The Hulk hated Skye for beating him so much, and wanted revenge, so he screamed and killed Skye.

Even if Skye was afraid of him, white light gushed out of his fist again, and he was about to smash it out.

But at this moment, Natasha's voice suddenly came to his ears, "No, Skye, stop quickly, if you continue to attack, the entire Helicarrier will be smashed to pieces by you."

Skye glanced around involuntarily, and found that cracks had appeared on the metal walls of the Helicarrier. Skye's punch just now injured the Hulk and also caused huge damage to the Helicarrier, which was unbearable. Shen Kai's second punch.

Skye couldn't help but stop for a while, but after such a hesitation, the Hulk had already rushed in front of Skye, and a huge fist hit him down. If Skye was hit by this, even if her physical fitness is already that of a super soldier Level, I'm afraid it will be smashed into meat sauce.

Chapter 252 Meow Meow VS Hulk


Meow, who had been lying on Skye's shoulder at this critical moment, raised his head, a cold light burst out in his eyes, and then he opened his mouth, and an energy cannon compressed to the limit was fired instantly, blasting on the Hulk.

This energy cannon was more than ten times more powerful than Ivan's energy beam before. The Hulk flew upside down and smashed into a metal wall. His whole body was stuck on the second metal wall, and he couldn't escape for a while.

The petite Meow Miao fell from Skye's body, and her body rapidly inflated like a balloon, turning into a two-meter-tall monster in an instant. .


Under the effect of anger, the Hulk's body swelled again, and the metal wall was torn apart, and he jumped out, regardless of rushing forward.

Miaomiao was not afraid, kicked her limbs, her body turned into a streamer and rushed out, and the two behemoths chose to collide head-on.

Boom!Boom! ! !

Two big guys bump into each other, you give me a punch, I give you a claw and wrestle together, rolling continuously, rolling from one side to the other, smashing all the obstacles they pass by, it is the most Raging demolition workers.

With a bang, it was Meow Meow who was punched flying by the Hulk. It seems that the Hulk is slightly better in terms of strength.

Miaomiao also found that she was not strong enough, so she immediately changed her fighting style, her body flexibly twisted in the air, quickly stabilized her figure, and her four legs hit the wall one by one with lightning bolts. Flicking across the side, the sharp claws left two scratches on the Hulk's chest.

hoo hoo hoo! ! !

The Hulk recovered from his injuries quickly, and then chased Meow Meow for a while, punching and kicking, but Meow Meow flipped and jumped in your narrow space, giving full play to the advantages of cats' flexibility and swiftness, and the Hulk couldn't touch him at all A little bit, and the more the Hulk couldn't hold back, the more angry he became.

Natasha looked at Meow Miao, who had turned into a giant beast, and was shocked again. Then she glanced at Ivan, Skye and Dabai, and sighed again, what kind of monsters are these people?

Has been able to transform into a two-meter-high behemoth, a kitten fighting the Hulk, a beautiful woman with a shock wave ability, a mechanical life with telekinetic power, plus the control of a more advanced steel suit than Iron Man The technical Ivan, if the four of them are separated separately, the strength is probably stronger than the entire Avengers Alliance. With such a powerful force, can Nick Fury be able to control it?

Just when Natasha was thinking wildly, there was a change in the battle. When Meow passed by the Hulk again, he wrapped his tail around his neck, threw it into the air, and then fell down heavily with a somersault .

Boom! ! !

There was a roar.The entire Helicarrier was shaken three times, and countless cracks spread around the Hulk, which should have been considered a fruitful attack by Meow Meow.

But this time the Hulk, who was burning with anger, actually endured the pain, grabbed the tail wrapped around his neck, and refused to let go. Meow meow twitched hard and couldn't break free, but the Hulk seized the opportunity. I shook it with all my strength, and then Meow Meow's nightmare began.


The plot of the Hulk beating Loki crazily was staged in advance, but the main character in the painting was replaced by Meow Meow, who was picked up by the Hulk again and again and fell to the ground again and again.

This feeling is so sour, even if Miaomiao has been strengthened by monster cells from the world of One-Punch Man, and her body is not even inferior to Hulk, but being beaten so crazily is still painful, and finally she is completely angry. The shape shrank rapidly, and turned into a kitten in a blink of an eye. It broke away from the Hulk, opened the distance, and then turned into a two-meter-high monster again, "You pissed me off, prepare to die!"

Miaomiao opened her mouth, and the energy gathered in the mouth flickered, and the energy became more and more violent, and it looked like she was holding back her big move.Getting married.

hoo hoo hoo! ! !

The Hulk doesn't have much brains, he only has one word for anger, reckless!Roaring and running, every step was a violent shock, rushing forward with an aura of no return.

At this time, the energy in Meow Miao's mouth also reached its limit. It opened its mouth wide, and a half-meter-thick beam of light shot out. The destructive energy hit the Hulk's chest in an unbiased manner.

The Hulk felt a strong crisis at the moment when the beam of light approached him. Under this pressure, he actually recovered a little bit of reason, and instinctively crossed his arms in front of his chest to block the oncoming beam of light.

Ow! ! !

The hulk let out a scream that was louder than before, and the skin of the two arms seemed to be scorched and began to fall off, and even under the bombardment of energy, some parts of the bones were faintly exposed.


The Hulk smashed through several layers of metal walls in a row, and Meow Meow's energy was released. After the beam of light disappeared, the Hulk's figure was revealed. At this time, the Hulk was extremely miserable, and the whole person seemed to be dry, especially the two arms. Most of the muscles and skin were destroyed by the energy of the beam of light, and the bones were exposed, as if they might die at any time.

However, the Hulk is the Hulk, and his vitality is unbelievably strong. Such a serious injury, he recovered visibly with the naked eye. Although it was slower than before, it took only a dozen seconds before and after, and the wound muscles twisted and healed up. Mostly.

Seeing this scene, Miaomiao rushed up and clawed wildly, taking advantage of the Hulk's inability to move, leaving scars on his body, but this was nothing to the Hulk, the first claw was on him Leaving a wound, the second claw has not fallen, the previous wound has recovered, and the speed is faster than before, how can this be played?

Miaomiao was speechless, and finally realized the helplessness of those who fought against the Hulk before. The angrier she became, the stronger she became. Every time she was knocked down, she became stronger when she stood up, even if Miaomiao’s strength was considered the top. , but in the face of the bug-like existence of Hulk, there is still not much chance of winning.

Scratching wildly and constantly using energy attacks, the Hulk could only passively cross his arms to cover his head and chest, resisting Meow Meow's storm-like attack, and the blood spilled from his arms and chest was extremely terrifying, but The recovery of the injury time and time again made the Hulk's anger gather more and more, like an active volcano that might erupt at any time, the majestic power faintly coming out of the body made Meow Miao tremble with fear, but she dared not stop the attack , once stopped, and was counterattacked by the Hulk, Miaomiao could almost guess her own tragic situation.

"Find a way to throw Hulk off the space carrier, or we will all die." Looking at the dismantled space carrier, Natasha finally couldn't help it. It was completely torn apart by two monsters.

Miaomiao thought for a while, and felt that it was a good idea to throw the Hulk down, so she immediately changed her combat method, and while continuing to fight, she lured the Hulk towards the edge of the Helicarrier. Just leave, leave it to me."

Skye, Ivan and the others glanced at each other, and knew that staying here would not be of much help, so they nodded immediately, and with the help of Dabai's thoughts, they flew up and flew towards the upper floor of the Helicarrier.

When Skye and the others walked out of a passage and turned a corner, they saw a burly man shooting an arrow with a bow. The mechanism on his arrow injected the virus into the control system of the Helicarrier, causing the second engine to fail, and the Helicarrier immediately Started leaning down.

Seeing this scene, Skye immediately raised his hand, ready to use the shock wave to kill the enemy, but before he could do it, Natasha's voice sounded again, "It's Hawkeye Button, don't hurt him, he was killed by Luo. base control."

Skye had no choice but to withdraw his hand again, turned his head and said to Dabai behind him: "Come on!"

Dabai nodded, stretched out two big fat hands, and aimed at Hawkeye Void.

After Hawkeye finished his attack, he was about to change his position, but at this moment, an invisible force enveloped his whole body, and he was imprisoned there, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free.

Then Dabai made a move, Hawkeye floated into the air, and was pulled over by the uncle's telekinetic power, Natasha immediately seized the opportunity to rush over, punched hard on the head, Hawkeye rolled his eyes and passed out .

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