Kuntasha was speechless, and instantly understood her current situation. If Yang Jian really mastered the method of mainly absorbing star energy and converting it into energy blocks, then her hole card would become a joke. Become each other's nourishment.

"No, I don't believe it. You must be lying to me. Go to hell!" Although I already believed that what Yang Jian said was true, she was still a little unwilling and decided to fight again. Maybe what the other party said just now was false Yes, I deliberately lied to myself.

Following Kuntasha's words, the stellar fireball with a distance of hundreds of meters smashed down on Yang Jian.

"It's true that you won't cry until you see the coffin. If that's the case, I'll let you give up completely."

Yang Jian sneered. Facing the stellar sphere that had just passed by, Yang Jian burst into lightning flashes from his hands, and grabbed the emptiness with both hands. The star energy sphere was imprisoned in mid-air, and then a metal pillar on his chest suddenly lit up, forming circles of light one by one. When it was shot out, a huge suction force was born out of thin air, and the stellar energy was sucked into Yang Jian's body like a tired bird returning to its nest, and transformed into energy that could be used by him.

The huge stellar energy ball gradually becomes smaller from a sphere with a diameter of hundreds of meters, 400 meters, 300 meters, 200 meters...


Looking at the shrinking stellar energy visible to the naked eye, Kuntasha closed her eyes in despair. Facts have proved that Yang Jian is not lying and it is true. The last hole card is gone, and the energy reserved by Cybertron is almost exhausted, barely sustaining Cybertron will not crash, and there will be no room for recovery.

Yang Jian absorbed the stellar energy faster and faster. After the last ray of brilliance disappeared, he felt the transformed energy block in his body, nodded in satisfaction, opened his mouth to spit out a wisp of smoke, and hiccupped humanly.

"It tastes good, thank you for the hospitality."

Although she is a Transformer, at this moment, Kuntasha's head seems to be covered with black lines. The super weapon she used as her hole card has become the opponent's food, and she even described it as delicious. Is this a deliberate mockery of her?

"You won, so how do you plan to deal with me next, kill me?"

No matter how unwilling she was before, a loss is a loss. Kuntasha has already recognized the fact, and she did not admit that she lost like an ordinary woman. She roared loudly and seemed a little calm.

"Well, I haven't thought about it yet, but I won't kill you. I'll make a decision after I finish my business. Now I'm going to absorb the power of Yuanshi Tianzun. I'll send you away first. By the way, I'll give you some time. Fallen King Kong, Optimus Prime and the others discuss the future choice of the Transformers family, whether to surrender to me, or to concentrate all their strength to fight with me for the last time, fighting to the death."

As Yang Jian said, she stretched out one hand, and gently twisted Kuntasha with two fingers, as if pinching an ant. A ray of lightning from the nails lit up, wrapped Kuntasha, and then disappeared.

Yang Jian didn't kill Kuntasha, but directly used the space ability to teleport her away, so as not to regret and make trouble for herself later.

"Then it's time to work!"

Yang Jian flew forward for a certain distance, stopped and looked at a sci-fi instrument shaped like a heart, with a smile on his face, his body suddenly collapsed, quickly enveloping the "heart" like a liquid, and along the The surrounding tentacles continue to spread around.

Of course, this is not a real liquid, but countless nanoworms, the self-replication of the metal they devour constantly, just like the nano-bombs of the special forces, as long as there is no order from Yang Jian, they will never stop, Until all the metal clusters in contact are eaten up.

Chapter 210 The Ultimate Transformer

Fallen King Kong, Royal Enemy, Megatron, Optimus Prime and others who were waiting for the result on the earth suddenly heard a crackling sound, turned their heads and saw a light cluster not far away.

When the strong light dissipated, Kuntasha's embarrassed figure was revealed. At this time, one of her calves and arms had not been repaired.

Seeing this scene, both the Decepticons and the Autobots surrounded them together, but neither of them intended to do anything, but stared at Quintasha with piercing eyes, wanting to ask her about the situation.

"Kuntasha, since you appear here, it means the battle is over, what about Thanos? Where did he go? Who won?"

Kuntasha looked at the surrounding Transformers, but ignored them, but looked up at the sky, "Can't you see it yourself?"

After hearing the words, all the Transformers followed Kuntasha's gaze, and saw that the planet Cybertron began to change again at this time, as if it suddenly collapsed, continuously collapsing and shrinking inward.

The originally huge planet Cybertron seemed to come alive, wriggling constantly, getting smaller and smaller. The volume of the same planet has been shrinking, and a layer of black light is emitting from the surface. It seems that some kind of liquid is flowing. It looks like a giant egg.

Yang Jian, who was inside Cybertron, was undergoing earth-shaking changes at this time. The nano-worms kept devouring and replicating, and then re-gathered on Yang Jian. His body was constantly being raised and bigger, and soon exceeded ten thousand. Mi, but it is still going on, and it doesn't mean to stop at all.

When Yang Jian absorbed the power of the universe emperor, he did not dare to swallow it recklessly, because the corpse of the universe emperor is equivalent to the skeleton of the earth. Once the skeleton is pulled away, the earth will collapse if it loses its support. Yang Jian does not want to make a plan to destroy the earth. things, so only use nano-robots to extract the most essential part of it for absorption.

But for Cybertron, there is no such concern. It was on the verge of collapse due to the Transformers civil war, and there were no other lives. The original consciousness of Cybertron was wiped out by Quintessa, so Yang Jian swallowed it. There is no psychological burden at all.

For Yang Jian, the remaining information on Cybertron is just nourishment without the slightest hindrance. Combining with the information Yuan Bei received from the Universal Emperor, Yang Jian can further control his own power and completely control the power of Yuanshi Tianzun. for oneself.

The transformation of Yang Jian's body lasted for more than an hour. When he opened his eyes, he was very dissatisfied with the dark surroundings. He grabbed it with both hands, as if torn something apart, and a ray of light came through.


From the perspective of humans and Transformers on the earth, cracks appeared on the surface of the "giant egg" in the sky, which became bigger and bigger, and then a pair of huge palms suddenly protruded out, and with a little force, the eggshell was torn apart. Then a huge figure with a height of one million meters stood up.


Yang Jian let out a roar, venting his emotions. Yang Jian felt the transformed body. This power was too powerful. A loud roar directly caused an energy storm, which exploded in the universe, and the fluctuations spread to every part of the universe. corner.

At this moment, the satellites on the earth lost their function at the same time, and all the Transformers on the earth felt a kind of coercion from the soul, and their bodies knelt down involuntarily.

Quintasha, Fallen King Kong, Royal Enemy, Optimus Prime, Megatron, these leader-level existences instinctively wanted to resist, but soon they couldn't bear this coercion, and knelt down like other Transformers.

It took a while for Yang Jian to calm down his excitement. Even if there is no existence in the universe that can threaten Yang Jian, anyone who dares to resist, Yang Jian only needs two fingers to pinch him to death. It is said that Yang Jian has broken through the territory of the Transformers world.

Yang Jian, who was floating in space, looked down at the earth. Although Optimus Prime and the others were smaller than ants in Yang Jian's eyes at this time, their extraordinary eyesight quickly locked their positions, and they could see their every move. Clearly.

Yang Jian stood in space, stretched out a hand to grab the void, and all the Transformers on the earth were suddenly surrounded by electric arcs, and disappeared instantly.

By the time the Transformers reappeared, they had already arrived in space, held by Yang Yangjian with one hand, and looked around in surprise.

Yang Jian lowered his head slowly, even one eye was bigger than all these Transformers combined, heavy pressure appeared in everyone's heart.

"Now it's time to tell your choice. Surrender to me, or resist to the end, and fight with everything at the cost of your own life. I can give you the final glory."

Fallen King Kong, Megatron, Royal Enemy, and Kuntasha stepped forward to express their views without hesitation, "We are willing to submit to you, the new generation king of the universe, where you point is the direction of our attack, my wish Help you rule the entire universe."

Yang Jian nodded in satisfaction. Those who know the current affairs are heroes. This is the characteristic of Decepticons. The strong are respected. As long as you are strong enough to suppress everyone, they will honestly offer their loyalty and become yours. Running dogs, let them do whatever they want.

Yang Jian's eyes turned to Optimus Prime again. Just now, Optimus Prime did not express his surrender like the fallen King Kong and others.

"And you? Optimus Prime, what's your choice? Answer my question."

Optimus Prime stood up to the coercion coming from Yang Jian, and said, "Can I ask you a question before I answer?"

"Tell me, I am in a good mood today, maybe I will answer your question."

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