Yang Jian didn't care, patted her on the back, and comforted her: "I know, I've been watching you secretly, and I wanted to tell you my identity, but seeing that your heart is filled with hatred, I just want to It has become your obsession to make the Emei faction pay the price. Although I can use other methods to resolve it, it will make your efforts all the time meaningless, and you will not be able to understand your thoughts, which will be detrimental to your future practice. I hope you can keep up with me, pursue the Dao together, and be together forever, so I can only let you mess around and arrange everything secretly to ensure your safety."

Mrs. Miaoyi listened to the conversation between Yang Jian and Xu Feiniang. The more she listened, the angrier she became, and finally she couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed: "You vicious devil, you only want to let this bitch get rid of her obsessions in her heart and make her think clearly. , actually watched her provoke the battle of righteousness and demons, causing people to die, don't those creatures don't matter in your heart?"

When Yang Jian heard Mrs. Miaoyi calling Xu Feiniang a bitch, her expression turned cold, "Speak politely, and be careful not to speak out."

Xu Feiniang leaned against Yang Jian, her face was full of happiness, especially when she heard Yang Jian defending her so much, she smiled even more happily.

"For me, yes, Fei Niang is the most important thing in my heart." Yang Jian admitted without hesitation, "It doesn't matter if the world is destroyed, as long as Fei Niang is happy, she treats me with sincerity , I naturally repay it sincerely, there are not many people in this world who can make me care, and Fei Niang is definitely the first.

By the way, there is also Tuotuo. At the beginning, I thought that my body and spirit would be destroyed immediately, so I specially ordered a group of disciples to let them practice hard, but in the end, except for Tuotuo, no one was obedient. Everyone has their own selfishness. Don't blame me for not blaming these disciples, I would like to advise you, don't touch the people I care about, otherwise if you cross my bottom line, you will really die! "

When Mrs. Miaoyi heard Yang Jian say this, she became even more angry, and wanted to fight Yang Jian desperately, so scared that Yan Yan immediately imprisoned her.

"You two have a deep relationship, and I admire you. I don't know what Daoist Taiyi's plan is next? Emei has already suffered a heavy loss. Do you want to kill Emei?" Daoist Ji Le looked at Yang Jian seriously and asked.

"The name of Taiyi is a thing of the past, so let's not mention the past. Now my surname is Yang and my name is Jian. You can call me Daoyou Yang. As for the hatred between you and the Emei Sect, let's end it. Of course, if Mrs. Miaoyi wants to take revenge Come anyway, I don't care." At the end of Yang Jian's speech, he gave Xun Lanyin a meaningful look.

"This is the best way to resolve the hatred. It is best not to continue. I hope that fellow Taoists will keep their word."

"Really!" Madam Miaoyi yelled in dissatisfaction.He was about to say something, but Yan Yumu forcibly sealed his mouth and couldn't say anything behind.

At this meeting, Aunt Yan can't wait to point at Mrs. Miaoyi's nose and yell. Auntie, please see the situation clearly. Now we are fish and meat, and the other party is Daozu. If we really make a move, we will die without a place to die. I want to kill myself.

At this moment, five golden brilliance flashed, and Sanqian and Erni appeared. In fact, they had rushed over a long time ago, but they saw Yang Jian and the others talking and did not dare to disturb them. This was secretly using the method of seeing and listening Yang Jian had already noticed the eavesdropping, but she didn't care at all.

Hearing that Yang Jian had reached an agreement with Master Ji Le, the three monks and two nuns dared to show up, but the faces of the five were a little pale. They had been taught by Yang Jian before, and each of them was seriously injured. Without decades of self-cultivation, they could not recover.

Yang Jian looked at the three monks and two nuns, with no good looks, and sarcastically said: "What? Do you feel unconvinced and want to fight again? I have no objection, and I will accompany you at any time, but are you ready to die? "

"Amitabha!" Chan Master Tianmeng stepped forward, proclaimed the Buddha's name, and then said: "Benefactor Yang has a profound way, and the six of us are invincible with the formation. How dare we fight with Yang Shi again, but there are some things I want to explain clearly." , this world is not as simple as Benefactor Yang imagined, there are many more..."

Before Tianmeng could finish speaking, Yang Jian bowed his hand and interrupted him, "Of course I know that this world is not simple, even more than I know, and I can guess what schemes your Buddhist sect has, otherwise the five of you would have already Why does the old guy who can ascend to the ascension stay in this world? On the surface, he wants to rescue his apprentices or friends, but the real purpose is not that simple. Don’t treat everyone as a fool, but unfortunately, I will tell you clearly now You, your plan is impossible to succeed, because I will stand on the side of the door."

The three monks and two nuns were shocked at the same time. The biggest secret in their hearts was discovered by Yang Jian, and they expressed their position so bluntly that they held back what they were going to say. They wanted to try to win over Yang Jian, but now It seemed impossible.

"Forget it! With Benefactor Yang as the backing of the Taoist sect, even if we have all kinds of calculations, it's useless. We can only go back to the mountain to practice behind closed doors. From now on, we will stay away from where Benefactor Yang's sword points, and dare not be enemies!"

The five Buddhist masters glanced at each other, finally sighed helplessly, turned into a golden light and left, with no face to stay here anymore.

Yang Jian thought to himself: Even if you are smart, if you dare to say a word, you will definitely be beaten into cripples.

Yang Jian thought so in his heart, and at the same time stretched out his hand to make a move, and a figure was photographed, but it was Master Tuotuo.

"Tuotuo, you have done a good job. Among all my disciples, you are the only one who is willing to listen to the teacher's arrangement and go back to the mountain to concentrate on practicing. You have not let me down."

When Master Tuotuo heard Yang Jian's words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then learned of Yang Jian's identity under the induction of heaven, he knelt down with a plop, and cried, "Master, I want to kill you!"

Chapter 339 Yuanjiang Golden Boat

Seeing Master Tuotuo who was crying like a child, Yang Jian was also very moved. With Yang Jian's current cultivation base, he can easily tell whether the other party is sincere or fake, and can feel that Master Tuotuo is really doing it for himself. The master was happy to return and wept with joy.

"Okay, Tuotuo, don't cry. It's a blessing for us to meet our master and apprentice. We should be happy. How can we cry here? Get up!" Although Yang Jian was moved in his heart, Tuotuo was such a big man. , and he is still bald and crying, it is really a bit unsightly, so I can't help persuading him.

"The teacher is right. It is the student's fault. The teacher forgives the sin." Master Tuotuo wiped away his tears and smiled, then stood up.

"There are still very important things to do as a teacher. Who would you like to be a teacher with?"

"The disciples will go wherever the teacher goes." Master Tuotuo expressed his attitude without hesitation.

Yang Jian nodded in satisfaction, and finally took a look at the battlefield. At this time, the great battle between the righteous and the evil had already caused heavy casualties, and nearly half of Gao died. It can be imagined how fierce the battle was. All the monks were almost wiped out, but Yang Jian didn't feel any heartache at all.

Although Fa Yuan used to be a disciple of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, but after Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch was dismissed, he not only did not obey his teacher's arrangement, but secretly assembled a group of heinous people who did all kinds of evil in Ciyun Temple. On the surface, he acted in the name of avenging Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, but in fact, he was secretly selfish. Even if Fayuan didn't die this time, Yang Jian planned to clean up the house himself. Now that he was killed by others, Yang Jian would save Some tricks.

It is worth mentioning that Xu Feiniang passed a message to Zen Master Xiaoyue before leaving, telling him to escape from the battlefield as soon as possible. After all, after serving the gray-robed clone for so long, one cannot be so heartless.

Yang Jian led Xu Feiniang and Master Tuotuo away, and Immortal Ji Le and Yan Yumu breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, they were really afraid that Yang Jian would suddenly attack. With their current strength, they had no chance of winning at all, and it was impossible to even escape. , Fortunately, the other party did not mean to kill them all.

"What should we do now?" Yan Yumu asked Master Ji Le a little at a loss.

Master Ji Le thought for a while, looked at the chaotic battlefield, and said: "Get rid of this group of demons first, and then think about it in the long run. Now my mind is also confused, and I don't know how to make a decision. Let's discuss it together after the end. .”

Yanmu nodded, first released the restraint on Mrs. Miaoyi, told her to be careful, and then went to the battlefield with Master Ji Le.

Originally, the battle between the masters of the righteous and the devil was extremely fierce, and it was impossible to tell the winner in a short period of time, but with the help of the two golden immortals, Jue Zhenren and Yan Yumu, the devil's side quickly fell. In the downwind, the balance of victory shifted to the side of the righteous way, and one by one the masters of the magic way were killed by the real person of Ji Le and Yan Yumu.

This is exactly what Yang Jian wanted, because a large part of these people in the demonic way were attracted by Xu Feiniang's "Friends of Daoist Please Stay Away" spell. After they die, part of their luck will be transferred to Xu Feiniang The body, none of them are good things anyway, the more dead the better, the use of waste can just help Xu Feiniang practice.

However, people of the devil way can't be underestimated when they fight their lives. At the critical moment of life and death, all kinds of weird magic methods emerge one after another, and the power is not small under the desperate effort. perish together.

Red lotus old devil was killed by Yi Zhou with the pros and cons Xumi Jiugong array that destroyed his life's work, but he didn't expect that at the last moment, red lotus old devil drove thirty-six lotus seeds into his body, and each lotus seed contained red A ray of divine thoughts of Old Demon Lian, after entering Zhou Zhou's body, immediately took root and sprouted. He planned to borrow Yi Zhou's body to be reborn and force Yi Zhou's primordial spirit out of his body. He was almost overturned by Old Demon Honglian. Mu rushed over and directly blasted the newly reborn Honglian old devil who was still in a weak state into fly ash with the soundless god thunder, but Yi Zhou also lost his body because of this, he had to reincarnate and try to recondense his body .

The blood god Deng Yin was specially entertained by the real person of Ji Le. The green lotus in his hand could restrain the blood nerves, and with the bodhi ring that Mrs. Miaoyi gave later, two treasures that restrained the blood nerves appeared at the same time. Where could Deng Yin have? Those who escaped died directly.

As for Sha Shen Boy, he finally suppressed Master Ninja, but Zen Master Zhigong gave him a ruthless sentence from behind, and then joined forces with Master Ninja to capture him alive.

Others, such as Venerable Poison Dragon and Patriarch Lie Huo, basically died by accident, and the final result was that the Righteous Way won miserably.

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Yang Jian, and he took Xu Feiniang and Master Tuotuo to find the direction and fly all the way.

"Brother, where are we going?" Xu Feiniang asked suspiciously.

"I want to take you to Yuanjiang to retrieve Guang Chengzi's legacy, and at the same time solve a big problem."

"Big trouble? Is there anything in this world that makes you feel troublesome?"

Xu Feiniang didn't know how far Yang Jian's cultivation had reached until now, but he could have guessed a thing or two just by seeing that he defeated Qi Shuming and the two monks and two nuns with his own strength. Speaking of big trouble, it is definitely not a trivial matter.

"When I was in Ciyun Temple before, the old bald donkey of Tianmeng also said that this world is not as simple as imagined, because outside this world, there are some high-level existences who pay attention to this, the so-called heavenly immortals, golden immortals, Even Taiyi Jinxian and Da Luo Jinxian are just ants in their eyes. It is easy to open up the world and destroy the world. There are also fights between them, but for this kind of truly immortal existence, the more important thing is the battle of skin , what I have done may anger some people, if they are really hard-hearted, they can definitely send a Da Luo-level expert to suppress the cultivation base into this world to deal with me, so I want to join one of the forces before they make a move Find a backer."

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