"Hahaha... Happy, happy! Your punch is not worse than Whitebeard's. It's been a long time since anyone has been able to hurt me so badly. I'm getting more and more interested in you. Come on, use A stronger power to please me, if you can’t make me happy today, you will die here.”

Kaido once again covered his fists with armed domineering, and still punched out like last time. There were no subtle moves, only violent power.

If there is no cow charm, Bucky would not say anything else, first avoid Kaido's fist, and then avoid the heavy ones, and use weapons to attack, but with the power of the cow charm, Bucky also began to like to overwhelm others, after all, as a man, They all have a hot-blooded side, so they have chosen the most direct way to deal with it, changing the molecular density of the body, and the body quickly swells to be as tall as Kaido, and the fists are also covered with armed domineering, and they greet him without giving in.

Boom boom boom...

The two fists are constantly colliding, without the slightest sense of beauty, just two big guys standing there facing each other, what the eyes can see is only violence and muscles, the two are constantly attacked by the opponent's strength, and then rush up again, you punch me , I will give you a punch.

Bucky punched Kaido in the chest, breaking several ribs on the spot, but Kaido recovered from his injuries in a blink of an eye, and then punched Bucky on the shoulder.

Bucky was shattered directly on his shoulder, and countless particles scattered in all directions, but Kaido hadn't had time to be happy, as if time had flown back, those scattered particles regrouped and gathered on Bucky's shoulder, and in the blink of an eye, the restored.

Two people have powerful strength and strong recovery ability at the same time, so it becomes a competition of endurance, you come and go, the more the battle becomes more intense.

It is inevitable to be injured in fierce battles. Although Kaido has a strong recovery ability, he still bleeds, but he does not know that the spilled blood did not fall on the ground, but was held by an invisible force and flew in a certain direction. In the past, falling into the palm of one hand, others were fighting there, while he hid in the dark to reap the benefits. Of course, Yang Jian liked to do this kind of thing.

The Beast Pirates fell into chaos here because of the battle between Bucky and Kaido, and the Big Mom Pirates on the other side were not much better.

Originally, Big mom ate a delicious pastry, which was recorded in the pastry making book that he got from Yang Jian not long ago. He was in a good mood, and all the children and ministers around him expressed their congratulations to Big mom!

At this moment, Katakuri stood up from his seat, and under the shocked eyes of everyone, he pointed the trident in his hand at Big Mom and said, "Mom, I want to challenge you!"

The atmosphere in the hall was stiff. Everyone looked at Katakuri like a fool. They really didn't expect Katakuri to do such a stupid thing. Who is Big Mom?One of the majestic four emperors, powerful and cruel, even for her own children, she has no feelings at all. Anyone who dares to challenge her authority will be executed. In the eyes of many people, Katakuri is already a dead person .

"Mom, don't be angry. Katakuri just got dizzy from hunger for a while. He didn't really want to challenge you. Katakuri, please apologize to Mom!" Charlotte Owen grabbed Katakuri's hand Pulling his hands back, he looked at his mother with a look of horror, for fear that her mother would get angry.

"That's right, Mom, Katakuri is an idiot, don't take it to heart." Charlotte Daifuku also rushed out, grabbed Katakuri's other hand, and dragged back with Owen, planning to Let Katakuri sit back in his original position.

Big Mom's children are also divided into gangs.Among them, Owen and Daifuku have the best relationship with Katakuri, because they are triplets with the same father. They grew up together and helped each other. They are true brothers.

"How dare you be rude to your mother? Do you think such a childish excuse can be dismissed? If you don't pay a price, won't your mother be disgraced? How will you rule a foreign country in the future?" At this time, Cracker suddenly jumped out , accusing loudly, apparently for the sake of big mom, but actually has other plans.

At this time, Cracker was very happy, and there were many conflicts among the four dessert generals. Among them, Katakuri was the strongest. As the four dessert generals, Smoothie and Cracker were slightly worse. Suppressed by Katakuri, the two have been staring at the top of the dessert four generals for many years, and the last one, Snug, is the weakest. Later, he was defeated by the strange monk Urgi in the original plot and was excluded from the dessert. Four generals, and he is also very clear that his strength is the weakest, so he is relatively low-key, and Cracker is not in his eyes.

Although Cracker is loyal to his mother, he is also an ambitious person. He hopes to have more rights and become the number one under his mother. Now that Smoothie is married to Big Mom, there is nothing to fear , there is only one Katakuri left on his head. At first, he thought it would be difficult to find a chance to defeat Katakuri, but he didn't expect the opportunity to appear in front of him so actively.

Cracker already had calculations in his heart, and after Katakuri offended his mother, he asked his mother to kill him, and then he would be the existence of one person under one person and above ten thousand in the Big Mom pirate group.

Katakuri softened his hands, and if he used his fruit ability to soften his hands, he broke free from the hands of Daifuku and Owen, and then pushed them away. Under the desperate eyes of Daifuku and Owen, he stood there and raised his head, looking straight at Mother.

Big mom has never spoken, just looked down at her this time, when Big Mom is not crazy, her IQ is completely online, she knows very well that Katakuri is a shrewd person, it can be said that he is responsible for the IQ of the Pirates, Since you dare to challenge yourself, you must be sure.

"Quack quack quack quack... Mom, mom!!" Big mom let out a sharp laugh, and the voice was extremely harsh, which made everyone feel uncomfortable.

It took a while for Big Mom to stop, staring at Katakusu with murderous intent in his eyes, "I'm curious, what gave you the confidence to challenge me."

Katakuri said without changing his face: "If you want to know the reason, it's very simple. If you defeat me, I will tell you."

"As long as you are worthy of your mother, let me meet you!" Cracker said as he drew out his sword with a swipe, and stabbed directly at Katakuri's chest, using a killer move as soon as he came up.

Katakuri's eyes were red, he had already seen the future, his body disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was at the side of Cracker. Before Cracker could react, Katakuri Domineering fists covered only in armed colors had already hit his stomach.


Cracker barely covered his body with armed domineering at the last moment, and then was thrown into the air by Katakuri's fist, slammed into the wall fiercely, and the whole person was embedded in it, cracking like a spider web, and the cracks spread open.

In the past, even if Katakuri defeated Cracker, it would take a lot of effort. After all, even if he could foresee the future, the future is not static. Find a way to avoid it, and the future will change.

But with the power of the Rabbit Charm, it is different, because the speed is fast enough to hit the opponent before the opponent has reacted, and the ability to meet the future is simply a match made in heaven.

Everyone was shocked. Who is Cracker, one of the four dessert generals, and his strength is close to that of a general, but he didn't expect to be defeated by Katakuri with one move. When did Katakuri become so powerful? , no wonder you dare to challenge your mother, everyone has their own thoughts at this time.

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you!" Cracker blushed and forcibly broke free from the wall, what a shame!Unexpectedly, he couldn't even catch the opponent's move.

Cracker straightened up, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and bent down again, Katakuri's punch just now was not light.

Big Mom could see at a glance the reason why Katakusu and Katakusu were able to defeat the cracker so easily, "Quack quack quack quack...so fast, is this what you rely on to challenge me? I'm curious about what happened to you recently What, the technology of the Vinsmoke family, special equipment, or something else, but if you think this can defeat me, then you are very wrong, I am the Four Emperors, BigMom."

After being reminded by big mom, everyone needs to realize that something is wrong. Katakuri's speed is really beyond imagination. How did he do it?

Katakusu still had a calm expression on his face, he only had big mom in his eyes, and he didn't take a second look at other people, including Cracker.

"I'll be waiting for you by the sea. It's the place where you fought with people last time. It hasn't been rebuilt, it's just ruins. It's just right for us to duel there."

After Katakuri finished speaking and turned around, everyone felt that Katakuri disappeared in a flash.

"Mom, Katakuri dares to be so rude to you, you must not let him go, you must kill him with the most cruel means, and let him know the consequences of provoking you." Cracker endured the pain and came Big Mom said provocatively.

Big Mom's face turned cold, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes, "Shut up, what can I do without you teaching me?"

Cracker instantly felt cold all over his body. He knew that his little thoughts had been noticed, and immediately stepped aside obediently and stopped talking.

Big mom stood up and walked out step by step. Thundercloud Zeus and little sun Prometheus floated above his head, following them leisurely.

Although Big Mom reprimanded Cracker, she has actually made up her mind to teach Katakuri a good lesson. The dignity of the king cannot be provoked. Even his most proud son cannot let you go easily, otherwise how will he rule in the future? IWC.

The sons and daughters of Big Mom immediately followed, and they also wanted to take the opportunity to observe carefully, what is the strength of their mother and brother?

Owen and Daifuku looked worried, and worried about Katakuri in their hearts. Even though they knew that Katakuri's strength had increased a lot, they didn't think they could defeat Big Mom. This time, they really annoyed their mother. Katakuri may be in danger.

Chapter 527 Fastest Speed ​​and Strongest Defense

Soon everyone came to the beach, that is, the traces of the battle between Bucky and Big Mom still remained in many places last time, and Katakuri was standing on a rock.

Big mom stopped tens of meters away from Katakuri, and said: "Katakuri, give you one last chance, tell me what your speed is, tell me all your secrets, I can still keep you."

Even if Katakuri stands on the rock, he is still not as tall as Big Mom, and he will feel pressure when he is stared down from above. In fact, Katakuri also knows that with his mother's ferocious temperament, this is already very difficult. The people who live here are all killing people without saying a word.

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