Although Yang Jian is playing games, it's so easy for him to focus on two tasks. The content broadcast on TV is very clear, and he can't help but sigh in his heart. In the end, the civil war may still be unavoidable. The conflict between Captain America and Iron Man is not only because of Bucky, but also because of different ideas. The conflict will break out sooner or later.

Yang Jian controlled the characters in the game and slaughtered wildly all the way. It didn't take long before he reached the bottom of the level. Then he stopped and found that he had played the game for two hours. The raised hands just pressed the sensitive parts of Skye behind him.

Skye couldn't help giving Yang Jian a blank look, thinking that he did it on purpose, but he didn't get angry. With the relationship between the two of them, there was no need to care about these things, what should be done has already been done.

Originally, Skye served as the head of Huaxiang Technology Development Department, under one person, over ten thousand people, but later found that being a head was boring, busy with work all day, the time with Yang Jian was greatly reduced, and Yang Jian Jane yelled all day long that she had something to do as a secretary, and if she had nothing to do as a secretary, Skye didn't want some flirtatious people to take advantage of her, so she took the initiative to become Yang Jian's secretary.

Looking at Skye's charming appearance, Yang Jian couldn't help feeling hot in his heart, his hands became disheveled, and he was ready to take further action, but at this moment there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, Yang Jian quickly withdrew his hands and sat upright.

With a click, the door of the office was pushed open, and Wanda in a red dress came in, looked at the blushing Skye, couldn't help but pouted and said, "Boss, there is a very annoying person out there who wants to see you." you."

That's right, the Scarlet Witch Wanda also became Yang Jian's secretary, and she looked at Yang Jian with extremely hot eyes, full of affection.

It is the dream of many men to use the Scarlet Witch as a secretary, and it is also what Wanda herself requested.

Because of Yang Jian's meddling with the Scarlet Witch and Kuaiyin's siblings, the fates changed. Kuaiyin was still alive, and the Scarlet Witch did not interact with Vision. Instead, because of Yang Jian's help several times, Kuaiyin was even saved. The witch has a different feeling for Yang Jian.

Wanda secretly investigated Yang Jian's situation, and knew that the two women who were close to Yang Jian were both secretaries, one was Skye, the secretary at work, and the other was Li Kexin, the secretary in life. The Scarlet Witch's purpose was to become Yang Jian's secretary. Jane's woman broke through that relationship, so she racked her brains and chose Yang Jian's secretary.

"The person you hate? Who is it?" Yang Jian wondered. You must know that although the Scarlet Witch has her own calculations in her heart, she still does her duty in general and will not bring her personal emotions to work. Someone wants to see her. Yang Jian, usually he would only report truthfully, this was the first time he described him as a nasty person.

"Tony Stark!" Scarlet Witch said angrily.

Yang Jian suddenly realized that it was no wonder Wanda was so emotional. Although after fighting side by side with Sokovia, Wanda and Pietro also understood the other side of Iron Man. In order to change and close the weapon manufacturing department, he really wanted to be a superhero, and he was kept in the dark about selling weapons to terrorists, and the hatred in his heart was not so deep anymore.

But every time she sees Iron Man, Scarlet Witch can't help but think of her dead parents, so she gets a little emotional, which is a normal reaction.

"Okay, Wanda, let the past go, and don't keep looking at Stark with such colored eyes, after all, people are also changing."

"What's the use of that, the dead can't be resurrected, and the damage caused can't be repaired."

"Anyway, the visitor is a guest. Since you are here, let's meet you, Skye, go and greet us. Don't let people say that we are not polite." Yang Jian pushed the keyboard aside casually, and made Iron Man The mission to Skye, lest Wanda see Iron Man unhappy.

At this time, Miaomiao, who ran out of nowhere, jumped onto the desk and tapped the keyboard skillfully. An animation began to play on the screen. It turned out to be a cat and a mouse.

Seeing this scene, Skye shook his head helplessly, turned around and opened the door and went out.

"Wanda, please avoid it first, otherwise you will definitely not be able to hold back the cynicism when you see Stark. Our Mr. Iron Man is famous for his poisonous tongue, and you will definitely not be able to speak out against him, and the only one who will suffer at that time is It's you, go and see Pietro, he has been working hard to overcome his habits these days, and it should be almost done by now."

"Okay, I'll go now." Wanda also missed her younger brother a little, and obeyed Yang Jian's orders obediently.

Less than a minute after Wanda left, Skye walked in with Iron Man, and there were two figures behind Iron Man, which turned out to be Vision and his bodyguard, Happy.

Stark looked a little embarrassed at this time, keeping a distance from Skye as much as possible, and Skye clenched a fist on his left, emitting a faint white light.

Yang Jian found that Skye glared at Iron Man with annoyed eyes from time to time, and that fist emitting white light seemed to be thrown out at any time. She secretly smiled in her heart. It must be Tucker's old problem again. Let's just keep teasing, forgetting the fear of being dominated by Skye before, is this something he can tease?Fortunately, Skye maintained his sanity, otherwise, if he punched him, he would definitely blow Tony Stark to pieces.

"It's really rare. The famous Stark will come to our fantasy technology. As the saying goes, you can't go to the Three Treasures Palace. You definitely didn't come to talk to me. If you have anything to say, just say it. Of course, if you came to Ivan , then I can only tell you that you found the wrong place, I don’t know it.”

The Yang family thought that Stark was looking for Ivan again. After all, the two had been fighting for several years. Although many people knew that Ivan was Yang Jian's subordinate and was hiding in fantasy technology, most of them thought He pretended to be confused, because until now Ivan still had a wanted criminal on him. After all, he had sneaked up on Iron Man on the racing track, but no one wanted to offend the behemoth of fantasy technology because of Ivan, so he pretended not to know ,certainly.Superficial work still needs to be done, so Yang Jian declared that Ivan had defected to Fantasy Technology.

"I'm not here to find Ivan, but to you."

"Looking for me? Yes, that's really weird. I don't think there is anything to talk about between us."

"On the contrary, I think we should communicate more, some things need to be talked about."

"Let's hear it specifically."

"Do you think that we superheroes cause a little bit more damage when we fight crime, and often inadvertently hurt innocent people, so I think there should be some rules. Sometimes it will always cause some bad things. Impact."

As soon as Stark opened his mouth, Yang Jian knew what was going on. This was a harbinger of the heroic civil war. The government was ready to take action, and it must be the Sokovia Agreement.

"Okay, you don't need to say it like this. I understand what you mean. I want to make a statement. I don't think I am a superhero, and I don't intend to fight crime. That's the business of your Avengers. Don't put I get involved."

"But you are also a member of the Avengers!"

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, "Wait a minute, what are you talking about? I'm a member of the Avengers! Why didn't I know about this?"

"Because we fought against Ultron and saved the world last time, we acted in the name of the Avengers, and everyone regarded you as a member of the Avengers, so we simply filled in your name, and only returned I didn't have time to inform you."

"In other words, this is your own decision, and you didn't ask my opinion, right? Then I regret to tell you now, but I don't plan to join the Avengers, so don't make decisions for me at will."

"Why? Isn't it bad to be a superhero?"

"Of course not. There is a saying in China that says good people don't live long, and the evil will last for thousands of years. Being a superhero is too dangerous, and you may lose your life at any time. I still want to live a long life. If I really had to choose, I would rather Be a supervillain."

Iron Man was so suffocated that he couldn't speak. All the persuasion he had planned to persuade him was useless. He never thought of being a superhero at all.

Chapter 469 The Ancient One Summons

Tony Stark left with a stomach full of displeasure. In his opinion, Yang Jian was a selfish person who obviously possessed great power but was unwilling to take responsibility.

Thinking of Yang Jian's attitude in the office, Stark felt furious. Not long ago, he just heard a saying from a hot-blooded little guy that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. It feels very suitable for fooling people.

Originally, Stark planned to use this sentence to fool Yang Jian, but Yang Jian directly responded: Responsibility, who gave me the responsibility?I am a businessman. You pay taxes when you should pay taxes, and do charity when you should do charity. You have never owed this country or the world. This is not my responsibility.

Tony Stark was really caught by this sentence. Indeed, until now, superhero fighting crime is only a spontaneous behavior, and you can't force others to do anything.

In the end, Stark made it clear and asked Yang Jian directly: If the government intends to participate in the management of superheroes, should it obey the government's arrangement or go against the government?What do you think about this matter?

As a result, Yang Jian replied to him: "Lie down and watch, I'm not a superhero. At worst, I don't care about those trivial matters in the future. Even if aliens attack the earth and the world is destroyed in the future, I don't care. Recently, the spaceship research and development of our fantasy technology has been completed." A major breakthrough has been made, and one day, we will directly emigrate to extraterrestrials.

Although he knew that Yang Jian was speaking in anger, Stark was still furious. If he didn't know that he couldn't beat Yang Jian, he might have beaten him up.

"Boss, don't be angry. After all, he is an international boss who pays for his career. Interests come first. Not everyone likes being a superhero like you. And it's not all bad. His attitude It belongs to neutrality, no matter what decision you make, at least he will not stand against you." After returning to the car, looking at the boss who was still cursing there, Happy couldn't help but comfort him.

"I'm not angry, it's just a pity that Yang Jian is not a person, and Dabai, Ivan, Skye, Meow, plus Wanda and Pietro, everyone's strength is top-notch, Together, they are almost half the strength of the Avengers, and they each have their own strengths, and there are almost no shortcomings. If Yang Jian and Ghidorah are counted, there is no force on the entire earth to compete with them. But Yang Jian's indifferent attitude, other people have always respected him, and he will definitely not accept the government's management." Stark looked a little worried, although he didn't see everything as dangerous like Nick Fury, but still Can't help but think about that?

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