woman was distracted by Yang Jian's words, and suddenly revealed her flaws. Doomsday, who had inherited General Zod's fighting instinct, immediately seized the opportunity, clasped her hands together, and slapped her hard.

At this time, it was too late for Wonder Woman to dodge, so she could only raise the shield in her hand to meet her.


With a loud noise, Wonder Woman's legs fell directly into the ground, not reaching her knees. This was not over yet. Doomsday continued to attack, punching down punch after punch, just like a piling. The female hero quickly disappeared with most of her body, only the position above her chest was exposed.

"Hey! Let go of that girl, I'll hit you!!" Yang Jian yelled loudly, at this moment, as if Zhou Xingxing had possessed her body, she jumped up and kicked her fiercely.


Yang Jian usually teleported above Doomsday's head, swept down with his foot, and instantly kicked Doomsday's head, the shattering and deformation visible to the naked eye, Doomsday flew out directly, smashing a huge hole in the ground, The body sank into the ground.

But the very bad Doomsday roar came again.A large amount of earth and rock rose into the sky, and then a black shadow jumped out of the deep pit. I saw that Doomsday's sunken head was recovering rapidly, and his skin became darker and seemed to become tougher.

Yang Jian also cursed secretly in his heart, gritted his teeth and attacked again, clenched his fist and slammed it out fiercely, shouting loudly: "Super Shaking Fist!"


Yang Jian's fist carried a shock force, and it collided with Doomsday's fist, and the shock force burst out at the moment of contact.


The sound of bones breaking came. If someone could see through, they would find that Doomsday's bones had been broken into countless pieces. At the same time, starting from the fist, there were cracks on his skin, like small mouths. Generally, and spread rapidly, cracks appeared on most of the body.

"Roar!" With the roar of Doomsday, the super regenerative ability was quickly released, the broken bones healed again, and the cracks on the body glowed orange, filling the wounds like magma, and soon became the light After that, those wounds had disappeared.

"Super Penetrating Fist!" Yang Jian didn't talk nonsense, and before Doomsday had fully recovered, he had already thrown his second punch.

The power of the Penetrating Fist is unique, it is not as powerful as the Super Vibration Fist, but silent, but it does not mean that this kind of punch is less powerful, but because this kind of punch is more sinister.

Yang Jian's fist slammed on Doomsday's chest fiercely, a condensed force penetrated Doomsday's skin, muscles and even bones, entered his body, and then exploded, directly smashing his internal organs.

"Aw!" This time Doomsday let out a scream, after all, no matter whose internal organs were broken, the severe pain was unbearable.

Doomsday retreated seven or eight steps in a row, his body was crumbling. If he was another person, he would definitely be dead, but Doomsday has already left the scope of human beings. Fatal injuries to others are nothing to him.

Although Doomsday was on the verge of falling, he still refused to leave. After three breaths, he had regained his footing. His eyes radiated a beastly light, and he stared fiercely at Yang Jian. Obviously, his internal organs that had been blasted had grown back.

"It's really you, watch my next move, Super Destruction Punch!"

Yang Jian's third punch came out. This time it was louder than the shock punch before. After suffering two losses on Doomsday, he seemed to have a little memory. He immediately crossed his hands to block Yang Jian's loud punch. punch.


Yang Jian's fist hit Doomsday's arms, and violent power erupted suddenly. The power was comparable to that of a small nuclear bomb. Doomsday's arms were directly shattered, and disappeared at the elbow.

In fact, it was Doomsday who reacted in time and resisted with both arms, otherwise Yang Jian punched him with a punch, and at least a big hole would have appeared.


Doomsday's screams were even more tragic than before. Immediately, he kicked his legs and flew into the sky, opening the distance between him and Yang Jian.

In the original plot, Doomsday did not show the ability to fly, perhaps because it was transformed from a corpse, but now this Doomsday was voluntarily transformed by the living General Zod, perfectly inheriting the battle of General Zod The instinct and flying ability are also preserved, so it is more difficult than in the original plot.

Before Yang Jian could catch up, orange rays of light emerged from the broken parts of Doomsday's arms again, and then the two severed arms grew rapidly, first the bones, then the muscles, and finally the skin. It took less than ten seconds before and after. , two brand new arms have been generated.

Looking at Doomsday, which has recovered to its original state and its strength has increased, Yang Jian couldn't help but feel a headache. The move he used just now is Yang Jian's strongest melee skill in normal state, unless he uses his hole card to enter a certain invincible state , otherwise it would be impossible to win this Doomsday.

But Yang Jian is really unwilling to use his hole cards. On the one hand, it is because he has not really reached the end of the mountain, and on the other hand, because Yang Jian is an outsider to this world, he lacks a sense of security, and he does not know when he will encounter trouble. So that trick is to save his life at a critical moment, and it needs to pay a very heavy price. Even if there is a fairy bean, it will take a long time to recover, so Yang Jian does not want to expose it easily.

Chapter 82 Oolong

Doomsday floating in mid-air stared at Yang Jian below, with a rare trace of hatred appearing on his face. Logically speaking, he had already lost consciousness, and it was impossible for him who lost himself to have such emotions. To be honest, he was bullied so hard by Yang Jian that he had this kind of emotion.

If there is a grudge, one must avenge it. Driven by hatred, the day of doom fell from the sky, and he punched Yang Jian fiercely.

"Come here, I'm afraid you won't succeed, super shock punch!" Yang Jian's heart was ruthless, if he couldn't be killed by one punch, then he would throw a few more punches to see who couldn't hold it up first.


Yang Jian's Shock Fist confronted Ruin Sun again, but this time the Shock Fist did not achieve as good a result as last time. Although cracks appeared on Ruin Sun's arm, they stopped after spreading to his arm, unlike Like last time, more than half of his body was shaken out of cracks. Obviously, after Doomsday has evolved, it has become resistant to shock punches.

"It's so difficult, come again! Look at my super-destructive punch!"

"It still doesn't work! Another one, Super Penetrating Fist!"

"Super Shock Punch!"


Boom boom boom...

Yang Jian continued to use his proud fist. At the beginning, it was able to cause some damage to Doomsday, but later on, it gradually lost its effect. The damage to Doomsday was negligible. Obviously, it evolved again. Body tissue becomes stronger.

But even so, Yang Jian didn't have the slightest intention of stopping. He still punched and punched. He confronted Doomsday head-on, and even Wonder Woman and Arthur didn't dare to get close to the wave of waves formed by the two confronting each other. .

Wonder Woman saw the two figures on the battlefield with a look of unwillingness on her face. The strength of the two men on the field had already surpassed her by too much. It was a serious blow to the arrogant Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman thought for a while, and decided to try to intervene, holding the mantra noose in her hand and preparing to join the battlefield.

"Don't go!" Arthur quickly stopped Wonder Woman when he saw it, "In the current situation, the two of us are simply holding back when we go up. It's not even a soy sauce. Let's just stay calm!"

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