"Of course I know that there is no chance of winning against you in this way. Even if your energy is ten times stronger, you will not be able to defeat you. In my calculations, you have reached another level that I cannot understand, but it doesn't matter. As long as you find a way to It's enough for you to hold on, this world will soon usher in her new life and witness a great miracle!"

Thousands of meters underground.After receiving Ultron's order, a robot activated the anti-gravity device without hesitation.


The ground began to vibrate, and a crack spread rapidly. These cracks regularly formed a circle with a diameter of tens of kilometers. This area gradually rose, and under the action of the anti-gravity device, it slowly flew into the sky.

"What's going on? Ultron! What are you doing?" Baron Slatko in the command room yelled in horror, somewhat confused about the situation, but he had a feeling that this matter must have something to do with Ultron.

It's a pity that Ultron didn't respond at all, which made Baron Slatke even more angry. Although he knew that he and Ultron would fall out sooner or later, he didn't expect it to come so soon. Black hands.

Chapter 460 Ghidorah Appears

"Bastard Ultron, you are the one who is unkind first, so don't blame me for being unrighteous. If that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude. The super mecha troop obeys the order, give me... uh!"

Baron Slatke was halfway through speaking, when suddenly a hand stretched out from behind to cover his mouth, and then felt a pain in his vest, a sharp knife pierced his body, protruding from his chest, and bright red blood dripped continuously fall.

The severe pain made Baron Slatko want to scream, but the hand was so strong that he forced it back.Then it feels like a WeChat message.

Baron Slatke reluctantly turned his head, and saw that the person who attacked him from behind was actually his most trusted bodyguard. Just as he was wondering why the other party wanted to betray him, he saw the bodyguard's face squirm, changing like a human. into a silver robot.

Now Baron Slatke understood what was going on. It turned out that his bodyguard had been replaced by Ultron a long time ago, but he didn't know it. The defeat this time was not wronged.

The robot left Baron Slatko aside casually. At this time, there were still some staff in the command room. Seeing that their leader was killed, they immediately picked up their weapons and prepared to fire, but the robot moved faster than them, one after another. The energy beam shot out, and within a few seconds, everyone was dealt with.

It was Baron Ratko who opened his mouth to say something, but unfortunately he made a gurgling sound, and blood kept gushing out of his mouth, feeling his body getting colder and colder. He slowly closed his eyes and fell into the darkness.

After confirming that there were no survivors in the command room, the robot came to the computer, inputted the command skillfully, and at the same time imitated the voice of Baron Slatek and said: "The super mecha troop listens to the order, activates the ultimate form, and goes all out to kill the Avengers Alliance and Mechagod."

Although the ten Hydra fighters driving the super mecha vaguely felt that there was something abnormal in the headquarters, but the Ultron robot moved too fast, and Baron Slatek was all killed before he could send out a signal. Several people in A spent more energy on dealing with the success of the Mechanic God of War and the Avengers Alliance, thinking that they heard the noise. At this time, the command center sent an order, and the password was completely correct, so they hardly hesitated and acted according to the order , directly pressed a taboo red button

ah ah ah ah...

A series of shrill screams came from the mouths of the ten Hydra warriors. They seemed to be enduring unimaginable pain, but they did not flinch at all. They were brainwashed by Hydra one by one, and they were the most fanatical fighters of Hydra. , willing to give everything, including his own life.

The ten warriors were mutating at this time. The battle armor they were wearing was distorted and deformed. Several metal thorns protruded from the hollow part of the spine, as if melting, spreading on their skin, and some of them were like liquid nanorobots. Infiltrate into the brain, connect with the data line of the outer battle armor, and completely integrate with the mecha. At this time, the brains of those Hydra fighters are the brains of the mecha. As long as the mind moves, the order can be transmitted to the mecha. Such as arm command.

In fact, those Hydra warriors can no longer be described as humans, but half-human, half-machine monsters. Their consciousness is also truly integrated with the mecha, and they can no longer be separated. Carrying too much energy and exhausting vitality to death.

Not only that, but what is even more shocking is that the energy intensity of the mecha suddenly exploded, and it entered a state of overload operation, and its strength increased several times. .

bang bang! !Boom! !Boom...

Nick Fury felt that the speed, strength, and agility of the five mechas had all increased. When he controlled the Mech God of War to slash past, he was first easily blocked by the mecha holding the shield, and then the two-knife mecha, like A phantom flew past him like a phantom, and a wound appeared directly on the waist of the Mechanical God of War. One could clearly see clusters of electric sparks emerging from the complex bottom lane inside the Mechanical God of War, crackling non-stop.

The Mechanical God of War refused to admit defeat, and slashed with his backhand, but he didn't expect that the two-knife mech had already changed its position before the metal sword came to him, and the two knives crossed and slashed on one of the legs of the Mechanical God of War.

Nick Fury is going crazy, when has he been so aggrieved?But no matter how much he attacked, he couldn't hit the opponent. Instead, he was cut with wounds on his body. Although those wounds were not fatal due to the difference in size, if he continued to do so, he would lose sooner or later.

Nick Furry glanced at other battlefields in a hurry, and found that the situation of other people was also not good. The thunder giant in the form of Thor was smashed back by the tallest mech, and Skye and Meow were beaten by two Surrounded by two mechas, they can only move around in a narrow range, and the last mecha chases the Hulk with a hammer. It seems that Nick Fu's side is not bad, although he needs to deal with two mechas , but according to the advantages of body shape, it can hold on for a short time.

"Damn it, what's going on? How did these mechs suddenly become so powerful?" War Machine asked angrily.

Ivan's brain turned sharply, "I don't know the specific situation, but depending on the situation, it should have entered some kind of overload mode. This state will definitely not last, and it will last for a dozen minutes at most. Just find a way to hold them back. Just wait until the energy runs out."

War Machine said angrily in the communication: "According to this speed, a few minutes is enough time for the anti-gravity device to send us to a height of several kilometers. If Ultron shuts down the device directly, this land will be turned into a meteorite If it hits it, all life on Earth will probably be extinct.”

"Yes, this is Ultron's plan. He wants to use this method to destroy human beings and all life on earth, leaving only the most basic genetic information. We must stop him. The best way is to put this A meteorite will destroy it. Otherwise, mankind will really be over." Iron Man said eagerly.

Ivan said with some embarrassment: "But now there is a problem. Ultron directly raises a radius of tens of miles to the sky, even including most of the city. There are at least hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. What should they do? Just give them up Yet?"

"Absolutely not, we have to save them!" Captain America objected, looking up at the city in the distance, his face full of worry.

Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver have the worst faces. They can imagine how miserable the city is at this time. Speaking of which, the two of them are still accomplices. Recalling their past experiences, they found that they had become themselves without knowing it. hate people.

Vision said in a calm tone: "Ultra did it on purpose. He raised the city to the sky, and those innocent people are hostages. Let us be careful not to destroy his meteorite easily, because it would be equivalent to killing dozens of people." Tens of thousands of innocent human beings, but if the meteorite is not destroyed, all life on earth will be destroyed when it falls, so we have to make a choice, one side is hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, and the other is all life on earth .”

"Is there really no way?" Captain America's eyes were red. He knew that what happened here must have been known by many forces. There must be nuclear weapons aimed at this place. Once the meteorite landed, it would definitely be a super meteorite. If it is smashed together, tens of thousands of innocent civilians will die. Although he also knows that hundreds of thousands of civilians are nothing compared to all human beings, he still cannot accept it.

At this time, Nick Fury found an opportunity and said eagerly: "There is no way, if the Mechanic God of War is turned into the form of the space carrier, those civilians can be transported away, but the problem is that I am too busy now, who can help me?" Hold these two annoying guys?"

Everyone was silent for a moment. At this moment, Nick Fury was controlling the Mech God of War with a very reluctant one-two. If they were replaced, they would probably be smashed to pieces by the super mechs in just a few moves, and if they couldn't get rid of these mechs , When the space carrier transfers civilians, they will definitely be attacked by them, and then they can only be beaten passively.

"Everyone! The situation is worse than we imagined. Many innocent people were injured. Listen to this!" Iron Man's voice suddenly came. He invaded the city's network and played some recordings. Various screams, There were cries for help and cries, and it was conceivable how chaotic the city was at this time.

3 "No, we can't just watch like this, save people first, and then find a way, we split into two groups, Nick, you continue to entangle the mecha, and the others follow me to save people, Ivan, help me .” Captain America couldn’t stand it any longer, and made a decision directly.

"Okay, listen to you!"

Ivan immediately controlled the steel armor and grabbed Captain America and flew towards the city. Quicksilver also came to Scarlet Witch, picked up his sister and turned into a streamer to follow, then Vision, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Falcon and others.

Iron Man did not follow them all the way, but turned around to study the anti-gravity device to see if there was a way to solve the meteorite problem.

As for the other Thor, Thor, Jane, Skye, Meow, and Hulk, they continued to fight against the five mechs with Nick Fury, but this time it was not as easy as before, and they were always at a disadvantage.

"Jane! Honey, can you hear me? The situation here is very critical, and there are still many innocent civilians who need your help." When Skye encountered a crisis, he instinctively pinned his hopes on Yang Jian body.

"I've figured out the situation. I can find a big guy to help, but I don't know if calling it is a good thing or a bad thing? Because its appearance may cause a lot of trouble, and it may fall out with humans in the future, no I know what kind of consequences it will cause." There seemed to be a trace of hesitation in Yang Jian's tone.

"What time is this? Solve the immediate problem first. No matter what troubles you may have in the future, quickly call that big guy you mentioned." Nick Fury was about to scold his mother angrily, and no matter how big the trouble is, it will come later. What is more important than the immediate thing?

"Okay, I'll call that big guy over right away, but Director Fury, I need your promise, and you will solve the big guy's follow-up troubles."

"No problem, leave it to me." Nick Fury agreed without thinking about it, but he didn't know if he would regret the decision he made today in the future.

"Then there's no problem. The helper will arrive within two minutes. With him in the meteorite, there will be no problem."


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