And Yang Jian didn't want to implant him with venomous offspring like Bucky Pirates did. After all, Enel's arrogance is also a kind of talent, which will become his motivation to move forward.

Originally, Yang Jian planned to subdue Enilo and become a major force of the Hong Gang, but seeing that he refused to admit defeat, he could only give up and send them to the Bucky Pirates. He asked them to train together. If so, he should become a member of Bucky Pirates.

At the beginning, Enel looked down on Bucky who looked like a clown, but when he fought against the Bucky Pirates, he found that whether it was Bucky as the captain, or his two men, Mochi and Kabaji, even Mochi's pet lion Li Kei is not weaker than himself, and he saw the training process of Bucky Pirates with his own eyes. It's shocking.

Ai Nilu didn't know that the reason why these people were able to persevere was because Yang Jian's venom progeny fused into their bodies continuously used life energy to repair their physical damage, otherwise they would have died of exhaustion.

In this way, Enilu completely calmed down his mind, especially when he heard that there are countless strong men in this sea, far above him, and began to get along with Bucky and the others calmly, and took the initiative to ask for advice and training Method, join in the training of everyone.

And Bucky and the others help Ainil, who has the ability of thunder fruit, as much as they can. It's not that they have a good relationship with Ainil, but hope that Ainil's strength will become stronger and help them resist Yang Jian together. , this is the thunderous fruit!Known as the most powerful existence in the natural system, it is worth their investment.

Yang Jian was well aware of the thoughts of Bucky Pirates and Enel, but he didn't stop them, but let them go, because Yang Jian didn't care at all.

For Yang Jian, Bucky and the others are as strong as possible. As for wanting to beat him, it can only be said that they think too much.

Yang Jian taught Enilo some of the use of the power of the law of thunder and lightning, all of which were created by referring to Yang Jian's avatars in other worlds. Taijutsu, such as the various lightning-attribute ninjutsu developed by Sasuke on the basis of Chidori, Yang Jian can use it with a little modification.

In this way, Enilo's strength has also entered a period of explosion, especially his knowledgeable domineering has long been awakened, but he didn't know it before, so he called it the heart network, but now that he understands the relevant knowledge of domineering, he also learned I learned the physics knowledge about lightning from Yang Jian, and through lightning to control the application of electromagnetic waves, the arrogance of knowledge and knowledge increased dozens of times in an instant.

In addition, using electric current to stimulate the body, Enilo seems to have started a second development. In just one or two years, he has grown from a thin intellectual youth to a muscular macho, even armed Her domineering spirit has also awakened, and her strength has grown even faster than Bucky and the others. Now, apart from Yang Jian, only Bucky can barely surpass him.

Chapter 490 Bucky's Metamorphosis

"Ai Nilu, do you look energetic? How are you? Do you still want to challenge me?" Yang Jian said in a playful voice.

Ever since Ainilu was beaten up by Yang Jian, he has been practicing hard and wanted to regain his position. Whenever his strength increased, he would compete with Yang Jian, but every time he would come and cry with a smile, and was beaten to death by Yang Jian. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but even so, Anilu refused to admit defeat, clamoring all day long to defeat Yang Jian.

If it was before, Ai Nilu would rush up to fight Yang Jian without saying a word, and he would be the most unbearable.

But the strange thing is that this time Enilo was extremely calm, and he didn't intend to do anything at all.

"Although I really want to compete with you immediately, but today's situation is special. Someone has scheduled a battle with you in advance, so your opponent is not me."

"Book in advance? On the island, the only one who is qualified to fight with me is Bucky, right?" Yang Jian asked in disbelief.

Not only Yang Jian, but even Moqi and Kabaji next to him had the same expression. They felt that their captain's mind was twitched and they challenged the big devil. Isn't this courting death?

Enel nodded, "That's right, it's Captain Bucky. I'm here to inform you that the captain is going to have a one-on-one battle with you. This time, I will give you back all the shame I have had."

"Did the sun come out from the west today? Bucky dared to challenge me. His head was kicked by a donkey, or it was broken by the door."

Yang Jian was incredible. One must know that Bucky was incorporated into Yang Jian's body with the offspring of venom, and his life was completely controlled by Yang Jian. If Yang Jian wanted to, he could kill him at any time.

Although Yang Jian wouldn't really hurt Bucky, and Bucky himself knew this, but he was too timid to bet at all. He was usually cowardly with Yang Jian like a cat seeing a mouse, but he didn't expect to have the courage to take the initiative to challenge Yang Jian today.

"Don't underestimate the captain, his absolute strength will surprise you." Ai Nilu seemed to think of something, with a mysterious smile on his face.

"It seems that you get along well with Ba, and you have already called him the captain. Have you joined the Bucky Pirates?" Don't underestimate a title, it represents the status of the identity, only if you really join the Bucky Pirates If you are in a group, you will call the captain directly.

"Yes, I have officially joined the Bucky Pirates, and now I am the deputy captain." Enilo did not deny it, and directly admitted that neither of them is a good person, and there is no conflict between them, but Yang Jane is such a common enemy, it's normal to get together.

"You are always arrogant. Unless the other party really convinces you with your strength, you will never submit to others. It seems that Bucky's strength has made great progress. His strength was only a line stronger than yours. You have always thought that as long as you work hard, you will soon surpass him, but now when you talk about Bucky, your eyes show a kind of admiration. It seems that Bucky's strength has really improved a lot this time, which is also true. The reason why he dared to challenge me?" Yang Jian lowered his head and pondered for a while, and had some vague guesses in his heart.

Ai Nilu didn't expect that Yang Jian would get so much information out of him with a little flaw, his face suddenly became ugly, and he said angrily: "If you want to know why, you can ask yourself, the captain is waiting in the center of Wuming Island." you."

Unnamed Island is the name of this island, and Yang Jian got it. As for why it is called so, because this island did not exist in the first place, let alone its name, it is a man-made island.

At the beginning, Yang Jian tried every means to cultivate the strength of his subordinates. In the absence of devil fruits, two-color domineering is the best choice.

Enilo's thundering fruit can control radio waves, which affects the human brain to a certain extent, and is conducive to the development of knowledge-colored domineering. In the original plot, the four priests under him all have heart networks, that is, knowledge-colored domineering. Developed with the help of Nilu.

However, a unique environment is needed for the radio waves to affect the brain. The sky island is in a special situation. It is at a high altitude and the clouds are dense. development.

But leaving Sky Island will lose that unique environment. Although it can still play a supporting role in the development process of knowledge-colored domineering, the effect is too far away.

At this time, Yang Jian had two choices, either to send people to the empty island, or to build a place with an environment similar to the empty island.

In the end, Yang Jian chose the second option, because Sky Island involved many people in the original plot. Later, Kaido among the Four Emperors all ran to Sky Island, and then jumped down to play suicide. Yang Jian didn't want her own The secret was discovered.

Through the Hong Gang's intelligence network, after some investigation, they discovered this misty sea area. Yang Jian used his half-assed gravitational ability to cut a few pieces of land from other places and transfer them, finally forming an artificial island.Then use the ability of the thunder fruit to transform this area, make the surrounding fog riot, and slowly form an environment similar to an empty island. Every year, excellent talents will be recruited and sent to the island. Their brains help to develop knowledgeable arrogance, and hundreds of people have succeeded before and after.

"Since Bucky is so confident, how can I not give face, okay, I'll go meet him right now, you guys just wait here, so that the fish in the pond won't be affected by a battle later, by the way, what about the other people on the island? You have to notify them in advance, so as not to be killed accidentally."

Enilu had been prepared for a long time, and waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, they have been transferred out. Now there is only Captain Bucky left on the island. You can have a good fight."

"Really? It seems that you are very thoughtful. Well, I'm going!" Yang Jian said as he turned into a streamer and flew towards the center of the nameless island. There are rows of metal pillars tens of meters high, and there are small houses around the metal pillars.

Those metal pillars are actually lightning rods, and the thunder from the sky hits them from time to time, and the lightning is guided into those houses.

If you open the door, you will find that there is a sleep cabin in each small house. After you run in, there will be strips of tiny metal tentacles connected to the acupuncture points, and then the body will be strengthened through electric stimulation.

This is Yang Jian's secret method for strengthening the body, which is helpful for developing the domineering aura of the weaponry, but it should not be used too many times, otherwise the electric current stimulation is too strong, which may cause physical damage.

But even so, Yang Jian's electric current stimulation method is the most advanced domineering development technique in the world, and Yang Jian also thought of some auxiliary methods. For this purpose, he sneaked into Nine Snake Island in the daughter country to steal their domineering method. A high-nutrition drug was produced, and after taking it, combined with electric stimulation and strict training, the success rate of armed color domineering development directly increased by more than ten percentage points.

Of course, if Yang Jian splits more venomous offspring, the domineering effect of helping his subordinates to develop will be better, but if the venom splits too many offspring, it will also damage the source, and it was on the Bucky Pirates back then. It was just forced by the situation, and Yang Jian no longer planned to use this method anymore.

There were roars, lightning and thunder, and a few lightning bolts fell from the sky from time to time, and one even struck Yang Jian, but Yang Jian didn't care at all. You must know that the thing Yang Jian has been in contact with the longest besides his own copy fruit is thunder Fruits and torn fruits, the development of the law of thunder and lightning is even above Enilo, and the only function of lightning falling on the body is to replenish energy for Yang Jian.

Soon Yang Jian came to the center of the island. On a ring that was more than ten meters high, it was originally a place for Yang Jian's subordinates to compete here. Many people would gather here on weekdays, but now there is only Bucky alone. , sitting cross-legged with eyes closed.

When Yang Jian landed on the ring, Bucky opened his eyes at the same time, and said in a flat tone, "You're here."

Listening to Bucky's words, Yang Jian almost instinctively replied, "I'm here!"

Well, at this moment, Yang Jian has the urge to complain, it's really too similar to a certain situation in Mr. Gu's novel, next, do you want to say that you shouldn't come!I still come to conversations like that.

Fortunately, after that, it didn't happen as Yang Jian thought, Baki stood up unhurriedly, took a few steps forward, and stopped three or two meters away from Yang Jian, with a complex look on his face.

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