It's a pity that Smoothie Su, who was originally a strange woman who was a perfect queen, was so devoted to Yang Jian, a scumbag, that she became a little girl.

After a while, the quarrel between Yang Jian and Apollo gradually subsided. Smoothie was embarrassed by his behavior just now, for fear that Yang Jian would find out and try to divert his attention.

"Your Excellency Apollo, can you tell me about your abilities?"

"Of course no problem. Ladies are given special treatment, especially Miss Smoothie."

As Apollo said, his body shook slightly in the air and exploded with a bang. The small suns with a diameter of nearly ten meters turned into hundreds of them, flying around Smoothie in the air.

"This is my avatar ability. When the main body created me, the soul torn apart by its own spirit was refined into 365 strands. After I transform into Homiz, it can be separated or reunited. It can be a whole or 365 avatars. "

Smoothie couldn't help reaching out to touch a little sun beside him, and Apollo controlled the clone to restrain energy so as not to hurt Smoothie.

Feeling the warm feeling from the palm of his hand, Smoothie was indescribably excited, "It turns out that Homiz can still do this, why can't mother's Homiz do it."

Yang Jian immediately took up the conversation and explained: "The key is the control over the soul. Your mother has a discerning body and strong power. She emphasizes that one force can be reduced to ten times, and her control over power is very poor. Although she can't reach the level of control over the soul The subtle control, that is, I can do this step."

The more Yang Jian talked, the more complacent she became, her chin almost turned up, as if I was very good, come and praise me.

"Yes yes yes! You are amazing," Smoothie complimented Yang Jian funnyly, and then looked at Apollo, "Do you have other abilities besides clone?"

The small suns in the sky quickly gathered together and turned into a big sun with a diameter of nearly ten meters. With a blink of an eye, two golden rays shot out and struck a stone carving next to it. The stone carving was instantly cut into two pieces. A wisp of black dust scattered in the air, and the cut surface was scorched black.

"I can use heat rays to attack. This is a highly compressed light. Few people can resist it. If you give me enough time, I can cut it even if it is your mother. Of course, she will definitely not stand in the same place. Waiting for me to attack, so I'm not sure I can kill him.

The other is Beast Kaido. His biggest advantage is his super recovery ability. Maybe before I cut his body open, the wound has already recovered. It is not so easy to kill the strong of the four emperors. "

Smoothie sighed and said: "This is already very powerful. I heard from my mother that it is almost impossible to kill a strong man like the Four Emperors. Even if two Four Emperors work together, they can only be defeated but not taken." His life, because if the other party wants to escape, no one can stop him, unless he is determined to die, but before he dies, he can definitely make the other party pay the price of disability."

Yang Jian nodded, expressing his agreement. The Golden Lion was defeated by Warring States and Garp, and was taken into the large submarine prison, but that was because he took the initiative to find the door to rescue Roger, otherwise he wanted to escape. It's not something that Warring States and Garp can stop, Piao Piao's fruit ability is definitely second to none in terms of escaping.

During the war, Whitebeard was indeed dead, but that was because his body was almost exhausted, and he was stabbed by his foolish son before the war, and then he fought against the three generals again and again, In the end, he was attacked by Blackbeard. Otherwise, how could Whitebeard, who claims to be the strongest in the world, be defeated so easily?

Apollo looked at the sun, and wanted to continue to introduce: "I still have some other abilities that I can't use here. If I let go completely, the temperature I emit is enough to burn this island in three seconds. In addition , my avatar can also release that kind of hot light, cut through all obstacles, and can also attach the transformed form to the weapon to attack. You don't have to worry about me damaging your weapon at all, because I can partially restrain myself the power of."

Smoothie's eyes lit up, and he pulled out his sword with a swipe, "Is it really possible? Then I..."

Apollo smiled slightly, and before Smoothie finished speaking, a small sun was split by him, and the little sun floated in front of Smoothie and said: "Miss Smoothie, hello, Apollo 1 is at your service."

That Apollo clone instantly dispersed, turning into a ball of flames wrapped around Smoothie's sword, burning violently, but it didn't hurt the sword itself.

Smoothie swung the sword in his hand, feeling very smooth, looked at a stone pillar next to him, and swung the sword directly. The stone pillar was cut into two pieces, and there were burnt black marks left on the cut. Attacking the human body is equivalent to additional damage.

Looking at the flame wrapped around the sword, Smoothie said, "Hello, please take care of me after Apollo [-]."

The flame broke away from the sword and turned into a little sun again, and said in a flat tone: "It is my honor to be able to fight side by side with Miss Smoothie."

Yang Jian looked at Apollo's actions, and her teeth itched with hatred.Although it was his avatar, but being so intimate with his woman in front of his face still made him a little bit apprehensive.

Yang Jian casually threw Little Sunshine away, and said angrily: "Okay, now I've said all that needs to be said, there's nothing else to do with you, there's no need to fight now, you should go back honestly."

Seeing Yang Jian's jealous look, Smoothie gave Yang Jian an annoyed look, but felt a burst of sweetness in his heart.

Maybe it was because she was unhappy, Yang Jian vented on Smoothie after returning home, and then fell into a deep sleep.

In the next few days, Bucky, Enilo, and Kabaji also learned of the existence of Apollo. Ouchi was interested, and they all came to say hello to Apollo. When they left, everyone took a piece of Apollo. Clone, effectively enhanced their combat power.

However, the weapons attached to Apollo after turning into flames can only be some relatively simple swords, such as Mochi's whip, and muskets. After the egg is shot, the flames attached to it will also be thrown away .

Among the crowd, only Enilu did not bring an Apollo clone, perhaps because the sky and fire were naturally at odds. Enilo always had a kind of repulsion towards Apollo, and he attacked with a thunder drum,


Few people know that Baldigo, the island of white soil on the great waterway, is the base of the revolutionary army because they have been hiding in the dark. After all, the revolutionary army is weak now. If the world government finds them, they have almost no chance of winning.

The people on this island are all revolutionary troops, few outsiders come here, but today an unexpected guest came, a blind swordsman, needless to say, Fujitora smiled naturally.

Fujitora's smile came to the island and immediately attracted the attention of the revolutionary army. After all, as a base, their defense work is still very good, but they still don't know who Fujitora is. Maybe it's just a lost swordsman and will leave soon.

But as Fujitora's smile got closer and closer to the core area of ​​the revolutionary army, someone finally couldn't bear it anymore. A big man with a bear helmet, a cigarette in his mouth, a bearded man and a dozen people stopped him .

Terry Kildeo, a senior cadre of the Revolutionary Army, is powerful, staring at Fujitora with a smile and being cautious. For some reason, he always feels an inexplicable crisis.

Resisting the urge to do something, Terry Kildeo said, "I'm sorry, sir, the front is a private property, and outsiders are prohibited from entering or leaving. Please go back!"

Fujitora smiled but did not leave. Instead, he said with a gentle face: "Hello! Comrade Revolutionary Army, I have something to ask your leader Dorak, please help me to inform you?"

Terry Kildeo's eyes suddenly became dangerous. The other party actually knew that this was the base of the Revolutionary Army, and he wanted to price his leader as soon as he opened his mouth, which made him feel that the visitor was not kind.

"Who are you and what is your purpose? Hurry up and make it clear, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." Terry Kildeo made secret gestures while talking, making the people behind him ready to make a move at any time.

"Relax, I don't mean any malice. Shitōtora smiled. A wandering swordsman, I really have something very important to see Chief Dorag. You don't need to be so vigilant. In the future, I think we should be comrades." Fuji Hu Yixiao said in a calm tone as much as possible.

Not only did Terry Kildeo not relax, but his eyes became more dangerous. At this moment, he felt more and more dangerous about the other party, and finally couldn't bear it any longer, and yelled directly: "Do it!"

The dozen or so Revolutionary Army soldiers rushed towards Um Fujitora at the same time, and Terry Kildeo followed closely behind, clenched his fist and smashed at him.

"Forget it, it seems that we have to fight first, I hope you don't blame me, Hell Brigade!" Fujitora smiled and took out a stick knife, and then suddenly closed it. At this moment, those who rushed out suddenly felt their bodies change. It was extremely heavy, as if some force on the ground was pulling them, their bodies fell down involuntarily, and Terry Kildeo was enveloped in it.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The heavy force cracked the ground, and more than a dozen people were lying on the ground unable to move, screaming in their mouths. Terry Kildeo was in better condition, because he was the strongest among these people. Unable to move, but still struggling to hold on, did not fall down.

After suppressing everyone with a smile, Fujitora did not continue to shoot, but took out a book from his arms and put it on the ground, and said in Terry Kildeo's angry eyes! "Please give this book to Mr. Dorag. I'm sorry for what happened today. I'll come back in seven days. I think Mr. Dorag will be willing to see me at that time."

Fujitora smiled and didn't want to stay here any longer. With a wave of the stick knife in his hand, a boulder flew over. Fujitora stood on the stone with a smile, using his own ability to make it fly to the sky, and flew away to the distance with himself.

After Fujitora left with a smile, the surrounding gravity disappeared. Terry Kildeo stood up and wiped the cold sweat from his head. Nannan said, "Where did this monster come from? It's too scary. It's almost as good as a dragon."

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