Hearing what Fujitora said, the senior leaders of the Revolutionary Army behind Drago breathed a sigh of relief. They were used to the leadership of Drago. The other party is a real person.

"Mr. Fujitora, I am not joking. I am looking forward to the world of freedom, equality, and fraternity you mentioned in your book Redism Thoughts. It will guide us in the direction of our progress. If you lead us, we will definitely get twice the result with half the effort . . ”

Fujitora shook his head and said: "Of course I know that you are sincere, but it is really unnecessary. I am indeed not suitable for the position of the leader of the Revolutionary Army. I can make contributions as a thug, but I am not suitable for being a leader. In addition, I want to make a statement , I didn’t write the Eating and Drinking Thoughts, but someone else?”

"What? Someone else! Who is it? Where is it? Can I meet him? I have a lot of things I want to ask him for leave. I want to invite him to join the Revolutionary Army. No matter what the conditions are, I can agree." Lager became anxious when he heard Fujitora's words, he grabbed Fujitora's hand and asked a series of questions.

"I know what you want to do, but don't have too much hope. In fact, I have tried to persuade him, but he has no intention of joining the revolutionary army at all."

"Why? The person who can write this redist thought must be a wise man with a heart for the world. Why is he unwilling to join the revolutionary army? Is there anything we don't satisfy him? You can say it, and we will definitely change it."

"It has nothing to do with this. How should I put it? If I have to describe it, he is extremely smart and has insight into everything in the world. However, he doesn't care much about who rules the world. He only cares about the people around him. In fact, I used to I thought about following him, assisting him as much as I can, and changing the world, but unfortunately he refused, the reason is that he didn’t want to live too tired, and he didn’t want to see his companions die in battle.”

"It turns out that the revolution is destined to bleed. It seems that the gentleman is a benevolent and kind man. It's a pity."

"Yes, it's a pity, but he also promised that he will help as much as he can. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can ask him for a solution."

"Can it? That's great!" Drago immediately became happy again, and the atmosphere of the scene was relaxed.

Chapter 517 Gathering of Spell Warriors

"When can I see that gentleman? I have too many questions in my mind and I want to ask him for advice." Drago looked at Fujitora expectantly and asked.

Fujitora took out the rat charm from his bosom and handed it to Drago, saying, "This is for you, integrate it into your body, and you can contact him directly as soon as the time comes."

"What is this?" Drago looked at the spell that Fujitora handed over, and asked inexplicably.

"This is a mouse spell. Use the knowledge and domineering to stimulate it, and then control it, and it will enter your body. There are 12 spells in total, and they can be connected with each other. In addition, there will be a gathering of spell fighters every month. At that point your consciousness will be pulled into a step space. A time will be pulled into a unique space, and the person you are looking for is one of the spell warriors."

Drago took the spell without hesitation and planned to integrate into his body, which made a group of high-level members of the revolutionary army panic. How can you trust others so easily.

Terry Kildeo couldn't help but persuaded: "Dragon, be careful, what if it's a trap? Why don't you let me try first."

"Don't worry, I believe Mr. Fujitora, he will not do such a bad thing, of course, if I really guess wrong, then I will be considered unlucky." Drago finished, without waiting for others to persuade, directly Using knowledge and domineering aura to stimulate the spell, the spell in his hand turned into a ball of liquid as if softened, and drilled in from the palm of his hand.

Drago closed his eyes, feeling the changes in the body of the talisman, and soon learned the magical effect of the talisman.

"It's amazing. I didn't expect that there is such a method of using devil fruit. Use dead objects to eat devil fruit, and then integrate it into the body, so as to obtain the second kind of devil fruit ability."

Fujitora nodded and said: "It's really amazing. To be honest, I was taken aback when I integrated the spell into my body before. The abilities displayed by different combinations of devil fruits are definitely not as simple as one plus one."

"Mr. Fujitora, are you also a spell warrior? Then your spell is..."

"I am a monkey spell, and my ability is to change. I can change people into animals or other people, and I can change myself. Chiwu can also change, but it's just the appearance, for example."

Fujitora said that his body trembled slightly, and he turned into the appearance of Drago, but the color of the clothes on his body was different. This is the shortcoming of his domineering color, which can perceive the appearance but not the color.

Then Fujitora stretched out a finger and tapped lightly, a white light hit a stone in the distance, and that stone instantly turned into a rabbit shape.

Drago watched the rabbit's heart move, and suddenly thought that his ability seemed to turn static into dynamic, so could he bring this stone rabbit back to life?

Drago slowly closed his eyes, felt the rat charm in his body, and tried to communicate with it. White light slowly emerged from his palm, and he patted the stone rabbit lightly.

A miraculous thing happened. The stone rabbit first blinked twice, and then moved all over, jumping and jumping around Dorag, making various actions according to Dorag's ideas.

Drago looked at the stone rabbit, his eyes flashed, he looked at Fujitora and asked: "Mr. Fujitora, can you change something bigger?"

"Of course no problem!" Fujitora slammed the stick knife in his hand, and the ground cracked suddenly, huge stones floated into the air and gathered together, and then Fujitora shot a beam of light on the pile of stones. The stones automatically form a tiger more than ten meters high.

Drago pressed his palm again, and used the ability to turn stillness into movement to make the stone tiger come alive and open its mouth.


What was surprising was that the fierce tiger, which was clearly formed of stones, let out an angry roar. The power of being the king of all beasts made the surrounding people with weaker strength couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Drago tried to let the stone tiger attack, and found that his strength was already comparable to that of an ordinary rear admiral in the navy. It was very good, so he withdrew his ability, and the stone tiger became a dead thing again.

"So that's it. That expert is really considerate. The spells he gave us were not random. The spells of the two of us complement each other. When combined, they can exert several times the power. In the future, we can fight side by side."

"Yes, he once promised that he would help us within his ability, and he did not lie. With these two spells, the help to us is immeasurable."

The high-ranking members of the Revolutionary Army standing behind Drago were very excited. Their leader actually possessed two kinds of devil fruit abilities. This is something that no one has ever done before, which means that their leader is stronger. .

On the contrary, as the protagonist, Drago is not as excited as he imagined. Compared with becoming a double devil fruit ability user, he hopes to meet the author of the red doctrine idea as soon as possible.

"Mr. Fujitora, now that I have become a spell warrior, when will I see that gentleman? I can't wait."

"Don't worry, there are still a few days before the next meeting, please be patient."

As the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Drago naturally knew how to adjust his mood. He quickly suppressed his impatience, and then returned to the base of the Revolutionary Army with everyone. banquet.

During the banquet, Fujitora also showed his strength with a smile. When they learned that Fujitora's knowledgeable domineering can directly perceive the meteorite in the sky, and use the ability of gravity fruit to summon the meteorite, they really felt the power of Fujitora. Hu Yi smiled powerfully, and shouted monster in his heart, this is definitely at the level of a general, and his respect for him has been raised to a higher level.

This is also the purpose of Fujitora's smile. Although he doesn't like to fight for power, he understands that only strong strength can make people respect and reassure people.

With a smile, Fujitora personally presented the book on Redism, coupled with his strong strength, he was appointed by Drago as the chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army on the spot, second only to the leader of the Revolutionary Army.

Speaking of it, Sabo is a bit sad. If the original plot develops according to the original plot, his strength will increase rapidly in a year or two, and then the number two of the revolutionary army, now Fujitora appears with a smile, and he has taken the position that should belong to him. Although with Sabo's personality, it doesn't matter even if he knows, but after all, he can be robbed of what should belong to him without knowing it. I don't know what kind of mood it will be.

Next, Drago has been waiting in anticipation, waiting for the gathering of spell warriors, and this day has finally arrived. Drago and Fujitora are each sitting on a recliner in the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army with a smile, and suddenly they feel something coming from the depths of their consciousness. There was a suction force, and the two of them didn't resist, allowing them to be sucked into a mysterious space.

When Drago recovered his consciousness, he found himself in a mysterious space, surrounded by 12 huge statues, with a chair in front of each statue, plus ten figures sitting on it.

Looking carefully at the people around him in Lager, he found that the people around him were all in the form of half-human and half-beast. He quickly lowered his head to look at his hands, and found that his hands had turned into claws, and there was a slender tail behind him. He himself was transformed into a large humanoid mouse.


The half-human, half-dragon Yang Jian stood up, clapped his palms twice to attract everyone's attention, and then said: "I know you may be confused about your own image, so let me explain first, because some people want to I want to hide my identity, so I made a slight change to the rules of this space. After you come here, you will become this half-human, half-beast form. Are you dissatisfied with this? If you are not satisfied, you can say it .”

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