Glory Godfrey, the master of manipulation, can twist the will of a large number of people to submit to him. His sister, Magical Grace, has the ability to agree. The power of the two brothers and sisters working together is even stronger, and almost no one can resist it. Stop their brainwashing.

In addition, there are some people. The dark elites add up to about fifteen or six, but you don’t have to worry. Although Darkseid has a lot of talents, he controls too many universes, and he needs his men to guard them. Otherwise, he will also have a headache when people from other universes resist, so there are at most three or four dark elites who invaded the earth this time, and it should not be difficult to solve with our strength. "

Having said that, but after listening to Yang Jian's introduction, none of the people can feel at ease. Being a member of the Dark Elite Group is definitely not a simple thing. In addition, Darkseid may come with a clone at any time, who knows Can the earth hold up?

Just when everyone was confused about the future of the earth, this Batman suddenly received a signal, he seemed to have communicated with someone, and after a while, he turned around and said to Wonder Woman: "I've already prepared the plane for you." Yes, it is definitely the fastest in the world today, but can you fly a plane? Do you need me to send someone to take you?"

Wonder Woman said confidently: "Don't worry, flying a plane is nothing to me. I went to the battlefield during the First World War. At that time, I couldn't fly. In order to improve my mobility, I specially Learned to fly a plane."

"That's good. Originally, I planned to have someone send you off, but now it seems that I have done nothing."

Soon everyone came out of the underground garage and watched Wonder Woman get on the plane and leave, but Yang Jian's face was a little weird, because Yang Jian suddenly thought of a problem, Batman is a person who is extremely insecure. He likes to formulate targeted plans for everyone's weaknesses, so he is probably using this opportunity to locate Paradise Island and prepare for possible conflicts between humans and Paradise Island in the future.

Of course, Yang Jian just thought about it in his heart, it might not be like this, the most important thing now is to prepare for the next battle.

After some discussions, Batman proposed to cooperate with the national government to deal with the upcoming alien invasion, and let everyone find some helpers as much as possible. Everyone agreed, and after some discussion, it was decided to continue The action of coming down is leaving.

Yang Jian directly opened the space door and returned to the undersea base under the lighthouse. He found that the undersea base had been destroyed badly at this time, especially some high-tech equipment that could not be bought were completely destroyed. Yang Jian was so angry that his face turned red. It seems that there is a fire burning in his chest. These things have cost Yang Jian countless efforts, and many of them are equipment obtained from other worlds.

Tatata! !

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, and Yang Jian looked up, but it was the No. [-] robot who was a housekeeper and looked exactly like Yang Jian.

"Number Zero, what's going on? Why was the undersea base so easily invaded by Steppenwolves? Could it be that the mechanisms I designed were breached so easily?" Yang Jian stared at Zero with wide eyes. , as if if you don't give a satisfactory answer, you will tear it down.

"No! In fact, the Steppenwolf did not break through the defense. He appeared here directly. Not long ago, a burst of energy suddenly erupted from the mother box, opening a space channel, and the Steppenwolf was able to come here. You designed The defense system is against external intrusions, and the internal defense is very weak, so Steppenwolf can easily snatch the mother box and escape."

Yang Jian was immediately embarrassed when he heard the words, and only then did he realize that he had made a simple mistake. Judging from the plot of Justice League, the mother box has self-awareness, and summoned Steppenwolf at the right time.

As for why it was much earlier than in the original plot, Yang Jian also figured it out. The mother box will transform a planet into an environment similar to that of Apocalypse, and transform the life on the planet into a demon-like body. Absorb energy from the planet to maintain a balance, but since the mother box fell into Yang Jian's hands, the family has been absorbing energy from it for many years to strengthen the body, only going out but not in, the energy is constantly being consumed, and the mother box can't stand it!That's why he chose to betray and summon the Steppenwolf in advance.

Chapter 279

Yang Jian managed to suppress the embarrassment in his heart, and asked again: "Well, I was wrong about this matter, but you can't stop Steppenwolf, so can't Muto? Although it may be exposed, but the mother box You also know the importance of not letting Muto touch?"

Although number zero is just a robot, Yang Jian treated him as a normal life in the way he talked to him, because the number zero robot has been transformed into a Transformer, a real life, so even Yang Jian would Maintain the most basic respect.

"Sorry, master, Muto got angry and went to play in the deep sea area alone."

"Angry! Why are you angry? Did you get into trouble with him?" Yang Jian was a little puzzled. At the beginning, Yang Jian specially asked for a muto egg from the chaotic space. After hatching, it was fed with the energy transformed from the mother box. It has grown into a complete body, and it is bigger than in the movie. It is more than 400 meters tall and has a wingspan of nearly [-] meters. It is even worse than the two kings Godzilla and Gidola in the Godzilla movie. , because what it absorbs is the higher-level energy extracted from the mother box, and the body undergoes some kind of evolution.

Thinking about it carefully, it’s no wonder that the mother box would summon the Steppenwolf and the others in advance. Not to mention Yang Jian Arthur and the others absorbing the energy of the queen mother, and Muto, a giant like this, the energy required is simply incalculable, even the mother box can’t hold it!And Steppenwolf seems to have also received the news from the mother box, knowing that there are some powerful beings on the earth, so he didn't come alone like in the original plot, but found a few helpers.

Don't look at Mu Tuo as a titan, but in fact he is very smart. With the help of equipment, he can communicate directly with Yang Jian and Arthur, but he is a little childish.

"I have to ask you! It was you who made an appointment with him to go to the depths of the ocean, but he hasn't been seen these days. He thought it was you who broke his promise and was very angry, so he went alone."

It was only then that I remembered the cause and effect of the incident. Originally, it should be the task of Arthur and Xiaoshui to play with Muto, but because Arthur ran away from home, he also took Xiaoshui away and left Muto here by himself. It grew a little lonely, and its temper became more and more irritable, so Yang Jian offered to take it to the deep sea to play.

Originally, Yang Jian was about to act, but she didn't expect Gabriel and Mammon to stay in Los Angeles for more than ten days, completely forgetting about Muto.

"Muto went to the deep sea by himself, why didn't you stop him? Also, it's not that I broke my promise, but I was delayed by other things. Didn't you explain it for me?"

"I've explained it, but do you think it's useful? Muto is self-willed and you're not here. How can I stop him?"

When it comes to Number Zero, he is full of resentment. As a Transformer, Number Zero can invade the Earth's network at will, and of course he knows exactly what happened in Los Angeles.

The submarine base is Yang's base camp, and No. [-] is Yang Jian's most powerful assistant. He can control the internal high-tech equipment with ease. Even if people on the earth attack with nuclear bombs, he is sure to defeat the enemy.

But the problem is that Muto can use the existence that can treat nuclear weapons as snacks, and he can't kill him. After all, they are all his own people. How can we stop them in this situation?

Yang Jian was embarrassed again. Thinking carefully about what he had done recently, he always made some inexplicable small mistakes. All kinds of coincidences added up to allow Steppenwolf to easily take away the wooden box. Otherwise, Muto Absolutely teach him to be a man every minute.

Yang Jian walked up to the communication equipment that had just been repaired by Number Zero, and after some operations, he quickly connected to the communication equipment that had been implanted in Muto's body a long time ago. He sincerely apologized and promised a bunch of Good thing, this is how to coax Muto well.

A ferocious beast with a triangular head in the depths of the sea swallowed a whale more than ten meters long in one gulp, and then opened and closed its mouth, as if expressing some good intentions, and its blood-red eyes revealed humanized joy. The two pairs of huge limbs in front moved forward, and at the same time, a pair of wings flapped, accelerating in the water and heading towards the lighthouse. All the underwater creatures on the way avoided, for fear of being swallowed by this fierce beast.

Although Yang Jian coaxed Mu Tuo well, he held his breath in his heart all the time, and secretly calculated in his heart that when he found the whereabouts of Steppenwolf and his party, he must teach them a good lesson and let off steam.

"No. Zero, haven't you found the whereabouts of the Steppenwolf? This time the work efficiency is a bit low!"

"You can't blame me! Apocalypse's new technological level is obviously several grades higher than that of Earth. There is no comparison at all. They deliberately hide their whereabouts, and I can't help it."

"What about the mother box? You know his energy fluctuations best, right? Can't we start from this aspect?"

"I've tried it, and the energy fluctuations of the mother box have completely disappeared. It seems that Steppenwolf and the others have thought of this, hiding the energy fluctuations of the mother box."

"That's it, then wait a little longer. Their purpose is to conquer the earth and transform the humans on the earth into demons. They will do it sooner or later. When the time comes, they will be dealt with directly. Now we can only prepare and be patient." waiting."

At this time, Yang Jian suddenly found that Atlanta was hesitant to speak, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't make up her mind.

"What's the matter, my dear, what's the problem? Is there anything we can't say between us? Or is it that you are fascinated by seeing your husband and I being so handsome?" Yang Jian said and stretched out two Hooked Atlanta's chin with his fingers, looking flirtatious.

If it was Atlanta before, she would definitely slap Yang Jian's palm away and give him a blank stare, but this time Atlanta did nothing unexpectedly.

"I...I want to go back to Atlantis. Protecting the earth is not just a matter for land people. Atlantis should also do its part. Facing the invasion of Apocalypse, so is Darkseid. Powerful, we should gather all our strength so that we have a chance of winning."

"No!" Yang Jian shook her head and refused without hesitation. At this time, she didn't understand what Atlanna was thinking. After all, she was still worried that Yang Jian would risk her own life, so she wanted Atlantis to join in. Add a bit of grasp.

"I know you are worried about me, but the problem is that you are no longer the queen of Atlantis, you are my wife and Arthur's mother in your heart, if you return to Atlantis at this time, it will inevitably cause a crisis. A struggle for power caused Atlantis to fall into chaos, which is more painful than death for you, you must know that you would rather be sacrificed to the Trench Race than break the peace of Atlantis."

Although Yang Jian spoke harshly, she was still very happy in her heart, because Atlanna really put Yang Jian in the most important position, and would rather choose to harm the interests of Atlantis, who had given everything for it, than Adding one point to the chance of winning, in the final analysis, I was afraid that Yang Jian would use the so-called hole card and encounter life danger.

But if you are happy, Yang Jian will not show it, and the problem of principle cannot be broken. If Atlanna is really allowed to return to Atlantis, not to mention the consequences, will the husband and wife reunite again? Separation, even if Atlanna succeeds in the end, Atlantis is willing to help fight Steppenwolf, but if you take the initiative to speak up, you owe Atlantis a favor. The debt of favor is the most helpless, who knows how to repay it, Yang Jian may not care about it, but as for Atlanta, if she is run over by someone with a heart, she might make Yang Jian regret her decision, so Atlanta must not go to Atlantis, and she must not even let them know Atlana is still alive, at least not until Arthur becomes Aquaman.

"But..." Since Atlanta heard that Yang Jian's life might be in danger, she racked her brains to find a way to solve the predicament in front of her. She finally came up with an idea, but she didn't expect to go to Yang Jian, but she didn't want to, so she was in a hurry Cried.

"No but! You have some confidence in me, okay? What's more, even if Atlantis joins the battle, it won't play a big role. They are only good at submarine warfare, and at most they can only fight against some small characters like demons. They are useless against the Steppenwolves, I have already thought about it, if it is really a matter of life and death, let Muto make a move, and kill a lot of demons with one move, it is absolutely suitable for clearing the field."

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