Although Iron Man looks a bit capricious, he doesn't know the kind of ignorant person. Of course, he knows that Bucky the Winter Soldier is also a victim. After all, the real enemy is Hydra, not Bucky, a controlled tool. .

In the original plot.After Iron Man knew the truth about his parents' death, he didn't hesitate to kill Bucky. It was only because he lost his mind because of anger at that time, and he could do everything in anger.

But because of Yang Jian's intervention, Gang Gang knew the truth in advance, and he had enough time to think about who is the victim and who is the real murderer, so he can solve the matter calmly.

From the very beginning, Iron Man didn't intend to kill Bucky, he just wanted to beat him up to vent his anger, because Iron Man had thought about a problem before, if he blamed Bucky for the death of his parents, how could he No, there is no difference. Iron Man is also responsible for the death of Pietro and Wanda's relatives.

Although Wanda and Pietro's parents died at the hands of terrorists, their weapons were sold to them by Stark Industries, even though Iron Man didn't know about it, it was just Obaday who kept it from him , but why is Bucky not like this?He had no idea what he was doing.

Iron Man doesn't know how many people were destroyed because of the weapons sold by his company. Although he can shirk that it was not his own will, there is always a part of his responsibility. Even if he only bears 1%, this is not a small amount, so He chose to let Bucky go, so why not let him go from another perspective?

"Okay, it seems that your personal grievances have been resolved, so Captain, what are your plans next? With Bucky's excuse, those politicians will definitely force you to sign an agreement. With your current ability, you will definitely not be able to keep him. Now you have two ways to go, either give in and become a knife in their hands, or continue to fight with them and be wanted in the end."

Captain America said firmly as always: "Even if I am wanted, I will not sign an agreement. Next, I will use my method to lead the Avengers to fight crime and protect the world."

"That's it, well, I won't advise you anymore, but since you are going to break away from the government and lose supplies at the same time, this is for you. Follow this address to find someone, and someone will help you." Yang Jian said that she did not know where to take out a card and handed it to Captain America.

Captain America took the card and glanced at it, with a trace of surprise on his face, and glanced at the black panther out of the corner of his eye, but he was very smart and didn't say anything, just nodded gratefully and said: "Thank you, Mr. Yang, I appreciate my kindness." Make a note of it, and speak up if necessary in the future.”

Then Captain America looked like Iron Man again, "Tony, I know that no matter what I say now, I can't undo the tragedy of the past, but I still want to do something, please contact me if you need it, no matter what time it is, I will be there."

Iron Man turned his head away angrily, without even looking at Captain America. Although he gave up revenge, he still felt a little unhappy.

Yang Jian looked at the scene in front of him with a smile on his face, and finally solved the problem. Although Captain America and Iron Man did not reconcile, at least they did not fall out completely. War Machine did not break his leg like in the original plot. Although there are lumps,

"Okay, that's the end of the matter, then!" Yang Jian stopped in the middle of speaking, and turned his head to look in a direction, where he felt a strong spatial fluctuation.

Everyone also followed Yang Jian's gaze, and saw a group of ion sparks appearing there and quickly spun around to open the space door, and at the same time, the voice of Master Gu Yi came from the opposite side.

"Master Yang, come quickly, the earth is facing an unprecedented crisis, if not, the earth will really be destroyed."

Yang Jian was startled when he heard this, because he could hear a trace of urgency from Master Gu Yi's voice, so he plunged into it without thinking too much about it.

The others moved a little slower, but they quickly reacted and followed up. The Avengers were still fighting each other before, but when the earth was in crisis, they immediately became partners who could entrust their lives.

Colorado is a state in the western United States, bordered by Kansas to the east, Oklahoma and New Mexico to the south, Utah to the west, and Wyoming and Nebraska to the north.

The original residents of Colorado, as usual, work, play, and go to school, but they did not expect the disaster to strike suddenly.

In a dense forest on the outskirts of Colorado, there is a strange creature growing. For some reason, this plant suddenly burst out with huge energy, and then began to transform the earth. With that plant as the center, countless black substances spread rapidly like a torrent. Open, overwhelming, as if to swallow everything.

As the guardian of the earth, Mage Ancient One can monitor everything on the earth through the three super magic circles. When the energy erupted, she noticed the abnormality. When she traveled to Colorado, the first thing she saw was the black torrent.

Because of the appearance of Yang Jian, the future has become blurred. Although Master Gu Yi had seen this disaster on the earth in the future, but after the future changed, she thought it would already appear, but now it seems nothing. Change.

Mage Gu Yi didn't know if the black torrent would disappear soon like the future she had seen, but she didn't dare to bet, so she made a move immediately.

Master Gu Yi put his palms together, then squatted down suddenly, and slapped the ground. The ground in front of him trembled violently, just like the vast sea undulating, and the waves made of mud spread out layer by layer.

Boom! ! !

The ground rumbled and shook like an earthquake. New green shoots were pulled out from the ground, and they grew and spread crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few seconds, the little green shoots spanned a hundred years and grew into giant trees in the sky. The huge vines with intertwined roots are like pythons spewing letters, entangled and twisted with each other, spreading forward rapidly like a virus, and turning into an endless sea of ​​green trees.

The majestic green torrent wraps the black torrent in the center and rolls away, colliding with the black torrent.


The trees all over the sky were smashed by the black torrent, causing sawdust to fly, and then they were corroded and transformed into a part of the black torrent, but those trees were endless, and soon new trees squeezed in. The black torrent and the green torrent you come and me In the past, it was hard to tell the winner.

When Yang Jian and the Avengers passed through the space gate, they happened to see the scene where the black and green torrents collided with each other. The Avengers were stunned for a moment. ?

As for Yang Jian's daze, it was because of another reason, because he saw Master Gu Yi like this, he was like a thousand-handed pillar in the Marvel world.

"Stop watching, help quickly, the opponent's strength is too great, I can't hold on for long." Master Gu Yi turned his head in a hurry and yelled at Yang Jian and the others.

Only then did Yang Jian and the others react, and they immediately stepped forward to help. Yang Jian flew into the sky, raised his right hand, and the orange-red energy quickly gathered and turned into an energy ball with a diameter of several meters. The smaller it was, it turned into a sphere the size of a pearl in the end, the color was red and black, and the surrounding space seemed to be distorted.

"Neutron star explosion!"

Yang Jian roared angrily, and threw out the pearl in his hand, which turned into a streamer.Landed in the center of the black torrent.

boom! ! !

With an earth-shattering roar, a powerful force erupted, a dazzling glare flashed, and a mushroom cloud rose up.Circles of shock waves expanded and swayed, and the energy storm directly blasted half of the black torrent into pieces.

It's just that Yang Jian's attack didn't have much effect, and soon more black matter was added, and the torrent of black spread faster. .

Yang Jian made a move, and of course the others couldn't be idle. They each showed their abilities and stepped forward to help. Thor, the god of thunder, swung the storm axe, and suddenly dark clouds covered the sky, and the violent thunder was conceived in the clouds, sending out waves roar.

Boom boom boom! ! !

One after another thunderbolts fell from the sky, covering the black torrent, and the spreading speed of the black torrent decreased significantly, and everyone couldn't help but applaud Thor.

Not to be outdone, Skye used his abilities to the maximum, punched out, and the dense white cracks were covered with endless black matter, directly shattering them.

The Scarlet Witch's chaotic magic covered it directly, but any black matter touched by the god's red energy was decomposed.

Miaomiao directly transformed into a super turret, and the energy cannon in his mouth was fired one after another.

Huan's whole body burst into red light, exuding high temperature, and rushed into the black torrent, burning it with just the high temperature emitted from his body.

As for the others, their performance was a little poor. War Machine, Iron Man, and Ivan could only be attacked with energy cannons, and the damage caused to black matter was limited.

In addition, there are Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow and Black Panther, etc. The rest of the people can only look at each other. They can't help at all, and if they really go up, they may be delayed.

Under the attack of Yang Jian and others, the black torrent gradually began to weaken, but it could not be completely eliminated, and still occupied a range of hundreds of meters. No matter how much it eliminated, there would always be more black matter. Can stalemate with it.

Master Gu Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and controlled the densely packed trees to trap the black substance in the center, temporarily confining it there.

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