At this time, Arthur has been recognized by everyone. Zebel, Saltwater Country, and Fisherman Country are voluntarily submitting to the king, but no one can stop Arthur. With Tees's glory, Mera had a smile on her face, and threw herself into Arthur's arms excitedly.

Arthur patted Mera to calm her down, then raised the trident in his hand and shouted to everyone: "From this day forward, I am the king of the sea, the ruler of the sea!"

"Long live the sea king..."

More violent cheers came, and the identity of the sea king was confirmed. Under the welcome of everyone, Arthur returned to Atlanta to prepare for the next coronation ceremony. In order to increase his prestige, Arthur summoned Muto , Standing on his head, no matter who sees this scene, they will be shocked.

After everyone left, Atlanta came out from the dark, her face full of relief, although the process was a bit tortuous towards him, her heart was jumping with fright, but the ending was perfect, the two The two sons are all safe and sound, one has become the master of the sea, and the other has become the guardian of the sea. The two are considered to be an alternative cooperation to protect the tranquility of the sea. Diamonds are happy.

"How is it? Now you can rest assured." A voice suddenly sounded behind Atlanta.

"Yeah, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief, I...who!"

Atlanta suddenly felt something was wrong, and screamed, turned around and found that it was Yang Jian, he was relieved, "Honey, it's you! Why are you here?"

"Why else? Of course I'm worried about you. Before that, your attention was on Arthur and Orm. I didn't show up because I was afraid of scaring you."

"So it is, my dear, thank you very much. I have been worrying all these years, and now I can finally relax! Fortunately, you have been by my side to comfort me."

"Is there still a need to say thank you between us? Of course, if you have to thank me, I have no objection. How do you plan to thank me?"

As Yang Jian spoke, a treacherous smile appeared on his face, and his gaze was constantly on Atlanna's chest, sweeping back and forth at her buttocks.

Seeing Yang Jian's gaze, Atlanta blushed immediately when she thought of some of the requests she had made before. Even though they were old couples, they still felt embarrassed about some things, but this time Atlanta was rare. Without avoiding Yang Jian's gaze, he suppressed his shyness and said, "Just whatever you say, I promise you."

Yang Jian's eyes widened immediately. She just wanted to make a joke, but Atlanta unexpectedly agreed, "What you said is true, don't you go back on your word?"

"I don't regret it, but just this time, don't go too far."

"Great, let's try a new posture, right here, we haven't done it on the bottom of the sea yet." Yang Jian grabbed Atlanta's hand and walked towards a hidden corner.

"Is it right here? It's too embarrassing, otherwise we'd better go home, here..."

"Don't worry, this place is so hidden, no one will come, let's play slowly!"

Atlanna was half-pushed and dragged into the shadows by Yang, and soon there was a strange sound that made people's blood boil.

On the other hand, after Arthur brought people back to Atlantis, after the coronation ceremony, he officially became the King of the Sea, and then announced on the spot that he would marry Mera to become his own Queen of the Sea, and held a grand wedding. Everything was perfect. .

It was different when Arthur became Aquaman. What he represented was no longer an individual, but also the eyesight of the people on the bottom of the sea. There was no need to hide some things, and no one dared to do anything to him easily.

Before Atlantis set off waves, all the garbage thrown into the sea by humans over the years was washed to the shore, and there was a lot of trouble. Regarding this point, Arthur, as the king of the sea, of course needs to communicate with humans, but in order to prevent conflicts , first found Batman, and then communicated with humans as a member of the Justice League.

It is the first time that humans on land know that they are not alone on the earth. There is a more advanced civilization on the seabed. Good Arthur turned out to stop it all.

The appearance of Atlantis made human beings a little at a loss. They didn't know how to face this neighbor. Arthur was half of the terrestrial blood. He was the product of the fusion of land people and sea people. Let the two parties sit down and talk calmly, even if there is a conflict, it can be resolved through negotiation, so that there will be no violent conflict.

Chapter 307

In the chaotic space, Yang Jian from the DC world is showing a glass bead to others. Inside the transparent bead, a wisp of gray gas is sealed.

At this time, in addition to Yang Jian from the DC world, there are basketball player Yang Jian, Yang Jian from the Dragon Ball world, Yang Jian from the supermarket owner from the One Punch Man world, Yang Jian from the Marvel world, and Yang Jian from the little sheep in the chaotic space.

DC Yang Jian proudly showed the beads in his hand to everyone, and said: "This is the ray of energy I extracted from the body of the Egyptian cat. I don't know the exact principle, but I can be sure that this energy can Bringing people back to life is how Catwoman came to be, of course, after being resurrected, she will be contaminated with some cat habits, which can be regarded as a small side effect."

The clones of Yang Jian in other worlds already know about Catwoman from the shared memory, and also know the function of the bead in DC Yang Jian's hand to seal the power, which is very interesting.

Yang Jian, the little sheep, took the table and put it on the nearby instrument to test it. After more than ten minutes, he stopped and said helplessly: "I have detected some data, but for this kind of energy that cannot be explained by science People are helpless, unless I find someone to revive, and let me personally detect the change of a person's body data from death to life, maybe I can discover the mystery of this energy, it seems that I can only wait for the body to come back and then slowly explore this energy I am good at science, but I am not good at this kind of mysterious power."

Yang Jian from the world of One Punch Superman shook his head, "It's a pity, about the main body, the plot of the Shushan world where the main body is located has already begun, because many changes have occurred due to the intervention of the main body, he has been secretly protecting Xu Feiniang for fear that Xu Feiniang will encounter danger. won't show up."

DC Yang Jian's face collapsed, "Then what should we do? Now that the main body has absolute authority in this world, can we use the power of this world to analyze, can we just wait? This kind of power to reverse life and death is really easy to use Now, the people around us don't know when they may be in danger, so can't we analyze this power of reversing life and death from other aspects?"

Yang Jian, the little sheep, thought for a while and said, "It's not true, it's impossible, it's just a little troublesome."

"Tell me what's the trouble, and let's find a solution together."

"First of all, this ray of energy is too little, but it can be solved. We have less authority in this world, but it is not completely unusable. Although we cannot analyze this energy, we can use this energy as the blueprint Transformation is still no problem, transform part of the energy of this world into the divine power to reverse life and death, then find a cat to integrate into the other person's body, then revive someone, and then send over the detected data, as long as there is enough data, I will To be able to analyze the mystery of this energy."

Yang Jian's eyes lit up in Marvel World, and he immediately said: "That's a good idea! But ordinary cats may not be able to withstand this powerful force, right? Let Meow Miao come. With his physical fitness, he should be fine, right? "

"Meow? It's indeed a good choice. Well, that's it. I'll transform more divine power of life and death first. When the time comes, you can bring it back and integrate it into your body."

Yang Jian, the little sheep, acted immediately. The venom turned into a few golden tentacles and penetrated into the nearby instrument. After fiddling for a while, he put the beads in. Soon a ray of energy was injected into the body of the bead. Originally, there was only a ray of gray energy. In a ball, vaguely in the shape of a cat.

When the bead was handed over to Marvel Yang Jian, he couldn't get enough of it from left to right, let alone how happy he was.


Shushan World, Ciyun Temple, this ancient temple has suddenly become noisy recently, some famous old devils gather here, because the third sword fight will be held here soon, and the opponent is the strongest in the Shushan world The largest and most famous sect is the Emei School.

During the last sword fight, Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch of the Wutai School and Qi Shuming, the head teacher of the Emei School, had agreed to a one-on-one sword fight. The two elders attacked together, which eventually led to the tragic death of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch.

Since the death of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, the disciples of the Wutai Sect have been scattered. There are only two or three big cats and kittens left in the once famous sect. Normally, they try to hide each of them as much as possible, and even some low-level practitioners bully them, it can be said that the tiger is in peace.

Originally, Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan made arrangements for every disciple before he died. As long as they are willing to listen, even if they can't live as freely as before, at least they can save their lives, but there are not many who really listen. .

Now the abbot of Ciyun Temple is called Fa Yuan, known as the Golden Body Arhat, and his real name is He Zhang. Back then, he had a crush on his younger sister Jiang Sangu and failed, so he shaved off his hair and became a monk in a rage. He named himself Fa Yuan.

Fa Yuan is short in stature, with a fleshy face and is extremely vicious. He wears a fiery red cassock all the year round, but he is not worthy of being a real monk at all. He does not abide by the rules and regulations of Buddhist disciples. What the heck, because there is no Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch's control, he indulged his disciples on weekdays, and captured many good women from nearby villages to rape and humiliate. As a result, a happy monastery became a den of prostitution.

Yang Jian came to this world and combined with the ray of Yuanshen left by Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, and now Yang Jian is born, which naturally inherited the karma of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch.

Although Yang Jian's mana is only at the level of a fairy now, he got a chance many years ago and comprehended a trace of Da Luo's artistic conception. With only one foot into the gate of Daluo, in terms of mana and cultivation, even if it is the ceiling of the Shushan world, Li Jingxu, who is known as the Living Golden Immortal, is far from an opponent.

But the realm is higher, and he doesn't care much about the hatred he once had, so he doesn't plan to seek revenge from the three immortals and the two elders.

But being able to let go of Yang Jian does not mean that other people can let go, especially Xu Feiniang, who has a deep affection for Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan.If it wasn't because of an accident with Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, the two had already become Taoist couples. Her mind was the purest, she just wanted revenge, and she even reached the point where she would do anything at all.

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