But this heavenly book just made up for what Lu Ru lacked. As long as you understand this great formation and understand its rules, you can expect a golden fairy career. This is a way to reach the sky!In this way, there is no need to please Emei.

Lu Yu completely understood that the old man withered bamboo was not trying to embarrass herself and prevent herself from becoming enlightened, but to help herself. When the opportunity came, she couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. At the critical moment, his senior brother is more reliable.

When Lu Yu was fascinated by the formations I recorded in the heavenly book in her hand, Qi Shuming was quietly communicating with Master Ji Le.

"Really, the situation is not good. There is an old man with dry bamboo on the side of the devil, who is a powerful golden fairy, and his strength is even better. If we can't suppress their arrogance, I'm afraid the next battle will not be good for us. Knowing the real person, you can surely defeat the old man withered bamboo."

Master Ji Le shook his head helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "To be honest, I'm not sure at all. I'm afraid the old man withered bamboo is still with me."

Qi Shuming said in disbelief: "How is this possible? The old man Kuzhu has been certified as a Golden Immortal for at most a hundred years. How can he compare to your profound background?"

"At first, I was still wondering. When the old man withered bamboo appeared just now, I felt that he had a sense of unfathomable depth. I thought it was just because of his special skills. I didn't even think that he had already certified as a golden immortal until I just realized what was going on after listening to their conversation just now. The other party has fused the physical body of reincarnation for many years, and his mana has reached an unimaginable level. I just heard it occasionally, but I didn't expect it to be true. After being forged with this method, the body and the soul perfectly fit the world, which is more conducive to the control of the law. Although I didn't exercise power when I fought with fellow Taoist Lu just now, It can be seen from a glimpse of the leopard in the tube that the real strength of the old man withered bamboo is probably still inferior to mine, not to mention that I am still injured. Although I have been suppressed after recuperating these days, once I fight against a power like withered bamboo, I will definitely die. If the injury recurs, the chance of winning is less than [-]%."

Qi Shu felt bitter in his heart, what is this called?Since the beginning of the sword fight, everything has gone wrong, Qi Shuming felt that it was too difficult for him, the head teacher of the Emei School, and even had an urge to pick others up.

Qi Shuming seemed a little reconciled, and asked Yan Yumu, Zunsheng, Baimei, Youtan and others, but the answers he got made him even more desperate. Their situation is not as good as that of the real person of bliss, at least the real person of bliss is in good health. There is still a slight chance of winning, but the others told Qi Shuming very seriously that the only way to defeat the old man withered bamboo is in the end.

Lu Yu has browsed through the contents of the Heavenly Book in a very short period of time, and the joy on her face is almost overflowing. With the Heavenly Book in hand, her future road is almost smooth. She wanted to be kind to Emei before. The idea of ​​using Emei's power to overcome the catastrophe faded away.

Lu Yu put away the heavenly book, secretly talked with the old man of Kuzhu, reached an agreement, and then walked out of the formation.

2 Lu Yu went directly to Qi Shuming and saluted him: "Forgive me, Master Qi, I have failed your hope, old lady, and I have no face to stay here. We have made a bet before, so we can only go back to the Great Barren Mountain to practice hard. I'm so sorry."

"Senior Lu, you..."

Qi Shuming still wanted to talk to persuade him to stay, but unfortunately Lu Yu didn't give him a chance at all. After speaking, it turned into a silver light and shot up into the sky, disappearing in an instant.

Qi Shuming had no choice but to turn his head to look at the old man withered bamboo, intending to say a few nice words, hoping that the other party would forgive him for his disrespect just now, but unfortunately, the old man withered bamboo did even worse, ignoring Qi Shu at all, and directly treating the other party as a transparent person. walk by.

The old man withered bamboo came to Yang Jian and clasped his fists: "Fellow Daoist in white robe, my private affairs have been settled and I am leaving soon. If you have any errands, you can tell me. As long as I can do what I can, I will never refuse. By the way, Do you need me to stay and help you deal with those people?"

The Emei group headed by Qi Shuming suddenly became tense, for fear that Yang Jian would let Old Man Kuzhu deal with them.

Yang Jian seemed to sense the tension on the Emei side, squinted at them, then waved his hand indifferently and said: "It's not that serious, it's just a few miscellaneous fish, I can handle it, you go back first, if you really need it, I will Notified you."

When Qi Shuming and the others heard that Yang Jian referred to them as miscellaneous fish, they were all furious. Even masters like Ji Le Daoist, Yan Yumu and the three monks and two nuns were also a little angry, but look at the dead bamboo that hasn't left yet. The old man finally said nothing.

"That's right, with your strength, there is nothing else in this world that can be difficult for you. There are only some clowns who are self-righteous and have no idea what kind of existence they are fighting against." The old man withered bamboo finally nodded at Yang Jian, It turned into a blue light dish and went to Wuzhong Ridge.

Now that the three matches are over, the Emei side lost two out of three rounds, and those two losses were really ugly. Although Shang Heyang lost in the first round, at least they fought against Jiang Xuejun for more than two hours. Although he lost, it can also be said that he lost with honor.

But in the next two games, when Zhu Youmu played against Master Tuotuo, he was killed by Master Tuotuo in just a cup of tea, and from the beginning to the end, Master Tuotuo looked relaxed and comfortable. The lotus flower wiped away Zhu Youmu's body and soul together, and the other party's fellow practitioners of Buddhism, Taoism and demons made a big splash.

And the third match was an absolute crush. Originally, Lu Ruo, one of the six monsters in the universe, thought it was a sure thing to win.But I didn't expect the other party to be more ruthless, and directly came up with a powerful person who is a golden fairy. This is simply bullying a child!How shameless!

We have already lost two out of three games, and we must not lose in the fourth game. The Emei side was burning a little, and when they should send someone to fight, a man from Mo Dao's side suddenly jumped out, pointed at Qi Shuming and shouted: "Qi Shuming, Come and have a showdown with me, you used to rely on magic treasures to anger me, but now that I have obtained the rare treasures of the Heavenly Palace, I am no longer afraid of you, so I just took this opportunity to make a final decision."

People like Emei were immediately happy when they saw it. It was none other than Zen Master Xiaoyue who challenged them. They might not know about others, but they knew everything about Zen Master Xiaoyue. As long as they sent out suitable candidates, they would definitely win.

Originally, Zen Master Xiaoyue planned to challenge Qi Shuming in the first round, but Shang Heyang took the lead, so he could only suppress the restlessness in his heart. In the second round, he was robbed by Zhu Youmu again. Zen Master Xiaoyue's goal It's just that Qi Shuming was not interested in Zhu Youmu at all, so he planned to play the last show, but he didn't expect that the third show would be a performance by Lu Yu and the old man Kuzhu. After finally waiting for the fourth show, Zen Master Xiaoyue pressed I couldn't bear it anymore, and challenged directly without waiting for the Demonic Dao side to make a choice.

"Xiaoyue is rebellious, don't be presumptuous, what status is the head teacher, how can you do it easily, let me meet you." With a loud shout, the figure stopped in front of Zen Master Xiaoyue, but it was Xuan Zhenzi, the elder brother of the Emei sect. .

Seeing Xuan Zhenzi Xiaoyuechan's eyes glowing, if you rank the people Zen Master Xiaoyue hates the most, Qi Shuming must be ranked first, and the second place is none other than This Xuan Zhenzi.

Speaking of which, there is no hatred between Xuan Zhenzi, Zen Master Xiaoyue and Xuan Zhenzi. Zen Master Xiaoyue was convinced of him before he apostatized, and was willing to support him as the head teacher.

Unexpectedly, Zen Master Xiaoyue later behaved like a hot face and a cold ass, Xuan Zhenzi voluntarily withdrew, and immediately left Mount Emei to fish Aoji in the East China Sea to live in seclusion. After some cynicism from the same door, he simply defected from Emei and wanted to stand on his own, which shows that Xuanzhenzi has a high morality.

However, now that Zen Master Xiaoyue has worshiped under the ancestor Haha, the Dao Demon practitioners have obtained a few rare treasures from the Heavenly Mansion. The opportunity to settle the old accounts.

"Alright, let's deal with you first, and then deal with that Qi Shuming, so that everyone can understand that the master's decision back then was wrong!" Zen Master Xiaoyue said, throwing himself into the formation.

Chapter 331

Chan Master Xiaoyue let out a loud cry, and holding a broken jade hook, bursts of water-blue light flashed towards Xuanzhenzi to kill.

But soon Zen Master Xiaoyue's face turned dark, because he saw Xuan Zhenzi, took out a shield with a scorpion carved on the top, and blocked it like a city wall.

Zen master Xiaoyue had seen this magic weapon before, and Qi Shuming made him suffer a great loss with this treasure, but he didn't expect it to appear in Xuan Zhenzi's hands now, obviously the other party had already guessed that he was going to trouble Qi Shuming, I also thought about how to deal with it. From the very beginning, I was going to let Xuan Zhenzi deal with me, and I specially handed him the fairy shield that restrained me from breaking the jade hook. Me, really think of me as a bully.

The Iron Bi Immortal Shield must be controlled by the innate Taiyi True Qi, and people who are not highly skilled in Taoism cannot use it. As the big brother of the Emei Sect, Xuan Zhenzi is of course no problem. With a cold light, a white gas shot out from each of the eyes, and the finished glyph struck straight forward.

Zen Master Xiaoyue's Broken Jade Hook sparked a ray of cold light from Immortal Light and Immortal Shield Tiebei. The two white qi were immediately dissolved when touched, and continued to move forward. In a blink of an eye, the distance was less than three zhang.

At the critical moment, a purple-blue flame burst out from Zen Master Xiaoyue's head, and suddenly expanded. When the cold light and white air touched the flame, there was a series of rattling noises, and a large amount of water vapor came out.

Of course, that purple-green flame is the purple-green flame that Zen Master Xiaoyue had just obtained not long ago. He got two in total, but he accepted Yang Jian's instructions and refined a unique magic weapon. Useful, only use this one to defend against enemies.

Xuan Zhenzi saw that Tie Bixian had no success in escaping, and immediately cast the infinite golden thunderbolt transformed by the thunder of Taiyi God, hidden many demon-killing needles, and illuminated a large area of ​​​​the world into a piece of gold. The invisible sword slashed at Zen Master Xiaoyue along with thousands of invisible sword qi.

Xuanzhenzi is worthy of being the head of the second-generation disciples of the Emei Sect. Such momentum is really astonishing. If he really fights for Taoism and mana, Zen Master Xiaoyue is indeed far behind. It is difficult to win even in terms of swordsmanship alone. After joining the sect, fellow Daoist cultivators have greatly increased their mana, even if they are not as good as they are, they will go somewhere. Coupled with the few rare treasures of the Heavenly Mansion just obtained, it is considered that the chances of winning are not small. The brilliant work, like a dragon, surrounds Chan Master Xiaoyue's body, protecting it tightly.

Those Taiyi divine thunders, the invisible sword energy fell on the blue light flood dragon, exploding a cloud of blue light rain, and then wiped out, even the [-] demon-killing needles that Xuan Zhenzi sacrificed for many years in Diaoaoji were also blocked He couldn't advance an inch, and the six invisible swords were also bitten by the dragon, and he wanted to snatch them. If it wasn't for Xuan Zhenzi's incomparable power, and the invisible sword's miraculous power, he might lose his sense.

"Xuan Zhenzi, you are only today, watch and fight!"

Zen Master Xiaoyue stretched out his left hand, only then did everyone realize that there were three rings of different colors on his wrist, but they were the rare treasures of heaven, the Sancai Qingning Ring, with a light flick, they flew out at the same time.

Three jewel rings of blue, red, and yellow suddenly rose into the sky, and the light shone with illusory splendor.Immediately, there was a loud thunderbolt in the sky.

The red ring was in the shape of a dragon and tiger cloud, mixed with countless thunder lights, and it shook straight down, all of them struck the Taiyi God Thunder, the Invisible Sword, and the Devil Slayer God Needle in an instant.

The green rings also emitted endless blue light, turning sharply and hanging upside down like a dragon sucking up water, completely absorbing the cold light and white air of the iron pot fairy shield.

The yellow ring, on the contrary, emits infinite yellow light while hanging in the air. The spirit of Xutu is like a mountain like a mountain. , but to bless all the power on the ring body itself, with an unrivaled momentum, it smashed heavily on the iron fairy shield.

boom! ! !

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