"Just buy some delicious food and drink some wine. It's just that the things here are too expensive, and you spend them all before you know it. By the way, you are the prime minister of Tian Zhiguo. Can you suppress the goods in your country?" The price is low, I have experienced many countries, and the food in Tianzhi Country is definitely the most expensive."

"Expensive? It shouldn't be so, unless... You shouldn't be buying those chakra-containing foods and specially brewed chakra bars all the time."

"Well, it seems so."

"That's what you deserve. If it's just to fill your stomach, ordinary food is fine. Also, since you think the things here are expensive, you can just leave. Isn't the Land of Fire better? Now Tsunade is Hokage, which is exactly what is needed You, a master, stay by your side to help, what are you doing here? Wouldn’t it be better to go back and be your dog licking?”

"Hey, hello! How do you talk? What is dog licking?" Jiraiya went mad with anger, and was very unhappy about Da Shemaru saying that he was a dog licking.

In fact, Jiraiya was also escaping, and some dared not face Tsunade, because in the original plot, the three generations of Hokage died in battle, and Tsunade took the position of Hokage in an emergency, but the whole Konoha was in a precarious and precarious situation at that time. Tsunade is just when he needs help, even if he is embarrassed, he will stay to help Tsunade stabilize the situation.

But now it is different from the original plot, the three generations of Hokage are living well, helping the steel hand to withstand the pressure from Danzo, and because Orochimaru in order to cut off the last relationship with Konoha, he used a tricky method to let Yamato has really obtained the ability of Mudun. With such a Kage-level master sitting in the town, Tsunade's Hokage position is as stable as Mount Tai. It doesn't matter if he comes or not. So he chooses to travel and investigate about Akatsuki's organization by the way .

It’s just that after Jiraiya left the country of fire, he thought of the country where Orochimaru was located, and he was a little curious. He didn’t know why it was so strong that it could defeat the five great ninja villages and the coalition forces of many small countries in just a few years. I planned to investigate, but the following happened.

Although Jiraiya had just arrived in Tianzhi country, although he was taught a lesson and suffered a little injury, finally Orochimaru talked about the old relationship and let him stay in Tianzhi country to recuperate.

During this period, Jiraiya secretly observed the changes in Tianzhiguo, and finally saw the scene where ninjas and civilians coexisted peacefully. He saw the ninjas of Tianzhiguo using fire escapes for barbecue, boiling water, cooking rice, watering the ground with water escapes, and using earth escapes to cultivate. Road, using Thunder Dun to generate electricity, using Wind Dun to sail a boat, and applying ninjutsu to life, the efficiency is simply shocking.

Here Jilai also found that commoners have no fear of ninjas, only respect and admiration. This mode of getting along with commoners and benevolent people gave Jilai also a hope. If ninjas can do everything, will the world be able to Totally peaceful?

Jilai also wanted to understand Tianzhiguo more carefully, and planned to stay for a while, and then indulge in it. He enjoyed the atmosphere of Tianzhiguo very much, and stayed for two and a half years. Work, but because of his lustful personality, he was fired every time he didn't work for a long time. It can only be said that he is really unlucky.

Chapter 533 Yang Jian's plan

Seeing Jiraiya's overwhelmed look, Orochimaru sighed, he was also helpless for his former teammate, he couldn't really do nothing, could he?

"It seems that you know that you can't come up with money. In this case, I will show you a clear way, and it depends on your own wishes."

Jiraiya, who had a dull face and seemed to have lost all hope, suddenly had a hint of agility in his eyes, and immediately rushed to Dashewan, and said flatteringly: "What Minglu, are you going to lend me money? No matter what the conditions are, I will give you money." All agreed."

Don't blame Zilai for being shameless, he was really forced to rush. You must know that he promised to pay the fine before dark. This time, Bei Liuhu made a guarantee for him. It's better to be willing to borrow money from him, but it's okay to say a few words, the patrolling ninja agreed, but let him go to raise money if he can't get the money, he will really die, It can only be said that a penny can't beat a hero.

"It's impossible for me to lend you money again, but you can borrow another generation. The reason why the bank agreed to the loan last time was because of your name. After all, you are a disciple of the third generation of Hokage. Hokage’s teacher, one of the famous Sannin, but this kind of thing can happen once. Normally, it is impossible to get a second loan before the last loan is paid off, but it’s different if you have a mortgage. Didn’t you write A copy of "Kissing Paradise"? If the copyright is used as collateral, the loan will definitely be fine, but I want to remind you that if you can't repay the money by the specified date, then the copyright of "Kissing Paradise" does not belong to you Yes, so you have to think clearly."

Jilai also immediately hesitated. After staying in Tianzhiguo for more than two years, he is very aware of the consequences of losing the copyright. In the future, others can freely adapt his bookstore. "Intimate Paradise" is his painstaking effort, absolutely not lose.

"This...is there no other way? How about you lend me the money first, and I promise to pay it back." Ji Lai also asked cheekily.

"Sorry, your reputation is really bad. I can't believe it. You planned to borrow money and not pay it back? But I can send you a message. In a few days, the old man of three generations will come to make a friendly visit to Tian Zhiguo. You might as well try to borrow money from him, after all, there is a master-student relationship, so you won’t be willing to die, right?”

"Teacher Sarutobi is coming, no, I can't let him know that I'm here." Ji Lai also heard that Sandai Zha was coming, his first thought was not to borrow money, but to run away, because he was very clear about his honest personality, seeing The first thing after arriving at him is definitely to catch him back to Konoha and let him work honestly, but now he is still a little afraid to face Tsunade, not to mention throwing Konoha's messy things to her , ran out by himself to have a good time, if he went back, he would definitely be beaten to death by Tsunade.

"Don't worry, probably the main purpose of this time is not to find you, but to come to Tian Zhiguo to buy some products. I will also be with Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, the son of your apprentice Minato. He has been practicing with three generations of old men for the past few years. , I heard that the strength is growing very fast, after all, the old man is indeed good at teaching students, don't you want to meet him?"

Orochimaru couldn't help thinking of the days when he practiced under the guidance of the third generation. Regarding ninjutsu, the third generation can give answers, and can also teach according to each person's situation. The title of doctor of ninjutsu is definitely not empty, otherwise It won't make Orochimaru and the others all become shadow-level masters.

The previous three generations were busy as Hokage and had no time to teach Naruto, but after he abdicated, apart from occasionally helping Tsunade resist the pressure from Danzo, he had spare time in his sophomore year, so he only spent it on training Naruto In terms of people, Jiraiya must be more serious and responsible for Naruto's teachings than in the original plot, and don't let Naruto's strength be much stronger than in the original plot.

Jilai also heard Orochimaru talking about Naruto, with nostalgia and self-blame on his face, he cared too little about his apprentice's son.

"Naruto is Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. Konoha should try his best to protect his safety. Why did he allow him to leave the village and come to Zhizhi Country? Isn't he afraid..."

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that we will take the opportunity to snatch Kyuubi?" Orochimaru looked at Jiraiya with disdain and said?

Jiraiya was also taken aback for a moment, and then realized that, indeed, in the eyes of others, Kyuubi is a very powerful weapon that can even influence the direction of war, but it is nothing to Tian Zhiguo today.

The four most powerful people on Tian Zhiguo's face, Orochimaru, Beiruhu, Shennong and Akasashi Scorpion, any one of them has the strength to counter the tailed beast head-on, and Uzumaki Channai and Uzumaki Kaphos mother and daughter are the Uzumaki clan The descendants of them, their Vajra chains are exactly the nemesis of tailed beasts, and there is also a Wugou, zero-tailed perfect Jinchuriki, who is not weaker than Kyuubi after being transformed into a tailed beast, and the super psychic who is because of Ghidorah The beast is definitely stronger than the tailed beast, plus Junmalu, Chonggo, Honglian, Bai and other geniuses of the new generation, just a nine-tailed one, they really don't seem to care about it, otherwise they wouldn't The three tails are used to generate electricity, and even the three tails amusement park is built to make money.

"Well, I was overthinking, Kyuubi is nothing in your eyes, but I am still a little surprised, I also understand Naruto's temperament, it should be very troublesome to bring him around, I don't know when it will happen Chuang doesn't know what the third generation teacher thinks."

"I don't think the old man wanted to take Naruto with him, but that little devil insisted on following him."

"Why do you say that, is there something in Tianzhi Country that attracts Naruto?"

"Of course there is. For that kid, as long as he is a friend he recognizes, he will not give up if he encounters difficulties, even if he puts his life on the line, and now Tian Zhiguo happens to have such a person he cares about."

"You mean Uchiha Sasuke, but it's a pity that he is destined to be disappointed. It is impossible for Sasuke to go back with him, and it is impossible for Konoha to accept this betrayal." Jilai also knew about Sasuke, he knew very well The conflict between Sasuke and Konoha, this hatred is not so easy to resolve.

Orochimaru waved his hand, not wanting to continue entanglement on this topic, "Okay, let's put aside the matter about Naruto and Sasuke first, let's talk about whether you agree with my suggestion, whether you want a loan, or borrow it from the old man money?"

Jiraiya thought for a while, then raised his head, looked at Oshemaru seriously and said: "Oshemaru, I ask you a question, you must answer me truthfully."

"That depends on what you are asking. If it involves the secrets of my Tian Kingdom, I will never..."

"Don't worry, it has nothing to do with your Tian Zhiguo. I just want to ask, do you think the three generations of teachers will be angry if they know what I have done in the past two years? Will they expel me from the school?"

Orochimaru's face darkened. Seeing Jiraiya's serious face at first, he thought he was asking something confidential, but he didn't expect it to be this.

"If it is someone else, it is indeed possible to expel you from the sect, but the old man does not need to worry, although he will be angry, but he will not expel you from the sect.


"Do you need to ask? You don't know what kind of pee the old man is. He is as lecherous as you, and likes to spy on women taking a bath. You two are like shit. Maybe this is the so-called crooked upper beam and crooked lower beam. It’s a shame, he’s not much better than you, I even wonder if his telescopic technique was specially invented for peeping.”

"This...not so..." Jiraiya instinctively wanted to refute his teacher, but thinking of the experience of the teacher and himself spying on the women's bathhouse together, he couldn't say the following words again.

However, after Dashewan said this, Zilai felt relieved and decided to agree with Dashewan's proposal. First, he used his copyright of "Intimate Paradise" to borrow money from the bank. This time, he didn't dare to spend too much, only 10. He planned to wait for the teacher to come. Then go to borrow money to pay off the debt and make sure you don't lose the copyright.


Yang Jian returned to his office, and the driver's license dealt with the work in hand. Not long after saying goodbye to grandma, Xie walked into the office and said gratefully: "Boss, thank you this time, let me have a treat for grandma." Explain, although I don't care about Hidden Sand Village, I still can't refuse my grandma's request."

"You're welcome, this is the treatment you deserve. It's just a loan of Sanwei to them, not to mention it's not a free loan. I think Sanwei is also very happy. Recently, its appetite has been spoiled. The food can no longer satisfy his appetite. The team of chefs has increased from the original six to eleven, and they have to change their tricks every day. His income from power generation and amusement park alone is no longer enough. He must find a way to earn some extra money. Let him make water with the water hole, it couldn't be easier for him, with a daily income of one million, Sanwei must be happy and crazy."

Xie thought about the behavior of that big tortoise when he was looking for Sanwei just now. Indeed, the other party did not show any displeasure. After hearing that there was a reward of one million a day, he became very active. In view of Tian Zhiguo's face, the smile in his eyes couldn't be hidden no matter what.

"That's true. I didn't expect that tortoise to play tricks, but are you sure it's okay? If the country of the wind really solves the problem of water resources, it will definitely enter a stage of rapid development. Once the other party becomes stronger, it will Will it affect our Tian Zhiguo? After all, in some respects, we are still enemies?"

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