"Don't underestimate him. Although his strength is not very good, but his brain is still good. How can he be an ordinary person who can play the entire Avengers alliance between applause?" Ivan really admires Baron Zemo, who can Ivan didn't think he could do it to pit Iron Man to such an extent.

The Scarlet Witch nodded approvingly, "That's right, Pietro, you're a little arrogant, you can't be like this in the future."

"Wanda, why are you tearing down my platform? Is it still my sister?"

Although Pietro was born only 30 seconds later than Wanda, their personalities are too different. Pietro is very detached, while Wanda, as the older sister, is much more stable.

"I'm here for your own good."

Seeing the siblings who seemed to be arguing, Skykai quickly persuaded: "Okay, now is not the time to talk about this, let's take him to the side of the Avengers as soon as possible, they are probably already fighting. "

Yang Jian was satisfied with Skye's point, and was always able to look at the problem calmly, and immediately stepped forward to hold Baron Zemo in his hand with one hand, and opened the space door with the other hand, "Let's go! Let our Iron Man and Captain America and the others look at what stupid things they have done, and they were so easily fooled, "

When Yang Jian and the others passed through the space gate and came to the side of the Avengers, they found that they had already fought together.

Iron Man has War Machine, Black Panther, Black Widow, Spiderman, and Vision. Although there was no assassination of the King of Wakanda, Black Panther still chose to stand on Iron Man's side, nothing else The reason is that he was ordered to establish contact with the governments of various countries and pass back what he saw in the outside world to Wakanda, so he could only choose to stand on the side of the government. As for the little spider, he was still discovered by Iron Man Anomalies, pulled into the Avengers.

On the other side, Captain America leads the Winter Soldier, Ant-Man, Hawkeye, Falcon and Thor to confront him. Although the Scarlet Witch is missing from the original plot, there is an extra Thor, which can fully make up for his own shortcomings. disadvantage.

Take Thor's brain.I must not understand the key to this. For him, there is fighting and wine is enough. It is definitely impossible for Thor to sign the Sokovia Agreement, and no one dares to force him, otherwise this is the international... It shouldn't be Interstellar Dispute.

The Avengers showed their abilities, Iron Man and War Machine flew across the sky, launching missiles one after another, and continuous explosions blocked Captain America's escape route.

Falcon flaps its wings extremely nimbly and flies in the sky. Although its speed is not as fast as Iron Man and the others, it is more nimble.

Hawkeye shot a special arrow, which instantly split into several pieces, and the continuous explosions sent Iron Man turning somersaults in the sky.

Spider-Man checked Captain America's arm with spider silk, and then threw Captain America up into the air, intending to tie him up with the spider silk, but Captain America quickly stabilized his body in the air, and after landing, he dragged him vigorously, The little spider pulled it over, and then slapped him on the face with the shield.

The Winter Soldier and the Black Panther fight hand-to-hand. It looks fierce when you come and go, but in fact, both of them keep their hands away. Because there is no revenge for killing the father like in the original plot, the Black Panther is very restrained and just learns from each other.

Black Widow's opponent is Ant-Man. Originally, Ant-Man thought she was a woman, and she was so beautiful, so she instinctively underestimated her. Unfortunately, she was soon slapped in the face. Black Widow is a seasoned agent with rich combat experience. Ant-Man a few blocks away, twisting his arms directly behind his back.

Fortunately, Ant-Man is not a vegetarian. If his fighting skills are inferior, then he will use some high-tech technology, shrink down to the size of an ant, go around behind the black widow, then quickly grow bigger, restore his original size, and kick the black widow away. .

Of course, although these people's battles are fierce, they are far inferior to the other place. Thor and Vision are the real men's battles here.

Thor himself is the strength of the heavenly father, holding a storm battle ax has risen a few grades, but what is surprising is that such a strong Thor failed to gain the slightest advantage in the face of the illusion, but was evenly divided. situation.

Vision's fighting method is very simple, that is, with a pair of fists, one punch after another, without taking half a step back.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the phantom at this time is a little different from the past. The whole body is glowing red, and electric arcs are constantly flickering. Every organ and every muscle in the body is emitting violent energy.

In the end, Vision still modified your body, just like the original design of Ultron, your own body absorbs nuclear energy and transforms nuclear cells. At this time, every cell in Vision is operating crazily, and it has stabilized. Some of them have entered the Heavenly Father level, although they are not as hungry as Odin, Gu Yi and other veteran Heavenly Father level powerhouses, but they are not far behind.

Vision's nuclear cell transformation is different from Ultron's original transformation. Ultron replaces cells with nano-robots and forcibly absorbs a huge amount of energy. It reaches the heavenly father level in a short time. Once the energy is exhausted, it will fall back. But it belongs to the real heavenly father level. His silicon-based life body and carbon-based life body genetically combined cells evolved naturally after absorbing enough energy. And fell.

Thunder God Sol is surrounded by lightning and the tomahawk in his hand dances faster and faster, thunder and thunder, roaring, as a muscular man with a brain full of muscles, it is rare to meet an evenly matched opponent.

Vision is not to be outdone, the red light on his body is getting brighter and brighter, that seemingly ordinary punch has been carefully calculated every time, and it just hits the weak point of the battle axe, otherwise it would not be so easy to block the cable Well, after all, the opponent is a super artifact.

The berserk power radiated from the place where the two fought, scaring Iron Man and the others to avoid it urgently, because even if the aftermath was accidentally involved, half of their lives would be lost if they were not dead.

In the eyes of outsiders, the battle between Vision and Thor is already fierce enough, it is definitely an earth-shattering battle, but in fact, both of them know that they are restraining their strength for fear that if they accidentally use too much force, they will cause damage to the surroundings, because They are very clear that this is not a real battle, and at most they will hit each other, but they must not kill anyone.

Just when the Avengers were fighting fiercely, a group of ion sparks spun around and opened a space door. Yang Jian walked out one by one, followed by Skye, Meow, Ivan, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. .

"Stop it! Stop this meaningless battle."

As soon as Yang Jian appeared, he attracted everyone's attention. Everyone was relieved when he heard that Jiang would say that. They didn't want to fight anymore, but they just couldn't stop. Now they finally have a reasonable excuse to stop the civil war.

Chapter 477 Winter Soldier VS Iron Man

Soon the avengers gathered in front of Yang Jian, lined up left and right, just watched quietly, without any precautions, they knew from the beginning that this was a fake battle.


Yang Jian casually threw Baron Zemo in the middle, and said: "It seems that you are all very smart, but why are you all mentally retarded now, and you are being played around by others? It's really embarrassing. "

"What's going on with Mr. Yang? Who is he?" Captain America looked at Zemo and was a little confused.

"This is Baron Zemo. He is the man behind the civil war that led you. He was responsible for those bombings. He deliberately blamed Bucky for the purpose of stirring up your internal conflicts and making you kill each other. It’s so endless, you can’t understand it, so let him talk about it himself.”

Baron Zemo, who was thrown in the middle, wanted to resist at first. He thought of many reasons and wanted to get away with it. Unfortunately, Yang Jian didn't give him a chance at all. He used his psychic ability to control him in an instant. Baron Zemo's shrewd eyes changed He got stunned and began to tell the whole story, how he hated the Avengers because of the death of his father, wife and children, how he deliberately framed Bucky the Winter Soldier, and how he led the Avengers' civil war, which made everyone shudder.

The face of all the Avengers became more and more ugly, especially Iron Man. He was always arrogant and thought himself the smartest person in the world, but he was played around by a small person.

"Great, I knew that Bucky was wronged. Now the truth is finally revealed, and the other five Winter Soldier's problems have been solved. I didn't expect him to kill him long ago. It seems that he didn't intend to use the Winter Soldier as an excuse. In the final analysis, it is because of hatred for self-interest, no matter what, the most important thing is to clean up Bucky's grievances first, and report it quickly." Captain America couldn't help but get excited.

"I said Captain, don't you be so naive, okay? Do you think those politicians really don't know that Bucky is wronged? You think that Baron Zemo's calculations are really flawless, so easy to deceive you all, if it wasn't because of those Politicians with ulterior motives helped him along the way, long enough to investigate the truth, Baron Zemo was able to succeed in starting your civil war because he did exactly what some people wanted, It’s a good opportunity to join the Avengers and control other superheroes.”

"This...how is this possible?" Captain America was dumbfounded. Although he had already been exposed to some darkness on the earth, it was far from enough.

Yang Jian snorted coldly, took out some information, and gave it to the Avengers. After reading it, the Avengers looked even uglier. Except for Black Widow and Hawkeye, who had worked as secret agents, everyone else was It's unbelievable that those politicians will do everything for their own benefit, and even kill some innocent people to hide information for Baron Zemo.

"Captain, what should we do next? About Bucky."

"Bucky! What else? Since he was wronged, of course no one can hurt him?"

"That's not what I'm talking about. Whether he was wronged or not? Was he controlled? There is no way to cover up the crimes he committed. Many innocent people were killed by him. Those innocent lives always need an explanation. Can you say Are you clear? Coupled with the obstruction of some people with ulterior motives, you can’t protect Bucky with normal means, even if you sign an agreement, it’s useless.”

"I won't sign the agreement, and I won't hand over Bucky to them." Captain America said firmly.

"Then can you prevent others from taking revenge on Bucky? Look at this Baron Zemo. We can say that we saved Sokovia at the beginning. The death of his relatives was just an accident, but he still put the blame on us.

As for the relatives of those killed by Bucky, they will definitely still put the blame on Bucky. Imagine how many outrageous things he has done for Hydra in the past 70 years, and how many enemies he has made?What are you going to do if they come to get revenge on Bucky?Will it kill them?

Well, of course you will kill them, because if there is such a person, you will have no time to ask them clearly. You will only see that the other party wants to hurt your friend, and you will naturally fight back. Maybe you don’t even know the identity of the other party. There is nothing wrong with killing and protecting your friends, but because of this, you become a demon who kills innocent people. Is this what you want? "

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