Afterwards, several waves of fighter jets came, but at this time, more Ultron robots arrived. There were four to five hundred of them. These robots were all cannon fodder produced by Ultron’s secretly controlled processing factories, causing chaos in nearby countries. To attract the attention of the Avengers, Ultron called them all in order to protect the new body.

After more than a dozen waves of fighter jets intercepted, Ultron destroyed hundreds of fighter jets, and also lost fifty or sixty robots, but this loss was completely within Ultron's tolerance.

It's just that when he passed a desolate mountainous area, Ao Chuang stopped and did not directly crush the enemy to eliminate him as before, because this time the opponent was not the previous small character, but the Avengers.

Stopped in mid-air, at the front is an extremely coquettish Iron Man in a gold and red two-color armor, behind is Thor Thor, female Thor Jane, Falcon Sam, War Machine Roddy, Ivan, and at the end is a Kun The Japanese fighter plane is suspended in mid-air, Natasha, Captain America, Banner, Skye, and Meow are all inside, and Hawkeye is the pilot.

Speaking of which, Ultron also has a plane here, but as a passenger plane, it cannot suspend in the air, and it still needs three robots to drag the wings and the tail to stop in mid-air, which is far worse than the Quin-style fighter, although Its appearance is extremely gorgeously decorated, but when the two planes are put together, it seems to be the difference between a local tyrant and a real nobleman, no matter how beautiful it is, it is useless.

"Hey! Baby, did you see that Dad didn't say hello?" As Marvel's famous stinky mouth, Stark can piss people off.

"Tony Stark, are you in such a hurry to die? If that's the case, I will help you!" The leading Ultron robot didn't want to talk nonsense to Stark at all, and rushed over immediately, releasing energy from the palms of both hands Beam attack.

"Ao Chuang, it really makes dad sad to do it right away." Iron Man said while controlling the battle armor, his figure flexibly rotated and flew in the air, while dodging and releasing energy beams to attack, two figures you come and me To fight together.

Seeing that Iron Man and Ultron are fighting, other people naturally can't be idle. War Machine, Ivan, Falcon, male and female Thors rushed out at the same time, and fought fiercely with other Ultron robots.

War Machine opened the equipment on its shoulders, and fired a series of bullets like a storm. In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen Ultron robots were smashed into sieves.

Relying on the strong defense of the vibrating gold material battle suit, coupled with the newly added adaptive ability, against the attack of the enemy's energy beam, Ivan rushed into the group of Ultron robots, shaking off two strong current whips.

The body was spinning like a top, and the robot that was whipped by the two current whips was directly destroyed by the strong current from the inside, and fell from the air like a dumpling.

Compared with the Falcon's killing efficiency, it is far worse, but his equipment has also been upgraded, and Ivan took the shot and used the technology of fantasy technology to help him transform it.

In addition to the original flying ability, the energy feather attack method has also been added to the wings.

After the falcon avoided the attacks of several robots, its wings shook suddenly, and a dozen blood-red feathers shot out, piercing the bodies of the two robots. After a series of sparks, it lost its ability to move and fell.

As for Saul and Jane, they are really a husband and wife with one heart, and their profits cut through gold.

The two held up their weapons at the same time, Thor's Hammer and Storm Ax erupted with powerful energy, spreading rapidly, and suddenly dark clouds covered the sky, and then the two shouted at the same time, and bolts of lightning fell from the sky, just a burst of energy. In an instant, hundreds of robots were destroyed, which made people really see what the power of Thor is.

Taking advantage of the road cleared by the two Thors' one-stroke map cannon attack, Hawkeye immediately seized the opportunity and rushed out with the Quinjet fighter, aiming at the plane loaded with Ultron's painstakingly built body.

The thrusters on the back of the fighter jet started to shoot out flames. Hawkeye's hands were unbelievably steady, even more stable than when holding a bow and arrow. He avoided the interception of a few robots and quickly approached the target.

Ao Chuang naturally discovered the purpose of Hawkeye, and immediately controlled more robots to intercept it.


At this time, Hawkeye controlled the fighter plane to fire, shooting out a series of fire snakes, and the cannon accurately hit dozens of robots intercepted in front. This kind of astonishing accuracy made Captain America even work with Hawkeye for a long time. Natasha was speechless for a while, that wasn't his usual bow and arrow, nor a pistol, but a cannon mounted on a fighter plane!

In order to prevent the fighter plane from approaching, Ao Chuang is also desperate. The robot goes forward one after another to block the front, just to buy some time for other robots to approach the fighter plane from the side, hoping to destroy the fighter plane as soon as possible. It took nearly a hundred robots to achieve the goal.

Looking at the besieged robots, Hawkeye said without looking back, "Miss Skye, I'll leave it to you outside."

"Don't worry, put it on me, and they won't destroy the fighter plane!"

While talking, Skye stood up on the seat with Miaomiao in his arms, took out four small iron rings and put them on Miaomiao's paws, then reached out to open the top of the Quinjet fighter and walked out.

The fighter plane was flying at a high speed, and someone else would have been thrown out long ago, but Skye was walking on the ground, holding Meow in his arms like a lady.

The reason why Skye was able to stand above the high-speed flying fighter plane was because her physical fitness was already at the level of a super soldier, and on the other hand, it was because of the combat boots she wore on her feet.

Don't look at the boots that look like ordinary boots on the surface, but they are actually high-tech products. It is precisely because of their existence that Skye is firmly attached to the fighter plane.

At this time, Skye didn't make a move immediately, but squatted down and put the kitten down. The four rings on Meow Meow's paws seemed to melt, constantly changing their shape, and soon turned into claw covers, which also attracted Meow Meow. On a warplane.

Soon Meow Miao's body swelled up, and the four claws also grew larger with his body, and soon a behemoth more than two meters high appeared on the top of the fighter plane.

At this time, the surrounding robots were less than [-] meters away from the fighter plane, and the energy cannon in his palm had already started to glow.

There was a sneer on Skye's face, he clenched his fist hard, and there were bursts of white light, and punched out with all his strength, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Dakongzhen!"

boom! ! !

With an earth-shattering roar, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered. Along the direction of Skye's fist, white cracks appeared and spread rapidly. Dozens of robots were directly shaken to pieces, and countless parts shot out.

If the robot meets other people, it can maintain its original shape even if it is destroyed, but when it is killed by Skye, it is smashed to pieces, and there are not many parts to play with.

When Skye showed his might, Meow was not far behind. He opened his mouth and blasted out energy cannons continuously. The speed was comparable to that of Gatling, and each energy cannon could kill a robot.

"Captain, do you think we should also get a battle suit? Otherwise, we don't have the ability to fight in the air, and we don't have such powerful attack methods as Skye and Meow. It's embarrassing!"

Inside the fighter plane, Natasha looked at the performance of Skye and Miaomiao, her eyes were full of complexity, and she felt that she should retire.

"Even if you are given a battle suit, can you control it? And every battle suit is worth a lot, and the maintenance cost alone can consume all your savings. Although Stark doesn't care about spending money, but Are you sure it's Stark's 'good intentions' at this time?"

"Forget it then." Natasha looked at Dr. Banner next to her, but she still refused.

Captain America continued to persuade: "Actually, you don't have to envy them. Everyone has their own strengths. Obviously, your strengths are not in frontal combat, but in infiltration, assassination, etc. Just use your strengths."

"Yeah, Natasha, I think you're doing fine now." Dr. Banner persuaded from the side. The two of them had already had sex. It can only be said that Dr. Banner is still a bit of a scumbag and gave up on his original girlfriend Betty, found a new love again.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on Banner. After all, the old father-in-law, General Ross, is too difficult to deal with. I just don’t know if Dr. Banner will be approached by his ex-girlfriend. Yang Jian has been secretly paying attention to the Hulk’s situation. At the time of the incident, Betty was also stained with Hulk's blood, so the red giant may also appear. I only hope that if there is such a day, Banner can stand it.

"Fasten your seatbelt. I'm going to speed up."

At this time, Hawkeye suddenly shouted, it turned out that after Skye and Miaomiao cleared up a large area of ​​robots, the enemy planes had been exposed, and Hawkeye immediately seized the opportunity to speed up and chase them.

The Quinjet fighters flew in a pattern, and Skye and Miaomiao teamed up to open the way. The Quinjet fighters flew much faster than the opponent's plane, and soon the two planes were almost close to each other.

"It's now, Banner, let's go!"

Captain America and Dr. Squad stood up from their seats at the same time, and pushed open the plane door. Dr. Banner roared and turned into a Hulk, blocking the door against the strong wind blowing in from outside, while Captain America jumped on his back , this scene is like an adult carrying a child on his back.

Then the Hulk kicked his feet and flew out like a cannonball, directly crashing into the enemy's plane, because the force was so strong that even the Quin-jet fighter swayed.

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