"Actually, you don't have to leave. You should know that I have no desire for power. You can..."

"No need, now I just want to get the golden trident as soon as possible, and have a hearty fight with you. No matter what the final result is, I will not regret it. I hope you will be a great king."

Although Aum lost, he didn't have much resentment. He looked relaxed at this moment, but deep down in his heart, he had a ray of obsession. He already regarded Arthur as his opponent for life, and wanted to win him once .

"Well, I respect your decision and hope to hear good news from you sooner."

Aum turned to look at Mera again and asked, "Can you tell me when you took her side?"

Mera understood what Aum meant, and didn't deny it, "You should know that I was opposed to war against the land people from the very beginning, and I have been trying to stop it. In fact, you should know it too, right? After all, you have installed tracking on me. device."

Aum was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, everyone is not a good person, let alone Ah Er, don't blame anyone.

As for Vico, Orm didn't even ask. He had always opposed Vico's war against the land people, and he had been in contact with Arthur for a long time, and he was his mother's confidant. It was normal to stand on Arthur's side. .

Aum summoned his mosasaur mount, and was about to leave, but at this moment, he suddenly thought of something, with a trace of panic on his face, "That's enough, Arthur, I forgot to tell you, I sent someone to your residence earlier , planning to get rid of you and your father, I'm afraid I've already done it now, mother is in danger!"

After hearing Aum's words, Arthur not only didn't panic, but looked at Aum with a strange expression and said, "I don't think you are worried about your mother, but your subordinates."

"No, you don't understand. This time I sent the most elite men, and I even bought a landman and gave him the first weapon. Even I dare not say victory easily."

"That's because you don't know the horror of your mother, and the defense power over the lighthouse is stronger than you imagined. Why do you think I have such a strong power?"

Seeing Arthur's confident face, Aum vaguely understood something, and immediately felt relieved, "That's good, I should go!"

Orm took one last deep look at the brightly lit Atlantis, and patted his mosasaurus lightly.It quickly disappeared into the depths of the sea.

"Ah...Your Majesty, are you just letting him go?" Vico asked hesitantly after seeing Aum disappear.

"What else? Are you really going to kill him? No matter what he was before? At least he's not so annoying now, is he?"

Vico was stunned for a moment when he heard this. Indeed, after this blow, he could feel that Orm had really changed. If Orm had always been like this, maybe he wouldn't let Arthur overthrow him to fight for it. throne.

At this time, Mera also nodded in agreement and said: "Indeed, Aum looks much more pleasing to the eye now. If he had had such an awareness, the matter would not have developed to this point. Forget it, let's not talk about it." Now, Arthur, what are you going to do next?"

Arthur thought for a while, and said: "I have to go home first, just in time, you come with me, I want to take you to meet someone, Vico, I want to leave the matter of Atlantis to you gone."

"Are you going to see Her Majesty the Queen? I really didn't expect that the Queen is still alive, and I have been lied to by you for so long!" Vico smiled wryly. If he had known it earlier, it might be more convenient to go to the Queen directly.

"Sorry, I didn't deliberately hide it from you. It's really important."

"Okay, no need to explain, I can understand, you go and come back quickly, after all, there are some things that need to be handled by your majesty yourself."

Mera was about to drive the submarine, but Arthur grabbed her and said, "We'll change the vehicle this time, Xiao Shui, it's up to you!"

The blue battle armor on Arthur's body suddenly softened, and after breaking away, it formed a jelly-like mass in front of the three of them, and then wriggled and expanded rapidly, turning into a three-meter-long dolphin, emitting a shining blue light, which was abnormal. It's beautiful, and there are two seats on its back.

The dolphin automatically bent down, and Arthur showed a satisfied smile on his face, "Beautiful Princess Mera, please!"

Mera looked at this beautiful dolphin in amazement, sat on it gently, and found it very comfortable. She couldn't help reaching out to touch the dolphin's skin, and found that the touch was exactly the same as that of a real dolphin. It's hard to imagine that this was changed from a mass of jelly-like things.

Arthur smiled and sat on it too. The dolphin flicked its tail lightly, made a wave of water, turned into a blue light and rushed out in an instant. The speed was a little faster than the submarine that Mera was driving when it was up.

It didn't take long for the two of them to come to the surface of the sea. At this time, the dolphin changed again, shrinking in size and turning into a blue horse, walking on the waves on the sea. Arthur held Mera in his arms, as if The gods descended from the earth.

Mera felt the sea breeze blowing in front of her, and couldn't help being intoxicated by it. The smile on Arthur's face was even bigger, and his mood was so excited!The theory of picking up girls learned over the years has finally come in handy. Women need romance.

After confirming the direction, Arthur accelerated Xiaoshui's horse and galloped towards the lighthouse.

Chapter 302 Black Manta Ray


On the beach not far from the lighthouse, the masked Atlanna punched out an Atlantean warrior wearing a red armor, and the armor on his abdomen clearly appeared A fist mark, and fell into a coma immediately after landing.

At this time, more than a dozen figures had fallen in disorder on the beach, and the only remaining Atlantean warrior swung a sword and chopped off from behind Atlanna.

Atlanta seemed to have expected it a long time ago, turned around suddenly, and grabbed the opponent's wrist, no matter how hard the opponent tried, she couldn't fall down.

Atlanta snatched the saber and threw it aside, grabbed the opponent's neck with one hand and lifted it up, and crushed the opponent's mask with the other hand, the sea water inside the airtight armor flowed out, and the person immediately had difficulty breathing , struggling violently, but it was a pity that nothing could be done, Atlanta's strength was too much stronger than him, and she couldn't break free.

As Arthur said, what he should worry about is not his father and mother, but Aum's subordinates.

After Atlanta learned that Austria sent his men to assassinate, she asked Zero to step up her efforts to detect the movement around the lighthouse, and this force was discovered as soon as it appeared.

It was just a bit unexpected, in addition to the elite fighters of Atlantis, there was also a small team of land people. Atlanna didn't show any mercy, and directly controlled the sea water to form waves to beat over.

Fortunately, those Atlantean fighters lived on the bottom of the sea, and their equipment had strong resistance to waves, but the land team was miserable, basically wiped out, and only one survived.

The warrior held by Atlanna had a middle-aged face after the mask was crushed, and a pair of dark circles were particularly eye-catching. This man was known by Atlanna and was once the strongest under Ovax. .He should be the strongest fighter under Aum now.

If it was before, Atlanna might not have defeated him, but over the years, Atlanna has been continuously strengthened by Yang Jian with the mother box, and her strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and she was severely injured with just a few moves.

What Atlanta didn't know was that in the original plot, the warrior's performance was very eye-catching. First, in Atlantis, he confronted Arthur head-on, knocked Arthur unconscious and captured him alive. After that, Arthur was captured by Mae. After Ra was rescued, he was ordered to hunt down and choke Mera's neck with one hand, almost killing Mera.

It's a pity that he is not the protagonist, without the aura of the protagonist, he was finally killed by Mera, perhaps because he had scruples about Princess Mera Zebel's body, and he didn't kill him immediately, so Mera seized the opportunity and destroyed his armor. Being able to plunge headlong into the toilet to breathe with water has become a funny classic chow mein in the movie.

Atlanna didn't intend to kill him, and when she saw the Atlantis warrior with black eyes in her hand was about to die of suffocation, she threw him into the sea with force, and Atlantis was temporarily Panting violently in the sea water, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go back and tell Aum that you are not allowed to come here again, otherwise I won't be so polite next time we meet."

Atlanna glanced at the people lying on the ground with dead bodies. All the Atlantean warriors struggled to stand up, scrambled and crawled back into the sea, and left without looking back. In the end, only one body was left. Wearing a black battle armor, with a round head, a pair of big blood-red eyes, and a guy who can release laser beams, the battle armor on his body is shattered in many places, and half of his helmet is shattered. Seeing a black face, this is a black man on land, definitely not an Atlantean warrior.

If Yang Yangjian were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this is the famous villain in the DC world, Black Manta Ray. The line personally killed Arthur and Mera, and there is also a timeline that killed the children of Arthur and Mera, which caused their relationship to break up and even turned against each other. Therefore, if Yang Jian is here, he will kill the black manta without saying a word , so as to avoid future tragedies for Arthur.

It's a pity that Yang Jian is still busy doing research in the laboratory, and Atlanta doesn't know the situation.Great opportunity missed.

Atlanta looked at Black Manta, "You should be from land, why did you choose to betray and help Atlantis instead."

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