"Hey! Is what I just said a little too much? It seems to be so, why don't you apologize to them next time? But now I'd better go home, put my wife in my arms and sleep, and then go to my son. If you let me go to bed, I won’t be able to sleep alone.”


In the DC world, when Yang Jian was at the lighthouse of the Yang family, a robot disguised as a butler immediately greeted him, and Yang Jian asked casually, "Number Zero, have you found Arthur?"

"I'm sorry Master, Master Arthur turned off all communication devices, and he found and threw away the positioning device you put in his clothes before. I can only search through satellites, but I haven't found anything so far."

"Hey, this brat is getting better at hiding. He used to be easy to find. The most he could do was to have a drink with someone in that remote town. Once he found one, he didn't go to the town anymore. Speaking of which, recently For a while, the people in the small town have not enough food, right? Shouldn’t he catch some fish there at this time? Why hasn’t he made any action until now, is it delayed by something?”

Yang Jian was thinking about something, walked to the bedroom unknowingly, just pushed the door open, and was hit on the head by a pillow.

"I still know that when I came back, I didn't see anyone for a whole day. Where did I go? Did I get tired of playing with my old lady and went out to hunt wild food?"

Yang Jian hugged the soft pillow and looked at the shockingly beautiful wife Atlanta in front of her. She was clearly a queen, but a series of swear words that didn't fit her temperament came out of her mouth.

Yang Jian's face couldn't help twitching, and she lamented: Why did my wife become like this?Where did the once noble and graceful queen of Atlantis go?

I thought so in my heart, but on the surface, I didn't understand my feelings at all, and hurried forward like a dog licking, and said: "Wife, where are you thinking? With a wife as beautiful as you, what kind of woman can be in my heart?" eyes, am I going out to find Arthur?"

"Don't play dumb here. You think I don't know. This is just your excuse. You handed over the matter of finding Arthur to number zero, but you played outside in the dark." Atlanta didn't like Yang at all. Jane's set.

Yang Jian burst into tears in her heart, woo woo woo!God, please return my original wife quickly, I can't live through this day.

In fact, the reason why Atlanta became like this, in the final analysis, was Yang Jian's own fault.

You must know that everyone's changes are affected by the environment. In the past, Atlanta was the queen, and her family was responsible for the glory of the entire Ria Atlantis. She should maintain her dignity as a king at ordinary times. Come out the temperament of the queen.

But later, he was sacrificed to the Trench tribe, accidentally fell into the sea treasure in the center of the earth, and fought against all kinds of dangerous creatures every day. Every moment was extremely tense, but when he returned to the human world, he instantly relaxed and felt A son, with a husband, should have tried to be a good wife and mother.

However, Yang Jian came up with a method to use the mother box to extract the energy in it to enhance her strength. Naturally, Atlanna was also the beneficiary, and her strength became stronger day by day, but in order to prevent being discovered by Atlantis, she did not dare to To show off my strength, I have to put on makeup even when I go out to prevent being recognized. I can’t vent my energy, and I watch too many sex dramas on weekdays, so I started to develop in the direction of Sassy Girl.

"My wife, forgive me. I really didn't look for a woman outside. I just drank some wine. You know that because Arthur ran away from home and was in a bad mood, he inevitably drank too much. The reason why he came back so late, It’s because I went to the town that Arthur usually likes to visit. It stands to reason that he should go to deliver fish to his friends in the town during this time period, but there is no trace of him. What trouble did you get stuck on?"

"Is that so?" Atlanta looked at Yang Jian suspiciously.

"Of course, I can't lie to my beautiful wife if I lie to anyone." Yang Jian looked at his wife sincerely without blinking, and at the same time kept saying to herself, I am a white lie. He didn't do anything to be sorry for his wife.

Atlanta looked at it for a while before she believed Yang Jian's words, "Do you really think I'm pretty?"

"Of course, now I want to have another little Arthur with you, what do you think?"

"You know how to coax me nicely, come up quickly." Atlanta said with a coquettish expression.

"I'm here, wife, woohoo!" Yang Jian instantly turned into a midnight silver wolf, and naturally a gut-wrenching battle ensued.


After the passion, the two are still entangled together, talking in whispers.

"In this way, Arthur may really be in trouble, but with his strength, there shouldn't be any danger, otherwise he would have contacted us long ago."

"My wife is right, I think so too."

"Hey, am I a bit of a mother who doesn't care about my children enough? Arthur has run away from home."

"How can you blame this? It's that brat's own problem. I'll spank his ass when I come back."

"You're not allowed to say that about Arthur..."

"Okay, okay, don't say it, my wife is always right."


While Yang Jian and Atlanta were communicating intimately, in a mysterious bar in Los Angeles, Arthur was arguing with someone, and the other party found a handsome face, it was Arthur The friends I made some time ago, but Arthur doesn't know it yet, and his character is also scumbag.

The bar Arthur is in is of course not an ordinary bar, but a bar opened by a mage and businessman and only open to members. There are a large number of dark creatures here. Because of the principle of neutrality, there are everyone, and they are very good at intelligence. , his name is Midnight Bar, and its owner is Midnight Papa.

Midnight Bar, because midnight refers to midnight, at that moment, impartial, located in the middle of the day, the principle of Midnight Daddy is neutral, absolutely neutral, neither leaning towards the day nor the darkness , can also be understood as between justice and evil.

"John, it's not that I don't want to help. It's that I'm really in a difficult situation. You should know that I sneaked out this time. If you call my father now, isn't it self-inflicted?"

"Arthur, my best friend, don't you have the heart to see such a beautiful girl as Aguila being killed by a demon? What's more, it's just a phone call, not asking you to go back, just hurry up and do it as quickly as possible." Just ask about the situation quickly, so that he can't find out where you are." The person named John persuaded.

"No, no, he can definitely find it. You don't know my father's ability at all. He can easily mobilize satellites and use the monitoring equipment in the entire Los Angeles. I usually have to disguise myself when I go out, otherwise I would have been discovered by him long ago. It's gone." Arthur couldn't help shaking his head like a rattle, and he didn't want to go back, he knew his father's ability very well, not to mention how could there be a super robot like Zero, who couldn't detect his own signal.

John's eyes lit up when he heard what Arthur said. His new friend's father is really not easy. He can even mobilize satellites. No matter what the reason is, he is definitely a golden thigh. It seems that he has to find a way to ensure his safety. , if it is not necessary, try not to sacrifice as much as possible.

No, no!I can regard him as a friend, and I never sacrificed his thoughts. Who am I, I am the most loyal John Constantine, the famous witcher, the only one who entered hell and came out, the most loyal up.

That's right, the person who is persuading Arthur is the famous demon hunter in the DC world, John Constantine, who is known as the Encyclopedia of Magic, and even saved the world, but he has another nickname - Zha Kang!

Chapter 262 Arthur's Help

As far as Constantine is concerned, he is not a bad guy, he is handsome, and he is definitely not like in the plot of Hell Detective. He is proficient in magic, and he even has the title of Encyclopedia of Magic.

In the DC plot, Constantine even saved the world several times, but the most pitiful thing is that his method of saving the world is at the expense of the people around him every time. It's a bad thing.

Speaking seriously, Constantine is really good to his friends, and he will do his best to help people around him when they are in danger. It is precisely because of this that there will be some friends around him who treat him sincerely.

If possible, Constantine doesn't want his friends to have accidents, but the problem is that every time there are always unavoidable situations, the end result is that his friends are dead, but he lives well, it's like a curse The same, and he seems to be used to it, deliberately doing certain actions to keep his friends away from him, that's why he is called Zhakang.

It was an accident that Arthur and Constantine met in the middle of the night a month ago. When Constantine was hunting a vampire, he accidentally met Arthur on the streets of Los Angeles. At that time, the vampire had been injured by Constantine and continued to suck blood. He put his idea on Arthur, but he didn't expect Constantine to chase him at the critical moment, and the vampire wanted to take Arthur as a hostage.

Needless to say, our Mr. Vampire had a tragedy. Arthur was beaten three times and fell to the ground. After learning that he was a vampire who killed countless people, he twisted his neck.

Zha Kang almost stared out his eyes. You must know that night is the time when vampires are at their strongest, and this vampire is one of the strongest in their clan, with strong strength and unparalleled speed. What happened to the person who introduced the trap, wounded him with holy water, silver, garlic and other weapons, and was not his opponent at all to research money?Stronger and faster than a vampire, it took down a powerful vampire so easily.

After Constantine confirmed that Arthur was not a vampire, he took the initiative to invite him to have a drink, and the two became friends. Constantine also wanted to find out Arthur's identity, but Arthur ran away from home this time, in order to avoid Yang Jian, of course, would not expose herself, but the two still became friends, drinking and drinking occasionally. As a demon hunter disguised as a detective, would Constantine encounter some powerful dark creatures and sometimes invite Ya If Arthur helps, Arthur will not refuse.

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