Xu Feiniang turned into a ray of light and flew towards the shadows of Mangcang Mountain. Not long after, she heard a sharp sound coming from the front, like thousands of people shouting in unison, like a raging sea, like a dark cloud.Xu Feiniang stopped in mid-air and looked down. She faintly saw gloomy clouds and mist in front of her. There was an icy wind piercing the bone for tens of miles, and the cold air was penetrating. Formed with Gangfeng.

If someone else came, even an expert who has been certified as an Earth Immortal would not dare to enter it easily without a magic weapon for body protection, but Xu Feiniang is now a master at the level of a Celestial Immortal, so why would he care about these things, and walked into it at leisure, The gang wind and cold air are not allowed to get close, and they are blocked three feet away.

Flying in the dark clouds for a while, Xu Feiniang suddenly heard a strange sound in the wind, and saw a cliff appearing in the shadowy clouds below, and in the valley at the root of the cliff, there was a whirlwind of black air wrapped around it, and it was heading towards The feet pop up.

"I didn't expect to meet Xuansha Hangang here. Its power is several times that of ordinary astral wind. If you collect some, you can refine a good magic weapon." The Xuansha Hangang gathered together, and then used a Qiankun bag to collect the Hangang that many earth immortals were afraid of.

Xu Feiniang continued to move forward, and after a while, the wind from the swirling black air became smaller and weaker. The cliff that appeared in front of Xu Feiniang was leaning against the shadow of the mountain. It was as black as lacquer, and there was no grass growing on it. In the deep caves on the left and right, black air and strong winds are rolling inside the caves, and the cave mouths seem to be like the giant mouths of monsters that want to devour the sky and the sun, which is frightening.

However, Xu Feiniang, as a person who has been certified as a celestial being, there is not much in this world that can scare him, so she directly drilled into the cave, and soon found a ghost in the whirlwind formed by the strong wind and the mysterious frost in the depths of the cold crystal cave. It is a fat, white, silkworm-shaped creature about two feet long.

Xu Feiniang knew that it was the target she was looking for, so she stretched out her hand, and the two-foot-long silkworm-shaped creature gleaming with silver light was photographed by him. Although it was motionless now, Xu Feiniang could feel its vigorous body. vitality of life.

"It's really lucky today. I didn't expect to get such a strange thing. I don't know its origin. Its nature is extremely cold. When I refine it, it must be a rare treasure." Xu Feiniangyang seemed to be thinking Mumbling to herself, but if you look closely at her eyes, you will find that there is a sly brilliance shining.

"Wait a minute!" Suddenly a cold male voice sounded: "This is the ten thousand-year ice silkworm, which is the thing conceived by the ancient black ice and the wind in the lungs of the Mangcang Mountain."

"Who? Why are you sneaking around here?" Xu Feiniang pretended not to know, and asked with a serious face. In fact, she had already felt a ray of consciousness watching around her, but she pretended to be ignorant. look.

"Poverty Daoist Ye Huang, who was born in the Western Demon Cult, is inconvenient now. Seeing that you are a girl with powerful mana, it is even better than mine. I am afraid that your cultivation level is not inferior to mine. Who are you? Bring out your talent and beauty"

Xu Feiniang pretended to be happy, "So it's Master Gongye Huang, I'm Xu Feiniang, my senior brother is Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, that's my uncle's name, I didn't expect to meet you, but I don't know why you are here ?”

"You are Xu Feiniang, but I have heard people say, as to why the old man is here, ah! It's hard to explain! The old man went out of practice, his body and stone became one, unable to move, and he needed the help of ten thousand-year-old ice silkworms to restore his physical body..."

"So that's how it is. Since Master Uncle needs it, then take it!" Xu Feiniang directly set a restraint on the Wannian Iceworm in her bosom, and then lightly tossed it, "Master Uncle only needs to use the primordial spirit to guide it. The Ten Thousand Years Iceworm will naturally fly to you."

"This..." Gongyehuang was a little dumbfounded. Originally, he thought that Xu Feiniang would probably take this opportunity to bargain with him and hand over the Wannian Iceworm after gaining some benefits from him. He didn't expect it to be so simple. let go.

Gong Yehuang doesn’t know yet, but in fact he has been tricked by Xu Feiniang. As the saying goes, bodhisattvas are afraid of mortals and people are afraid of consequences. For those with higher cultivation, it is taboo to owe others karma. Do everything you can to repay it, just like Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian, the little shepherd boy saved the life of the little white snake thousands of years ago, and Bai Suzhen made a promise with her body in order to repay the favor thousands of years later.

The same is true for Gongzhi Huang. Today he got Xu Feiniang's Ten Thousand Years Ice Silkworm, and he must repay the cause and effect in the future, otherwise it will be difficult to ascend.

Gong Yehuang hadn't discovered that Xu Feiniang's cultivation was still higher than his. If Xu Feiliang really needed his help, it would definitely not be a trivial matter, and it might cost his old life.

"Hey! It's rare that you have the same kindness, Fei Niang. If that's the case, I'll accept the ten-thousand-year ice silkworm, and I will go to you when my body recovers. I will repay you ten times the favor." After finishing speaking, Gong Yehuang gave Yuan God guided the ten thousand-year ice silkworm to fly towards the ossified place of his body, completely unaware that he had fallen into a big pit.

Xu Feiniang left Hanjing Cave with a smile on her face, and went straight to Lingyu Cliff in Shanyang, and reported her name outside the cave. Not long after, a Taoist boy led Xu Feiniang into Lingyu Cliff. Yao Song also knew about Emei's calculations and needed Xu Feiniang's hands to complete their big plan, so they had to stay close on the surface. Not only could they not show rejection of Xu Feiniang's visit, but they had to pretend to be happy, and immediately let her Daotong invites people in.

It's just that Dao Tong, who was leading the way, didn't notice. With a flick of his sleeve, a ray of golden light flew out, and quickly disappeared into the distance. Xu Feiniang continued to follow Dao Tong to meet the green sac fairy Hua Yaosong as if nothing had happened.

Lingyu Cliff is worthy of the name of Lingyu. There is a huge piece of jade lying across the mountain. The landscape is unique, the mountain flowers are blooming, colorful, towering ancient trees, green grass and flowing water.

But the golden light thrown by Xu Feiniang turned around a mountain and came to a cave, which is the place where warm jade has been hidden for thousands of years. There are some apes and monkeys living together here, enjoying themselves.

At this time, the golden light paused for a while, revealing its true shape, which was actually a golden silkworm with three pairs of wings.

The six-winged golden silkworm, the most vicious insect in ancient times, devours everything. At the beginning, Yang Jian asked the old man withered bamboo to help him, and exchanged for a few pairs of four-winged golden silkworms. Then he used special techniques to cultivate them so that their blood returned to their ancestors and gave birth to six-winged silkworms. The golden silkworm was sent to Yang Jian in the Naruto World, but there were still some left at that time. Yang Jian didn't need these tricks at all, so he gave the remaining six-winged golden silkworm eggs to Xu Feiniang, who refined them with secret methods After being the natal god Gu, as a backup card, today is finally the time to come out.

The six-winged golden silkworm was completely controlled by Xu Feiniang, and she was even able to observe with the help of the six-winged golden silkworm. After entering the cave without paying attention to the monkeys, she saw that the cave was unusually tall, with a height of more than ten meters. It is more than [-] meters wide and nearly [-] meters deep. In the middle of the cave, there is a huge stone about [-] meters high and more than ten meters wide and long. The surface is flat and smooth, covered with many animal skins. bed.

The six-winged golden silkworm blinked a pair of nimble little eyes, and quickly focused its gaze on the boulder.

At this time, the consciousness of the six-winged golden silkworm was dominated by Xu Feiniang, and she could clearly feel that this sentence was a warm and pure yang energy coming from inside, and she immediately determined that this boulder was the mountain sun of Mangcang Mountain. The formed Wannian Wenyu only needs to be refined with Samadhi real fire to prevent the loss of yang energy and make the Wannian Wenyu appear.

But Xu Feiniang didn't immediately collect Wannian Wenyu, because she had more important things to do now, she spotted a wall, turned into a ray of golden light and hit it directly. It has come to a space full of fiery magma. In the center of this sea of ​​lava and flames, there is a huge boulder floating, and there is a monster lying on it at this moment.

Take a closer look at that monster, with a flat nose and protruding mouth, red eyes and green hair, a whole body of bones, and a mouth full of white teeth. It is an extremely ugly zombie.

Xu Feiniang has already confirmed his identity, the demon corpse Gu Chen, there is still a red iron chain locked around his neck, and a pair of fiery red iron rings are placed under his feet, Xu Feiniang knows that this is what Daoist Changmei used The fire cloud chain and fire cloud ring that suppressed the demon corpse Guchen.

Gu Chen was trapped here, and his body would be in a coma for more than an hour in the morning and dusk. In fact, he just woke up from the coma and suddenly felt something strange. When he looked up, he happened to meet the beady eyes of the six-winged golden silkworm. Suddenly startled.

Gu Chen is also considered to be the patriarch of the demonic way, and he is also a figure of the same generation as Daoist Changmei, so he is well-informed, of course.severe.Friendship, of course, knows the six-winged golden silkworm, the most vicious insect in ancient times. Now he just woke up from a coma, and his body is still a little stiff. Is he going to be eaten by this six-winged golden silkworm today?

When Gu Chenzhun tried his best to expend his power to move, he saw the six-winged golden silkworm flying towards him in a golden light, but instead of attacking him, it landed on the fire cloud chain that imprisoned him, and opened his mouth to bite down. .

Click!There was a sound, the six-winged golden silkworm was indeed the most vicious insect in ancient times, and it bit a small gap with one bite. Gu Chen was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this six-winged golden silkworm was here to save him , it must have been refined into a Gu worm, maybe a fellow demon sect learned that he was trapped here and came to rescue him.

Seeing the gap in the fire cloud chain getting bigger and bigger, Gu Chen's face became more and more joyful, "Okay, good, bite off this damn fire cloud chain quickly, and I can go out, no matter who you are, After I get out of trouble, there will be a big thank you."

When Xu Feiniang heard Gu Chen's words, she rolled her eyes in her heart, thank you so much, whoever believes in your words will be unlucky.

Xu Feiniang knew Gu Chen's character, cruel nature, and greedy. Even if he was saved, she would not be grateful. Maybe she would repay her kindness immediately after she got out, so Xu Feiniang didn't care about his so-called repayment from the beginning to the end, but just wanted to use Gu Chen. Chen achieved his goal.

Soon, relying on the devouring ability of the six-winged golden silkworm, the fire cloud chain was taken away, and then the two fire cloud rings were bitten. Biting off the two treasures of the cloud chain, it is worthy of being the most vicious insect in ancient times, and its ability to devour everything is even more abnormal.

After the six-winged golden silkworm finished its work, it turned into a golden light and was about to leave. Now Gu Chen was in a hurry, and immediately shouted: "Wait a minute, I can't repay your kindness for saving me. There is a treasure outside the cave." , is formed by the gathering of yang energy in Mangcang Mountain for thousands of years, why don't you wait for a while, and wait for me to go and get it and give it to you, so that it can be regarded as repaying your kindness for saving us, how about it?"

Although Gu Chen got rid of the prohibition of Changmei Daoist, there was still a green sac fairy Hua Yaosong outside. He was almost killed by Changmei, and his vitality was seriously injured. The Winged Golden Silkworm helped and dealt with the green sac fairy Hua Yaosong together. As for the so-called gift of Wannian King Wen to Xu Feiniang, it was just casual talk, it was impossible.

Originally, Gu Chen planned well. He planned to let the six-winged golden silkworm and the people behind it get entangled with the green sac fairy Hua Yaosong. He ran away after getting Wannian Wenyu. Who are people?What's the purpose?

Normally, anyone who hears about Wannian Wenyu's treasures can't help but keep them, Bi Bao is touching, but I didn't expect the six-winged golden silkworm to fly away without the slightest nostalgia.

Now Gu Chen is helpless, is the other party really a person of high moral character?Is it really just to save yourself and not expect anything in return?

Gu Chen doesn't know, Xu Feiniang's thoughts at this time are: I want Wannian Wenyu and I need you to give it to me. Then Wannian Wenyu has long been in my Xu Feiniang's pocket, and I just need to borrow your hand. Take all the blame and just wait for bad luck.

Chapter 311 Xu Fei Niang Will Demon Corpse

Yaoshi Guchen watched the six-winged golden silkworm just fly away, but had no choice but to come by himself, and soon came to the cave where Wenyu had been hidden for thousands of years, and directly drove away a group of apes living here. Nian Wenyu has been thinking about it for many years, and he understands it very clearly. He has long known that the huge rock in the cave is where Wannian Wenyu is.

Originally, as long as one burns the boulder with the real fire of Samadhi, and removes the outer package, one can get the ten thousand year warm jade inside. Gu Chen does not have the real fire of Samadhi, after all, what he is practicing is the way of Xuanyin.

But this can't help him. Since the demon corpse Guchen is thinking about Wannian Wenyu, he has naturally studied it. Although there is no real fire of samadhi, he specially extracted it from the ground. , fell on the boulder and rubbed back and forth, suddenly the time was shining, and sparks burst out.

Not long after the boulders rustled, the limes were scattered like snow, and the half-yellow and half-blue brilliance appeared, turning from blue-yellow to dark yellow, then from dark yellow to red-purple, and finally dark purple again, showing the true Wen Yuguanghua.

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