Ultron's metamorphosis lasted for about a minute. When he stopped, he had already turned into a big man with a height of more than three meters and a bright silver body. If you don't look at the height and the metallic luster on the body surface, you are completely human. .

"Tony Stark, have you seen it? This is the evolved me, the perfect me, the invincible me!" Ao Chuang raised his hands high, as if he wanted to embrace the entire sky, with an intoxicated look on his face.

Friday's voice sounded again, "Boss, Ultron's energy intensity has reached more than a hundred times that of yours. If you fight, you are definitely not an opponent. It is best to leave here immediately."

"Damn it, what happened to Ultron? Why did it happen? With so many Ark reactors integrated, didn't they stay to blow it up?" Iron Man's face was extremely ugly, but fortunately there was a armor to prevent others from seeing it.

"I'm sorry, boss, I don't know too well. It has a layer of energy protection on its body surface, which blocks my detection. I can only detect its energy intensity by relying on the fluctuation of its body surface."

Iron Man couldn't help hesitating a bit, thinking about how to deal with Ultron, but after much deliberation, there was no good way, thinking that perhaps he should listen to Friday and retreat strategically first.

Ao Chuang seemed to have noticed Iron Man's hesitation, and said with a smile: "Why, is the famous Iron Man also afraid?"

For some reason, Ultron seems to be more humanized at this time.

Ultron's words made Iron Man ashamed for a while, since the other party said so, then he must not be cowardly, "Stop pretending to be a ghost here, even if you grow bigger, it's useless, it can only cover up your inner weakness. You can't miss it."

Iron Man suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, raised his hand and shot an energy beam, which looked no different from a normal attack, but in fact it was the output of the maximum power.

But what is shocking is that Ultron just randomly collided with the energy beam, and then the energy beam was directly scattered.

"What? This is impossible!" Iron Man cried out in disbelief.

"Nothing is impossible, now do you know the gap between us?"

"Let me come!" Thor, as a stunned young man, was never afraid of anything, no matter who the enemy was, he just rushed over and chopped down with his battle axe.

"The guy with all the muscles in his head, I don't have time to play around with you."

Ao Chuang opened his palm and grasped the void, and everyone felt a strong vibration. The ground split open, the mountain collapsed, and several tons of soil clods gathered together, bound by a strong gravitational force, and after being compressed, they became a huge The "cannonball" slammed into Thor's body at a speed exceeding sound.

Although the particle engine originally installed on Ultron's arm is good, it is already the limit to be able to lift objects weighing several tons. It barely throws the Hulk out. With a hundred-fold increase in energy, the weight of several hundred tons is also pediatrics.

Even with Sol's divine body, he couldn't bear being hit by such a big "cannonball", and his body fell directly into the ground, lying there just humming.

"Sol!" Jane screamed, and rushed to Sol to check the injury. After finding that his life was not in danger, she felt relieved and squatted down to help him up.

Others looked horrified. Thor's strength was already among the best among the members of the Avengers. In the eyes of everyone, only Skye, the Hulk, and Meow could barely match him, but if life and death If there is a competition, the final victory must be Thor, who has entered the heavenly father level.

But it is unbelievable that Sol, who is so powerful now, was severely injured by Ultron's move. How should the enemy be so powerful?

Of course, a large part of this is due to Sol's carelessness. If you are careful, it is impossible to be knocked down so easily. recover.

Just when everyone was in a dilemma, a voice suddenly came from the sky, "It's unbelievable. I designed this transformation method in a moment of enthusiasm, and it was actually successfully realized by you."

Hearing this voice, Skye's face showed joy, and he looked up to the sky, only to see a space appeared in the sky at some time, and Yang Jian was walking out of it.



"Mr. Yang!"


Ivan, Skye, Saul and others greeted each other with joy on their faces. No matter who the enemy is or how powerful they are, as long as Yang Jian is with them, they have nothing to worry about.

Yang Jian fell from the air, nodded to the person who greeted him with a smile, and walked to a place more than ten meters away from Ultron.

"It seems that when Dabai and Ivan were involved, you hacked into the fantasy technology system, not only stole the video and the design of the super mecha, but also stole my popular transformation plan back then. gone."

"That's right, I stole it, but the rest of it was done by myself, and this modification is a waste of money in your hands, you actually sealed it up, and it can only exert its due power in my hands." Ao Chuang nodded and admitted directly, and he took it for granted.

"Since I sealed it up, I have my own reasons. This kind of modification is against human ethics. At that time, I just had a whim and designed to change the energy reaction of human cells from chemical energy of molecular bonds to nuclear energy! Gain endless Energy, it’s just that all the blood flowing in this way is nuclear radiation, no one can bear it, the success rate is too low, so they give up.”

"That's why human beings are boring, and everything is possible only when there is power, and they still care about such boring things as human ethics and morality."

"You are wrong, this is not a boring thing, but the foundation of human progress and the foundation of maintaining order. Forget it, you, a robot, can't understand what you say. I didn't expect you to achieve it in an alternative way. My idea at the beginning, but it seems that it was not completely successful, because you lack a perfect body, oh, yes, the body has already been built, but I didn't expect that it would be cheap for nothing.

The body that was originally cloned from the cells of Thor, the Asgardian, was integrated with nano-robots, and then transformed with the energy of fire, which can indeed perfectly realize my transformation design.It’s just that people are not as good as heaven, and eventually your carefully crafted body is lost. Now you can only use nano-robots to replace cells to store energy, but this storage is only temporary, and energy is rapidly consumed every moment. You are strong in a short period of time, but this strength cannot be maintained for too long, and you will be beaten back to your original shape when your energy is exhausted. "

Yang Jian's words made Ao Chuang resentful. He turned his head and looked at the Vision who was fighting the robot in the distance. A little bit, just a little bit, he could get a perfect body and possess unparalleled power. How could he cooperate with Hydra? , Unfortunately, it fell short in the end, and was taken advantage of by the illusion.

Chapter 459 Yang Jian VS Ultron

"No matter what you say, I will not change my mind. It is my responsibility to destroy human beings and preserve genetic information. This world is guarded by me."

As soon as Ultron spoke, he started to act. The core of the ark reactor on his chest was operating, and the nuclear energy was burning. Every second, he released a huge amount of energy comparable to a small nuclear power plant, and the scorched ground melted.

With Ao Chuang's punch, the space seemed to be distorted. If the energy contained in it exploded, it would be no less than a small nuclear bomb.

But such an earth-shattering punch was gently blocked by a hand. Yang Jian raised his hand seemingly casually, without any change in his face, but it made it impossible for Ao Chuang's big fist to penetrate even an inch. The fiery temperature on the fist can't hurt it in the slightest. .

If you look carefully, you will find that Yang Jian's fist is covered with a thin layer of energy, and it is this layer of energy that resists the high temperature.

"The gap in strength cannot be made up by size, so you should calm down."


Yang Jian kicked out one leg suddenly, and because of his height, he could only kick Ultron's abdomen. It looked like a child kicked a strong man, and that seemingly weak kick directly kicked Ultron out. , as if being hit by a mountain, directly let Ultron be embedded on the mountain wall tens of meters away.

Ultron struggled a few times and pulled himself out of the mountain wall. He was a twister with abnormal hands and feet, but soon the silver liquid on his body wriggled and returned to normal. He stretched out his hand and cracked the ground like he did against Thor before. Countless huge clods of soil gathered together and turned into a dozen huge "cannonballs". Ao Chuang waved his hand and smashed at Yang Jian.

Seeing the few shells flying over, Yang Jian said without changing his face: "You are indeed very powerful now, you already belong to the master of the heavenly father level, that is, the single universe level, and exist at the same level as me. The Heavenly Father class is also one of the most beautiful ones. If it was a few months ago, it would have caused me a lot of trouble, and I have to deal with it carefully, but now you can only be regarded as a relatively big ant to me That's all."

As Yang Jian spoke, he raised his hand and grabbed at the void. An invisible force kept squeezing the shells, turning them into countless fragments and falling from the air.

Then a ball of orange-red energy appeared in Yang Jian's other hand, and he threw it lightly, covering the gravel, and the invisible force would gather them together, and soon turned into a ten-meter-high rock giant.

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