"Okay, then Hokage-sama, if you encounter a dangerous situation, you must notify me immediately."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I didn't buy my Hokage name. Although I'm a little older, it's not so easy to deal with."

After the three generations finished speaking, they immediately walked up the mountain, and after a while, they saw the Lord at the top of the mountain.

"Mr. Sarutobi, it's been a long time." Orochimaru had a rare smile on his face, and greeted him very familiarly.

"It's been a long time, Orochimaru, tell me what is your purpose for coming back this time?"

"The purpose? I just want to cut off the last bond with Konoha, and there will be no relationship between us in the future."

"Why, do you want to kill me, the teacher? To cut off the last relationship?" The third representative remained calm on the surface, but secretly became cautious.

"Kill you, no, no, no! If it was before, maybe I would have had this kind of thought, but now I don't want to let my heart show flaws again. I don't have much affection for Konoha anymore, but Konoha has nurtured me. Me, but I have also fought for it for many years, and I have paid off what was due, and I still owe you, teacher, so the purpose of my coming this time is just to taste your last favor."

"Repay the favor?" The third generation looked surprised, and did not expect that these words would come out of Oshemaru's mouth. Orochimaru seemed to be different from before.

"Yes, to repay the favor. The letter I sent to you specifically stated that I should bring my experimental product here. It should be outside and let him in." Dashemaru took out a transparent jar from the sealed scroll while speaking. Filled with milky white jelly.

"What is this? What conspiracy do you have?"

"Don't be so sinister as I think, this is what I prepared for the big self, so that he can display the real wood escape, not the kind of wood that has no vitality at all."

The third generation suddenly opened his eyes, and said in disbelief: "The real Mu Dun? Could it be that..."

"That's right, that's what you think. When I left Konoha, I took some first-generation cells with me. After research, we found that we have always regarded Mudun as a blood inheritance boundary. In fact, this view is wrong. "

"Wood escape is not the boundary of blood inheritance, so what is it? You shouldn't be confused, right?"

Dashewan said angrily when he heard the words: "Even if you are confused, you are not me. I am much younger than you. I am so old, and I still occupy my position. I really don't know what to say about you..."

"Okay, tell me what's going on first." Sandai was eager to know the truth, and ignored the sarcasm in Orochimaru's tone.

"Wood Dungeon seems to others to be formed by the fusion of two attributes of water and soil, but in fact, the simple fusion of water and soil cannot form Wood Dungeon. As a doctor of ninjutsu, you must know the investigation of the five basic attributes. In addition to carat, there are two types of Yin Dun and Yang Dun. When the first generation fought with people, no matter how serious the injury was, he could recover in a blink of an eye. This is the manifestation of the power of Yang Dun. His Wood Dun is made of The three attributes of water, earth, and yang are fused together, so Yemu Dun is actually a blood-stained elimination that goes beyond the boundaries of bloodstains."

"Water, soil, and yang, so that's the case, so what do you mean by giving me this?" Sandai stared at the glass jar in Orochimaru's hand at this time, waiting for his answer.

"This is a unique life form, you can call it a biological reproductive device, it has the power to generate a huge amount of yang escape, as long as it is fused with my experimental body, it will make up for its last flaws, Form a real wooden escape."

Sandai Hokage looked at Orochimaru, then at the white substance in the glass jar, wondering if he should believe what Orochimaru said.

After a while, Sandai finally gritted his teeth and decided to take a gamble. The temptation of Mudun was too great, and he sent out a signal. Not long after, Yamato, wearing a wooden mask, came running over.

"Three generations of adults, are you okay?"

When Yamato saw Orochimaru, he was startled. He knew that when he was the test subject of Orochimaru, although he was still young, he could already remember things. Every time he thought of Orochimaru experimenting on him, the feeling of being overwhelmed with pain , Yamato couldn't help trembling all over, finally calmed down, stared at Orochimaru and shouted sharply: "Oshemaru, what conspiracy do you have for coming to Konoha?"

Orochimaru didn't even look at Yamato, stepped forward a few steps, under Yamato and Sandai's guarded eyes, put the glass jar in his hand on the ground, and then returned to its original position.

The third generation carefully took the gown into his hands, and then asked, "How should I use this thing called biological reproductive equipment?"

"It's very simple, let Yamato's first drop of blood go in, and then inject chakra, and then it will automatically merge with Yamato, because this kind of biological reproductive equipment is a half-life body, although it is alive, it has no own body. Independent consciousness, after fusion, will be dominated by Yamato, forming a symbiotic relationship."

Sandai nodded, then handed the jar to Yamato and said, "Do as he said."

"What? Sandai-sama, but..." Yamato didn't expect Sandai to really believe in Orochimaru's S-class rebellious ninja, and was about to say something, but seeing Sandai's eyes, he couldn't continue the words.

Yamato took the jar with both hands, looked at the wriggling, white jelly like a living thing inside, felt a little hairy in his heart, but remembering the order of the third generation, he finally gritted his teeth, bit his finger to bleed in, and then stuck his hand into it , Chakra poured in quickly.

The white jelly in the jar seemed to come alive, and began to roll violently, spreading upward along Yamato's arm. Before Yamato could react, it had already melted and climbed onto Yamato's body, killing him Wrapped inside, and then squirmed, a white protective layer was formed on the surface of his skin, which was thin, as if wearing a piece of underwear.

Yamato was frightened for a while, and after the change stopped, he felt it carefully, and found that there was nothing wrong with it, and the white substance gave him a very comfortable feeling, so he was relieved.

The third generation was also nervous, staring at Yamato at this time, and after confirming that there was no problem, he immediately ordered: "Dahe, now you use your wooden escape, don't use too powerful techniques, start with the simplest."

Hearing this, Yamato immediately formed seals with both hands, and shouted loudly: "Wood escape, tree binding and eternal burial."

After Yamato completed the seal, the moment the chakra gushed out, he found that the biological reproductive suit like clothes on his body also gushed out a force to fuse with his chakra, and then in his horrified eyes In the center, countless intertwined saplings quickly twine and grow, and in a blink of an eye it turns into a big tree tens of meters high. It is not as lifeless as before, but a majestic, green tree.

"How is this possible? How could my wooden escape have such great power?" Yamato exclaimed in disbelief. Originally, according to his calculations, the Tree Binding Yongzang binding tool cast by the gushing Chakra just now The big tree formed is at most a dozen meters high, but now it is tens of meters, and its power is several times stronger.

"Yamato, don't stop, keep going, and try those wood escape ninja techniques that you have been unable to use before, and see if you can use them."

Next, Yamato began to show off his Mudun continuously, using all kinds of ninjutsu one by one. Not only did he not feel like before when he ran out of Chakra with a small number of people, and he felt powerless, but he became more and more energetic, Chakra The recovery speed is beyond imagination.

"Wood Dun·Wood Dragon Technique!"

Finally, Dahe began to try ninjutsu that he couldn't perform before. As the ground shook and the ground cracked, a wooden dragon's head shot up into the sky, and then followed by the body behind it, a wooden dragon more than [-] meters long appeared in front of the three of them. .

"Wood Dun·Wooden Man Technique!"

The body of the wobbling wooden dragon in the air suddenly swelled up, forming a green wooden giant with a height of tens of meters in a blink of an eye, and the previous wooden dragon was wrapped around his body.

"It's really possible!" At this time, the third generation finally believed what Orochimaru had said before. Although Yamato was a little out of breath after using these two techniques, and the more powerful Thousand-Handed Buddha would definitely not be used later, it was enough.

Yamato's current strength is definitely the delicate person in the shadow class. Although it is definitely not as good as the first generation, it is definitely not as good as the first generation, but Mu Dun's natural restraint on tailed beasts. These trees can absorb the mantissa. In a one-on-one duel, there is a [-]% chance of winning.

The third generation looked excited, feeling that most of the heavy pressure on him had disappeared suddenly, and his whole body was much more relaxed.

Since the death of the fourth generation in battle, the third generation can only drag his old body back to the front stage and assume the post of Heying.

It's unlucky to say that now, among the three apprentices, Orochimaru defected, Jiraiya's lazy temper, he didn't want to become Hokage at all, as for Tsunade, he was hit hard by the death of the two of them and his younger brother, got blood phobia, and left Wood Ye, haven't come back for many years.

The third generation knows that if he does not come to the front desk, the position of Hokage will probably fall to Danzo, and he knows Danzo very well. If Danzo succeeds Hokage, with his personality, I am afraid that he will directly provoke a war. In the end, Konoha would probably be destroyed in his hands.

In this case, the three generations can only bite the bullet, but as they get older, they have begun to feel a little powerless when dealing with the affairs of the village. However, there is no other master in the village except him. One can imagine the pressure.

But it’s different now. With Yamato, a Hokage loyalist, everything is much easier. Although Yamato’s background is not suitable as Hokage’s successor, it can be used to deter the enemy. In the future, the new Hokage will take over. It can also be used as a powerful support. In the future, no matter who is planning on Konoha and Hokage, they have to think about whether they can withstand Yamato who has the ability of Mudun.

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