Tony Stark snapped his fingers as he spoke, and a three-dimensional projection emerged, which looked like a cluster of beating ganglia, showing a dreamlike blue.

Seeing this stereoscopic projection, Bruce Banner couldn't help but widen his eyes: "It's incredible, it looks like it's thinking, like a brain, but it's not a brain."

"Yes, Tinder is equivalent to the brain of Transformers, which carries the memory. Originally, there is a layer of defensive energy on the surface of Transformers' Tinder. It stands to reason that it is impossible to check the inside of it. Uh, if it is forcibly broken, it will only lead to Tinder. Destruction, but the fire of the Mechanical God of War is obviously incomplete, which is obviously caused by the lack of energy at the time of transformation, but it is precisely because of this that we can explore the mysteries inside the fire, and observe this kind of mechanical body brain at close range. mode, Jarvis!"

Following Tony Stark's words, a golden spherical three-dimensional projection appeared in front of the two of them. It looked like a moving star system, with a golden halo flowing around the shining core.

"This is Jarvis, a visual program structure. In the beginning, Jarvis was just a natural language user interface, similar to a toy's speech recognition. After countless upgrades, it has become my best assistant, managing the entire Iron Legion, some of which are very similar to Tinder's model structure, I am sure this is the key to the birth of Ultron, with it, we can create the most powerful artificial intelligence, control countless steel armor, Complete the work for us, and then we can retire, enjoy the sun and the beach, and it's okay..." Tony Stark couldn't go on talking, thinking of the things that made him very unhappy, his face became pale Smelly.

Bruce Banner understood what he didn't say, so he glared at him, and said angrily: "It can still help you defeat Ivan Vanke, right? In fact, there is no need for you to get into such a situation, to hate this kind of thing It’s better to be able to resolve it or to resolve it, seriously speaking, he has suffered much more damage than you, and he can let it go, so why should you be persistent?”

Tony Stark exploded when he heard this, "Let it go? When did he let it go? If he let it go, why would he trouble me everywhere? Do you know what that bastard did? It made me lose face, and I was at odds with him."

Tony Stark thought about what had happened in the past few years. He had a toothache. He fought Ivan Vanke hundreds of times, but every time the result was the same, he was beaten to the ground.

"That's nothing more than a prank. If he really wanted to kill you, you would have died long ago. In my opinion, you are both rivals and friends. Think carefully about your technological progress over the years. In the final analysis, it is not because of Is there such a stimulus from an opponent? It inspires you to constantly develop new technologies and keep moving forward. Although you are the one who is unlucky for you every time you fight, it is not fatal. If you can recover, it is far worse than the pain that your father caused them to suffer, and I think your bruised and swollen face is also cute, and now you rarely drive that kind of messy car Party, don’t go looking for those women anymore, Little Pepper also likes your change, right? This is all thanks to Ivan Vanke.” After talking about it, Bruce Banner couldn’t help laughing out loud.

"Shut up! That bastard takes my face every time. He is obviously jealous of my handsome face, which makes me lose face in front of beautiful women every time. I will never let him go."

Tony Stark recalled the experience of the past few years, it was like a nightmare. Although he already had Pepper, it didn't mean that he didn't really find other women to relax, but because of Ivan's relationship, looking for a woman The situation is obviously very rare, after all, he can't go to a woman with a pig's head.

Since the end of the New York War, Tony Stark seems to have suffered from anxiety, not only because of the threat of aliens, but also wants to get the truth about the death of his parents from Ivan. There is only one premise, that is to defeat other side.

For this reason, Tony Stark desperately developed the steel suit and challenged Ivan again and again, but every time he ended up losing.

Originally, Ivan was already enough for Iron Man to worry about, but later he was attacked by Extremis soldiers. The soldiers injected with Extremis virus could release high temperature one by one and have strong recovery ability.Pepper was kidnapped, and he was almost killed. Fortunately, he has the aura of the protagonist, and finally defeated his opponent.

The difference from the original plot is that perhaps because Iron Man has been defeated by Ivan more times, he is not so arrogant after being hit, and feels that he is not strong enough to guarantee the safety of Pepper, so Pepper is not removed. The Extremis virus on his body, but took the initiative to perfect it, making Pepper a super soldier.

But in this way, Tony Stark's tragic married life began. You must know that the Extremis virus can make people have unparalleled recovery ability. After Pepper became an Extremis warrior, all aspects of his body were strengthened to the limit. Lost in a losing streak, those who were killed threw away their helmets and armor, even if they soaked wolfberry water every day, they couldn't recover. In desperation, they finally made up their minds to inject themselves with the Extremis virus, and it was the most advanced version. Hundreds of millions, but who made him rich?

Iron Man regained the upper hand in the couple's life, and had an unexpected harvest. Stimulated by Ivan, Iron Man had already developed nanotechnology when he was injected with Extremis Virus. After combining with Extremis Virus, he was upgraded to Putting on the bloody battle armor, countless nano-robots are hidden in his body, which can be summoned at any time to change into a steel battle suit, and can restore themselves. .

Originally, Iron Man thought that his upgraded Blood Edge Armor could completely defeat him, Ivan, and headed towards the fantasy technology headquarters full of confidence, but he was severely slapped in the face by reality. Although the Blood Edge Armor is powerful, it still After losing to Ivan, he was pressed to the ground and slammed with a hammer, and fled. Naturally, it was impossible to get the truth about the death of his parents.

Later, Iron Man changed his thinking and turned out that he was no match for one-on-one, so he relied on numbers to win, but the number controlled by Jarvis was limited, and there were some shortcomings, so he planned to develop a higher-level artificial intelligence to control thousands of battle suits. Crush the enemy with crowd tactics, so there is Ultron's development plan. It seems that one person is not enough, and Dr. Banner is specially called in. I have to say that the fate is strange, the soul gem was taken away by Yang Jian, but look In this case, Ultron will still appear, and it is created after the Transformers' fire.

Bruce Banner saw that Iron Man seemed to be really angry, so he stopped talking about Ivan, looked at Ultron's program projection and said: "I think we'd better discuss it with the rest of the Avengers. For a moment, it always feels a little reckless."

"Do you think it's useful to discuss with them? They don't understand at all, and they can't give any advice at all. In the end, it's not the two of us who come to study."

Bruce class asked with some hesitation: "How about we find a way to ask Ivan, don't ask directly, find a way to test it out, after all, the boss behind him made Transformers, and he must know more about Tinder than we do. Well, Ultron was created by imitating the principle of fire, and for a life like Transformers that has been transformed mechanically, it must be..."

"Absolutely not! I will never bow to that bastard Ivan. And I have promised Nick Fury from the beginning of my research on Transformers that I will not let people in fantasy technology know, who knows their research on Transformers What's your opinion?"

Dr. Banner was silent. He knew that Nick Fury was repeating his old mistakes. Everyone looked like an enemy. Even if Yang Jian gave him the power of Transformers, Bruce Banner wanted to refuse, but when He looked at the Tinder model floating in the air and couldn't say anything if he refused. As a scientist, he has a curiosity. He also wants to study the magical existence of Tinder, and also wants to see what Ultron looks like after it is researched.

In the end, he still couldn't suppress his curiosity, Dr. Banner nodded and said, "Okay, I'll help you!"

Tony Stark smiled: "What are you waiting for, let's start now."

Immediately, the two geniuses began their cooperation, using their computer knowledge and the operating principle of Tinder to design an unprecedented super artificial intelligence-Ultra.

It didn't take long for them, both of them are the top geniuses in the human world, no one understands computers better than them, and with the fire as a reference, they burst out endless inspiration. A few days later, Ultron was almost completed, It has reached more than 99%, but this last point has not been able to break through. Obviously, the two have encountered a bottleneck.

"Okay, Tony, let's take a break, don't rush this moment, today is the day when our Avengers get together, don't let it spoil your good mood."

"Okay, let's take a break, Jarvis, open the champagne, and let's get high!"

Tony Stark walked out with Dr. Banner as he said that, but after walking a few steps, he suddenly remembered something, turned around and came to the laboratory table, and put a metal box into the safe.

"This can't be lost. Nick Fury will never allow me to come a second time for the energy that was finally extracted from the Mechanical God of War."

I have to say that Tony Stark is one of the smartest people in the Marvel world. After some research, he just found a way to extract energy from Transformers. He originally planned to use this energy to create a Transformers, but I haven't found a suitable transformation target, and this energy is too precious, I only have such a share in my hand, and I haven't been willing to use it.

When Tony Stark and Bruce Banner came to the venue, there were already many people waiting for him, including Nick Fury, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Captain America, Thor, Falcon, Hill, etc. Originally, Skye, Ivan, and Miaomiao were also members of the Avengers, but the relationship between Ivan and Iron Man was too bad. The two usually started fighting directly when they met, and a good gathering turned into a PK scene, so this kind of gathering should be avoided as much as possible Ivan was invited, and Skye looked down on a playboy like Tony Stark, so naturally he would not come here.

Speaking of which, many things have happened in the past few years. Iron Man was attacked by soldiers with terminal illness. The plot of Captain America 70 happened as it happened. He met his good friend Bucky again after 20 years. In the end, the Winter Soldier escaped, and then Captain America began to be hunted down. This time, Captain America did not experience the bitter battle in the original plot. Afterwards, with the help of Falcon, all the threatening people boarded the Helicarrier and turned into giants more than [-] meters high, and they were demolished alive.

Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., is completely different from the situation where the Security Council suppressed everywhere in the plot, because after Yang Jian transformed the Helicarrier into a Transformer, it bound Nick Fury's genes and mental fluctuations, although With simple self-awareness, but under the control of Nick Fury, his status will naturally rise.

After being chased by the Winter Soldier, he immediately feigned death and escaped. When he came back, he took control of S.H.I.E.L.D. At the request, Ali will have to re-allocate funds to rebuild S.H.I.E.L.D.Decentralize supplies.S.H.I.E.L.D. was rebuilt, and now Nick Fury is still the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., with more power than before.

It is also worth mentioning that Thor's girlfriend Jane appeared in the venue, and he exuded a powerful aura.

To be honest, even Yang Jian was a little dumbfounded about what happened to Jane, Thor's girlfriend. Although Sol and Jane had a relationship in the movie, Yang Jian was not optimistic about them from the beginning, and didn't think they could get together , and the development in the middle and later stages of the movie also proved Yang Jian's guess.

There is a natural gap between people on Earth and people in Asgard. Even ordinary people in Asgard have a lifespan of 5000 years, let alone Thor, and Jane is just an ordinary person who can live to 100 years old. It is great luck. Imagine that 30 years later, Thor is still young and maintains his original appearance, while Jane is getting old. When they walk together, they will probably think they are mother and child. Jane can't bear the strange eyes of others. , In the end, there is only one way to break up.

But unexpectedly, things turned around. The plot of Thor II still happened, and the cylinder was still possessed by ether particles, transforming into the sleeping dark elf.

However, due to Yang Jian's intervention, Thor's strength is much stronger than in the original plot, and he has built the Storm Ax in advance.After learning of Jane's accident, he directly used the storm battle ax to summon the Rainbow Bridge, and took Jane to Asgard for treatment, but the dark elves invaded and almost killed his mother. Fortunately, Odin had several The fairy beans sent by Yang Jian rescued the seriously injured and dying God Queen Frigga, so Odin was extremely grateful to Yang Jian.

After Thor heard that his mother was almost killed, he was furious, and he beheaded the Doom Soldier with a storm axe, while Malekith, the king of the dark elves, took the opportunity to take the ether particles from Jane, and planned to kill Jane. Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Jane actually picked up Thor's hammer and left Thor's hammer. She turned into a female Thor and fought with Malekith. Although she was not an opponent, she still persisted until Thor came. Kill Malekith.

Chapter 443 The Birth of Ultron

There are many theories about the reason why Jane raised Thor's Hammer and became a female Thor. However, Yang Jian secretly extracted blood from Jane and found that Jane's genes had undergone some changes, and the form began to be close to Thor's genes. Yang Jian After much deliberation, finally finally found the reason, the key lies in ether particles.

As we all know, ether particles are actually the gems of reality in the infinite gems, which can transform illusion and reality.

Jane is actually a smart woman, she is very aware of the gap between herself and Thor, not only in identity, but more importantly in lifespan, but she has a deep affection for Thor, and it is difficult to let go It can only be delayed for a day, and it is ready to leave Sol until he is old and golden in the future.

Of course, Jane will inevitably feel a little unwilling. He hopes that he can be worthy of Thor, the god of thunder, and that he can have a long life like the Asgardians, marry and have children with Thor.

This idea has been entangled in her heart all the time, but she thought about it at most before, but the ether particle gave him this opportunity. During the period of ether particle possession, she should have felt the desire in her heart. The ether particle, that is, the gem of reality, Feeling the host's inner desire, she turned the emptiness into reality, and began to carry out genetic modification like Thor, but this required a lot of energy consumption, which was obviously not something Jane could provide, so when she was possessed by ether particles, she would There is a situation where the vitality is rapidly consumed. If this continues, the final result can only be that Jane exhausts her vitality and dies.

However, Jane was lucky enough to come into contact with Thor's Hammer. Since his genes had been initially modified, some of Thor's traits had already appeared in his genes, so he attracted Thor's Hammer and completed it under the power of thunder. The ultimate makeover, making her a female Thor.

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