"It goes without saying, of course it's a hostile relationship?"

"Wrong! In my opinion, hell and heaven are the best partners..."

"This is impossible!"

"Why is it impossible? Whether it is an angel or a devil, they are far stronger than humans, but why have they been very honest and have not invaded the earth?"

"That's because of the agreement between hell and heaven." Arthur and Constantine have been hunting demons during this time, and they also know something about hell and heaven. The two sides made an agreement that no one can directly intervene Human beings have the right to make their own choices.

"Hehe, so you are too naive. You also believe in this kind of thing. If the agreement is effective, there will be no war in this world. The reason why we exist is because they need us. Heaven needs human beliefs, and hell needs human beings." But the question is, both heaven and hell need humans, but do humans need them? The answer is, humans don’t need them, we don’t need angels, we don’t need demons.’”

Yang Jian's words flashed through the hearts of everyone present like lightning, tearing apart all the hypocrisy, and undisguisedly revealing some things that exist with care and maintenance.

"Father, what exactly do you mean?" Arthur already had a guess in his heart, but he didn't want to say it out. If it was really what he thought, then everything would be too bad.

"What I mean is very simple. Humans yearn for heaven only when they face the threat of hell and the killing of devils. This matter may not only be the devils in hell, but there may also be people in heaven. Perhaps this is the relationship between hell and heaven. Another cooperation, of course, only the high-ranking angels or devils must know the inside story, and the little guys below may not know."

"How is this possible? It's absolutely not true. You must, must be lying, right?" It wasn't Arthur who spoke this time, but Constantine who had been sitting next to Arthur. He was very excited at this moment .

Constantine couldn't help but be excited, because he has been hunting demons hard all the time, in order to hope that he can go to heaven after death.

When Constantine was a child, he showed a unique talent. He was able to see the real body of angels and demons.

But unexpectedly, after he fell into hell, he walked out of hell with the help of the angel Gabriel, because he had seen the most terrifying things during that trip to hell, and he was absolutely unwilling to enter hell after death. That's why I yearn for heaven.

But for those who have committed suicide, heaven refuses to accept it, so Constantine chooses to become a demon hunter, hoping that he will make contributions, get a different view from heaven, and be able to enter heaven after death. Now his lung disease has reached the advanced stage, at most He can still live for three months, but now he knows that heaven is not as beautiful as he imagined, and it can even be said to be the same as hell, which is hard to accept for a while.

"Who are you? I'm talking to my son, it's none of your business!" Yang Jian was very dissatisfied with the person who suddenly interrupted, and said cursingly.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Constantine coughed twice to calm himself down. Although he was very uncomfortable, there were some things that had to be clarified.

"Hello, Uncle, I am Arthur's friend, my name is John Constantine, and I am..."

"What! You are Zha Kang." Unexpectedly, before Constantine finished speaking, Yang Jian on the other side screamed. This reaction was really too big.

When did Yang Jian understand why he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity when he heard what Arthur said before? This is clearly the plot of Hell Detective.

After Yang Jian came to this world, he also had Robot No. [-] investigate some of the more famous figures in the dark world, and Constantine was one of them.

However, this Constantine is not as simple as shown in the movie. He can only fight the devil with weapons such as holy water and mithril. He is proficient in all kinds of magic and is a well-known magic master, but his deceitful characteristics will never be different. Will change, whether it is an enemy or a friend, whoever touches who will be unlucky.

"Arthur, please listen to me clearly, cut off ties with this bastard immediately, go home immediately, absolutely do not mix with him, it is too dangerous."

Arthur was stunned, he didn't understand why his father had such a big reaction when he heard Constantine. He didn't have many friends, because his hometown would cut off ties with just one word, which was really unacceptable.

"Father, what you said is too much, my friend didn't offend you, why..."

"Shut up! You don't even know how bad that guy is. I don't want white-haired people to send black-haired people."

Constantine is also a little unclear at this time, so the other party seems to know him very well, and even knows his nickname Zha Kang, but Constantine is very sure that he absolutely does not know such a big shot.

"Uncle, I think you have misunderstood me. I, Constantine, are the most loyal. If you don't believe me, go ask who you are, I don't know..."

"Shut up, I said it's not for you to talk." Then the tone of Yang Jian and the two turned helpless again, "Forget it, with your mouth that can turn black into white, and the dead say life, I'm afraid My son has already been limped, so I can only find another way, next I will buy an insurance for my son, you wait for me."

"Hey! Hey! Uncle, don't mess around. What did you do? What kind of insurance do you buy?" For some reason, Constantine had a very bad feeling at this moment, and kept calling, but the other party didn't mean to answer at all, just from time to time There was a strange sound.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that the voice came from the opposite side again, "It's done, Constantine, if you dare to cheat my son, prepare for bad luck."

Constantine was inexplicable, "Uncle, what did you do?"

"It's very simple. I just spent [-] million U.S. dollars to release a killer mission, and the target is you, Constantine. However, for this mission to take effect, one condition must be met. My son died unexpectedly or three days later, what? Is this a good way?"

Now Constantine was dumbfounded, boss, you are too rich, did you spend [-] million sticks for some inexplicable reason?Boss, you can't do this, Constantine burst into tears.

"Pfft! Hahaha!" Those "people" who had been cheating in the bar couldn't help laughing, seeing Konstantin's miserable appearance one by one, not to mention how happy they were.

Some of these people in the bar have a good relationship with Constantine, and some have a feud with him, but they still have some understanding of Constantine's characteristics that everyone is cheated, whether it is a good relationship or a bad relationship. He always keeps him at a respectful distance. Although he is tricked from time to time, he can only bear it in his heart and dare not provoke him easily.

But now someone is finally able to turn Constantine against him, and finally let out a breath of anger. You must know that although Constantine is proficient in magic, he is still an ordinary person in terms of physical fitness. The end, so he can be killed by hot weapons, even if he is usually careful, but the tiger always dozes off, saying that these killers are not unreasonable, and he doesn't know when to give him a shot The gunshot headshot was aimed at Constantine's weakness. Some people in the bar were thinking, could they use the same method to deal with him in the future?

After all, Arthur is not a fool. Thinking of Yang Jian's previous evaluation of Constantine, coupled with the reactions of the people around him, he couldn't help but wonder if he was really a swindler for educating his friends. He couldn't help asking: "John, Are you really..."

Constantine, who was even more distraught, raised his head and looked up at Arthur pitifully, "I'm sorry, I lied to you, but I really didn't mean to hurt you. I really treat you as a friend. In the past, those of my friends were killed by me, and I also regretted it, but I thought you were so strong that you should be enough to protect yourself, so I didn't tell you."

Looking at Constantine's appearance, Arthur was both angry and funny. At this time, he was still quibbling, wishing to beat him up, but his heart softened soon. Arthur didn't have many friends either. It was rare to make a friend, and he really didn't want to lose it just like that.

"Father, Constantine should be the fate of the lone star of the evil spirit you once said. I don't think this incident can be entirely blamed..."

"Stop! You don't need to think, I have the final say on this matter, well, don't worry, as long as you are fine, the killer mission will naturally not start, and I will cancel this mission after three days, it should work right?"

"Uh! Okay, Dad, listen to you, what about my other friend Angela? If she is really targeted by a big devil, there is almost no chance of her surviving."

Yang Jian on the opposite side pondered for a while, and then said: "Well, later, you take that girl named Angela to where you live, and I will wait for you there. Then, help her check her body and see if there is any What can I do?" Yang Jian disconnected the communication immediately after speaking.

At this time, the atmosphere in the bar became weird, Constantine looked spoiled, and Arthur and Angela didn't know how to comfort him, and the people around looked at Constantine with gloating eyes.


A loud bang interrupted the strange atmosphere in the bar. When everyone looked up, a middle-aged man in a suit and with his hair combed back was thrown in. This surprised everyone. This is the territory of Midnight's hometown. Playing wild here?Don't you want to give Midnight Papa face?

But they soon discovered that it was actually the owner of the bar, Father Midnight himself, who made the move this time.

Now everyone was silent, and pushed them to the corner, for fear of being splashed with blood. Father Midnight is not a good man and a believer. Before he became the owner of the Midnight Bar, he was a well-known demon hunter on the road. He died at his hands There are countless dark creatures in the world. The reason why he can open a bar, entertain all kinds of alien creatures, and become a so-called neutral place depends on his strong strength, so that everyone has to sell his face. No one dared to say anything more.

The middle-aged man in a suit stood up while supporting the chair next to him. One of his legs was broken, so he was a little unstable. He stared at Father Midnight and said sharply: "Midnight, do you know what you are doing? You want to Break your neutrality."

"Balthazar, if the earth is ruled by your devils, then neutrality will not exist. It is because of my principle of neutrality that I will attack you. Tell me honestly, which devil is planning to descend on the earth?"

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