With a crisp sound, the long knife slashed on the neck, Yang Jian was not injured at all, but Kabaji's long knife broke in two, and then Yang Jian punched Kabaji's chest, Kabaji It flew upside down more than ten meters, and fell heavily on the floor.


A beast roar sounded, and Moqi carried his pet lion Li Kei to kill him. With a flick of the long whip in his hand, it wrapped around Yang Jian's body several times, blocking Yang Jian's movements, and then the lion Li Kei opened With a mouth full of blood, he bit Yang Jian's head fiercely.

Yang Jian could even smell the breath coming from the lion's mouth, but she didn't want to have a close contact with it. With both hands, she directly broke the whip wrapped around her body, raised one arm, and sent it directly into the lion's mouth.


Normally speaking, in a group of pirates, Yang Jian's arm should have been bitten off by a lion, but in fact it was completely different. The lion's teeth were directly broken, and the severe pain made him let out a scream. Backing away, Mochi who was originally riding on it was also thrown away.

Yang Jian's armed arm was harder than steel. Lion Li Kei was only made of flesh and blood, and his strength was not considered strong. Biting Yang Jian's armed arm with his mouth was simply asking for trouble.

Seeing that their leader, deputy leader and chief of staff had all been defeated, the other gangsters of the Baki Pirates trembled in fright and did not dare to charge forward any more, and regarded Yang Jian, who was covered in black, as a devil generally?

"What's that? Why did he turn black?"

"Such a sharp knife can't hurt him. Is he a monster?"

"Yeah, it's horrible."

"He must be a demon. Is it because we kill so many people that he came to punish us? Let's run away!"

"That's right, we are not opponents at all, escape is important!"

A group of young people lost all fighting spirit and didn't dare to go forward at all. They just wanted to leave here. In the East China Sea, the sea area where the pirates are the weakest, few people even know what domineering is, and directly regard Yang Jian as a demon.

Chapter 487

Seeing the performance of his subordinates, Bucky was really going to explode with anger, "Shut up, you idiots, that's just domineering, not a demon. It consumes a lot of domineering to cover his whole body like this, and he can't hold on at all. How long will it be together?" , Drag him to death!"

Under Bucky's scolding, all the pirates regained their courage and charged towards Yang Jian. Then, bang bang bang, they were punched by Yang Jian one by one and fell to the ground, lying there humming.

Bucky gritted his teeth, and charged at Yang Jian again, this time using his devil fruit ability, "Torn to pieces, clown throwing knife."

Bucky's two hands were separated from his body, and each held a throwing knife to stab Yang Jian, targeting both eyes.

Although Yang Jian's body was covered with arrogance, his eyes were still his weak point. He was not sure if he could guard against it, so he quickly lowered his body, and the throwing knife flew past his scalp.

Seeing that Yang Jian dodged his attack, Bucky the clown was not disappointed at all, because the throwing knife behind Yang Jian had already been grasped by two hands and turned around, stabbing fiercely at the main artery of Yang Jian's neck.

Originally Bucky thought that his sneak attack was very sure of success, but unexpectedly at this time Yang Jian suddenly smiled and said, "I am very knowledgeable and domineering!"

Bucky was startled when he heard this, and wanted to stop, but it was too late, just like Yang Jian turned around, folded his arms, grabbed Bucky's hands, and squeezed hard.

"Ah! It hurts... Let go, let go!" Although Bucky's hands were separated from his body, it still hurt when it should hurt. It felt as if his bones were about to be crushed, and he couldn't help screaming.

Yang Jian didn't intend to really hurt Bucky, as soon as he let go of his hands, Bucky's two hands immediately flew back and reconnected to his body.

"Fragmented Pancakes!"

Although he was let off by Yang Jian, Baki didn't appreciate it at all. He came to kill Yang Jian again, his lower body spun around, and kicked Yang Jian viciously by virtue of his inertia.

Yang Jian stood still at the same spot, without moving his arms, raised his dark arm, and suddenly grabbed Bucky's leg in his hand, and the spinning lower body stopped immediately.

Press it, and the scene of Hulk beating Loki appears in Pirate World, but the person is changed, bang bang bang bang...


Bad luck for Bucky, the one who called it miserable!After finally concentrating, he shouted loudly, "The body is split!"

With a bang, Bucky's body shattered into hundreds of pieces. After breaking away from Yang Jian, he reassembled, but he was a little dizzy and couldn't even stand still. He barely walked a few steps and sat down on the ground.

There are still two people in the pirate group who can stand up, Mochi and Kabaji. Mochi fell from Lion Leakey before and was basically uninjured. Although Kabaji was punched by Yang Jian, his physical fitness stronger than others.

Originally, the two wanted to help Bucky, but when they saw Bucky being beaten by Yang Jian's leg, they looked at each other tacitly, and lay back down again. Take a beating, let's be honest.

"Don't play dead for me, stand up, or I'm going to beat you hard again." Yang Jian said as he took two steps forward, reaching out to grab Bucky.

Bucky, who was already about to pass out, was shocked suddenly, jumped up from the ground, and took a few steps back, so he wouldn't faint anymore.

"Don't fight anymore, I admit defeat, I admit defeat! No matter what, I saved your life, why don't we just let it go between us, you don't have to help me realize my wish, leave here, just treat us as clean gone."

"How can this be done? Who do you think I am? I will do what I say, and I will never go back on what I promised. It seems that you don't like my training plan. This is not okay. I have to give you some Motivation, you will like it." Yang Jian said as a ball of golden liquid emerged from the palm of his hand, pressing it towards Bucky's head.

Although Bucky didn't know what the golden liquid was, he instinctively felt that it was not a good thing, and immediately flew back to avoid it.

Yang Jian snorted coldly, and one arm instantly transformed into countless ones, like Avalokitesvara, enveloping Bucky inside, leaving him nowhere to retreat.

At this time, Bucky's eyes suddenly changed. He was a little foolish at first, but now he became extremely serious, his body twisted strangely, and he avoided it miraculously.

Seeing that his move failed, Yang Jian showed a hint of surprise on his face. It stands to reason that with the opponent's strength, he couldn't dodge at all, but he just dodged, and Bucky hid his strength before reaching the goal.

Yang Jian decided to try again, this time he directly raised his hands, the rotation was like Tai Chi, forming a force field, directly imprisoning Bucky's movements, and then sent the pair of golden liquid in his hands over.

Although Bucky couldn't move for a while, he didn't give up. He twisted his body to the left and to the right. Every movement was almost insignificant, but the accumulation made a lot, and the body recovered part of its functioning ability, and then turned around.Like a loach, it grabbed a flaw in Yang Jian's force field and got out.

This time Yang Jian was not surprised, but shocked, "How did you do it? It stands to reason that you can't break through, and you just found my flaw, as if you knew it a long time ago, is it an intuition? No No, it's not intuition, it should be an extraordinary premonition, I understand, it's knowledge-colored domineering, it seems that you have awakened a long time ago, and knowledge-colored domineering is very profound, even reaching the level of predicting a crisis , In the past, you acted like a nonsensical and funny clown, but you were always able to avoid danger inexplicably because of this predictive ability. It seems that you have hidden your strength, but unfortunately, it is still not enough in front of me. "

Bucky's complexion became extremely ugly, and he used all his trump cards, but he still couldn't deal with Yang Jian. We might really fall this time, but Bucky won't give up just yet, he still wants to fight .

Yang Jian suddenly took a deep breath, his stomach swelled slightly, and there seemed to be some kind of strange vibration in the surrounding air.

Bucky's face changed drastically, feeling the crisis, his body retreated, and at the same time he shouted loudly: "Big explosion of the body."


Bucky's body instantly shattered into pieces, turning into countless fist-sized fragments, and his speed suddenly increased several times.

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