Ivan thought in his heart, after avoiding another energy beam attack from Tony, a shield was condensed in his hand again, but as a price, the armor on the face and back had disappeared, and they were all concentrated on the shield. It will definitely be hit hard.

Knowing that time was running out, Ivan didn't dare to procrastinate. The effective thrusters started up again, and he rushed out.

Tony obviously didn't expect Ivan to be so desperate. Looking at Ivan who was approaching quickly, Tony gritted his teeth, and the back of the armor cracked again, and he bounced himself out, ready to repeat the same trick and explode again.

However, Ivan has already suffered a loss once, so how could he fall into the trap again? Looking at the steel suit that rushed towards him, he swung the laser cutting blade in his hand mid-flight. It exploded with a bang.

It's a win!Ivan was overjoyed. Without the steel suit, Tony is just an ordinary person. Now that he still has more than half of his nano suit, can't he still be able to deal with him?

Ivan Vanke quickly rushed in front of Tony, the laser cutting blade in his hand was already on his neck, but at the same time Tony Stark's palm was also aimed at Ivan, so that Ivan did not dare to act rashly.

Looking at the ready-to-go energy beam in Tony Stark's palm, Ivan's face became extremely ugly, and he didn't expect to be overthrown by Tony under such circumstances.

At this time, neither of them dared to act rashly. Ivan's laser cutting blade rested on his neck, and he could behead Tony's head at any time if he wanted.

But Tony can also launch an energy beam before he dies, blasting Ivan's head, because at this time the nano-suit on Ivan's face has disappeared, and he can't bear this embarrassing shot.

Ivan was full of unwillingness. He didn't expect that he would not be able to win with such a big advantage. Although Ivan didn't intend to kill Tony from the beginning, he really hoped to defeat him and humiliate him.

I never thought that the bastard Tony Stark would actually save a hand. When he blew up his armor, he would leave a mechanical arm. I blame myself for being too careless and not noticing.

However, Ivan didn't plan to continue the fight, and there will be opportunities in the future, "It seems that we can't tell the winner today, so what if it's a tie? Let's all stop together."

"Okay, but what about our bet?" Tony Star didn't make any fuss, and he knew very well that it was his luck to be able to win the game. It was just a new element in his heart and the truth about the death of his parents. , so I asked one more question.

"Choose between the new elements and the truth about Howard's death, you decide for yourself."

Tony Stark seemed a little unwilling, "I..."

"Don't give me conditions, this is already my biggest concession, now we take back our weapons together."


Ivan slowly withdrew his laser cutting blade, Tony also retracted his palm, and then just looked at Ivan like this, and Little Pepper and Happy, who had been staring at the battle here not far away, breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Very well, Tony Stark, now state your choice."

Tony became distressed when he heard the words. Of course he wanted to know the truth about his parents' death, but if there were no new elements, he wouldn't be able to live for long. Even if he knew the truth, his life would be gone before he could take revenge.

After thinking for a while, Tony finally made a choice, gritted his teeth and said, "I choose new elements!"

Tony thought very clearly that the truth can be found out slowly, but if a person is dead, everything is meaningless. As long as he is alive, he will definitely be able to investigate clearly in the future.

"A wise choice. When your father was working in S.H.I.E.L.D., he once studied a cosmic Rubik's Cube treasure. According to the myths, it was the dragon's jewel that God King Odin loved most."

"Wait, you won't tell me that although the clues are in the fairy tales."

"Don't make noise, listen to me slowly. Of course, this is not as simple as a fairy tale. At that time, our father was still a partner. They discovered a new element during the research process, which is dozens of times more powerful than palladium. Even Hundreds of times, and this element is very pure, without any pollution, that is, my father was driven away at that time, so I could not participate in the follow-up research, but my father can be sure that with the level of technology at that time, it was impossible to extract that element Manufactured, and he understands Howard's personality, and will definitely leave this discovery to you, so he has been watching secretly."

"And what did he find?"

"Of course, the new element is hidden in the 1974 Stark Expo model, you can find it yourself.

"Wait a minute, how do you know these things?"

Ivan sneered, "The person who knows you best in this world is often your enemy. My father studied Howard in order to avenge Howard, because he was driven away halfway through the research. Wanting to get that new element back, finally got what I wanted.”

"Then what are you using now are new elements?" Tony couldn't help but look at the triangular reactor on Ivan's chest. He felt strange before that the energy intensity of the other party was much stronger than his own, and now it seems to make sense.

"That's right, I'm using the new element reactor."

Suddenly Tony felt uncomfortable as if he had eaten a poop. The new energy that his father made was discovered by the enemy first, and it was used to deal with his son. Is there anything more tragic than this?

"I've told you what I should tell you. I had a good time today, but the battle between us is not over. I will come to you again in the future. If you lose, you will have to pay the price of your life. Of course, if you win, you can get the truth about your parents' death from me, so you can do it yourself!"

Ivan withdrew from a certain distance, and after confirming safety, he blew a whistle. He was in charge of watching the little pepper and the happy bumblebee quickly backed away. Go in, without Ivan talking too much, the car drove away from the arena automatically.

Pepper and Happy rushed to Tony's side to support him. Pepper asked with concern, "Tony, are you okay? Are you injured?"

Looking at Pepper's relational eyes, Tony couldn't help but feel at ease for a while, but then saw the tired look on Pepper's face, and Tony thought about the problems that he had caused due to his indulgence in the recent period, which was all supported by Pepper , not only had to take care of himself, but also had to deal with the affairs of the company, which really exhausted him and made him feel very guilty.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I've worked hard for you these days, and I won't do it in the future. Now we're going home. You have to take a vacation for yourself, take a rest, and don't be tired."

"Okay! Let's go back right away!" Little Pepper burst into tears, finally waiting for Tony to change his mind.

Hapi wisely didn't bother his old boss and future boss wife, and took the initiative to book a ticket and prepare for the return trip.

Tony didn't want to stay for a moment, he was in a hurry to go back and investigate whether the new element was true?Leaving the mess to others, I returned to New York that day.

Ivan left the venue swaggeringly, because no one dared to stop his previous strong performance.

Originally, Ivan planned to find a place that could not be monitored, so that the car could be deformed and camouflaged to get out of everyone's sight, but then Ivan changed his mind temporarily because he found a very interesting person following him.

Justin Hammer, the president of the Hammer Group, is a super crocodile who nominally keeps pace with Stark Industries.

But this is only in the past. Although the Hammer Group is a super predator, it does not have its own representative products. It can only sell some products from other industries to make a profit. It used to be able to keep pace with Stark T industry, but the country I intend to support him so that he can compete with Stark Industries.

However, after the rise of Fantasy Technology, the government had a better choice and turned to vigorously support Fantasy Technology. In this way, the Hammer Group will be unlucky, especially in the recent period, the income and expenditure of the Hanmer Group cannot make ends meet.

Hanmer was in a hurry. After hearing that Tony was going to participate in the racing this time, he hurried over to see if a cooperation could be reached. He didn't expect to find out that Ivan actually had a more advanced steel suit than Tony, which made him Some ideas came up. If Ivan can get the technology, he can become the savior of the company, even surpassing Stark Industries, so he immediately chased him regardless of the danger.

Don't look at Hammer acting like a clown in the original plot, being used by Ivan and crushed by Stark, but it will not be easy to become the president of Hammer Group, and there is indeed a lot of hard work, knowing that Hammer dared to attack Stark, he was a dangerous person, but he still came.

After Ivan found out that someone was following him, of course he had to investigate. He easily got the information about Hammer from Dabai. He didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but at this moment he suddenly thought of an idea, maybe he could use the Hammer Group , to achieve their own goals, and can take the opportunity to confuse the Hammer Group and let Fantasy Technology annex it.

Ivan immediately called and told Jin Bin his thoughts. Jin Bin also felt that this method was feasible, so he agreed on the spot and promised to cooperate with Ivan.

Ivan unhurriedly hung Hammer behind him, and only pretended to be caught up by him when he passed a remote path.

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