In terms of strength, Arthur was still superior, retreated less, quickly stabilized his figure, and charged at Aum again.

Orm was not surprised by this situation, and took the initiative to use his strength to retreat further. After stabilizing his figure, he raised the golden trident in his hand to catch the spear stabbed by Arthur, then turned his body and withdrew His weapon turned back and pierced Arthur's chest.

Arthur hastily used both hands, and put his trident across his chest, just to block Orm's stab, and his arm suddenly pushed Orm away.

Arthur is very clear that he has an absolute advantage in strength, and after thoroughly mastering the artifact in his hand, he is more proficient in using the law of water, and his body has a certain affinity for sea water, and he is no longer as acclimatized as before. While Orm was retreating, Arthur immediately chased after him, swung the trident directly, and smashed it down on Orm like a stick.

Orm didn't expect Arthur to attack in such a violent way. In desperation, he raised the golden trident with both hands above his head and suffered the blow.


Aum fell from above like a meteor, smashed a rock, and felt a sharp pain in his body, but this is not the time to pay attention to these, because Arthur has chased him again, and continued to display that barbaric The attacks were smashed down one after another.

Bang bang bang!

Every time Aum was hit, he felt a sharp shock in his body, backed up again and again, his arms were numb, and finally his legs went limp after enduring more than a dozen hits, and he fell to the ground. Before he could stand up, Arthur He had stabbed down fiercely with the trident in his hand.

At this moment of life-and-death crisis, Aum still maintained his composure, resisted the feeling of numbness all over his body, pressed one hand on the reef, and his body rolled up to avoid Arthur's stab, and at the same time swung the golden trident up, and rowed towards Arthur's neck.

Arthur didn't care about the attack, his body was turned backwards, the golden trident almost passed by the door, Arthur quickly retreated, ready to open the distance, but Orm finally seized the opportunity, how could he miss such a good opportunity, Immediately killed him, the golden trident in his hand stabbed out again and again, turning into golden phantoms.

Arthur immediately turned from offense to defense, dancing the trident in his hand impenetrably, and only lost the initiative for a while when he hit the outside of Orm's attack, unable to fight back. He didn't find a chance to fight back until a minute later.

Arthur and Orm come and go, and the battle is inextricably linked.

One of the two people on the battlefield is the former king of Atlantis, a royal family with the purest blood, and the other is the king of the sea who has just unified the countries under the sea, and has a noble status.

One holds the golden trident handed down from the first Atlantis king, which symbolizes the glory of Atlantis, and the other holds the trident, an artifact that may have been left by the sea god Poseidon in the world.

In the past, the appearance of any one of them would have been enough to rule the ocean and make the countries under the sea submit to them with sincerity, but now that the two of them appear together, one is destined to be a loser, one stepping on the other's superiority, which is embarrassing.

The spectators around watched the battle between the two kings, and they were hooked in their hearts. Vico, who was standing in the front, and Mera stared nervously at the two in the field, waiting for the final result.

The kings of Zebel, Fisherman's Country, and Salty Water Kingdom were also thinking about their own affairs while watching the battle. They knew that the unification of the seas was an established fact, but what should they do next?Just give up the rights in your hands?

No one knew that farther away from the battlefield, there was a white figure secretly observing the two on the battlefield. Whether it was Arthur or Orm, this figure would show worry when any of them encountered danger color.

At this time, Atlanta's mood was complicated. The two people fighting were his sons. Atlanta didn't want any of them to be injured, because no matter which one was injured, he would be sad.

But Atlanta also knows that she can't stop this battle. There can only be one Neptune, and only unity can resolve the conflicts among the countries under the sea and reduce damage. This is their destiny and responsibility.

Atlanta's attention was attracted by the battle between the two in the arena, but she didn't notice that Yang Jian was secretly watching her not far behind him.

Seeing his wife's worried expression, Yang Jian couldn't bear it, and wanted to comfort her, but then shook her head, because Yang Jian found that she didn't know how to persuade her.

Arthur and Orm fought inextricably, their mounts were not idle, Orm's mosasaur and Arthur's dolphin were also together, you bite me, I hit you, covered with scars, the battle situation Even more tragic.

At this time, the mosasaurus seized an opportunity, opened its mouth wide and bit down, and the water-blue dolphin seemed unable to dodge, and was bitten by the neck.

It’s just that the mosasaur soon felt something wrong, because it found that it was different from usual, it didn’t feel like biting flesh and blood, but it felt like it was taking a sip of water, and the water still had life, slipping out of its mouth Walk.

At the same time, the blue dolphin also undergoes wonderful changes. Its body is constantly elongated, softened, and thinned. In a blink of an eye, it turns into a sea snake more than 20 meters long, and it quickly wraps around the dragon. tightening.

Mosasaurus struggled violently, and swam towards the rocks on the bottom of the sea, trying to kill the sea snake wrapped around itself, but the sea snake didn't know what was going on, its body could be soft or soft, but it was elastic It's all right, it's useless to hit it more than ten times.

As time went by, the mosasaur struggled more and more weakly, and finally exhausted the last bit of strength and passed out. The battle between the two mounts was the first to determine the winner.

And Orm, who was using all his energy to deal with Arthur, didn't notice the situation of his mount at all. Of course, even if he noticed, he would rescue him in time. into a disadvantageous situation.


At this time, Orm pushed away Arthur's trident, and then kicked it out, but Arthur raised his arm to block it, but Arthur's figure also slid back a few steps involuntarily.

After defeating Arthur, Orm unexpectedly did not take advantage of the victory to pursue. Instead, he took the initiative to take a few steps back, grasped the golden trident, spread his arms, and then gathered his hands in front of his chest. Through the gap between the trident, he could see Orm's body. The eyes suddenly turned golden yellow.

Following Aum's movements, the surrounding sea creatures seemed to be summoned and gathered quickly. Even the mounts of the surrounding army, including the sea beasts that the three kings sat on, were no longer under their control and threw off their mounts one after another. Master, come to Orm and wait for the order.

The army on the Atlantis side suddenly became chaotic. Fortunately, there was no war. If Orm took the opportunity to command the Trench tribe to attack, it would definitely cause heavy losses to the Atlantis side.

As the long-standing treasure of Atlantis, the golden trident naturally has its unique features. It can not only control seawater attacks, but also control sea creatures for its own use. This is the beginning of Aum's use of the power of the artifact in his hand.

All kinds of sea creatures surround Aum, like a pilgrimage. When Aum felt that it was almost done, the golden trident in his hand pointed at Arthur, and the dense sea beasts immediately rushed to Arthur, opening their mouths wide. , showing ferocious fangs and sharp teeth, and using one of the sharks as arrows, he killed Arthur.

Arthur chuckled, thinking to himself: Are you just going to compete with me to return the weapon in your hand?Want to see whose trident is better?Well, let's play with you, Dad spent a lot of money to upgrade my trident, I don't think I will lose to your golden trident.

Arthur raised the trident in his hand, and suddenly the water turned, and there was a series of rumbling sounds, as if the whole sea roared. When the onlookers were wondering, a scene that shocked him soon appeared.

The sea water was constantly squeezed and changed, and quickly turned into two water elemental hands of hundreds of meters in front of Arthur. One of the water elemental hands shot out instantly, smashing the densely packed sea beasts.

boom! !

With a roar, a vacuum appeared on the bottom of the sea, and it exploded instantly. Uh, the sea beasts rushing forward were smashed to pieces by this slap. Sea area, don't mention how miserable it is.

But the other sea beasts still didn't have the slightest fear, and the blood made them even crazier, and the sea beasts behind continued to charge forward.

At this time, another big hand of the water element has also been photographed, and the previous scene reappeared, the sea water was squeezed and ruptured, forming a vacuum area, and the violent force exploded.

In this way, the two water element thugs slapped one after another, trying to kill a bloody path among the densely packed sea beasts. Arthur took the opportunity to rush over and quickly approached Orm.

Seeing this situation, Aum knew that a group of sea beasts would not be able to deal with Arthur at all, and would only increase casualties. He simply dispersed them all, then raised the golden trident in his hand, and the golden light began to flicker. Strands of energy seemed to be gathering in the sea water intentionally, apparently Aum was preparing some big move again.

Chapter 306 The Rise of the Sea King

As the golden trident in Aum's hand became brighter and brighter, a phantom of a giant golden trident slowly gathered above, with a length of more than [-] meters, and it was constantly absorbing the power of the sea and becoming more and more solid , To be sure, Aum's next visit will be earth-shattering.

Seeing this scene, Arthur didn't care to continue attacking. He held the trident with both hands and put it on his chest, emitting aqua blue light, dyeing his whole body colorfully.

Arthur also used the trident in his hand to gather the power of the sea, guided by his own divine power, and slowly formed a water curtain, gathered into the shape of a shield. Although it looks like only a thin layer, it must not be underestimated. After being blessed by divine power, its toughness is definitely not weaker than the hardest metal in the world.

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