The Yang family raised their hands, and the surrounding sand and stone gathered together to form a sharp spear that was about ten meters long, turned into a stream of light, and shot it at the kind grandma.

The kindly grandma slammed down the crutch in her hand, an invisible force radiated out, forming a barrier around her, and the stone spear shattered when it hit the barrier

Yang Jian looked at the barrier carefully, and said with a smile: "Your protective shield is very good, but do you think it can stop me? Look at my flaming arrow!"

A ball of flames emerged from Yang Jian's hand, jumped up to a height of more than ten meters, gathered and condensed in the air, and gradually formed a fiery red arrow. With Yang Jian's finger, it turned into a red light and shot out.


The flame hit the transparent barrier, and it exploded immediately. The flames filled the air, and the barrier rippled. Grandma's face turned pale, and a trace of bright red blood leaked from the corner of her mouth, but she still blocked it.

"It's really you, it can block this, well, I'm watching this move, Giant Fist!"

The ground squirmed for a while, slowly rising, and then turned into a huge arm, clenched its fist and smashed it down.

boom! ! !

This time there was more movement than before. Grandma Cixiang spat out a mouthful of blood, and the area covered by the anti-barrier shield sank half a foot.

"Even my giant palm is blocked, but this should be your limit. If it is the rock giant before me, you can't stop it at all. No wonder you sacrificed your own men to destroy me. The rock giant, but since I can create a rock giant, I can definitely create a second one, it just consumes some energy."

The kindly grandma turned her head to look at the space door, with a trace of despair in her eyes. The space door is not completely stable yet. Darkseid's power is too strong. If she breaks in, it will easily cause the space door to collapse. It will take some time, but now the kindly grandma The most lacking thing is time. The purpose of destroying the rock giant at all costs before was also to delay time.

Yang Jian once again condensed a huge arm, this time nearly [-] meters high, "Then...farewell, old woman, if there is a next life, I hope to remember never to invade the earth, because this is where you alien invaders belong." grave."

With a bang, a huge fist came down. This time, the kind old lady didn't have the slightest resistance, the barrier was directly smashed, and then the kind old lady was smashed into meat paste.

"It's done!" Yang Jian withdrew his hand, with a calm expression on his face, "Steel Gu, it's up to you next."

Yang Jian and the others quickly dispersed, knocking the demon-like demons into the air, buying time for the steel bones.

The steel bone smiled confidently, and stretched out his hand to press on the mother box. The mother box was gradually separated, and the space passage also showed signs of tightening.Victory is at hand!

At this moment, Yang Jian suddenly felt a palpitation, as if something dangerous rushed out of the space channel.

Yang Jian believed in his intuition very much. The stronger the person, the more accurate the intuition. There must be something extremely terrifying when rushing to the opposite side of the space. , quickly drew a circle.

The steel bone who was concentrating on separating the mother box suddenly felt a strange movement under his feet. He looked down and found a high-speed rotating ion aperture appeared under his feet at some point. With a scream in his mouth, he fell down.

Chapter 287 Darkseid Appears

Batman Isabel and the two naturally saw Yang Jian's actions and didn't understand why he wanted to attack his own people.

But soon they understood what was going on. Two scarlet rays of light shot out from the space channel, passing through the position where the steel skeleton was before, but because the steel skeleton disappeared, the scarlet rays of light fell into nothingness. Still a little reconciled, he miraculously made a detour and shot towards the space door where the steel frame fell.

However, Yang Jian was prepared, and before the bloody red light could catch up, Yang Jian waved his hand, and the space door disappeared immediately.

boom!The scarlet light hit the ground, leaving a deep pit with a diameter of tens of meters.

The scarlet light lost its target of the steel frame, but did not take it back. There was a cold hum from inside the space channel, and the scarlet light turned again, attacking like Yang Jian.

"Good come!"

Yang Jian let out a loud shout, raised his hands, strung up flames several meters high, and then quickly shrunk, forming a line of fire in a blink of an eye. Pushing his hands forward, the flames compressed into a line collided with the bloody red light .

Yang Jian's attack combines the characteristics of the eternal fire, which is already the top energy attack in the DC world rankings. Unfortunately, it is still far inferior to the omega ray. The two energies just stalemate for a while. He defeated Yang Jian's attack and continued to kill him.

Yang Jian had no choice but to quickly control the venom armor to squirm on his chest, forming a thick layer of armor.

With a bang, the berserk force directly sent Yang Jian flying. Of course, this is not the most important thing. Although the impact of the light is powerful, it is not enough to hurt Yang Jian. What is really terrible is that Yang Jian can feel it. There is a destructive power in the red light, and the activity of the part of the venom on the chest is being wiped out. Yang Jian can only separate and discard that part of the venom to remove the destructive power.

Yang Jian stood up again, the venom armor on his chest squirmed and recovered, at least on the surface.

It's just that no one saw Yang Jian's horrified look hidden under the mask. Although Yang Jian's strength became stronger, the venom seemed to only assist in the battle. It was worn by Yang Jian as a suit of armor, but in fact the venom was Yang Jian's foundation is his life-saving trump card, because venom possesses power that does not belong to this world, and it is also the basis for contacting the chaotic space, and can be used to deduce and record various power systems that he has encountered.

Originally, Yang Jian thought that there was nothing in this world that could destroy the venom, but now it seems that the situation is not as good as he imagined, although the venom was only destroyed a small part just now, and it only takes a few minutes to completely destroy it. recover.

But again, this is just an attack transmitted by Darkseid from a distance through space, and it is very likely that it is just a clone. If it is the main body, if it is the main body, can it completely destroy the venom if it is attacked face to face with all its strength?And just now Yang Jian used the venom to deduce the energy form of the power of Omega, and the data he got was very little. To get effective data, he had to suffer at least a dozen times.

After the scarlet light repelled Yang Jian, it did not continue to attack, but quickly retracted and circled around the mother box, like a protective net, protecting it inside.

"Ah!" "Ah!"

Two screams came from behind, but it was Arthur who suddenly killed the Whip Girl and the Claw Girl. The other party was a woman after all, and Arthur planned to be merciful, but seeing Yang Jian being beaten away, Afraid and seemed to be injured, he was a little worried, and he didn't care about delaying with them, so he directly killed the two women with ruthless hands.

"Father, are you okay?" Arthur came to Yang Jian and asked with concern.

"Don't worry, this little injury is nothing." Yang Jian waved his hand. Yang Jian consumed most of his energy in the attack just now, and the rest was blocked by the venom. Although he looked embarrassed, he was not injured.

Arthur turned his head and looked at the scarlet ray that went around and around to protect the mother box, and said in amazement: "This omega ray is too amazing, it can still play like this, that guy Darkseid How did you do it? Also, what kind of existence is Yuga Khan who is stronger than Darkseid?"

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Arthur felt that when he said the name Yuga Khan, the omega ray seemed to tremble.

At this moment, Arthur didn't know at all what kind of turmoil was in Darkseid's heart who was passing through the space channel. He didn't expect to hear the name he listed as taboo in this place.

Yang Jian noticed something, glanced out of the space channel, and showed a strange smile, "Otherwise, how could the power of Omega be called one of the most powerful forces in this universe? It can directly erase life Power of existance."

Arthur scratched his head and looked at the mother box, "What should we do now? You can't just watch like this? Is there no other way?"

Yang Jian spread his hands helplessly, "At least I can't crack this kind of omega rays now, unless I use the hole card, or you try."

Arthur shook his head quickly, "Forget it, I don't want to die yet."

"Yeah, I don't want to die, so let's be honest. After all, no one wants to face such a terrifying power."

The hole card in Yang Jian's hand was used to deal with Darkseid. If the hole card was used, even one of Darkseid's avatars could not be killed, it would be too shameful.

"I'll do it!" Someone stood up at the critical moment, but it was Superman.

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