Zhu Youmu hurriedly released a string of beads, a total of [-] beads, each of which contained a Buddha image, Amitabha, Sakyamuni, Medicine Master Tathagata, etc. appeared to protect him, surrounded him in the center, Resist the growing suction.

After receiving the blessings of the Buddhas, Zhu Youmu's body was full of golden light, his hands were in mudra, and he pushed outwards. One hundred and eight Buddhas turned around at the same time, turning their backs inwards and facing outwards, or emitting Buddha's light, or holding treasures, like Buddha's light. Like water waves, the light spread out round and round, but no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't shake the round of yin and yang fish in the sky, and it was still spinning as fast as before.

Zhu Youmu tried a few more times, but he returned in vain. Master Tuotuo stood there quietly from the beginning to the end, holding the yin and yang fish in the sky with his hands, without moving an inch, so Zhu Youmu had to switch from attack to defense. Do your best to resist the increasingly powerful suction.

"Let's stop here, Zhu Youmu, you should be on your way." Master Tuotuo finally made a movement, opened his mouth and let out a mouthful of vitality, and the suction of the yin-yang fish in the sky suddenly increased several times.

Zhu Youmu couldn't hold on any longer, and the one hundred and eight phantom Buddhas were sucked in together with Zhu Youmu himself.

"Let's admit defeat for a while, let Fellow Daoist Zhu come out." Seeing the crisis, Qi Shuming couldn't care less about yelling.

The black-robed clone sneered and said: "This sounds really familiar. Just now we wanted to admit defeat and you disagreed. Now it's our turn to look at our faces. This time the competition will be divided into winners and losers, and life and death will be decided. It's up to them Make it your own."

Zen Master Baimei burst into tears, watching his apprentice in crisis but helpless, although he is a monk, and all things are empty, but he is not hard-hearted, he couldn't help crying.

A few times Zen Master Baimei couldn't help but want to make a move and go back to his apprentice, but whenever he had this thought, when he was about to make a move, he would always feel a surge of energy, knowing that the opponent's master was also on guard. It will inevitably lead to a scuffle, leading to the failure of Emei's plan, which in turn affects their Buddhist calculations, so they can only hold back their grief, watching their apprentices encounter crises but can't do anything.

Others saw that Baimei, the master, didn't do anything, so naturally it was not easy to do it for him. Who knows if this master of Buddhism gave his apprentice some cards, and if he made a move that led to Zhu Youmu's death, he would blame him Own.

3 However, there was one person in Emei who ignored Zen Master Baimei's thoughts and started to attack directly. Jiang Xuejun rushed out, let out a loud shout, and threw the Tianlong scissors in his hand, turning into two golden dragons and rushing towards Master Tuotuo in the formation.

Jiang Xuejun and Zhu Youmu even made friends. They have always been partners. They traveled the world together and agreed to join hands to kill demons and subdue demons. Seeing that Zhu Youmu's life is in danger, how can he refuse to save him?

It's just that the two golden dragons just approached the formation, and the black-robed clone immediately ran out of Taiyi Wuyan Luo, turning into a layer of colorful mist to block it. Focus on it, but when you relax, it is rebounded by a force.

Jiang Xuejun was furious, especially thinking of Zhu Youmu's remaining crisis, so he unleashed two fairy swords and slashed at the black-robed clone regardless.

The black-robed avatar let out a cold snort and also released the Five Elements Immortal Execution Sword, turning one into five, two of the five colored lights resisted the immortal sword, and the other three slashed at Jiang Xuejun.

Xu Feiniang's cultivation is far better than Jiang Xuejun's. Even this avatar has the strength of a celestial being. The Five Elements Zhuxian Sword is even more precious. Will be cut under the sword.

At a critical moment, an old Taoist woman suddenly stood up from Emei's side, holding a hairpin in her hand and pointing forward, the tip of the hairpin produced infinite suction, and the three fairy swords were caught a little bit, and they were pulled towards him forcibly, losing their chop immediately. Chance to kill Jiang Xuejun.

But at the same time, Zhu Youmu screamed suddenly from outside the formation, but it was Zhu Youmu's protective Buddha phantom that was finally shattered by Jin, and he himself was also sucked, and the yin-yang fish spun and obliterated his physical body He and Yuanshen completely disappeared.

No one expected that this sword fight would be so cruel. In just a short time, two masters had been killed, and they were all dead. Everyone present felt a sense of sadness.

The goal has been achieved, and the black-robed avatar does not want to continue to entangle with him. With a wave of his hand, the colorful lights that were fighting against Jiang Xuejun's two fairy swords quickly separated, and merged with the three colors that were attracted by the hairpin. Guang Dazuo forcibly broke free from the suction, and flew back to the black-robed clone together with Taiyi Wuyanluo.

It wasn't until this time that the avatar of the black woman had the opportunity to carefully look at the person who just shot. The old Taoist woman had a handsome face, silver hair, and frosty face. Even better, there are only a handful of female fairies who can have such strength, and with the magic weapon used by the other party just now, it is not difficult to guess the identity of the other party. Presumably this old woman must be one of the two elders of the Great Wilderness. Cangxu old man and Xinru Shenni are also among the six monsters of the universe, Lu Yu!

As for the magic weapon it used for that day, it must be the star-absorbing hairpin, also a rare treasure in heaven, with infinite power. This old woman has always been arrogant and headstrong. She has practiced for more than a thousand years. In the relationship between people, if anyone dares to provoke her, he will be killed, at worst, he will be completely destroyed, and at worst, he will be disgraced and embarrassed.

Jiang Xuejun was distraught because of the death of his friend. He just raised his head at this time, and just saw Master Tuotuo walking out of the formation. He suddenly became angry and rushed over with a fairy sword in his hand. Fate!"

It's just that Jiang Xuejun had just rushed a few steps, and was sucked back by Lu Yu with the star-absorbing hairpin, and at the same time said unceremoniously: "Little girl, you go back here and leave it to me."

Jiang Xuejun also knew Lu Yu, and although she knew that she was not as good as her own strength, she was not too afraid because she was backed by a golden fairy master like Yan Yumu. Hearing Lu Yu's tone at this time, she felt a little uncomfortable, and was about to refute A few words, but at this time, the voice of my teacher Yan Yan came from my ear, "Mr. Xue, come back! Don't be willful!"

Of course, Jiang Xuejun had to listen to what his teacher said, and retreated unwillingly.

At this time, Lu Yu stood in the field and shouted at the side of the Demonic Dao: "Lu Yu is here! Who dares to fight me?"

Even though they are both one of the six monsters in the universe, their strength can be divided into high and low. Among the six monsters, Lu Yu is definitely one of the best. For example, her Taoism is much higher than the old man Cangxu.

When Daoist Changmei just entered Taoism, Lu Yu had already had a fierce reputation and was unscrupulous. She was still helping Daoist Changmei get Ziying and Qingsuo two peerless swords in Wudang Mountain. It can be said that the people present are basically his juniors. .

The masters of the demonic side have two clones of Yang Jian and Xu Feiniang. Even the blood god Deng Yin, the red lotus old devil, the haha ​​ancestor, and the sand god boy are not very sure that they can beat her. I don't know who to send to fight.

Just when the masters of the magic way were in trouble, suddenly a green light flew from a distance, landed on the field, and a young figure appeared, and said softly: "Let me do this!"

When Lu Yu saw the person coming, her expression changed drastically, and she said in surprise, "It's you!"

Chapter 329 Dead Bamboo, Lu Yu

Not only Lu Yu, but many people present also knew that the young man who appeared suddenly was the famous old man Kuzhu in the world of Shushan, one of the two elders in the wilderness, and a powerful man among the six monsters in the universe.

Speaking of which, the relationship between Old Man Kuzhu and Lu Yu is very close. From the perspective of ordinary people, it can be described as a childhood sweetheart. If the development of the normal plot is followed, it is not uncommon for the two to form a Taoist couple.

It's a pity that both the old man Kuzhu and Lu Yu are arrogant and arrogant people, and the two have weird tempers. They often cause conflicts over trivial matters, and even quarrel with each other, so they parted ways in the end.

On weekdays, when the old man Kuzhu and Lu Yu seldom meet, they try to avoid each other as much as possible, but even so, contact is inevitable, because of a little conflict, they fight a lot, and the relationship is very bad.

But no matter how bad it is, the relationship between them is still there. Although they usually don't communicate with each other, if one of them encounters unlucky things, the other will probably laugh at them, but if one of them encounters a life-and-death crisis, the other will definitely Rescue each other at all costs, this is a couple who love and kill each other.

But Lu Yu is a little strange. This time the sword fight involves the battle between good and evil, and the future situation of the whole world is related. She should understand the truth that evil does not overpower good. She is very aware of the old man's temper. It's not a person who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong, but I don't know why I want to stand on the side of the magic gate.

Everyone on the Mo Dao side breathed a sigh of relief, they were really not sure that they could beat the old woman, although they didn't know why the old man withered bamboo wanted to help them, but this situation couldn't be better, it happened to be a good time to see the skills of the two elders in the wilderness, and each of them showed a good show look.

"Old man, do you know what you are doing? You have fallen into the company of a group of monsters, aren't you afraid of being punished by the gods?" Lu Yu looked at the old man withered bamboo and asked sharply.

"God's punishment? Hehe! Old man, I always do things according to my preferences. I have never been afraid of God's punishment. This time, it's only because I owe others karma. Youdao is the most helpless debt of favor, and I always have to pay it back, but it's mainly for you. "The old man withered bamboo said a few words with a cold face, then turned his head to look at Yang Jian who was shrouded in white robes and said: "Fellow Taoist white robe, how about leaving this old woman to me?"

Of course, Yang Jian knew what Old Man Kuzhu was really thinking. On the surface, he was fighting with Lu Yu, but in fact he was trying to save her life. This whirlpool, you really took great pains, it's a pity that the other party doesn't appreciate it at all, maybe they will hate you instead, and you can't explain it clearly."

"If you resent, just be resentful. Anyway, it has been like this for so many years. Why do I have to explain to others what I do with Kuzhu."

Lu Yu heard something different from the conversation between the old man withered bamboo and Yang Jian, and immediately asked: "Old man, what do you mean? What's the purpose? Tell me clearly, and, you and that What's the relationship with the white-robed devil?"

"I just don't want you to be counted as cannon fodder. As for the others, I can't tell you for the time being."

At this time Qi Shuming had no choice but to stand up, knowing that the old man Kuzhu was referring to himself as the person who plotted against Lu Yu, he dared not take the blame, otherwise he would not be drowned by the spittle of his colleagues.

"Senior Kuzhu was joking, how dare I count against Senior Lu, I, the Emei Sect, are grateful for the help of Senior Lu, Demeng, and I will do my best to help Senior Lu become enlightened, and the road can be expected in the future, but Senior Kuzhu, you With such a big fanfare to join forces with monsters and go against the sky, aren't you afraid that when the catastrophe comes, you will end up dead?"

Qi Shuming had taken a threatening tone at the end, but he was also qualified to say that, because the old man withered bamboo had a peculiar fate, and he was destined to have a nemesis and a savior, and the nemesis was none other than Qi Shuming, and the savior also Closely related to Qi Shuming is his son Qi Jinchan. In the original book, the old man Kuzhu was able to escape from the catastrophe and ascend to heaven. The Tianxin ring that Qi Jinchan brought out from Jinshixia is a very important treasure. Qi Shuming knows exactly This is why he dared to threaten the old man withered bamboo.

At this moment, Qi Shuming still had some thoughts in his mind. Just now, from the conversation between the old man withered bamboo and the man in white, it was clear that the two of them knew each other and had a very close relationship. It was certain that the old man withered bamboo knew the identity of the man in white.

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