
The earth-shattering roar came from Ghidorah's mouth today, and the golden gravitational light gathered in the three bloody mouths, but the strange thing is that this time it was not fired directly, but gathered into three golden balls of light , the surrounding space began to become illusory, like a world in a kaleidoscope, and like a big bang.

The terrifying power caused some changes to the three energy balls, and the space became distorted, as if an unprecedented collapse had occurred.


Following Yang Jian's shout, Ghidorah shook his head vigorously, and three golden energy balls hit Ultron.

Ao Chuang frantically reminded the danger of the three energy balls in the program, Ao Chuang did not dare to be careless at all, the strength of the whole body was squeezed to the extreme, his chest split open, and three energy beams shot out at the same time, just hitting the energy ball.


A violent explosion sounded, and the world boiled at this moment!The violent explosion tore apart the space, and the berserk energy dragged Ultron and Gidor into it at the same time.

Ghidorah and Ultron were like boats in a storm, their bodies were torn apart by the space storm, and they seemed to be dying at any moment.

Even in such a dangerous situation, Ultron and Ghidorah still stared at each other, rushing forward with violent power, attacking each other in various ways, trying to kill each other.

The two behemoths started the fiercest battle as soon as they came up, a scene of destruction, but both Ultron and Ghidorah restrained themselves, trying not to cause damage to the surroundings.

Ghidorah was because Yang Jian specifically explained that he would avoid causing damage to the city and injuring innocent civilians due to excessive force. Ultron was worried that their battle would destroy the painstakingly created meteorite.

Otherwise, the two behemoths gave up their energy attacks and rushed out at the same time, slamming into each other hard in the sharp and ear-piercing screams!The speed of the two behemoths exceeded the limit, and a series of sonic booms were brought out under the full sprint.

boom! !

The violent impact caused a loud noise. In a trance, Iron Man and the others seemed to see that the space barriers were smashed, and then the power generated by the impact was released, forming a storm that swept across.


Seeing the spreading energy storm, which was about to drag Iron Man and the others into it, the Scarlet Witch rushed over at a critical moment, rubbed her hands together, and threw out a ball of red energy, instantly forming an energy barrier to block the storm.

"Drink!" Immediately afterwards, Skye also made a move, smashing the energy storm directly with a punch.

"Damn it, this is simply a war between the gods, we can't get involved at all."

Ivan's face was full of helplessness. The aftermath of an ordinary shock caused such a storm. He really couldn't imagine what kind of disaster it would cause if the war continued.

"Yeah, what happened today has broken my perception of the world. I wonder if this is still the world I know?" War Machine Rody looked bitter, sometimes suspecting that he was dreaming.

"Hey, stop talking nonsense. I don't think it's very safe here, why don't we retreat first." As an animal, Miaomiao has a stronger sense of danger than humans. At this time, its body couldn't help shaking, I just want to get out of here as soon as possible.

"No, we have to protect the anti-gravity device. If we leave, Ultron only needs to send out a robot to shut down the anti-gravity device. At that time, the meteorite will fall and we will be finished."

"But it's useless for so many people to stay here. They won't help you at all, but they will hinder you!"

Iron Man was a little unhappy when he heard Miaomiao say that he was dragging his legs. He was about to refute, but he swallowed the words forcefully. Thinking about it carefully, this is really the case. Although he didn’t want to admit it, it was actually true. At this moment, Iron Man is more eager for powerful power, and is determined to develop a new type of armor after returning this time.

"We are all gone, who will guard the anti-gravity device?"

Skye took the initiative to take responsibility and said: "You guys leave first, and Wanda and I will stay. With our two abilities, we can withstand the aftermath of their battle. Even if the Ultron robots come, we can resist for a while. You can send out a distress signal, and you will come over when the time comes."

Iron Man thought for a while, and finally nodded, "Okay, let's hide in a safe place first, and leave it to you here. If there is any situation, please notify us immediately."

"Don't worry, we know what to do."

After Iron Man and Hulk left, Skye said to Scarlet Witch, "It's up to you."

The Scarlet Witch understood, spread her hands out, and the red energy formed a bowl-shaped shield that buckled down, protecting the two of them inside.

Standing in the energy shield, Skye carefully looked at the surrounding situation. Whenever a storm hit, Skye immediately punched out to disperse the wind, and the remaining strong wind blew on the shield without any impact. , the two cooperated with each other to protect the anti-gravity device.

Chapter 464 Ultron Desperately




Ultron and Ghidorah roared and bumped into each other. Although Ultron was taller than Ghidorah, Ghidorah was better at this collision because he had a bigger body and Ultron was unstable and wobbly. Shake back away.

Ghidorah took the opportunity to pounce forward, poked three heads forward, and opened his mouth to bite Ultron.

Although Ultron has not yet stood still, its intelligent program is running at a high speed. After calculating Ghidorah's trajectory, he stretches out his two palms and grabs Ghidorah's neck on both sides of his head at the same time. Zhang, ejected an energy bombardment on Ghidorah's middle head, and Ultron specifically aimed at Yang who was standing on Ghidorah's head.

boom! !

Yang Jian didn't even care about it, and let Ghidorah's face be covered with the energy cannon, and the head in the middle was tilted back, but it couldn't break the layer of energy armor that Yang Jian attached to Jealousy's body at all.

Yang Jian imitated this layer of energy armor made by the prestige Susanoo, which is enough to withstand nuclear strikes. The head in the middle where Yang Jian is is the most important, covering several layers. Ao Chuang's random attack may not be able to break through.

Seeing that his attack was ineffective, Ultron shifted his target and tried to twist Ghidorah's neck with both hands. Although Ghidorah has a super regenerative ability, even the blown head can be retrieved, but in Ao Chuang Imagine, every recovery should consume energy, as long as the energy is exhausted, there is only a dead end in the end.

But soon Ao Chuang discovered a problem. Ghidorah's neck was soft and tough, and it could be stretched freely, and it couldn't be broken after a few times of force.

At this time, Guidorah came back to his senses, and when he saw Ultron's actions, he was furious, his neck suddenly stretched, and the two heads on the left and right suddenly bit Ultron's arms, and tore them hard, as if trying to break the arms. At the same time, the head in the middle opened its mouth wide, and golden energy was bred in the mouth.

Ultron was taken aback and struggled with both arms, but Ghidorah's mouth was biting tightly, and he couldn't break free for a while. At this time, the gathered energy in Ghidorah's mouth would actually be released, Ultron gritted his teeth, and his shoulders softened Like a wriggling liquid, more than a dozen "missiles" flew out, dragging their long flame tails and shooting towards Ghidorah.

If you look carefully, you will find that each of the "missiles" is actually a small ark reactor, the light is flickering, and it is obviously in an overloaded state.

Boom boom boom!

The "missile" made a detour, and half of it was attached to Ghidorah's central head. The other part was divided into two targets, the left and right heads. There was a violent explosion in an instant, although it failed to break through the defense of the armor. , but dissipated the energy conceived in Ghidorah's mouth, and Ghidorah became dizzy for a while.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ultron raised his foot and kicked Ghidorah's abdomen fiercely, causing Ghidorah to feel a little pain, and the two heads biting Ultron's arm relaxed a little, Ultron immediately put his arm He took a few steps back, then touched from behind, and took out a shield and a large sword.

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