"It's ridiculous that you lie there all day and your original tortoise has learned to enjoy it."

"What's so ridiculous? Tailed beasts will also change. Do you know the refreshing feeling of limited edition ice cream one bite at a time? Do you know what kind of enjoyment it is when the fishbone is chewed, the deliciousness bursts in the mouth and stimulates the taste buds? You know octopus After the beard is baked, how delicious is it to be coated with a special secret ingredient? You know..." Sanwei became more and more addicted as he talked, and at the end he was drooling.

Looking at the chattering Sanwei, Shuhe gritted his teeth with hatred in his heart, this bastard is too hateful, really...so envious!

Shouzuru also knows about Sanwei's situation. He knows that Sanwei has not been sealed in Jinzhuriki's body like before, but has been living in the lake. Tanokuni also built an amusement park for him, and he usually sleeps soundly. Occasionally, if you show cuteness to children, you will get a lot of money in the account.paradise.It doesn't affect the physical strength of the employees. How can he be sealed in a small space like him, and he may not have a chance to let the wind go for a few years. How can the gap be so big for the same tailed beast?

Sanwei was still talking on his own, without the slightest intention of stopping, "We tailed beasts have to learn to enjoy, and eat expensive ones if they don't eat right ones. It's normal for a meal to be hundreds of thousands. Come to Tian Zhiguo as a guest, of course I, as a half-host, must treat him well. Treating him to eat takoyaki cost a total of three million. My living expenses are not enough, so I can only come out to earn some extra money, otherwise I will I wouldn’t come to a place like yours where desert sand is everywhere, not for the sake of money.”

Hearing this, Shouhehe just wanted to beat the tortoise, and eating a few million for a meal is great, I don't care, but then I thought of something, and asked: "You actually invited that guy, the bull ghost, to eat takoyaki? Could it be that he Didn't you get mad?"

The eight-tailed bull ghost has the head of a bull, but has the body of an octopus. Will he feel ironic when he is invited to eat takoyaki?

"At the beginning, I was really angry, and wanted to find me desperately, but the taste of takoyaki was so delicious, he couldn't hold it back, took a bite, and then couldn't control his mouth, and finally ate it. There are more of them than me, of course it can’t be blamed, it’s really delicious. The octopus is a special aquatic product originally from the country of water, and I haven’t eaten it many times in the moon to the country of Tian after it’s iced.”

In Shouhe's heart, it is called envy, jealousy and hatred, he also wants to be free, he also wants to eat delicious food, he also wants to show off like other tailed beasts, but unfortunately it is useless, he can only stay honestly in my love In Luo's body, wash and sleep, there is everything in the dream!

Gaara felt that Shukaku in his body seemed a little irritable, so he quickly mobilized his own strength to suppress it. Fortunately, no accident happened, and the riot soon subsided.

Gaara said to Wuwei gratefully: "Mr. Wuwei, thank you very much, you have solved a big problem for our hidden sand village, but there are still many places in the land of winds that are seriously short of water, please help. "

"No problem, this is my mission, and it's not a white gang, it's all for mutual benefit."

"But even if this is the case, it is also a favor for us to sign in. Now, Mr. Wuwei, please go and rest for a while. We have arranged the best accommodation for you, and the banquet has also been prepared. After you rest, We're officially getting started."

Wuwei is very satisfied with the arrangement of Hidden Sand Village, and he is not worried that they will be unfavorable to him. In fact, Wuwei's value at this time is equivalent to the national treasure of the Kingdom of Wind, and he will never let anything happen to him.

Wuwei canceled the psychic contract, and Sanwei turned into white smoke and disappeared again, and then entered Shayin Village, Wuwei enjoyed the best treatment, and Shayin almost treated him as an ancestor.

In the next month, Wuwei took the airship and traveled all over the country of wind, and then psychic three tails, filled the reservoir urgently dug by sand hermit ninja, and earned as much as five or six billion, the key lies in Wuwei and three tails The money is already calculated on a daily basis, but every time a reservoir is filled with water, one million can be earned, which is faster than robbing.

However, the sand hermit ninjas were not angry about this, on the contrary, they were happy, because they also learned to be smart, and actually took advantage of this opportunity to make a lot of money.

The ninjas of Sand Hidden took the initiative to contact the residents of other villages and towns in the Land of Wind who lacked water, and offered to build reservoirs for them and provide them with water. Expensive, but take it for granted, who made the Land of Winds short of water resources?

The land of the wind is sparsely populated, because most of them are wind deserts, and those villages and towns basically live on both sides of the river or near the oasis. Made a fortune.

However, those who make a lot of money tend to make other people jealous. The daimyo of the country of the wind learned that Shayin Village earned hundreds of millions of taels in a month, and he was almost mad with envy. He earned so much in just a month. What if it took a year?Or even longer, wouldn't Shayin Village be so rich that it doesn't need funds from him, the name of the country of the wind, and it can be completely self-sufficient. it is good?

Once this person thinks too much, he will easily cause trouble. The daimyo of the Wind Country directly approached him, wanting to get a piece of the pie. The people in Shayin Village all have the same attitude towards this, stay where it is cool!

For a long time, the names of Hidden Sand Village and Land of Winds have been full of contradictions. On the surface, they share honor, but in fact they often undermine the situation secretly.

The daimyo controls the political power of the country, and as a shadow, he controls the powerful soldiers like ninjas. It can be said that he has mastered the military power of the country, but because the ninjas are so destructive, the daimyo and the country's high-level officials have always been afraid of them, and they will always find ways to do so. Weaken the power of Ninja Village.

Hidden Sand Village is a living example. When there was a war between Hidden Sand Village and its ninja village, the daimyo of the Wind Country directly cut off the supplies. Because of the lack of supplies, Hidden Sand Village was defeated. Almost went to assassinate the daimyo, but in the end was overwhelmed by the previous Kazekage.

Although the ninjas in Hidden Sand Village also make money through missions, the money is just a drop in the bucket for the entire village, and they still have to rely on the financial support of the state. Everyone is afraid of poverty. Now they have managed to collect a lot of money. How is it possible? Hand it over?

For this reason, Hidden Sand Village and the daimyo almost got into a quarrel, and in the end, Gaara, who was Kazekage, came forward and came up with a plan to guide the water resources of the land of rain into the land of wind, which calmed down the anger of the daimyo of the land of wind .

As the supreme ruler of the Land of Winds in name, Daimyo is not a fool, so he can naturally see the benefits of this plan once it succeeds. By then, the Land of Winds will enter a stage of rapid development without the constraints of water resources. The biggest thing is his name. It is not that no one has proposed a plan to guide water sources from other countries into the Kingdom of the Wind, but it is too difficult to implement the plan. Even the Kingdom of the Wind cannot afford the cost of manpower and material resources. Now Kazekage I love Luoti proposed this plan, and also took the initiative to assume all the responsibilities, and did not need the financial support of the Kingdom of Wind at all. Of course, the daimyo was very happy.

Chapter 535 Xiao Organization Assembles

I don’t know exactly how Gaara communicated with Shukaku. Maybe it’s because Shukaku is too eager for freedom, maybe it’s stimulated by Sanwei, and he also wants to eat and drink delicious food like Sanwei, and finally agreed to my love. At Luo's request, with the help of a kind of elder in Shayin Village, he pulled away and signed a psychic contract with Gaara.

Because of the water of life provided by Yang Jian, Gaara will not die because of the tailed beast being pulled away like other Jinchuriki, and is still alive and kicking, and because Gaara abides by the agreement, Shouhe's impression of him That's right, in this way, not only did Yinsha Village not lose the tailed beast Shouhe, but it was also freed from the shackles of Renzhuli, allowing it to exert a stronger power. As long as this relationship can be maintained, Yinsha Village will definitely make a profit.

After the elders of Shayin Village confirmed that Shuhe could indeed help them complete the sewer excavation plan in a short period of time, they immediately dispatched capable personnel to the Kingdom of Rain to discuss the alliance between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Rain, and planned to implement the plan of rainwater and wind. tune project.

And Nagato, the ruler of the Land of Rain today, was stunned when he received the request for an alliance from Hidden Sand Village. When did the five major countries think highly of these small countries, especially the subsequent re-water wind adjustment project, are you sure? Are you kidding me?In the country of rain, civilians are often displaced due to water rushing, and you actually want to divert the water source to your side.

However, after other people's explanations, Nagato also understood the reason for the matter. For them, the land of rain is a disaster, but water is a precious resource for the land of wind. This matter is beneficial to both countries, although Nagato He has been working on the plan to use fear to maintain peace, but he also hopes that the civilians in his own country can live better, so he finally agreed to cooperate, but he did not come forward, but let his people receive the envoy of the hidden sand village. A cooperation has been reached. The country of rain is responsible for digging waterways in the country, bringing them together, and leading one to the border, while the others are taken care of by Shayin Village. Shayin has no embarrassment about this, and immediately agreed .

Because Nagato has experienced the dark experience of being plotted by Danzo and Hanzo together, leading to Yahiko's death, he is wary of anything, so he specially asked Hei Ze to investigate to prevent Sahiko from having any conspiracy?

Unexpectedly, after such an investigation, a surprise was found. Only then did Nagato learn that Hidden Sand Village planned to use Yiwei to dig underground waterways. Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Sanwei frequently appeared in the wind This gave Nagato, who had been having a headache how to catch Sanwei, hope.

The Tailed Beast Capture Plan was formulated by the Akatsuki organization a long time ago, but because the Golem of the Outer Way had not been activated before, it would be useless to collect the Tailed Beast, so it never started. Finally, the Golem of the Outer Way came back to life. Swallowing Tailed Beast revived Ten Tails, but when they were about to start only catching Tailed Beasts, they found a very embarrassing thing. Sanwei is now the property of Tian Zhiguo, and Tian Zhiguo is powerful and has masters like clouds , there is also a big boss who hides so deeply that Heijue has not found out his true identity until now. They are not something they can provoke.

But I didn't expect that Tian Zhiguo would foolishly lend Sanwei to the country of wind, didn't this just give them a chance to catch it?

How could Nagato let go of such a good opportunity, and ordered Xiaoxiao to act immediately. This time, even A Fei, who was disguised with soil, took the initiative to participate in this plan, because they knew this was the only opportunity. It is basically impossible to catch three tails in the future.


On the border of the Land of Wind, at some point there appeared a huge oval-shaped reservoir with a diameter of several thousand meters and a depth of more than [-] meters. At this time, the name of the reservoir is not true, because there is no water yet, and there are dense crowds standing around. There are also ninjas among the civilians, who waited expectantly.

And in a place farther away from the reservoir, two huge monsters, One Tail and Three Tails, stood opposite each other, they didn't cause any damage, they just stayed there quietly, among them stood Wuwei on the head of Three Tails.

Normally, the appearance of the two beasts would have scared people away, but now those people don't have the slightest fear in their eyes, instead they have a little more respect when they look at the two mantissas.

"I said, Shouhe, you really worked hard. To dig this underground waterway, you hardly stopped for a whole month, and you were not afraid of being exhausted. At the beginning, you mocked me for signing a psychic contract with humans, but you are more powerful than me." Ruthless, almost turning into a dog licking." Sanwei looked at Yiwei with one eye, and said with some contempt.

"Nonsense, can I not be fast? If you slow down, I will let you earn all the money from the Kingdom of Wind, and how will they have money to buy me fruits in the future."

Yiwei said, stretching his paws to the back, there was actually a pile of apples placed there, he grabbed a handful and threw it in his mouth, chewed it twice and swallowed it, with a look of enjoyment on his face, unexpectedly The famous sand demon, Shuhe, actually likes to eat fruit. In order to please Shuhe, Sand Hidden Village makes him work hard, and there is a sufficient supply of fruit every day. After all, it is related to the future development of their entire Kingdom of Wind. A little fruit is nothing.

"Cut! What's so delicious about fruit? But country buns, when you come to Tianzhiguo, I will let you know what is really delicious."

"Sorry, I'm not interested, fruit is my favorite."

"Back then the bull ghost also said he didn't like takoyaki, but what happened? Now takoyaki has become his obsession. I heard that after returning to Yunyin village, he nagged every day. Two days ago, the messenger of Yunyin village complained to me. , saying that I corrupted their mantissa."

"I'm not a bull ghost, that unscrupulous guy, don't try to shake my heart."

"Really? I hope you can keep it going, but I don't think there is much hope, because we have a food called fruit pie in Tianzhi Country."

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