
Yang Jian finally realized the feeling of the Hulk beating Loki, it was so cool. Every time Darkseid's body fell, it carried a terrifying destructive force, the ground vibrated like a drum, and the surrounding ground kept shaking. As it sank, the splashing gravel and gravel burst out, and the shock wave swept in all directions one after another, rolling up turbulent air and directly changing the topography of the seaside.

Darkseid, as a majestic dark monarch, encountered this kind of treatment for the first time, which is a shame in his life.

Buzz! !

Darkseid's eyes were murderous, and the omega ray shot out, making a detour and stabbing Yang Jian.


With a bang, Yang Jian waved his hand and shattered the omega rays, but Darkseid's goal had been achieved, and when Yang Jian was distracted, he kicked Yang Jian away.

call out!

Yang Jian had just stabilized his figure in mid-air, and Darkseid had already caught up, and the Omega rays shot out again, hitting Yang Jian.

Yang Jian was going to slap the omega rays to pieces, but at this moment, a fist was continuously enlarged in front of Yang Jian, and it hit Yang Jian's chin hard.

Although the omega ray can't break through the defense, it can involve a lot of Yang Jian's energy, and Darkseid can take the opportunity to strike.

Omega rays and fists bombarded Yang Jian in turn, and the momentary home was suppressed, flying higher and higher, and soon surpassed the atmosphere, attracting the deep space of the universe.

Superman on the ground, led by Arthur, and a group of members of the Justice League, watched the two red dots break through the atmosphere and away from the earth, looked at each other speechlessly, and looked like they didn't know what to do. It's useless, I can't get in!

Everyone turned their heads to look at Arthur at the same time. At this time, they had two choices. Either follow up to see the situation, even if they couldn't help, at least have some psychological comfort, or everyone ignored Yang Jian and turned around to deal with the demon-like army, solving the problem on the ground. Besides, Arthur must decide how to act, because it is his father who is desperately in space.

Arthur gave a wry smile, and said helplessly: "It's a pity that I can't fly, otherwise I will definitely chase after him. Now I can only trust my father. Let's get rid of the demons first."

The superheroes could see that Arthur was worried, felt uncomfortable, hated his own weakness, and made up his mind to find ways to increase his strength after returning.

Batman said coldly: "Don't be depressed, team fighting is like this, everyone has a different division of labor, we just need to do what we are good at."

Although what Batman said makes sense, everyone still can't get over the hurdle in their hearts, especially Superman and Wonder Woman. What are they best at, and where are they in the Justice League?After all, isn't it a combatant?But now facing the enemy, he can only watch from the sidelines, which is really a blow.

Everyone turned their heads to kill the demon-like army with their own thoughts. Arthur held a water fork, and he set off a huge wave, engulfing the guardian mother box demon-like, and forced a passage. Superman and Wonder Woman joined forces to kill The fish that slipped through the net, Batman didn't do anything, but told Cyborg to come over and close the wooden box as soon as possible, so as to prevent the army of demons from continuing to invade the earth. "

Originally, after Darkseid appeared, the demon-like monsters no longer appeared, and only some elite demon-like monsters guarded around the mother box, but now the action of the superhero gate obviously attracted the attention of some people on the other side of the passage. A large number of demons began to emerge to prevent the Justice League from closing the mother box.

At the same time, Kalibak and Steppenwolf also received the news, and they began to retreat regardless of continuing to fight the enemy. The mother box was the key to their contact with Apocalypse. Their pace of invading other universes has been hindered, and this time they must not be lost again.

Chapter 292 Victory

Yang Jian and Darkseid stood in the void of the universe, and the aura around them became condensed, and invisible fluctuations centered on the two of them, rolling away in all directions.

As the strongest new god, Darkseid can cross the universe with his physical body and survive without air, but when he saw Yang Jian floating in the void as if nothing had happened to confront him, although he was prepared in his heart, but in his eyes Still showing a hint of disappointment.

Darkseid deliberately transferred the battlefield to the universe to see if Yang Jian could survive in the universe. After all, human beings on earth cannot live without air, let alone resist the low temperature in outer space. After thinking too much about Darkseid, Yang Jian had already found a way to survive in the universe.

The two were tens of meters apart, and with the burst of energy, the deep space seemed to be whining, some invisible matter swayed, and the black air current was churning up and down.

Darkseid looked at Yang Jian carefully, and at this time he had noticed that Yang Jian's body was abnormal, and said coldly: "It seems that your condition is not very good, although I don't know what method you used, you can use some The power of a great existence does not come without a price, if you exceed the limit that your body can bear, you will probably collapse directly."

It is impossible to transmit sound in the universe, but the strength has reached the level of Darkseid, and some simple spiritual communication methods have been learned by themselves, and what Darkseid said just now is directly transmitted through spiritual communication.

Not long ago, Yang Jian obtained some regular abilities of the Soul Gem from the main body, and of course there is no problem with spiritual communication.

"You're right. My body does have a limit to what it can carry, but you're not much better. Now the energy in your body is in a state of overload, and the damage to your body is more serious than mine. If you continue to fight like this , the first one who can't hold on must be you."

"Really? Then let's try and see who can't hold on first."

When the two parties were talking just now, they had already adjusted their breath and recovered their peak state. They burst out their own energy in an instant and nodded their heads. In the next second, their fists collided loudly. Win or lose.


As the two fists collided, the shock wave visible to the naked eye vented in all directions, and even burst out the light of the naked eye. Yang Jian and Dakseid's arms trembled together, and they closed their fists as if they had a heart, and then swung out again.


At this time, the two had given up their skills and moves, and used the most common straight punch attack, one punch, two punches, three punches... Each punch formed a cosmic storm, and the violent energy tore each other, annihilated, and collapsed. The aftermath swept across the four directions, centered on the two of them, black air currents rushed wildly, as if a storm had been set off in the void, and the space was constantly distorted.

Both of them originally had unlimited strength, speed, agility, and endurance, like a tireless fighting machine, and this machine also has unparalleled defensive power, recovery ability, top-level fighting skills, and can continue to fight without sleep. But at this time, the watchers didn't want to waste time, and chose the most violent way to decide the outcome.

"Consecutive ordinary punches!" Yang Jian yelled violently, and waved both of them, as if countless fists were hitting Darkseid.

And Darkseid also completely gave up his defense, letting the dense fists hit his body, and he also threw his fists at Yang Jian.


Yang Jian's bright orange head was punched more than a dozen times, but it was still dazzlingly bright, while Dakseid's head was directly deformed by the blow, a few teeth fell off, and he flew into the void of the universe and disappeared.

Soon Dakseid's body was directly smashed and deformed, with only one arm left in all four limbs, but Dakseid still did not give up. There was a buzzing sound, and the scarlet Bumiga ray sprayed out. One blow gathered all of Darkseid's power.

"Are you still not giving up? Then I will give you the final glory and destroy it in despair! Kill! Serious punch!"

Yang Jian's body was full of light, and he punched out, showing a kind of power to destroy the world and slaughter the gods. The golden light on the fist flashed, blooming like fireworks, and turned into a fist shadow blasting at Daxai On De, the terrifying power erupted in an instant!The King of Darkness, Lord of Apocalypse, and the strongest new god Darkseid disappeared in an instant, without even resisting. space storm.

"It's finally killed! Although it's just a clone, it's still a major victory," Yang Jian panted violently, his body began to shrink, and he quickly returned to the shape of an ordinary person. The mask on his face fell apart again, forming a golden war. A protects Yang Jian.

"Hiss! Hiss!" As soon as he returned to normal, Yang Jian felt a sharp pain all over his body. After careful inspection, he found that the muscles all over his body were broken. If the venom had not been working hard to repair the damage to his body, Yang Jian would have been dead.

Enduring the pain, Yang Jian took out a celestial bean and threw it in his mouth, chewed it up and swallowed it, but surprisingly, the celestial bean failed to exert its due effect and only recovered part of the injury.

"That's right. After all, this is the damage caused by the force that broke the limiter. It is not so easy to recover. It can only be recuperated slowly."

Yang Jian turned around and returned towards the direction of the earth. Because of the bursts of severe pain from his body, Yang Jian did not dare to fly too fast, lest he would suffer from the injury.

On Earth, at the moment of Darkseid's death, Kalibak and Steppenwolf were stunned at the same time, some couldn't believe the message they received, they regarded it as a god, and the invincible Darkseid was like this Got killed!Although it is only a clone, its strength is also the top in the multiverse, dozens of times stronger than them, but such a powerful Darkseid has encountered an unprecedented fiasco on such a backward planet. in a dream.

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