The Hulk who had been sent flying by Evil before came back at this time. Looking at the body of Evil standing there motionless, he sent him flying with a savage charge, and then rode on his body and punched him. on his head.

Every time the evil was hit with a punch, Bronski felt a sharp pain in his body, which was transmitted from the body to the soul. The Hulk didn't know that the evil had lost the ability to resist, and the more he hit, the more excited he became.

But Yang Jian didn't allow him to continue fighting like this, otherwise he would really be killed. Once again, a ball of orange-yellow energy was condensed in his hand and thrown, covering Hulk's body. Flying into the air, he was dragged in front of Yang Jian involuntarily, no matter how much he struggled and resisted, it was useless.

"Hulk, Dr. Banner, we need to talk."

Yang Jian repeated his old trick, jumped into the air and slapped the Hulk's chest with a palm, and a soul was shot out, it was Bruce Banner. Without the soul of Bruce Banner, the Hulk did not lose the ability to move like the evil one , still struggling there.

"Although it's the first time we've met Dr. Banner, I've heard your name a long time ago. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Bruce Banner was in a daze at this time, and he hadn't figured out what was going on. His memory stayed in the memory of jumping off the plane and smashing into the ground, and then he lost consciousness. He finally regained consciousness, but his state seemed a little wrong , Hulk is next to him, and he seems a little translucent, is he dead?Only one soul left?

"Sir, please don't hurt Bruce, he is innocent." Dr. Banner's girlfriend, Betty, rushed over to protect the Hulk in spite of his father, General Ross's stop. She is really a silly woman. There is such a girlfriend, Bruce Banner Also with really lucky.

"Betty, I'm here, that's not me, I'm Bruce..." Dr. Bubanner was happy when he saw his girlfriend protecting him so much, but at the same time he was afraid that she would be hurt. Unfortunately, Betty couldn't listen at all. to his words.

"Don't worry, Miss Rose, I won't hurt anyone, but it's not your boyfriend, Dr. Spanner, who is being protected by you now, your boyfriend is here."

As Yang Jian spoke, he threw out another ball of orange energy, which landed on Bruce Banner's soul body, and immediately his soul was dyed with a layer of color, revealing his figure in front of Betty.

"Bruce? Is it you? What's the matter with you? Why is this happening?" Betty looked at Bruce Banner in a transparent state, with a look of surprise on her face, she reached out to pull him, but her palm went through Bruce's Body.

"Betty, it's me, you can see me! That's great, you couldn't hear me calling you just now." Bruce not only showed his figure, but also had a voice when he spoke.

"Bruce, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Betty made you worry, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, as long as you're okay."

The young couple confided to each other, and then realized that there were outsiders present, and the mysterious person next to them might be the culprit of all this, and they stared at Yang Jian warily at the same time.

Bruce Banner asked: "Sir, who are you? Why did I become like this?"

"I think you have already guessed, now you are in the state of the soul, I knocked out your soul from the body, but there is another soul in your body, that is Hulk, although the body is strong, but the soul is weak It's very weak, and it won't take long to get seriously damaged if you leave your body."

Yang Jian turned his head to look at the Hulk who was fixed in mid-air and couldn't break free for a while. Hulk's strength is very strong, and the angrier he gets, the stronger he becomes. Even if Yang Jian can stay still, he can't last long.

"Hulk, I can let you go, but you can't do it casually anymore, understand? Taking this opportunity, as a mediator, let you communicate with Dr. Banner, which is good for both of you."

A ball of white light radiated from Yang Jian's hand, and sprinkled on the Hulk. The Hulk and Ke, who had been in a state of rage, calmed down slowly, with a gleam of clarity in their eyes, and looked around curiously.

Yang Jian put Hulk on the ground and gave him the ability to move freely, but he didn't completely take back the orange energy, just in case, if Hulk showed signs of making a move, Yang Jian could immediately restrain him.

"Dr. Banner, I know you have always rejected Hulk, but what I want to tell you is that Hulk is actually the most innocent. Although he came from you, he already has his own consciousness. It's like I beat your soul out, but he can still control this body, which means that he is already an independent existence, a life, but this soul comes from you and is closely related to you. If you die, he will You can't survive, you are two consciousnesses sharing one body."

"How is this possible? Am I schizophrenic?" Bruce Banner was a little unbelievable. She always thought that the appearance of Hulk was a disease, and she always wanted to cure herself, get rid of Hulk, and restore her original appearance , but now it seems that it is not as simple as he imagined.

"Nothing is impossible. Your condition is rarer than schizophrenia. You have created another life. The current one is good, but it is actually equivalent to a huge baby. He has no bad intentions, although he was too powerful to hurt you. There are many innocent people, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that they are all forced. Every time Hulk appears when you are in crisis, what can Hulk do in the face of other people's attacks? Think about it, if you were facing a large group of people shouting and shouting, how would you choose?"

"I..." Bruce Banner was speechless for a moment, it really was such a situation, he was hunted down for no reason, of course he would resist, he couldn't wait to die.

"Hulk's mind is still a baby, and now is the time when he lacks the most care and environment. Although he comes from you, it doesn't mean that you can decide everything for him. If you want to touch his life, he will of course resist. So try to accept Hulk, communicate with him more, care about him, teach him, and stop rejecting him," Yang Jian took Hulk's blood before, and now doing some ideological work can be regarded as repaying the favor.

"I think I understand what you mean. I won't target Hulk so much in the future. Do you have any suggestions on what to do?" Bruce class looked at Hulk who was next to him, although he was a little scared, But I decided to try to communicate with him.

"You are in the same body, as long as you don't repel him so much, you should be able to communicate spiritually. Just treat him as a child, teach him some simple common sense, and accept each other. After all, he is of the same root as you The existence of the same origin, after being mentally attuned, should be able to fuse together temporarily, and then there will be a super existence with the power of the Hulk and the wisdom of Dr. Banner."

"Is the perfect Hulk? It seems very good, maybe it is really possible." Bubanner seemed to have some ideas, and lowered his head in thought.

Taking this opportunity, Yang Jian turned to look at Bronski, walked up to the soul body, condensed a wisp of black air with her fingertips, and lightly touched the forehead of the soul body, the black mist immediately penetrated into the soul, Then Yang Jian released his confinement, stretched out his hand to grab the void, and the evil body was moved over and merged with the soul.

"Bastard, go to hell!" As soon as he regained his ability to move, he clenched his fist and threw it down at Yang Jian.

With a sneer on Yang Jian's face, Yang Jian didn't even move a bit. When the vicious fist fell halfway, he felt a sharp pain, his body would lose the ability to move, and fell to the ground with a bang.

"How did this happen? What did you do to me?" Evil lay on the ground, cursed loudly, and tried to sit up, but his body seemed completely out of control.

"I have left a thread of soul in your soul, as long as I am willing, I can kill you at any time, but I am not a bloodthirsty person, I just control your soul, restrict your actions through the soul, and There is an order left in the depths of your soul, as long as there are evil thoughts in your heart, the soul silk will play a role, making you lose the ability to move, and it will take half an hour to recover."

"Damn it, you despicable and shameless villain actually plotted against me, and I will kill you when I recover. I am the strongest, and no one can defeat me."

"You still don't know how to repent, do you think you are strong? If you are really strong, how can you be knocked down by me?"

"That's because you, a despicable and shameless guy, plotted against me with evil tricks. I won't admit defeat." Evil roared crazily, and suffered the heaviest physical and mental blows. He couldn't accept that he, who had obtained such powerful power, was hit by someone. Putting it down, I thought that after the injection of the super-enhanced serum, he was vulnerable to the Hulk West, making his efforts a joke.

Chapter 238: The Universe Rubik's Cube

Seeing Evil like this, Yang Jian became dazed in pursuit of power, and refused to admit defeat after losing the power of resistance, or rather unwilling to admit it, it was useless to persuade him, so Yang Jian simply left him there and sealed him with magic mouth, so as not to be noisy and annoying.

"Okay, Dr. Banner and Ms. Rose, let's stop your chatting here. It's not good to expose the soul to the outside for too long. I'll let the soul return to its place first!"

Yang Jian pointed, and Banner's recorded soul flew up, pushing it on the Hulk, and the two merged into one. Hulk was confused for a moment, then looked at his girlfriend not far away, and said, "Be... Betty!"

The Hulk’s voice was a bit dull when he spoke, and he might not be used to it, but Betty was pleasantly surprised. In the past, the Hulk basically seldom spoke. He just yelled Hulk when he was furious, but now he can directly call the Hulk. Betty's name shows that she has maintained a semblance of sanity, which is a good start.

"Bruce, it's me. Everything will be fine with me here." Facing the Hulk's huge figure, Betty was not afraid, and threw herself into the Hulk's arms and cried. It seems that she really loves her boyfriend .

The Hulk seemed a little uncomfortable with this situation. Looking at the girlfriend in his arms, he wanted to pat her on the back to comfort her, but he was afraid that he would hurt his girlfriend with too much force.

When General Ross, who was standing not far away, saw this scene, his eyes almost burst into flames. Could he not be angry that the cabbage he had raised for many years was kicked by a pig?

Although Ross didn't like Bruce Banner at the beginning, he didn't object to their relationship so much, because although Bruce was just a dick at that time, he had a Ph.D. in physics after all. It's a good match with Betty.

But later, because of an experiment accident, Bruce Banner's gamma ray burst caused his body to mutate, and he became a Hulk, a powerful monster that can't be killed.

Although General Ross is an iron-blooded soldier, cold-blooded and ruthless when facing the enemy, he still cares about his daughter very much. How can he rest assured that his daughter can continue to get along with Bruce, coupled with his obsession with the power of the Hulk, so He would hunt down Bruce Banner at all costs, and force his daughter to sever ties with Bruce Banner, but it still seems to have failed, which made him dislike Bruce Banner.

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