After Master Ji Le left, Xu Feiniang breathed a sigh of relief, and put away the Five Elements Zhuxian Sword in her hand. Don't look at the toughness she said just now, but in fact she felt guilty in her heart.

But Xu Feiniang knew very well that if she really made a move, she would definitely not be an opponent of the real person of bliss. As for the Xuanhuang gourd, Xu Feiniang had already made up her mind after hearing what the real person said. Definitely will not use again.

The departure of the real person of bliss also made all the demons present relax. The shadow of the famous tree of people, the name of the real person of bliss is known all over the world, and it will definitely deter all the demons in the world. Noticed that a sword was chopped off.

Then all the demons thought of the performance of the black-robed man before, and their eyes were full of admiration. That was the real person of blissful joy. , this matter will spread out soon, and it will inevitably cause a big earthquake at that time.The Emei faction is the head of the righteous way, and the three immortals of the East China Sea are leaders. They were killed just like that, and they were the kind that destroyed both body and spirit.

Xu Feiniang didn't care about everyone's eyes, turned around and returned to the temple, Master Tuotuo hurriedly followed, there were some things that needed to be discussed, because Master Tuotuo knew very well that Xu Feiniang would inevitably be targeted by the Emei Sect in the future, in order to prevent Their machinations must be planned in advance

But it is said that the real person of Ji Le took Qi Jinchan, the laughing monk, and Zhu Mei behind him flying in the sky against the corpse of the ascetic toutuo. Corpse, dead too thoroughly, unable to return to heaven.

Zhu Mei had a weeping face. The relationship between the three immortals and the two elders has always been good. They have supported each other for many years. Although there are occasional disputes, it is not hurtful. But seeing her friend who has been with her for many years just die like this, although she does not cry like the laughing monk She was sad, but her eyes were also red.

"Renren, could it be that you can't do anything to that black-robed man with your strength?" Zhu Mei finally couldn't help but asked the real person of Ji Le.

Master Ji Le shook his head and said: "Although that person's strength is not weak, and he has the most precious treasure of the Five Elements Immortal Sword in his hand, the world will be able to beat her by only ten fingers, but it is not difficult for me to take her down with all my strength, but the problem is... It was the gourd spirit treasure in the opponent's hand.

You are also aware of the special nature of the spiritual treasure of merit. Although I have told you that you dare not use it lightly, once you are cornered, who knows what he will do. If you really use that spiritual treasure of merit against me, I will Can't stop it either. "

Master Ji Le paused for a moment, and then continued: "I also have another worry, that black-robed man is not the real owner of the gourd family, that is to say, there are experts behind him, who can cultivate such meritorious treasures. She is definitely not an ordinary person, and I am worried that the people behind her will make a move."

Zhu Mei hurriedly asked: "My lord, do you know who the owner of the Gourd Spirit Treasure True Guard is? Why have I never heard of such a treasure before?"

"Not to mention you, even I haven't heard of it. I think I traveled all over the world and saw rare treasures, but I've never heard of this gourd-shaped meritorious treasure. Could it be that it only appeared recently?"

Master Ji Le is also puzzled. Logically speaking, this kind of meritorious treasure can only be refined by people who are said to be benevolent and holy. This kind of person should have been famous for a long time. Why has he never heard of it?

"Are we going to forget it like this? Brother Ascetic, how could his death be for nothing!" Zhu Mei's face was full of unwillingness, and the appearance of a man in black robe appeared in her mind, gnashing her teeth obviously hated it to the bone.

"This matter definitely can't be settled like this, but it can't be messed up, and it has to be discussed in the long run. This matter is beyond my decision. After I go back, I can discuss it with Master Qi. If I really want revenge, I'm afraid I have to ask It needs those few Buddhist masters to act together, otherwise, once the real owner of the gourd makes a move, I will not be able to resist." The true master of Ji Le is extremely afraid of the true owner of the gourd, and he can refine such a magic weapon. It is definitely not weak.

Zhu Mei's complexion became much better when she heard the real person of Ji Le say this, and she cheered up again when she thought of those Buddhist experts in Emei. There are three immortals and two elders in the Taoist school, and three monks and two nuns in the Buddhist school. Zen Master Tianmeng, Zen Master Zunsheng, Zen Master Baimei, Master Fentuo, and God Ni Youtan, each of them is a generation of advanced cultivation, and their strength is not inferior to the real person of Bliss.

Speaking of the relationship between Buddhism and Taoism in this world, it is a bit strange. The two sides are as good as wearing a pair of trousers. Everything is respected by Emei, and Buddhism is assisted by it. However, the overall strength of Buddhism is obviously higher than that of Taoism.

The most famous people in the Taoist sect are the three immortals and two elders, except for the rare master of Ji Le Daoist. However, the strength of the three immortals and the second elders is obviously stronger than that of the Buddhist three monks and two nuns, and there are actually some ascetics among the so-called three immortals and two elders. Toutuo is an obvious Buddhist.

The overall strength of the Buddhist sect is not weaker than that of the Taoist sect, and there are three monks and two nuns in command. How can Emei command them?

Yang Jian has been thinking about this issue, and has gradually guessed that Buddhism also has its own layout, and it is bigger than the layout of the Emei School.

Judging from the plot of Shushan Swordsman, Buddhism has always been very low-key, hiding behind Emei and acting quietly. They will only help Emei when he encounters difficulties. In this way, Emei owes them favors, and the more they owe The more you can't clear up, you have to pay back the favor you owe, so what do you use to pay it back?

The answer is the entire Shushan world. Maybe all the masters of the Emei faction thought that they had got a bargain until the end, but they didn't know that he had sold the whole world to others.

The final outcome is that a group of Taoist masters headed by the Emei Sect wiped out all the demons, their meritorious deeds were fulfilled, and they ascended to the fairyland as they wished. The juniors who can't stand the table, and all the masters of the Demon Sect have been beheaded, but the Buddhist Sect has left the masters to sit in the battle. In this case, which force can resist the Buddhist Sect? In a short period of time, the remaining people from the Taoist and Demon Sects will be wiped out, and this world will completely become the base for the cultivation of talents of the Buddhist Sect.

Therefore, Yang Jian has reason to believe that, in fact, in this game, the Buddhist sect that has been hiding behind Emei is the final winner, and there are countless talented disciples who have entered the Buddhist sect during the period, blatantly digging the corners of the Taoist gate, and All the high-level officials of the Emei faction thanked them a thousand times, they were so stupid.

Therefore, the behavior of Buddhism has fully demonstrated to the world what it means to be a low-key person and make a fortune in silence. Thinking about their possible final gains, I am afraid that they will wake up laughing in their dreams.

Regarding the calculations of Buddhism, Qi Shuming, the head teacher of Emei, must not be clear about it, but the ascetic Tutuo is not necessarily, after all, he is also a Buddhist, and some other experts with profound knowledge should also be able to find some clues, such as the real person of bliss, but Even if he found out, he probably wouldn't tell about it, because he also needed Emei Daxing's plan to use this opportunity to ascend to the fairy world with his Taoist companion. He didn't care what happened to the Taoist disciples in the future?

Master Ji Le was not talking, but lowered his head to think about the identity of the man in black, and kept deducing the world, hoping to find some clues, but unfortunately Xu Fei Niang had a hidden treasure sent by Yang Jian, so naturally nothing was counted in the end.

As for Zhu Mei, she was thinking about how to avenge the ascetic Toutuo, and she had already made up her mind that she must smash the black broken man into thousands of pieces to relieve the hatred in her heart.

As for Qi Jinchan and Monk Xiao who are juniors, the two little guys are not as agile as they used to be at the moment.

Qi Jinchan used to think that his father was the head teacher of the Emei Sect, and his mother, Mrs. Miaoyi, was powerful, and no one would dare to do anything to him, but he didn't expect to see his uncle ascetic Toutuo being beheaded today. He found that his identity as the so-called son of the head teacher of Emei was not safe, and he could kill a real werewolf, which made him make up his mind that he must not be as presumptuous as before in the future. You must also practice hard, and you can't fish for three days and dry the nets for two days like before.

In the end, the laughing monk who was a disciple of the ascetic Toutuo was a little confused, his eyes were still a little red and swollen. The death of his mentor made him lose his biggest backer, and he was a little at a loss about his future path.

Chapter 316 Yang Jian is Strong

Master Ji Le and the others headed to the temporary station of the Emei faction wholeheartedly. It would not take long at their light-escape speed for hundreds of kilometers, but halfway through the flight, they suddenly felt a white light flash in front of them, and a figure blocked their way.

Master Ji Le was startled, looked carefully at the person blocking the way, and found that the other person was covered in a white robe, except for the different color, the style of the white robe was exactly the same as the man in black robe that he met at Ciyun Temple. One white, people have to suspect that there is a relationship between them.

Master Ji Le stepped forward and was about to ask the other party's identity, but he didn't expect the other party to speak first, "Master Ji Le, take my move, no matter what the result is, you and I understand the cause and effect!"

The white-robed man was naturally Yang Yangjian. As soon as the words fell, he shot directly. With a wave of his hand, the world was reversed, yin and yang were reversed, the sky suddenly darkened, and dense stars appeared in the sky.

If someone can go through the wind of the nine heavens and come to Tianwaitian, they will find that there are strange magic weapons floating in the Jedi, which even the gods cannot easily reach, with a pair of wings on each side, constantly absorbing the power of the stars in the sky, After transformation, it is projected to the ground. If people in the 21st century see the appearance of these magic weapons, they will definitely recognize that these magic weapons are obviously satellites.

As the power of the stars projected by the satellite magic weapon increased to the ground, the entire space vibrated violently, and a large array of stars was formed around Daoist Bliss and the others.

At this time, the real person of Ji Le felt as if he was in the depths of the starry sky. Countless stars flickered, like blinking eyes. Among them, there were [-] main stars arranged according to the [-] constellations, seven in the east, west, north, south, and scattered. With the light of the naked eye, it slowly transformed into the four holy beasts of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu.

At this time, Yang Jian, who was hidden in the white robe, raised a finger and pointed at it. At the same time, the four holy beasts suddenly opened their mouths and sprayed a beam of star light, which gathered together and turned into a huge finger. Even the fingerprints They are all clearly visible, like a divine pillar connecting the heaven and the earth, following Yang Jian's movements, he pressed it down like a real person of bliss.

The real person of Ji Le felt as if the whole world was pressing on him, which made it difficult for him to move. No wonder, the real man of Ji Le knew very well that standing still at this time would only lead to death. He forcibly pushed the magic power of his whole body, and raised his tender little hand to meet him. , It's just that the movement is very slow, it's not that Bliss really doesn't want to go fast, but that the pressure on the body is too great, it's not bad to be able to barely move. .

boom! !

That pillar-like finger touched the white and tender hand of Master Ji Le, and there was an earth-shattering roar. Master Ji Le pushed his mana to the limit at the critical moment, and cracks began to spread from the fingertips, and soon spread all over the entire finger , and then dissipated into countless starlight fragments with a bang, and the real person of Ji Le was also seriously injured after blocking the attack, staggered and almost fell down, but fortunately Zhu Mei stepped forward to support him in time.

"Wow!" The real blissful person opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, but he didn't dare to relax at all, he just stared at Yang Jian, if the other party pointed again, he would definitely not be able to stop him.

Yang Jian didn't mean to kill them all. Since the other party blocked the blow, he must keep his promise. Yang Jian waved his hand to disperse the star formation, and the sky and earth returned to clarity.

"Who is your Excellency! Why did you sneak attack us?" Master Ji Le asked sharply, resisting the pain from his body.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I just want to express my anger for my friend. You took my blow just now, and the grievance between us is over. Let's leave!" The white-robed man was ready to leave after speaking.

Daoist Ji Le was stunned for a moment, then thought of something, and immediately shouted: "I see, your so-called friend is the man in black robe from Ciyun Temple. Master, the reason why you shot at me just now is because I slashed the black-robed man with a sword in Ciyun Temple, although I took it back in time, but after all, I made a move, so you also give me a finger, right?"

Yang Jian, who was planning to leave, stopped and looked back at the real person of Ji Le, without refuting, and directly admitted: "Yes, if you have any dissatisfaction, if you want to take revenge, just come, I will accompany you."

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