This is what he left behind. If he is kicked out of the network and the active clones are also killed, the sleeping clones will wake up and start replicating themselves.

So you must get the information of the places where the doppelgängers are sleeping, and destroy them completely, so that Ultron can be completely wiped out, otherwise Ultron will be resurrected sooner or later, and it will be more troublesome when it comes back. "

Ivan suddenly said, "It turns out that this is the case, so we must find the center of Ultron, and then read the places where his clones are sleeping, so that we can find out those clones and solve them, and get rid of the trouble once and for all."

"I didn't expect Ao Chuang to keep a hand. Fortunately, Dabai found out. Otherwise, he would really be deceived by him, and I don't know how big troubles will be in the future. There will be endless troubles."

"But it's good news for us now, let's act as soon as possible, solve it as soon as possible, and Ultron can rest assured earlier."

At this time, the communicator sounded, and Nick Fury's investigation had the result, "The situation is very bad, everyone. According to the urgent news from the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., it is Hydra who is cooperating with Ultron, and their stronghold is in Solskjaer. Covia.

Another thing I have to remind you is that this Hydra force is led by Baron Sterak, and some of the equipment of the Chitauri Stars during the New York War fell into their hands, which means that they may have some The special technology, and now they are cooperating with Ultron, must have made new progress in technology, and their strength is absolutely beyond imagination.

Judging from the information passed by the agents, whether it is Ultron or Hydra, they seem to be plotting some kind of plan, so don't be careless. "

Captain America's face became more and more solemn, "It seems that the situation is worse than we imagined, let's leave as soon as possible, Nick, we have entered other countries to fight, and we need you to clear up the relationship."

"No problem. S.H.I.E.L.D. is a global organization after all. This small problem can still be dealt with. Just do it yourself, and leave the rest to me."

Soon everyone took action to prepare for the next battle. At the same time, the door of a mysterious laboratory at the bottom of the Fantasy Technology underground was suddenly opened from the inside, and Yang Jian walked out with a smile on his face.

Chapter 453 Yang Jian Meets Ultron

Yang Jian's face was filled with joy. It was obvious that this retreat had yielded a lot, and it was true in fact. Since witnessing the deity's creation of the world with his own eyes, and observing the principles of heaven and earth up close, every avatar has gained a lot.

During this period of time, Yang Jian retreated and cultivated, completely digesting the principles of the laws of heaven and earth in his mind. Although his own power did not increase much, his understanding of the use of power has increased several times. If he fights head-on, he can easily defeat him. The three previous selves, and this is just the beginning, the next period of time will be Yang Jian's rapid growth period, and I don't know how strong Yang Jian will be in the end.

The increase in strength made Yang Jian feel very good, and he wanted to vent his anger by destroying crazily. Fortunately, Yang Jian's self-control is not bad, and he also knows that there are many unsolvable strong people in this world, and he must hold on.

However, Yang Jian still wanted to find a strong opponent to test his strength, but who should he find?

When Yang Jian was suffering from a headache, Dabai's voice suddenly came from the corridor, "Mr. Yang, you have finally left the customs. I have something urgent to report to you."

"What's the matter? Dabai seems a little anxious to hear your voice, did something serious happen?"

"Yes, during the period of your retreat here, a major event happened. Stark created a super artificial intelligence named Ultron. He originally wanted to use artificial intelligence to protect human beings, but now Ultron Get out of his control, want to destroy the world..."

Dabai quickly explained what had happened in detail, and Yang Jian's face showed a hint of bewilderment. He didn't expect that Marvel's timeline had already reached the plot of Avengers [-], and then Yang Jian's face showed a gleam of joy, what did he really think? What, I was thinking about where to find a suitable opponent?I didn't expect that someone would take the initiative to deliver it to my door, so I will not be polite.

Knowing from Dabai that Ultron is in Sokovia at this time, Yang Jian decides to meet this super villain who can't be killed no matter how hard he fights in the comics.

On the other side, when Ultron returned to the Hydra base in Sokovia angrily, Baron Slatek greeted him with a smile on his face, "What's the matter? Your Excellency Ultron, it seems that your operation is not going well. , didn’t you get back your new body?”

In fact, Hydra also has its own satellite. I already knew about Ultron’s failure to snatch the body this time. Even Baron Slatke was a little happy. Although they are partners with Ultron now, they also understand that, They just took advantage of each other, and it was only because of the pressure of the Avengers that they came together. If they finally win and solve the Avengers, there will be a battle between them sooner or later.

Originally, Baron Slatke was still a little worried. After Ultron got a new body, his strength was even stronger and he was difficult to deal with. Now that he was defeated by the Avengers and his carefully crafted body was taken away, he felt relieved.

Ultron's cold mechanical eyes glanced at Baron Slatko, "Hmph, don't worry about it, you should be ready to fight. With Stark's ability, you can find out here soon. When the time comes, the Avengers will It is bound to be dispatched with all its strength, and the war will start soon."

"Don't worry, we've been prepared for a long time. This time, the Avengers and Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely get back their debts one by one."

When Baron Slatke talked about the Avengers and Nick Fury, there was a gleam of hatred in his eyes. His anger seemed to be able to turn people into ashes. damn.

Because Yang Jian had already reminded Nick Fury that there were Hydra traitors inside S.H.I.E.L.D., he launched an investigation early on. He was not kept in the dark like in the original plot, and made a lot of preparations. Before the head snake officially started to act, Nick Fury teamed up with Captain America and others to easily defeat the Hydra, and did not die with the Hydra as before, retaining most of its power.

In addition, Nick Fury is the only person who can drive the Mech God of War. He is a deterrent weapon in his own right. With the resources of SHIELD in his hands, after the internal contradictions of SHIELD are resolved, he will start to attack the nine. The other forces of the Hydra began to hunt down and kill them, and the Avengers also helped from time to time. In the eyes of Baron Slater, the Avengers were the lackeys of S.H.I.E.L.D. Most of the Hydra forces under his control were destroyed. Be a man with your tail between your legs.

Doesn't Baron Slatek know the dangers of Ultron?Do not!Of course he knew it, and he knew it better than anyone else, but he still chose to cooperate with Ultron, and he was forced to do nothing.

As the leader of a force, Baron Slatko knows very well that if he continues like this, he will be killed by S.H.I.E.L.D. Cooperate with Ultron, a monster who wants to destroy mankind, hoping to solve the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. before fighting Ultron to the death.

Ultron and Baron Slatko had their own ideas, but they had to maintain their face. After discussing for a while, they went their separate ways to prepare for the next big battle.

Hao Chong came to his own room underground, sat on a chair, his eyes flickered with electronic eyes, at this moment a wisp of silver liquid fell off his leg, like a small snake, it continued to burrow into the ground.

The silver "little snake" walked continuously along the underground gap, and it took more than ten minutes to reach a place hundreds of meters underground. It was shocking that a space of thousands of cubic meters appeared here at some time. An advanced instrument is running, and a small robot is there to do the final inspection.

If there are knowledgeable people here, you will find that this instrument is actually a large-scale gravity device, and if you can see through it, you will find that there are actually more than one anti-gravity device, and there are several other places. If it is activated at the same time , It is absolutely possible to raise a city to the sky.

Baron Slatke never expected that Ultron was about to stab his butt, which would completely destroy his lair!

When Ao Chuang found Baron Slatek and proposed to cooperate with him to build a super mecha to deal with the Avengers, Baron Slatke also had doubts in his heart, but seeing the blueprint of the super mecha, the temptation was too great In the end, he chose to agree. Although he also suspected that Ultron had other purposes, he felt that on his own territory, as long as he kept a good watch, Ultron would not be able to make any waves.

This is private Ratko, so it would never have occurred to Ultron to tamper with him right under his nose, secretly withholding some materials, and using nano-robots to move them underground bit by bit to create several anti-corruption machines. The gravity device, just waiting for the time to come, will activate it and lift it into the sky, and it will turn into a meteorite and fall down, destroying life on the earth.

No wonder Baron Slatke was careless, who would have thought that Ultron could sneakily complete such a large workload under his nose!

Jiutou said that even if the power has shrunk by half, the lean camel is bigger than the horse, and all kinds of materials can be obtained. Among them, there are many black technologies left after the defeat of the Chitauri Stars after the last New York War, which Ultron picked up. cheap.

After confirming that the anti-gravity device can operate normally, Ultron took back the nanorobots and calculated the odds of winning the battle with the Avengers. After a while, Ultron sat up from his chair and planned to take advantage of the time. Do some preparation to increase your chances of winning.

But Ao Chuang was stunned when he took two steps, because he found that a figure appeared beside him at some point, looking at him with a smile, and looked at the other person as if he had been standing here for a while.

Ultron certainly knows this person. As a super artificial intelligence, if he wants to destroy the human beings in this world, he naturally needs to know the people who may have an impact on his plan. In Ultron's view, Yang Jian is a huge threat, but The information at hand is too little, and it is not clear what level this threat is.

"You are Yang Jian, the behind-the-scenes controller of fantasy technology, why are you here?"

Ao Chuang couldn't help showing a hint of shock. This is the base of Hydra, and people sneaked into it without sound, but no alarm was triggered.

What's more terrible is that the other party is clearly standing in front of you, but no matter how you detect it, the result is nothing. The other party is like a phantom, and you can't even detect the other party's magnetic field. If you can't see it with your eyes, Ultron even wondered if he had malfunctioned.

"Hello Ultron, you have only been born for a few days, and you have made such a big mess. I wonder if your father Tony will be sad." Yang Jian did not answer Ultron's question, but looked at it with interest. Ultron.

"Shut up! Don't mention that name to me, and answer my questions." Ao Chuang became furious when he heard Yang Jian mention Stark.

"Don't be so irritable, let's be peaceful. As for why I'm here, of course it's for you."

"Come here for me? What do you mean by that?" Ao Chuang was quietly detecting the fluctuations around Yang Jian, but there was nothing abnormal.

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