In fact, they have no choice but to choose this way of fighting. In this state, Thor's consumption of divine power is dozens of times higher than usual. This method can solve the opponent as soon as possible and make a quick decision.

Similarly, the super mecha also faces the problem of insufficient energy. To move such a huge mecha, the energy consumption every minute and every second is astronomical.

At the beginning, Ao Chuang had a lot of brains in order to solve the energy problem. Fortunately, when he was in the Stark Building, he got the synthesis method of new energy and manufactured five super ark reactors as the main energy source of the super mecha. In addition, dozens of small palladium-element ark reactors were placed in other parts, which made the super mecha move.

But even so, it can't last too long. According to the intensity of energy consumption, the energy of the super mecha will be exhausted in half an hour at most, so the enemy must be eliminated before the energy is exhausted.

Speaking of it, just the materials needed to make the reactor almost drove Baron Slatke crazy, because he was responsible for all these rare materials, and he almost emptied his money for this.

These are five super mechs, even using all the resources of Hydra, cheating and abducting, and finally getting together, but in his opinion, everything is worth it, with these five super mechas as a trump card , This time the Avengers will definitely be completely resolved, and then Ultron will be defeated. Baron Slatke even feels that he can use the power of the mecha to rule the entire world, and his mentality is a little inflated.


The Thunder Giant and the Super Mecha hugged each other, rolling down the slope, crushing the Hydra warriors and robots they encountered along the way.

Sol controlled the thunder on his body to blast towards the mecha, but what was surprising was that the mecha absorbed the power of the thunder for the first time, and transformed it into its own energy to deal with Thor.

In the plot of Avengers [-], the lightning summoned by Thor slammed on Iron Man, not only failed to hurt him, but increased his energy several times. All the Avengers that Ultron got from Iron Man The information of the alliance members, of course, also includes Sol, so specific adjustments have been made specifically for Thor's Thunder attack, which can absorb the energy of the opponent.

Even when he had a headache because of the energy problem before, Ultron once thought of capturing Sol, sealing him in the mecha, and using him as a battery, but then thinking of Sol's violent temper and powerful strength, how can it be so powerful? It was easy to grasp, but in the end I had to give up this high-quality energy.

There are five super mechs in total. Captain America, relying on his invincibility, charged frantically again and again, and with the support of Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye and others, he barely held one.

The Hulk and Jane teamed up to dismantle the jumping super mecha frantically, and Jane hit it again and again with Thor's Hammer, the fight ended in a tie.

Thor, relying on his powerful strength, blocked the tallest one by himself, and the battle was fierce.

As for the last two, their opponents are of course Miaomiao and Skye.

Skye's opponent was an 80-meter-tall mecha, holding a shield in his left hand and an ax in his right hand. Although it was more than 80 meters high, it was extremely flexible, and it came to Skye in one step.

"Looking for death! Look at my Super Shockwave Fist!"

Skye squeezed his right hand hard, and a ball of white light gradually appeared, which was forcibly compressed into a sphere. With a wave of Skye's hand, the white light ball was thrown out and hit the super mecha.

Skye was very confident in his punch, and used [-]% of his strength. It stands to reason that no matter how powerful the super mecha is, as long as it is not made of Zhenjin, it will be shattered by her punch.

But in this world, accidents always happen inadvertently. The super mecha suddenly shrank its body, and a shield with a diameter of 50 meters blocked the front.

Boom! !Click! !

The white ball of light hit the shield, and immediately white cracks spread out, but it was shocking that the shield was not broken, those cracks were only in front of the shield, and the mecha hidden behind the shield was not affected at all. , The devastating punch was actually blocked.

"how can that be?"

Skye cried out in surprise. She knew exactly how powerful her Shockwave Fist was. She specially asked Yang Jian to help her test it. Even the strongest alloy would be smashed by a punch. Except for Zhenjin, Nothing can stop it, but why can't there be a shield?Is this shield made of Zhenjin?

In the end, Skye looked at the huge shield and shook his head. He felt that this was impossible. If there were so many vibrating gold, Ultron would still need to be so frugal. He would have built a large number of vibrating gold robots to siege They are gone, and the sale of Zhenjin materials is in the hands of Yang Jian. Even if all the Zhenjin sold so far is not so much.

Skye didn't know that although the shield was not made of vibrating gold, it was made of an alloy imitating the molecular structure of vibrating gold. Although it was much worse than real vibrating gold, it was used to resist Skye's vibrations. Bo can barely do it.

The choice of opponents for the five super mechs is not random, but to choose different opponents specifically according to each person's ability. This mecha holding a shield recognized Skye as soon as it came up. A weapon imitating vibrating gold material in his hand.

After discovering that his shield blocked Skye's shock waves, the two Hydra fighters inside the mecha who were in charge of controlling them became excited, feeling that they had a chance to win. They wanted to take this opportunity to eliminate Skye and get rid of a big enemy for Hydra. , looking at Skye surprised, the other hand held the tomahawk and slashed down fiercely.

A fierce light flashed in Skye's eyes, and he shouted angrily: "I don't believe it, old lady, I can't break your pile of scrap metal with my fist, let's compare today to see if it was you who hacked me to death, Or I will blow you to pieces, watch the punches!"

Skye's small body erupted with an aura of giving it up, his hands clenched into fists, and the white light reappeared, and suddenly blasted out, punch after punch.

Boom boom boom! ! !

A series of roars sounded, and cracks appeared in the air again. The first punch made the big ax cut down in mid-air, and a crack appeared on the ax with the second punch. When the third punch hit, there was only a crackling sound. , under the watchful eyes of everyone, the big ax just turned into countless fragments and fell to the ground.

Chapter 457 Mechanical God of War VS Super Mecha

The scene was embarrassing now, especially the two Hydra fighters in the mecha, who were quite strong just now, why are they wilting now?

Of course they don't know that although Ao Chuang barely made the imitation vibration gold material, but the quantity is limited, most of them are used to make the shield, and half of the alloy is mixed in it, although the battle ax also uses some imitation vibration gold The material is only a small part, and it is only coated on the surface. It is not bad to be able to withstand Skye's two super shocks, and it is normal to be smashed.

"Hahaha!! I knew that no one could resist my fist, continue!" Skye shouted excitedly, and continued to wave his fists, hitting the mech frantically.

The two nine-headed fighters in the super mecha were scared this time, and quickly blocked the shield in their hands, praying that the shield would be stronger and not be smashed like a battle axe.

Fortunately, the worst situation did not happen. The shield was stronger than the battle axe. Skye punched more than ten times, but failed to break the shield. All attacks were blocked one by one.

Not far from Skye's side of the battlefield, the last mech was in an inextricable battle with Meow Meow.

Although the two-meter-high Miaomiao is already a giant beast in the eyes of most people, compared with the 70-meter-high Mecha, it can only be regarded as a small mouse.

Although the energy cannon ejected from Meow Miao's mouth can damage the mech, it cannot cause effective damage.On the contrary, the mech is holding two big knives, and every time it cuts down on Miaomiao, it needs to deal with it with all its strength, and be careful not to be cut by the opponent, otherwise, if you get hit, you will be seriously injured if you don't die.

Of course, Miaomiao is not helpless. With her nimble body moving quickly, she can always pass through the gaps between the mechas, dodge the opponent's attacks, and at the same time spray out energy cannons from her mouth to fight back.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Miao Miao jumped up, flipped in the air to avoid the super mech's slash, opened her mouth wide, and a particularly thick beam of energy blasted out on the mech's head.

The super mech suddenly shook its head and shook its head, a little unsteady, and took two or three steps back before stopping. When looking at Meow Meow, he found that the opponent had borrowed the recoil of the energy cannon and left his attack range.

The pilot of the super mech was full of helplessness. This little kitten was so smart and too flexible that he couldn't hit him no matter what. However, the opponent's attacks fell on him like a torrential storm. It can be repaired with the help of nano-robots, but the energy consumption is not so large. They are not sure whether they can kill the kitten before the energy is exhausted.

Others could barely hold on there, but Captain America was already in danger at this time. When he rushed to the mecha desperately again, the pilot of the super mech seemed impatient and grabbed Captain America in the air. In his hands, he didn't crush Captain America, because he knew that even if he cut Captain America into two pieces, he would be able to recover quickly. The best way is to restrain him.

The super mecha looked around, quickly selected the target, and strode towards the not-too-distant mountain peak. Captain America struggled frantically, punched, kicked, and even bit his teeth. Unfortunately, the opponent ignored him and came to the mountain peak , With a swipe of the dagger in his hand, the mountain peak fell down immediately, and the super mecha conveniently put Captain America under it, and was suppressed by the fallen mountain peak.

"Roar!" The giant in the form of Captain America roared crazily, struggling, trying to push away the mountain peaks pressing on him, but unfortunately it didn't work. He finally gritted his teeth and gave up his huge body. Drilled out from the back of his neck, but in this way, Captain America will no longer be able to become a giant in a short time.

"I'm sorry everyone, I couldn't stop the mecha, that big guy went to your side." Captain America said apologetically in the communication.

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