"Are you sure you don't want to know? You must know that this is related to your son, and he will be born soon after calculation."

"Son!" Bruce hadn't said anything, but Alfred, the housekeeper, exclaimed!This news made him very excited.

Chapter 294 Catwoman

Alfred, the old housekeeper, has served Wayne for many years, and he is absolutely nothing to say about his loyalty. After Bruce's parents were killed, he shouldered the responsibility of taking care of Bruce. He was both a father and a mother. aldult.

During this period, the old housekeeper not only had to take good care of Bruce, but also had to help with the company's affairs, which was really heartbreaking.

I thought that Bruce would be relaxed when he grew up, but I didn't expect that this careless old man would become Batman, fight against the dark forces, and protect Gotham City, which made the old butler helpless.

In fact, the old butler doesn't want Bruce to be a Batman or a superhero to fight crime at all. He just hopes that Bruce can live an ordinary life in peace, find a girlfriend to get married quickly, and have a young master. Can move, help take care of the next generation of Wayne family heirs.

However, Bruce turned a blind eye to the expectations of the old butler, and had no idea of ​​passing on the family line at all. He devoted himself to being Batman, but the old butler was helpless. For his safety, he helped inquire about the news, so he had no energy to deal with the company's affairs. Occasionally, when Batman encountered a crisis, he had to act as a butler himself, which made him even more tired before.

I have to say that the old butler is omnipotent and knows everything. Ordinary people only see how majestic Batman is in fighting against the dark forces, but they don't know how much of it is the result of the old butler's painstaking efforts to find out information for him. It can be said that Batman's A large part of the success is due to the old steward.

But the biggest regret of the old butler has not been made up for. Every time Batman goes out, he is worried. He is afraid that Batman will be in danger. Now the Wayne family has no heir. He was about to despair, but unexpectedly Suddenly heard the good news, the master actually gave birth to a son outside.

"Sir, where is my future young master? Who is his mother? I'll take her over now." The old butler stared at Yang Jian with bright eyes, not to mention how excited he was.

Bruce frowned and said unhappily: "Ah Fu, what do you want you to do? It's not certain whether this matter is true or not, and I haven't made a decision on how to do this matter."

"Master, you can make up your own mind about other matters, but you must listen to me on this matter. No matter who is pregnant with the young master, then she is the mistress of our family and must be taken home." The old housekeeper said in a very tone His voice was tough, and there was an undeniable taste in his tone.

"The mother of the child is a bit troublesome, her name is Miranda, she is the daughter of a ninja master, I think your master knows it all too well.

Regarding this point, I have to say that your master is a proper scumbag. He didn't talk about sleeping with him, but he didn't want to be responsible, and he left after getting a big belly.

Miss Miranda hated your master deeply. In order to avenge his ruthlessness, she had already decided to give birth to the child, teach him, and let them have a life-and-death confrontation between father and son to vent their hatred. "

"What! How dare this vicious woman do this." Hearing this, Batman couldn't sit still, and couldn't help sitting up from the sofa.

Bruce put Miranda to sleep at the beginning, it was because of special circumstances, he needed to win the trust of Master Ninja, although he was a little sorry for Miranda, but he thought he had made up for it as much as possible. It's so ruthless.

"It's too much!" The old housekeeper couldn't help scolding!His eyes were red with anger.

Bruce seemed to be comforted when he heard the housekeeper agreeing with his words, "Ah Fu, you also think that woman has gone too far. This kind of woman is not suitable to be a wife. You must not bring this kind of woman into your home."

"Master, I mean you are too much, how can you treat the future mistress like this? Hurry! Hurry up, go and apologize to Miss Miranda, take her home and take good care of her, so that she can raise her baby with peace of mind. We can't let the young master of our Wayne family suffer a little damage, or my crime will be serious."

Bruce's eyes turned black all of a sudden, it's still my fault, do you know who that woman is?The daughter of Master Ninja, she has always been ruthless. If I don't break up with him, I might be slaughtered by him at any time.

It's a pity that the old butler doesn't care about Bruce's thoughts at all. At this time, the young master is the biggest, even if you are the master, you have to stand aside.

"Sorry, sir, we have very important things to do now, and we can't entertain you. Please forgive me. We will find a way to make up for it in the future." The old housekeeper was a little too excited, and the meaning of these words could not be more clear. Yang Jian left, and immediately went to find his young master.

"It's okay, it just so happens that I should go too." Yang Jian was not angry either, he could feel the old butler's mood at this time.

"Thank you for your generosity. By the way, do you know where Miss Miranda lives now?"

"I really don't know about this, but your master should be clear. After all, they are old lovers. They know each other relatively well. It is not difficult to find someone. Well, let's say goodbye." Yang Jian got up and walked out.

Originally, at this time, the host should send Yang Jian off, but at this time, neither the old butler nor Bruce was in the mood. The old butler grabbed Bruce and walked out. His action was not at all like that of an old man, but more serious than that of a young man. quick.

Soon Bruce was dragged by the old housekeeper to the Batcave, drove out of a high-end car, and then directly closed the Batcave, and set multiple passwords, even Batman himself could not enter. On a big lock.

Bruce became anxious when he saw his butler's actions, and hurriedly said: "Ah Fu, what are you doing? Why did you seal the Batcave? I have to..."

The old butler interrupted Bruce's words with a wave of his hand, "There is no future, master. You can't go out to be Batman for a while. The first task is to coax Miss Miranda well, and other things have to be sidelined."

"Ah Fu! Don't make decisions for me, I haven't said..."

"No, this matter is decided like that. I don't care about the previous matters. The young master is the most important thing. I will go with you to see Miss Miranda. I must invite her back. No matter what excessive demands she has, You have to deal with it, well, now you drive, I have to think about what baby products to prepare, you must use the best, prepare in advance, or you will be in a hurry when the young master is born." The old housekeeper At this moment, he was so strong that he couldn't tolerate Batman's opposition.

There was a smile on Yang Jian's face. When he walked out of the Wayne family's gate, his unusually sensitive ears could still hear the voice of Batman arguing with the old butler. He tricked Batman, and Yang Jian became happier the more he thought about it.

Yang Jian is very aware of Batman's temperament. Although the two of them are chatting and laughing on the surface, secretly Batman must be researching ways to deal with him. Maybe he has already started to design the anti-golden armor.

If it's someone else, Yang Jian doesn't have to worry, but Batman is different. He can be said to be one of the smartest people in the DC world. In the comics, Batman drives the Hell Armor and directly enters Darkseid's lair. Apocalypse fought Darkseid to a close, but that was the main body, not the avatar. You can imagine Batman's research and development capabilities.

Yang Jian wasn't sure if Batman could develop a battle armor specifically for him, but it was definitely right to trick him.

It was already midnight when Yang Jian left Wayne Manor. Because he was in a good mood, he planned to enjoy the beautiful night scenery of Gotham City, so instead of using the space door to return to the lighthouse, he floated in the sky leisurely with flying magic. To prevent being seen by others, stealth magic was specially used.

Night is the time when crime is most likely to breed, especially in Gotham, where the folk customs are simple and honest. Robbery and murder happen all the time.

When Yang Jian flew across a street, he suddenly felt a strange wave, stopped involuntarily, turned around and flew in the sensed direction, crossed two streets and came to a building, just in time to see a man carrying a The long package came out.

Yang Jian could be sure that it contained a corpse, because Yang Jian sensed a ray of life and death, and he should have died not long after the situation.

The two loaded the corpse into the car, started the car and drove away expressionlessly. It was obviously not the first time they had done this kind of thing.

Yang Jian had no intention of making a move from the beginning to the end, because something more interesting caught Yang Jian's attention.

In a dark corner, a kitten has been staring at the crime from the very beginning, and after the vehicle left, the kitten chased after it, its flexible and vigorous body constantly shuttled between tall buildings, Always chased behind that car and was not thrown off.

The smile on Yang Jian's face became wider and wider, and he was very sure that this little cat was not simple, because the strange fluctuations that he wanted to feel before were transmitted from this cat. In Yang Jian's perception, it was a kind of The fusion of the two forces of life and death.

"Very interesting kitty, what's the secret about you? What's the relationship with that woman? Now it's a good show."

Yang Jianfei followed the little cat unhurriedly in the sky, and the little cat followed the car again, and came to the suburbs unknowingly.

The car that pulled the corpse came to a forest in a barren mountain, dug a hole by a river, buried the corpse in it, quickly returned to the car, opened the accelerator to the maximum, and soon disappeared.

After waiting for the car to leave, the little cat quickly jumped down from a tree, came to the place where the corpse was buried, raised its paws and started digging.

The package that had been buried not long after was resurfaced, and the sharp cat's claws cut the package open, revealing a woman's body.

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