Among them, Sasuke should be in the worst mood. He has always been the first in the class, whether it is taijutsu or ninjutsu. Although he is the only Uchiha left, Uchiha's pride still urges him, Sasuke He is also proud of his achievements, but now he realizes that his No. [-] is actually a parallel import, and Zhi Nao, who has been ignored by them all the time and has a low sense of existence, is the strongest.

Needless to say, the secret skills of the oily girl clan displayed by Zhi Nai, these little guys found that they couldn't resist at all. In addition, the physical skills displayed by Zhi Nao were definitely above the first place, and most of them had hidden their strength before.

An emotion called unwillingness rose in Sasuke's heart. Is his first place just a joke?

"It seems that Zhi Nai can't deal with that guy alone, let's go help. Let's fight side by side together." Naruto, who was a stunned young man, gave full play to his death characteristics at this time, and he still wanted to join the battlefield at that moment.

Ya quickly stopped Naruto, "Don't go, it's not convenient for us to intervene, and you don't have to worry about Shino, he will be fine."

Originally, Ya was also a stunned young man, no matter what he did, he rushed forward regardless of his efforts, but the blow he suffered today was so great that he became calm, but Ya knew how powerful Shino's psychic beast was. Butterfly summoned, and the people present were not enough for it to kill with one wing.

"Zino's strength is really strong, why didn't he find out before? How did he do it?" Ino looked at Shino's performance and sighed in his heart.

"Perhaps this is genius!" Shikamaru also sighed.

"Don't talk about it, their battle is getting more and more fierce. Should we step back a little bit? If we are affected, we will be injured." Sakura looked at the flames, lightning, and whirlwind that erupted from time to time on the battlefield. Wait, I was very uneasy, and couldn't help persuading.

Shikamaru looked at his companions around, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, it won't affect us, and they will try their best to avoid us. After all, we are children."

Shikamaru's last sentence was a random nonsense. People on the battlefield would indeed avoid them actively, but not because they were children, but because most of these people present were the new generations of Konoha's major families. The Kabute clan, the Inuzuka clan, and the Hyuga clan are all the pillars of Konoha, and no fool will hurt them.

And what Shikamaru doesn't know is that Naruto and Sasuke are not bad, a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and he is also a prince, and although the other is Uchiha's last orphan, there is Uchiha Itachi standing behind him, and no one dares to hurt him. Among them, the worst seems to be Sakura, who is also the only commoner ninja, but among the members of the Konoha family, there is no danger.

As time passed, the situation on the field became more and more chaotic, and the root ninjas became more and more anxious. They also knew that the longer the delay, the worse it was for them. Several root ninjas wanted to break through Kakashi three times The blockade to catch Zhi Nao, but unfortunately failed every time.

Kakashi, Asma, and Kurenai Yuhi each have their own strengths, and the strength they cooperate with each other is beyond imagination. Although they do not have an advantage in numbers, their overall strength is even greater than that. They are firmly in the upper hand. He quickly stopped the enemy, and slowly rubbed against the root ninjas.

Finally, several figures appeared in the distance. The first one was wearing a wooden mask, while the one behind was Anbu's standard cat face mask. The leading ninja in the wooden mask saw Kakashi and the others who were fighting fiercely, and suddenly became angry. Explosively, Konoha is currently in troubled times, and you are still engaged in civil war here. Immediately, you pressed your hands to the ground with seals, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Mu Dun · Tree Realm is coming!"

In the unbelievable sight of everyone, a powerful chakra erupted from the wooden masked Anbu ninja, the ground was cracked, cracks in the spider web spread, and emerald green shoots were drawn out one by one, the earth was like a choppy sea, continuous The ups and downs shook violently.

Numerous thick twigs and vines propped up the bulk and grew up quickly. The vibrant sea of ​​trees was like a huge green wave, and soon overwhelmed everyone. It lasted for about twenty seconds before the twisting vines stopped. After coming down, the original empty land has changed beyond recognition, replaced by a large forest, Kakashi, Kurenai, Asma, Yume Shino, Yume Takegen and a group of root ninjas are all entangled by branches and vines, Those trees were still absorbing their chakra, making them unable to resist. Only Sasuke, Naruto and others escaped unharmed by not participating in the battle. Their position was protected by a row of trees, and they were not harmed at all.did not suffer any damage.

This change shocked all the ninjas, this is Mu Dun!The signature stunt of the first generation of Hokage actually appeared in the world again, which immediately made them lose their will to resist?

"Three generations of adults have an order, let everyone go to see him together, come with me."

After the ninja wearing a wooden mask finished speaking, he controlled the tree vines to wrap Kakashi and the others over and gently put them on the ground.

Everyone had no intention of resisting. Even after regaining their freedom, they stood there obediently and followed that Anbu towards the Hokage Building.

The horror on the faces of the remaining eight little guys in the arena still hasn't dissipated. The wooden masked ninja subdued everyone with one move, which deeply shocked their hearts.

"If I have such a strong power, I can definitely kill Uchiha Itachi, damn it, why am I so weak?" Sasuke looked at a big tree beside him, and couldn't help but punched the trunk hard.

"Sasuke, what's wrong with you? Your hand is hurt, let me see for you."

Sakura grabbed Sasuke's hand nervously, a ball of chakra emerged from her palm, and carefully helped Sasuke heal his wounds, but Sasuke didn't appreciate it at all, Yazhong kept staring at the direction where the wooden masked ninja left before.

"Is this Mutun? The ability of the first generation of adults is really as powerful as in the legend." Shikamaru reached out and broke a branch from the nearby tree, stroked and said.

Ino looked puzzled and said: "But isn't Mutun already lost? Who is that person? Why can he use Mutun? I haven't heard of it before!"

"Who knows? Maybe it's Hokage-sama's arrangement, hiding it on purpose."

"We don't understand the things of adults, so don't think too much."

"Yes, we are still children, don't think too complicated..."

In the Hokage Building, Sandai almost pointed at Danzo’s nose and yelled, “Danzo, haven’t you learned your lesson yet? When will you be reconciled to the trouble? It’s not enough to make such a big disaster outside, and now you still want to be in the wooden house. Ye internal troubles, do you have to let Konoha destroy you to be reconciled?"

Danzo was terribly angry, because the saliva of three generations was splashed on him, and he was scolded by the pointed nose. When did he suffer such humiliation from the darkness of Konoha, the thousand-year-old disaster king?

"You have also seen the butterfly psychic beast that Zhi Nai summoned, and you know how valuable it is. Its strength is probably not inferior to that of the tailed beast. This kind of power must be in your hands, and Zhi Nai is also a rare genius. Let him Adding roots, under my tutelage, will surely become the most powerful tool."

"Tools, tools, you know tools, don't you know that this will make our Konoha families betrayed?" The third generation slapped the table heavily, and the words almost came out of Yaweili.

The bed-turning Xiaochun next to him quickly persuaded: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, now is not the time to be angry, you have to find a way to solve the matter in front of you."

Turning to sleep Xiaochun turned his head and said: "There is also Danzo, you too, why don't you know how to learn from it?"

"Yeah, Danzo, I beg you to stop for a while, okay?" Mitomon Yan also stood on Sandai's side.

Danzo just opened his mouth, unable to resist being besieged by three people, looking at the three former companions who kept scolding him for being wrong, he was extremely annoyed, but there was nothing he could do.

But the three generations were even more angry. Since they took back most of the rights in Danzo's hands, they also got the root information. After reading it, the three of them felt cold sweat, which was shocking. They didn't expect Danzo to be so courageous that they Unbelievable level.Take a new level, the death of Bai Fang, the Uchiha genocide, the reincarnation incident, and the assassination of Hokage. If it weren’t for Danzo who has always been a veteran of Konoha and made countless contributions to Konoha, they really can’t wait Directly take Tuanzang to the end and take back all his rights.

The third generation and Mito Menyan moved to Xiaochun to discuss it, and finally said to Danzang: "We don't need to pursue this matter, but Xiaoharu and Menyan will increase the monitoring of you in the future. In addition, after you go back, Let go of the control of the root, let him return to the oil girl clan, and will no longer be a member of your root. Let go of the control of the post office."

"What! You actually asked me to give up rooting, how is this possible? You know very well the ability of rooting, how could you make such an unwise decision?" Danzo almost roared, rooting is an important pawn of his , the ultimate secret technique of nano poisonous insects is the deterrent secretary.

Poison poison requires a lot of flesh, so it is listed as a forbidden technique. It gathers flesh together and spreads poisonous insects, plus a special barrier that can speed up the reproduction of insects. As long as there are enough cells, insects It can be fully reproduced, so that dead cells can produce poisonous gas, and then as long as the poisonous gas explodes, the cells polluted by poisonous insects will spread around. You can imagine how much damage it will cause if it is detonated in a ninja village ?The only downside is that this trick does not distinguish between enemy and friend.

"You have also seen the psychic beast that Zhi Nai summoned. It can be said that the strength of the oil girl clan has greatly increased. Next, we must change our attitude towards the oil girl clan. This is what they deserve. The oil girl takes root Even if it is our sincerity."

Danzang immediately understood that this was to win over the oily girl clan, but if you win over, just win over, why use my people?Am I easy to bully?Looking at Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaoharu who looked in agreement, they knew that this matter was a foregone conclusion, and it was useless to object any more.

"You will regret it." Danzang stood up resentfully, left a word before turning and leaving.

After Danzo's figure disappeared, Sandai said to Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaoharu: "Next, you two must watch Danzo, don't be like this time, he made such a big thing, you guys I don't know."

Mitomonyan said in embarrassment: "We didn't expect Danzo to keep a hand, to avoid our eyeliner and give orders directly, but that's right, after all, he has controlled the root for so many years, and several trusted subordinates also normal."

Turning to the bed, Xiaochun said: "Okay, let's not talk about this for now, the matter of Younv Shino is still waiting for you to deal with."

"It can be said that Konoha is troubled now, and turmoil cannot be tolerated. I will try to deal with it in a gentler way. In short, leave everything to me, and I will take care of it."

"We believe that in Konoha's current situation, your personality is the most suitable."

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