In addition to the Ancient One, there are still some people in the universe who can defeat Ghidorah. There are five creation gods, and even life tribunals, transcendents and other unsolvable existences, so it is better to stick to it.


"Don't worry, I will bring you good news this time. If you hold on for a while, I promise you that you will be able to move freely in the outside world again in a short time. As long as you don't seek death yourself, you shouldn't Someone is bothering you."


"This is an opportunity I found for you with great difficulty. If this operation goes well, you should be made the patron saint of the earth, and you will be respected by hundreds of millions of human beings, and you may even be regarded as a god."


Hearing what Yang Jian said, Ghidorah roared excitedly, swayed her body unconsciously, stood up from the magma, spread her wings more than two hundred meters, set off a terrifying magma wave, and made terrifying roars. Gently swinging, the sharp tail blade seemed to cut through the air.

"Of course it's true. When did I lie to you? But you have to obey my command, or don't blame me if something goes wrong."

"Ho Ho Ho..." Ghidorah's three heads were bobbing up and down at the same time, sticking out his tongue like a pug to be cute, but with his huge size, how can he be cute? It's really not cute.

"In short, you must be ready at any time. I will notify you when the time comes. When the time comes, I will send you the location. You must arrive as quickly as possible. Let's defeat the big villain together and save the world!"


Ghidorah flapped his wings excitedly, and patted his chest, as if to say wrap it on me.

"That's good, I'll go first, and wait for my good news."

After Yang Jian arranged everything, he left according to the same route, and then waited for the big drama to start. Under the Yellowstone volcano, Ghidorah was left full of expectations. Although Yang Jian came to visit and chat with him from time to time, and even gave him Bring some large toys, but as an intelligent life form, it is still very boring to always nest in one place. Now I finally look forward to seeing it, and I am looking forward to the day when I can soar freely in the sky.

After some careful preparations, the Avengers soon arrived in Sokovia. They originally planned to sneak in and catch the opponent by surprise, but just after arriving at the Hydra base mentioned by the intelligence, they found hundreds of dead people outside the base. The Hydra warriors in simple steel armor are ready to meet them.

Everyone in the Avengers alliance is not good-looking. Judging from the situation, today is bound to be a tough battle, but since the other party has kindly invited them, how can they be cowardly?Captain America took Iron Man, and Skye went up to meet them.

At this time, the horn on a chariot in front of the Hydra troop made a sound, "Welcome to you, Avengers, let's make a break today!"

Captain America took a step forward and asked, "You are Baron Trax, right? Why did you do this? I think you should know the purpose of Ultron. Why did you choose to stand with this monster that wants to destroy mankind?"

"Captain America, Steve Rogers, the noblest warrior!" Baron Slater said with an inexplicable sarcasm, "You don't know how cruel this world is, you just live in a dream, like you People will one day be killed by those you protect."

"That's the future. On the contrary, even if you can defeat us, I'm afraid you will be killed by Ultron soon."

"You don't need to sow dissension. I know the purpose of Ultron. Both I and Ultron understand that we are just using each other. The purpose is to kill you members of the Avengers. The reason why you and I cooperate with him is that In the final analysis, I was also forced by you. Because I know very well that if I don’t make changes, I will be killed by you sooner or later. In this case, I might as well take a gamble. After finishing you, I will fight Ultron to the death. What the outcome will be depends only on fate."

Stark sneered, and said, "Don't make excuses for yourself. After all, you are only doing it for your own selfishness. Your hydra has always been like this."

"Whatever you say, since I've made a decision, I won't regret it, I'd better rely on my strength to speak, do it!"

Following Baron Slatko's order, the large forces of the Hydra attacked together. Hundreds of soldiers in simple steel battle suits rushed to the front, and more rushed out of the surrounding woods, underground, and sinking rivers. fighters, including tanks, chariots, etc. among them.


The Avengers looked at it, and it was useless to just play tricks, so let's do it, Iron Man soared into the sky, attacking from the sky, Captain America stepped on two long legs, faster than a high-speed car.

Captain America is fast enough, but someone is faster than him. Dr. Banner pulled off the clothes on his body, and instantly drew the Hulk, jumping hundreds of meters in one jump, stronger than Captain America, grabbing two Iron Warriors, as if The wheels turned like crazy, smashing them like weapons, and all those who blocked the way were thrown flying.

The captain of the United States also wanted to win his breath when he saw it, and instantly turned into a giant with a height of more than 20 meters. He stepped on it and trampled a dozen Hydra fighters into meat sauce on the spot.

Hulk and Captain America lead the way ahead, followed by Hawkeye, Natasha, and Scarlet Witch, each shooting a sharp arrow, which explodes instantly after hitting the target, blowing up a large area.

Natasha shot a sharp arrow with her wristband, and called the Hydra fighters who charged over one by one. The strong electric current made them lose their fighting power, and they lay on the ground and twitched.

The Scarlet Witch threw out red energy from both hands, and threw a dozen soldiers in battle suits into the sky. These people's suits had no ability to fly, so they fell directly from the sky, causing heavy casualties on the spot.

And Kuaiyin turned into a silver light and shuttled back and forth, knocking the enemies into the air one by one, preventing any fish that slipped through the net from approaching the Scarlet Witch and the others.

Miaomiao and Skye are so powerful that they don’t need to worry about other things at all, so they acted alone in a group. Miaomiao directly transformed into a two-meter-high monster, and let Skye ride on his back, just like Zhao Zilong, fighting against the enemy army During the rampage, he killed seven in and seven out, one smashed with a shock wave attached to his fist, and the other sprayed an energy cannon, no one could beat him.

The offensive on the ground was so fierce that Hydra was overwhelmed, and the battle in the sky was the same. Iron Man, War Machine, Ivan, and Falcon cooperated with each other to defeat Hydra's fighter jets. brave.

At this time, Baron Slatke, who was in command inside the fortress, looked at the picture on the screen, his face was very ugly, although he knew that those battle armors were only defective products, and the Hydra fighters he sent out were just cannon fodder. But being crushed like this made him very upset. He turned his head to look at Ultron who had been standing behind him and said, "When will you see? If you don't do anything, you will hit us."

"Don't worry, it's not that fast, but since you have spoken, let me move my hands and feet."

As Ultron said, he immediately controlled the robots hidden in the surrounding area to act. They had been hiding in the outermost area, and there were thousands of them.

But in the face of the siege of dense robots, not only did the Avengers not panic, but there was a smile of conspiracy in their eyes, which was transmitted to Ultron through the robot's electronic eyes, and suddenly felt bad.

"It finally appeared, and it's our turn to show our talents."

Thor and the female Thor Jane, who had been hiding in the dark and did not make a move, suddenly fell from the sky. Thor laughed and floated in mid-air, waving the storm ax in his hand. Suddenly, the weather in the sky changed drastically. Kilometers are shrouded in it, and bursts of muffled thunder continue to come from inside the dark cloud, as if something is gestating.

Three seconds later, the female Thor Jane standing on the ground felt almost ready, and with one stroke of Thor's Hammer in her hand, the dark clouds in the sky moved crazily. Jane had already locked the range of the robot, guiding the thunder in the sky to fall crazily.

Chapter 455 Avengers VS Hydra, Ultron


The sky was cloudy, countless lightning strikes fell, the ground shook, and the violent wind swept across. The violent air flow turned into a destructive hurricane, easily pushing things on the ground far away.

The apocalyptic scene is stunning, with Thor high above the clouds, but this moment feels more like a god of destruction.

Thunder punishment comes to the world, and the world resonates!Time seemed to stand still at this moment, everyone's eyes were filled with thunder, and there was a continuous roar in their ears, boundless dust rose from the ground, and the thunder was grounded to the sky, setting off Sol's incomparable monstrous flames.

When the glare disappeared, everyone regained consciousness, but what they saw was an unbelievable scene. The Ultron robots in the sky became sparse, and some of them lacked arms and legs, and the ground was covered with his missing robots. Needless to say, where did the mechanical parts come from?

"Hahaha, ha... I'm happy, I'm happy, it's so cool!"

Thor laughed and fell from the sky. Originally, he was asked not to make a move, and he was still a little dissatisfied with hiding in the dark. He felt that this was an insult to himself. You must know that he is Thor, the last person in Asgard. For a brave warrior, it would be disrespectful to let him hide his head and show his tail. He should stand at the forefront and charge forward. Finally, he agreed to the plan only after Jane persuaded him.

But now that bit of dissatisfaction has completely dissipated. You must know that he and Jane just joined forces to kill more than 2000 robots, which are close to one-third of the robots on the battlefield.

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