I saw that Master Tuotuo's face became extremely weird, half of which was as bright as jade, with divine light looming, and half as dry as a ghost. The left eye exuded a golden aura. When looking at this eye, it was like being in the Western Paradise , makes people feel like a spring breeze, and the face on the other side like a skeleton gives people an infinite evil feeling, with red light in the eyes, it seems that from this eye, one can see the 18th floor of hell, where countless evil spirits are punished.

As Master Tuotuo moved his hands slightly, two lotus flowers, one golden and one red, spun at a high speed. Supported by the green lotus, the two extreme forces of Buddha and Demon reached a balance, forming a huge yin-yang grinding disc, generating a huge force out of thin air. With the suction power, the densely packed Hundred Poison Golden Silkworm Gu was sucked like a bird returning to its nest, and was then ground to pieces by the Yin-Yang Great Grinding Machine.

But in just a short moment, millions of Hundred Golden Silkworm Gu lost close to hundreds of thousands, the situation was like throwing beans into a millstone, no matter how many there were, it would not help.

The patriarch in green robe was really terrified now, how dare he continue to attack with the Hundred Poison Golden Silkworm Cup, took back the remaining Gu worms, and looked at Master Tuotuo in fear, fearing that the other party would not let him go and treat him Kill them all.

But obviously, the worry of the green-robed ancestor is superfluous. Although Master Tuotuo is very dissatisfied with the green robe, he still needs to use the other party after all, and he does not intend to put the other party to death. Hand, also took his own three lotus into the body, and returned to the back of Heipaoren, as if the previous thing had never happened.Clothes

"Eldest brother, you really did it. You have integrated the directors of the three schools of Buddhism, magic, and Taoism into one, and created a brand new exercise." The golden body Arhat Fayuan looked at Master Tuotuo with an incredulous expression, and asked in disbelief.

The golden body Arhat Fayuan also knew that his big brother had a wish when Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch was still alive, hoping to integrate the strengths of Buddhism, Taoism and demons, and the three practiced together, but because of the conflict of different exercises , It is almost impossible, and it is easy to go crazy. When seeing Master Tuotuo appearing before, Fa Yuan thought that the senior brother had given up his original idea, but he did not expect it to succeed.

Master Tuotuo nodded and admitted with a smile. "Thanks to the guidance of senior black robe, I can achieve today's achievements, and senior black robe is helping me because of my friendship with my teacher, so please don't doubt senior black robe."

The faces of all the old demons present showed sudden expressions. No wonder Master Tuotuo respected this mysterious black-robed man so much. It's big, and with Master Tuotuo's current strength, he is not inferior to them at all, and even surpasses them. This also reflects the cultivation level of the man in black from the side. He can point out Master Tutu and create The kung fu that gathered the strengths of the three schools of Buddhism, Taoism and demons must be superior to them, and he couldn't help but elevate the status of the man in black again in his heart.

Among them, Zen Master Xiaoyue looked at the black-robed man with the most strange expression. You must know that Zen Master Xiaoyue was originally the third apprentice under Changmei's sect. All the disciples passed the position of head teacher to Qi Shuming, the seventh disciple of Miao Yi. Chan Master Xiaoyue hated the injustice of his master, and angrily competed with Qi Shuming for the position. Under the sect, he became the first generation of abandoned disciples who rebelled against Emei.

However, Master Changmei seemed to have expected that Zen Master Xiaoyue would betray his sect, and left a special stone box, which contained the flying knife "Yulian Immortal Sword" used by Changmei in refining demons, and handed it over to Qi Shuming. No matter who is in the sect, as long as Breaking the rules, Xuan Zhenzi and Qi Shuming investigated and found out, just kneel down to the stone box and pray silently, the sword in the box will rise up in the air to take the person's head, specially restraining Master Xiaoyue, if it wasn't for Xiaoyue later Zen master got the ancient rare treasure broken jade hook, which can resist Yulian Xianjian, how could he dare to betray his master?

Although Zen Master Xiaoyue betrayed his sect, he majored in the orthodox kung fu of the Emei School. When the man in black robe made his move just now, although the ray of multicolored divine light just flashed by, he still He clearly felt a kind of majestic power of the five elements, which is also the authentic atmosphere of Taoism.

Zen master Xiaoyue can be sure that what the man in black used just now must be a powerful five-element treasure, which is better than any magic weapon he has seen before. Yibao is extraordinarily sensitive, thinking of the colorful divine light just now, he felt itchy in his heart, and wanted to find out.

Zen Master Xiaoyue hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't hold back his curiosity, he first bowed to the man in black robe and said: "Your Excellency in black robe, forgive me, I shouldn't doubt you, I apologize for what happened before, but there is another Doubt, please clarify your doubts."

"Speak!" The black-robed man's voice was a little low, but his words were simple and clear.

"May I ask what is the magic weapon that your Excellency used just now? I have just felt the incomparably pure power of the Great Five Stars. It is really a rare and authentic treasure of Taoism. It is really rare. Can I open my eyes?"

The man in black raised his head and looked at Zen Master Xiaoyue. Although he couldn't see his true face clearly, everyone felt a ray of surprise in the eyes of the man in black.

"You have good eyesight. This is my most precious five-element Zhuxian sword. It is the supreme sword of the Wutai School. However, the materials needed to refine this treasure are extremely rare. Back then, I had a very close relationship with Taiyi Hunyuan Taoist friend. That's why he taught him the refining method of the Five Elements Zhuxian Sword, and it took hundreds of years to refine it. I never thought that after I left the customs, I heard that Taoist Taiyi had suffered an accident. Xianer Laokong has a false name, hypocrisy and hypocrisy, I will seek justice for fellow Taoist Taiyi...Cao Yu is good! All the investigations are good."

The man in black showed his fairy sword generously. The sword exuded multicolored brilliance, and the sword body was densely covered with scales. It looked like a vivid multicolored dragon.

call out!call out!call out……

The man in black shook the sword in his hand, and the sword was divided into five parts, blue, red, yellow, black, and white. Five swords of different colors flew in the air, gathered and scattered in an orderly manner, and could even be transformed into a five-element sword array , and finally took it back, condensing into the original sword.

The eyes of the old demons of No. [-] Middle School are shining. They are all people who know the goods. Naturally, they can see the damage of the Five Elements Zhuxian Sword. It is certain that it is even better than the famous Ziqing double swords of the Emei sect.

A few old demons who were not tolerant enough saw the power of the Five Elements Zhuxian Sword, and even felt a sense of snatching in their hearts, but then they thought of the black-robed man's history and harm, and forcibly suppressed the bad thoughts in their hearts.

The same is true for Fa Yuan, who managed to suppress the greed in his heart, but his eyes were still fixed on him, and he couldn't do without the Five Elements Zhuxian Sword.

"Senior, you just said that the refining method of the Five Elements Zhuxian Sword was taught to you by my mentor, but why have I never heard from my mentor about the Five Elements Zhuxian Sword?"

The black-robed man took a look at Fa Yuan. What he said just now was true or false. On the one hand, his purpose was to help Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch become famous and not be underestimated. doubt.

"It's normal that you don't know the reason. The materials needed to refine the Five Elements Zhuxian Sword are extremely rare, especially the most important innate five elements, which are rare in the world. At the beginning, Taiyi Hunyuan Daoist and I both I don’t think it’s a chance, the two of us teamed up and took a lot of effort to simplify the required materials, replace the innate five elements with five poisonous spirits, and create another set of refining methods for fairy swords, called It is the Sword of Immortal Execution with Five Poisons."

"Five Poison Immortal Execution Sword!"

Fa Yuan screamed, of course he knew the Five Poisons Zhuxian Sword, and used the Five Poisons as a reference to refine a set of fairy swords. head.

This sword is very famous in the Wutai School and even the whole world. Many disciples of the Wutai and Huashan Schools imitate it to practice their own flying swords, such as the flying sword of the golden Luohan Fayuan, which is a few red lines when it is released , instead of the normal sword light, they are all made by imitating the coiled silk sword, and some people's flying swords are arc-shaped, like a Wu hook, which is made by imitating the Yiwu sword. It took nearly ten years of work to practice this set of flying swords, and defeated Qi Shuming in the second sword fight with the Emei faction. That was when his bodyguard Taiyi Wuyan Luo was stolen by Zhu Hong. It can be seen that the Five Poisons Zhuxian Sword is powerful.

Just listening to Heipaoren, this Five Poison Zhuxian Sword is just a defective product of the Five Elements Zhuxian Sword, so how powerful will the genuine Five Elements Zhuxian Sword be?

"The way of heaven is impermanent. Originally, I had given up refining the Five Elements Zhuxian Sword, but I never thought that when I was traveling overseas, I would accidentally get the innate five elements, which could just be used to practice the Five Elements Zhuxian Sword. Only then did I retreat overseas for many years, and finally I was able to It can only be said to be a blessing."

Fa Yuan looked at the Wuxing Zhuxian sword held by the man in black, and his saliva almost flowed out: So this is the first sword of our Wutai sect, can I also practice a set in the future?

But then Fa Yuan thought of what the black-robed man said before, and felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head. Even his mentor couldn't get together the materials to refine the Five Elements Zhuxian Sword, so he could only refine the lower-level Five Poisons Zhu Xianjian, let alone him, quickly gave up his unrealistic idea.

Since I can't make it myself, I can only turn to other methods. The refining method of the Five Elements Zhuxian Sword was sent by my mentor, so should this Five Elements Zhuxian Sword also belong to the Wutai Sect? The disciples scattered, only he still did not give up, whether he can inherit the orthodoxy of the Wutai Sect, and should this sword be his own?Must grab it in the future.

But fortunately, the total arithmetic element still has a snack machine, and he has not shown any desire to snatch the Five Elements Zhuxian Sword. Otherwise, let alone a black pao, Master Tuotuo may have to get rid of him directly, lest he be left behind. It is shameful to buy him five pies in this world.

Chapter 309 Xu Feiniang's Strength

Intimidated by the black-robed man, all the old demons calmed down. This is the way of the devil, and the strong are respected. As long as you are strong enough, everyone must be honest and obedient. Even the green-robed patriarch held back his anger, Although he has a bad temper, it doesn't mean he is a fool, at least his IQ is still online when he is not out of control.

Then everyone discussed about the upcoming sword fight, and explained the possible manpower sent by the Emei Sect. In this regard, Zen Master Xiaoyue has the most right to speak. The powerful magic weapons and secret techniques are all explained one by one. After all, he is the disciple of Daoist Changmei, and he is a senior brother with the three immortals of the East China Sea. You and the two elders of Chongshan are also familiar with each other. After everyone understands the situation, they come up with some solutions , Discussed for a long time before dissipating.

After the man in black robe and Master Tuotuo came to Fa Yuanwei's wing, a cloud of multicolored smoke appeared in the man's hand, and with a light throw, it immediately dispersed into a multicolored cover to protect the room.

At this time, the black-robed man took off his black robe, revealing a world-renowned face. I am afraid that no one would have thought that the black-robed man who was so powerful and deterred the demons was such a stunning woman. From here, one would be able to recognize this person as Xu Feiniang, his fellow senior sister, Wanmiao Fairy.

Xu Feiniang said gratefully to Master Tuotuo, "Brother, I thank you just now, otherwise I would be in a hurry to deal with the green-robed patriarch's Hundred Poisons Golden Silkworm Gu, and might even show flaws."

Master Tuotuo hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Junior Sister, you're being polite. Even if I don't make a move, how can I hurt you with my green gown? At most, I'll just use a little bit of hands and feet, just remove a little hindrance for Junior Sister."

"It seems that senior brother's cultivation base is becoming more and more advanced. After all, the green-robed patriarch is the leader of the southern demon sect. His most proud method is vulnerable to senior senior brother. It seems that after gathering the strengths of the three schools of Buddhism, Taoism and demons, everyone Senior brother's cultivation base has grown astonishingly, and he is now at the peak of the Earth Immortal, right?"

After Xu Feiniang was taught by Yang Jian, her mana power became more advanced, and her vision became more vicious. Naturally, it can be seen that Master Tuotuo didn't do his best when he just shot, otherwise the green-robed ancestor's Hundred Poisons Golden Silkworm Gu would have been destroyed. Not just a tenth of it was lost, but all of it was wiped out by the yin and yang grinding disc.

"Brother can have today? It is also thanks to the secret technique sent by my junior sister. If it weren't for the power of the three lotus flowers, not to mention the fusion of the three schools of Buddhism, Taoism and magic, I am afraid that I would have gone mad and died."

Master Tuotuo was in a cold sweat when he thought about the conflict of different exercises in his body before, causing him to go crazy, and his life was hanging by a thread. If Xu Feiniang was a little later, he would really be dead.

But fortunately, maybe Master Tuotuo really deserved to die. At the critical moment, Xu Feiniang arrived and integrated the three lotus seeds into his body. The three different kinds of magic power from Buddhism, Taoism and demons were diverted and integrated into the three lotus seeds, and made offerings to them to bloom After that, the three different powers are integrated into one, so that the three elements of Buddhism, Taoism and demons can be truly unified, and the long-cherished wish of life can be fulfilled.

"Actually, you don't have to thank me. All of this is what Senior Yang meant. I owe him a lot of karma, and I don't know how to repay it in the future."

The image of Yang Jian couldn't help but appear in Xu Feiniang's mind, and a smile appeared on his face. For some reason, Yang Jian always gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity. When the two of them were together, Xu Feiniang felt unspeakably relaxed.

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