As for Orochimaru, he is an all-around talent, proficient in all aspects, able to effectively integrate the achievements of Shennong, Beiliuhu, and Chishazhiscorpion, and knows how to use their strengths, although there are behind Yang Jian was making suggestions, but he had to admit that Tian Zhiguo could develop to the present level, and Orochimaru contributed a lot.

Three years have changed the entire Tianzhi Country. They used to live in low-rise mud houses, but now there are high-rise buildings everywhere. They eat well, live well, wear well, and have comfortable transportation when going out. The kingdom of heaven has become the paradise that countless common people yearn for.

A small Tian Zhiguo has long been unable to tolerate the ambitions of Yang Jian, Orochimaru, Beiliuhu and others, and their black hands began to extend to the surrounding small countries. Of course, Yang Jian did not choose to go to war directly, but slowly Assimilation, starting from the common people at the bottom, step by step to the nobles at the top, first give them some benefits, let them move closer to Tian Yeguo unconsciously, and finally annex it completely, and it is the kind that is annexed voluntarily, no one can find fault. . .

Even the Kingdom of Iron, the kingdom of warriors known as a neutral country, began to be gradually eroded by the Kingdom of Tian. At the beginning, the Kingdom of Iron firmly opposed it, prohibiting items from the Kingdom of Tian from flowing into the Kingdom of Iron.

But when Tian Zhiguo developed a special alloy that can effectively conduct chakra, everything changed. Although the Iron Country is a country of warriors, it does not mean that they do not know how to keep pace with the times. They also practice Chakra, and then Attach chakra to weapons to increase attack power.

They know very well how much an excellent weapon can improve a samurai, so when Tian Zhiguo secretly smuggled the special alloy that can be passed to the chakra, it was immediately sought after by many samurai, and they wanted to find all ways to buy it. , even Mifune of the Iron Country couldn’t stop him, and he stole it if he was not allowed to buy it, so more and more samurai were arrested, and finally Mifune had no choice but to let the Chakra Alloy Now that this opening has been opened, other items will naturally flow in, making Tian Zhiguo a lot of money.

The high-level executives of the Iron Kingdom saw that this was worth it. You can’t just make money, we also want to make money. Since it can’t be banned, then we simply sell it wholesale. You eat meat, we drink soup, and then all the high-level people have the truth!

Now the Iron Country has become accustomed to the products of the Tian Country, and has been eroded unknowingly. Although it has not yet been completely merged into the Tian Country, it will soon be. Once the Iron Country is annexed, the absolute strength of the Tian Country will greatly increase.

Because of Sister Yang’s butterfly effect, I wrote a book about the origin of chakra, and deliberately included many samurai cultivation methods. The samurai practiced according to those methods, and their strength improved by leaps and bounds. Feitian Yujianliu's strength is absolutely comparable to the ancient sword masters. If you compare it with ninjas, he is a proper kage-level powerhouse, and he is also a delicate one. class of warriors.

Yang Jian was not in a hurry at all, and waited slowly. A large number of sugar-coated shells had already been thrown, and sooner or later the country of iron would be assimilated into a part of the country of fields.

As Tianzhiguo became stronger and stronger, it also harmed the interests of other countries, especially the five major countries, secretly manipulated the prices of Tianzhiguo's items, and even made the ninjas of the five great ninja villages pretend to be robbers to rob.

However, Tian Zhiguo responded immediately. Since you are playing tricks, don’t blame us for being rude. Tian Zhiguo directly sold advanced weapons such as chakra guns, chakra guns, and chakra bombs to the five major Small countries that have enmity with each other, let them fight the five big countries, and hide behind to watch the big show.

With those advanced weapons, even an ordinary person may threaten ninjas and cause heavy losses to Wudaren Village. In the end, he couldn't hold on anymore and had to find Orochimaru for peace talks.

After that, it will be simple. The five major countries will re-establish trade relations with Tian Zhiguo, and they will also be responsible for protecting the safety of Tian Zhiguo’s merchants. You have to pay for the damage when you come back.

The conditions are very harsh, but the names of various countries can only be recognized by pinching their noses, but they are not at a disadvantage. The things in the land country are really good, food seeds that can increase the yield several times, and various therapeutic medicines, which are life-saving Good stuff, do you want to keep it out?

In addition, there are chakra cars and chakra planes, which are much more comfortable and faster than the carriages they took. Among them, the daimyo of the country of fire bought one and was very satisfied after trying it out. Afterwards, his ministers followed suit. , Each person owning a car has almost become a status symbol.

There is also an airship, who doesn't want to try the feeling of flying into the sky?Even ninjas, not many have the ability to fly, but the appearance of airships has made ordinary people's flying dreams come true, especially those rich people, who can observe the wonderful scenery on the ground from the sky.

Unknowingly, the country of Nakata became stronger and stronger, and the products sold brought back a large amount of funds to the country of Tanaka, allowing them to increase research intensity to develop better products, and the strong became stronger.


The morning sun shines on Yinren Village, which is already full of modern atmosphere, and it looks extraordinarily energetic. Beiliuhu walked out of his home and prepared to go to work. He met many familiar people along the way. Everyone greeted each other with a smile. A villager had a smile on his face, straightened his chest, and had an indescribable pride. Their food, clothing, housing and transportation were the best in the ninja world. This made them extra proud that they were part of Tian Zhiguo feel lucky.

The destination of Beiliuhu is the Agricultural Research Department of Tianzhi Country. Now he is known to everyone. The Minister of Agricultural Development Department of Tianzhi Country, under one person, has researched more than a dozen high-yield products. Crops have increased the production of food, countless people have survived, and he has won many agricultural awards. Even enemies can't help admiring him.

Konoha was also ridiculed because of Beiruhu. Look at what you have done. Such an outstanding talent was forced away by you. Otherwise, this kind of talent would be yours, not to mention the high-yield research The crop itself is also very powerful. The ghost Luo Qian's technique combined the five blood-stained boundaries. At the beginning, he used his own power to immediately kill the five kage-level powerhouses without falling behind. Unfortunately, it no longer belongs to Konoha.

Beiliuhu just nodded slightly to those who greeted them, but no one would think that this was disrespect for him. Who would let someone have a high status? Nodding is not enough, it makes them happy all day.

Beiliuhu was full of emotion in his heart, thinking of what he had done in Konoha Village, in order to gain recognition as a human being, he secretly studied the technique of ghost buds, but was discovered, so he could only defect. It's too young and ignorant. If you want to gain the respect of others, why bother? It's like just getting some high-yield crops now.Where is the use of sneaking around and wasting half of your life?

Just when Beiliuhu was thinking wildly, he was awakened suddenly by the sound of arguing in the distance.

"Everyone, please do me a favor. I'm a toad fairy. How could I peep at the women's bathhouse? Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings..."

"What! You want to be fined again? No, I have no money, and your village is too abominable. You have to be fined for this, and you have to be fined for that. You have fined all my money..."

"What! You know, you know that you still don't give face, then do you know that I and your Prime Minister Orochimaru are best friends, and they are called Sannin, and your Minister of Agriculture, Bei Liuhu, used to be a My little brother, I am his boss..."

Hearing this familiar voice, Beiliuhu immediately guessed the identity of the other party, looked up, and sure enough, the old man with white long hair was arguing with the patrolling ninja of Otonin Village, Beiliuhu knew very well what kind of personality Jiraiya had, it must be The lascivious thing happened again, I didn't want to talk to him, I was going to avoid him, I would rather take a detour than meet him.

It's just that Beiliuhu was a little late, and with his eyes closed, he also noticed it, "Beiliuhu, come and help me prove that these patrolling ninjas are too much, and dare to slander me for spying on the women's bathhouse."

Beiliuhu still wanted to pretend that he didn't hear him and quicken his pace to leave here, but he didn't expect that Jilai had already rushed over and pressed his shoulder.

Beiliuhu could only helplessly say: "Zilaiye, you've caused trouble again, can't you be more peaceful?"

Jilai also stared, "What do you mean I'm causing trouble again, don't blame me this time, I just want to test how hard the walls are, I definitely don't have the idea of ​​peeping into the women's bathroom, you see I look like that person?"

"It's not a question of likeness, you are. Patrol ninjas will not slander anyone. Since they found you, there must be a reason. You should go with them honestly and pay a fine."

"You can eat more food, and you can't talk nonsense. What evidence do you have to prove that I was peeping?"

Beiliuhu looked around, pointed to a crystal camera that was just installed a few days ago and said: "This is a high-definition camera, a new work of the Red Sand Scorpion. What happened before must be recorded. If someone uses the transformation You don’t have to worry about the technique, let Minister Uzumaki investigate the location of your chakra when the incident happened, and then you can confirm whether it was you who did it. I advise you, if you really made a mistake, you’d better plead guilty immediately, around 18 years Another good man."

Ji Lai also turned pale when he heard the words, looking at the crystal camera reminded him of his teacher's crystal ball.

"What 18 years later, I just want to take a peek, isn't it unsuccessful? Is it going to be beheaded? Or I have to be imprisoned for 18 years. There is no need to be so ruthless. How do you stipulate it?"

Beiliuhu didn't answer this question, but turned to look at the captain of the patrol team. He really didn't know the punishment regulations.

The captain of the patrolling ninja team immediately understood, stepped forward and said: "For attempted peeping, you will be fined 10 taels for the first time. In addition, you will be given a severe warning, because you have a criminal record, you will be fined [-] taels twice, and [-] plus one month's detention. You can choose to pay a fine of [-] taels to avoid detention."

Jilai also heard the other party say this, and he was relieved. It turned out that he didn't have to go to jail, let alone die, but then Zilai's face became stinky again, "In the end, it still needs money to solve it, right? In this way, my money will be spent."

Then Zilai also licked his face and came to Beiliuhu's side and said: "Beiliuhu, we are old classmates too, you can't do nothing but put it on for me first, I really don't have any money, I will pay you back later. "

"Sorry, you have said this many times, and now you owe me more than 130 million in total. You are really serious. You have done a lot of tasks before, why didn't you save some money?"

"Can you blame me? You all fined them all. You have to keep to the right when you walk, or you violate the traffic rules. I have been fined more than a dozen times. I originally printed the book I wrote and planned to set up a stall. , selling some money, but was caught, saying that it is forbidden to set up stalls there, you have to go to a special sales area, and the things you sell here are extremely expensive, eating and drinking, in the end I spent all my money. "

"You can't even learn the traffic rules. You still have face, don't you? In addition, your little pornographic books will affect the physical and mental health of the children. You are not allowed to sell them. As for the food, if you think it is expensive, that's easy. Ah, just eat cheap ones, as for drinking less wine, it is good for your health."

"How can I do that! Foods that contain chakra can enhance my strength, make me younger, and are especially delicious. How can I bear it? As for the wine, I can't stop it. It can also delay aging and beautify the skin. What I prepared, in the final analysis, is still your fault, if you hadn't researched the crops that contain chakra, would there be any problems later? You have to compensate me."

"It's still my fault that I co-authored and researched those chakra crops, that's fine, I will inform you later, how about not being allowed to sell you food that contains chakra?"

"Don't, don't, I'm just joking, I still have to rely on this to maintain my handsome face." Zi Lai also immediately relented, although it was embarrassing, but face is worth a lot.

"Okay, I can temporarily advance the money for you, but you have to write an IOU, and you owe me a total of 140 million. You must pay it off within one month, otherwise I will sell the IOU to other people. You know, this There are people in the world who specialize in debt collectors, and they will raise the interest."

"Hey! There's no need to be so ruthless, we are old classmates."

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