At this moment, Yang Jian was really tempted. I have to say that it is easy for a man to turn bad and have a scumbag side.

In fact, Yang Jian's family rejected Smoothie. The most important reason was the height difference between the two. After all, one was more than four and a half meters, and the other was a little more than three meters. Yang Jian always felt that he was on the weak side.

But think about it carefully, no one in this world cares about this at all. Big Mom has so many husbands, who dares to say more, after all, strength is the foundation of everything. In the end, Yang Jian was moved by what Bucky said. , decided to give it a try.

That night, Yang Jian sneaked into Smoothie's room. There was no resistance, no screaming, no backhand slap, only obedience and cooperation. Everything happened naturally, what should happen just happened.

Regardless of Smoothie's unusually strong performance at ordinary times, she is a proper queen fan, but she unexpectedly knows how to love others, which makes Yang Jian enjoy an unprecedented pleasure. The height gap that was originally worried about is not a problem. Yang Jian couldn't put it down because of the long legs, Shi Shi said that these legs could be played with for a whole year.

After the two had a relationship, the last estrangement completely disappeared. In the next few days, Yang Jian took Smoothie to visit various bases and strongholds of the Hong Gang, helped her learn more about the situation, and handed over some rights to her, and then sent She went to the unnamed island to start a new practice. Yang Jian has the ability of space, so he can go to her at any time. The two of them make some big tonic pills from time to time, and they live a relaxed life.


In Windmill Town, Goa Kingdom, although there are bandits here and there from time to time, the strength is not very strong, and the environment is relatively stable, because this is the hometown of the naval hero Garp. Every time our naval hero returns home to visit relatives, They will clean up the so-called pirates and bandits, and the remaining small characters can basically be solved with the military power of various countries.

In a forest outside Windmill Town, a door was opened out of thin air, and Yang Jian and Bucky walked out from it and walked along a path.

"I said Bucky, are you going to hide in the dark all the time and not meet him? According to my observation, Ace is ready and may go to sea at any time."

Bucky shook his head and said, "I can't meet him. The closer I get to him, the more exposed and dangerous he is. At the beginning, I owed Captain Roger a favor, so I decided to secretly protect Ace until I grew up. Adults, it doesn't matter if you see it or not."

"You are kind enough to spend so many years in the East China Sea. After the first time I met you, I felt strange. You obviously hid your strength. Otherwise, with your ability, you would be considered as the kind in the New World." There are many pirates, and a place full of monsters can be mixed together, but I have stayed in the East China Sea for so many years. If I hadn't been following secretly, I really don't know that I did all this to protect your old captain's son, but it will be over soon. What are you going to do next? When Ace leaves, you should also officially set off to achieve your goal and officially embark on the road of the treasure king."

Bucky lowered his head and pondered for a while, but shook his head unexpectedly, "Wait a little longer, if Ace had just left me, and I had disappeared in the East China Sea, I might think of something if someone who cared about him found out, so just wait two more Let's take advantage of this time to practice domineering arrogance and consolidate strength."

Yang Jian couldn't help but sigh secretly: Is this the power of fate?Wait for another two years, isn't it the time for Luffy to go to sea, and everything will return to the original plot.

"Well, you have the final say, but why don't you stop Ace from becoming a pirate? His choice of this path means that there will be dangers coming at all times, and he might die at sea at any time. Let him do it. Isn't it good for an ordinary person to live an honest life?"

"This is his own choice. I will not stop it. At most, I will help him when he is in danger."

"You can take it easy. Well, I'll go to school first. I don't know how many troubles Ace and Luffy have caused during this time. Take this opportunity to teach them a lesson." Yang Jian laughed, It's the best thing to beat the protagonist.

Yang Jian immediately speeded up, and his body turned into a stream of light. A few minutes later, he came to a school covering an area of ​​several hundred acres. The sign on the gate said that he was in the Red Scarf School.

The Kingdom of Goa is known as the most beautiful country in the East China Sea. The original introduction is that this country, which is spotless and perfectly excludes unnecessary things, can be called a successful example of a 'segregated society'.

But who knows that the formation of this most beautiful country also has a price. They transported the garbage out of the city and piled it up, which turned into a mountain of garbage.

And the location of this red scarf school is where the garbage mountain used to be, but now there is no garbage at all, only green mountains and green waters, a beautiful green scenery.

The Hong Gang founded by Yang Jian has penetrated into the most basic level of the people. When its tentacles spread to Fengche Town, they played a slogan of creating a better environment and building a better home together. They hired some people to deal with the garbage mountain, sort the garbage, and recycle it. Disposing of garbage for secondary use, incinerating and burying non-recyclables, and then carrying out afforestation campaigns, on the basis of the original, many branch industries were born, providing tens of thousands of jobs. In the end, the disposal of the garbage mountain not only did not lose money, but also made money. Quite a lot.

In order to build a good reputation, Yang Jian built this school on the site of the garbage mountain. It provides opportunities for ordinary children to receive education. The tuition is free and they only need to pay a small fee for buying books every year. As for the members of the Hong Gang, Even the book fee is waived.

As the hometown of Luffy, the protagonist of the One Piece world, as well as key figures such as Ace, Sabo, Dragon, and Garp, all of them should be related to Fengche Town. Yang Jian paid special attention to it, and for some reason, he deliberately set up a trap Ace, Luffy, and Sabo were all sent to school.

However, these three people are not the masters of law-abiding. Fighting, skipping classes, and absenteeism are common occurrences on weekdays. They were severely punished again and again, and even the leaders of the school wanted to expel them several times, but Yang Jian used a little trick keep them.

When Yang Jian came to the school, it was officially class time, the classroom was empty outside, and he didn't meet anyone on the road, but Yang Jian didn't care, and went straight to the principal's office.


The principal handling official business heard the movement, looked up and found that it was Yang Jian, and immediately stood up and said respectfully: "Principal Yang Jian, you are finally back, please take care of Ace and Luffy, they are really It's too much."

Windmill Town is the starting point of the story of One Piece. Yang Jian came here many times, and everyone paid attention to it. So after the school was built, he also got himself the status of an honorary principal, and even came to teach the students from time to time. The prestige is extremely high high.

"What? Did they get into trouble again?"

The headmaster said with a sad face: "Isn't it? The day before yesterday, I fought with someone again and beat a dozen children to the ground. Among them, two children's hands were interrupted. Although those children started their hands first, but this It's too cruel, I really want to fire them."

"That's it, did you notify the parents?"

"How could it be possible not to inform, Ace and Lu Fei have no elders in their family, and that fat woman of Dadan came to solve the problem. Forgiveness from the child's family, or else I will be expelled even if I have your face this time."

"That's all right, where are Luffy and Ace now? I'll go talk to them."

"Where else can they be? They skipped class to get their so-called treasures again. Since Sabo's accident, the two of them have become more difficult to control. They are clamoring to go to sea one by one. What kind of One Piece is it? It's really maddening. What's so good about being a thief?" The principal couldn't help shouting.

Sabo is still the same as in the original plot. When he was out at sea, he was bombarded by the Celestial Dragons and sank. Luffy and Ace thought he was dead, but he was actually rescued by the dragon.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, I will teach them a lesson, go now."

Yang Jian left the school and came to the place where Ace and Lu Fei usually haunted. She used her knowledge and arrogance to start investigating, and soon found the target, walking over with a sinister smile on her face.

At the same time, a navy warship also came here, a gray-haired vice admiral jumped off the ship, and laughed heartily, "Ace, Luffy, my dear grandchildren, your grandpa is here, ready to enjoy Grandpa's iron fist of love."

Still walking in another direction, a blind swordsman walked unhurriedly, muttering in his mouth: "According to the investigation during this period, the headquarters of the Hong Gang is in the East China Sea, and there is a bridge between this island and the Hong Gang." The relationship is inextricably linked, and I hope this time we can gain something."

Chapter 508 Luffy and Ace

In the dense forest, two figures were busy around a fire, on which was roasting a fragrant rabbit, and the two figures were salivating at any moment.

"Fatty meat!! I want to eat meat, I want to eat meat!" One of the teenagers with a scar on his face stared at the rabbit that was about to be cooked, wishing he could swallow it in one gulp right now.

"Shut up! Luffy, you bastard, you eat most of the meat you roast every time, making me hungry." Another boy with a pockmarked face, the older boy said to the boy with the scar on his face. scolded.

"Ace, don't be stingy, I'm hungry, I don't have enough to eat, and I don't have the strength." Although he was scolded, the young man with a scar on his face was not angry at all, and spoke like an idiot.

Naturally, these two are Luffy and Ace, the main characters and important supporting roles, because the two were forced to go to school by Yang Jian, and there were field survival exercises, and they actually learned hunting skills and some simple cooking skills, so You can rely on your own ability to catch some prey and roast it to fill your stomach.

"You idiot, you are like this every time, I... Oh! Forget it, anyway, I will go to sea in a few days. The treasures I have accumulated at this age are enough to buy a boat, and I will soon realize my dream. In the future, you can only take care of yourself, remember our agreement, our goal is One Piece, let’s see who will realize his dream first, and I don’t know when we will meet next time.” Ace looked at Luffy and couldn’t help it He wanted to beat him up, but when he thought about parting with his brother soon, he couldn't help being a little sad, so he withdrew his outstretched hand.

"Ace is leaving too, and I will be alone in the future, but don't worry, I won't let you wait too long. I'm a little older than me. If the money I earn from part-time work can buy a boat, I will go to sea to find You, I won't let you wait too long, then we will compare and see who will become the Pirate King first."

"Okay, I'll wait for you. I won't show mercy when the time comes. I'm definitely the One Piece."

"No, I must be the one who becomes the Pirate King. I made a promise with Shanks to become the Pirate King and the freest person in the world."

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